Azure Chaotic (Demo 2)

💟 Azure Chaotic V2.0 Demo
Internal ID:Azure Chaotic
Categorized:🌠 Adventure
Produced By:Azure
Tag / Brand:Azure
Approx Date:2008-07-30
Binary Size:16 Mbit (2 MByte)
Apply Patch: BPS (287 KB) IPS (689 KB)
CRC32 Check:5796DFB3 - header mismatch (altered ID?)
SHA-1 Check:94256253806ae616d5c70440b99d11b59bc508d6
Header Info:@32K: 16Mb(+16Kb) LoROM+SRAM V1.00 L01-NTSC/US 255F/DAA0
Other Stuff:
Lunar Magic:Version 1.63 🔓
Level Edits:73 (est.)
First Level:105 Lunar
Level Images(are auto produced and may have errors!)

0C7 Title Screen
0C5 Intro Screen
00:106 07:1CB
000 Bonus Screen
00:106 07:1CB 0D:101

001 01:002 03:002

002 00:001 01:003 02:001

003 00:002 01:002
004 Forest of Hope
00:005 01:005 02:005 03:005 04:005 05:005 07:1CB

005 00:001
006 Ruins of Sol
00:007 01:002 03:002

007 00:008 01:008 02:008 03:008 04:008 05:008 06:008 07:008 08:008

008 00:009 01:002 02:00A 03:002

009 00:008 01:00B 03:00D

00A 00:008 01:00B 02:00E 03:002

00B 00:009 01:00C 02:00A 03:002

00C 00:00B 01:00D 03:002

00D 00:009 01:00C 03:002

00E 00:106 08:008 87:1CB
00F Endless Grotto
00:010 01:010 02:010 03:010 04:010 05:010 06:010 07:1CB 08:008

010 00:010 01:011 03:01F 05:012 06:010

011 00:012 02:013 03:010 04:012

012 00:011 01:013 02:010 03:011

013 00:013 01:011 02:013 03:012 04:013

014 00:106 07:1CB 08:008
015 Forest of Hope
00:016 01:016 02:016 03:016 04:016 05:016 06:016 07:016 08:016 09:016 0A:016 0B:016

016 0E:017

017 06:018

018 00:106 07:1CB 08:008

019 00:016
01A Lake Elias
00:01B 01:01B 02:01B 03:01B 04:01B 05:01B 06:01B 07:01B 08:01B 09:01B 0A:01B 0B:01B 0C:000

01B 00:01C 03:01D 05:01C

01C 00:01B 02:01F 04:01E 05:01B

01D 00:01B

01E 00:01C 01:01C 02:01C 03:01C

01F 00:014 01:014
020 Flower Field
021 Plains of Despair
00:023 01:023 02:023 03:023 04:023 05:023 06:023 07:023 08:023 09:023 0A:023 0B:023 0C:023 0D:023

022 01:027 02:023

023 00:022 01:03B

024 00:025 01:03A 02:040

105 Lunar

106 00:106 02:107 07:1CB

107 00:106 07:1CB



10E 01:0F1 02:0F0 07:1CB
10F Lunar
110 Isle of Magic

111 1E:02B

112 1E:02B
113 Unknown Island
00:02B 01:02B 02:02B 03:02B 04:02B 05:010 06:010 07:1CB 08:008
114 Crystal Labyrinth
00:034 01:034 02:034 03:034 04:034 05:034 06:034 07:034

025 00:03C 01:026

026 00:03D 01:03E

027 00:039 02:041 04:03F

028 08:029

029 00:02A

02A 00:02B 01:02C 0F:02B 10:029 1E:02B 1F:02C

02B 00:044 05:02C

02C 00:042 01:046 02:046

02D 00:043 01:047 04:030 14:031

02E 00:02D 04:045 05:02F

02F 00:02E 02:032 12:04A


031 00:04C 05:04D

032 00:106 07:1CB 08:008

033 00:04F 01:035 02:038 04:036

034 00:033 02:053 03:037

035 00:050 01:055 02:052 03:058

036 00:051 01:054 03:05A

037 00:056 01:057 03:059

038 00:106 07:1CB 08:008



0F0 00:0F0 01:0F0 02:0F0 07:1CB 10:10E 11:10E 12:10E

0F1 00:0F1 01:0F1 02:0F1 07:1CB 10:10E 11:10E 12:10E

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