Bad ASM World (Demo)

So much for my ASM hack, mario's sprite got messed up, and this custom block is moving!You'll have to play the hack with the block.

Filename(s):📚 bad ASM
💟 bad ASM world
Categorized:🍄 General
Produced By:xlk
Tag / Brand:XLK
Approx Date:2011-05-08
Binary Size:16 Mbit (2 MByte)
Apply Patch: BPS (122 KB) IPS (256 KB)
CRC32 Check:708F4F9E
SHA-1 Check:b151e0d8ef24414d4ac825d3dd02b50612e208e4
Header Info:@32K: 16Mb(+16Kb) LoROM+SRAM V1.00 L01-NTSC/US 255F/DAA0
Other Stuff:
Lunar Magic:Version 1.71 🔓
Level Edits:8 (est.)
First Level:105 grassy hills
Level Images(are auto produced and may have errors!)