Mario's Epic and Tedious Adventure (Demo) (Fixed)

Welcome to the demo of Mario's Epic and Tedious Adventure! Even in a demo many levels await! Have fun!

SMWC Hack #:13809 (removed)
💟 demo
Internal ID:EpicTediousDemo
Categorized:🌠 Adventure
Produced By:ThePat545
Approx Date:2016-06-14
Binary Size:64 Mbit (8 MByte)
Apply Patch: BPS (653 KB) IPS (1088 KB)
CRC32 Check:66FEAC83
SHA-1 Check:af474a4e35f840de61e4dc5d13711e05a91faa4b
Header Info:@32K: 64Mb(+1024Kb) SA-1 Type V1.05 L01-NTSC/US B7DF/4820
Other Stuff:
Lunar Magic:Version 2.42 🔒
Level Edits:? (est.)
Level Images(no preview)

Video by Self-made Island
Mario's Epic and Tedious Adventure (Demo) (2016) | Super Mario World Hack