Industrial-Yellow (Freespace Bug)

Welcome To Industrial Yellow? And The Evil Bowser Has Turned Mario Into A Koopa! Can You Reverse The Spell Then PLAY ON!

Status/Note:Corrupt or has significant problems with playability.
Filename(s):💟 BLACKSCREEN02
Categorized:🌠 Adventure
Produced By:Boncey Pineapple Studios (via Boncey)
Tag / Brand:BONCEY
Approx Date:2010-09-10
Binary Size:16 Mbit (2 MByte)
Apply Patch: BPS (212 KB) IPS (442 KB)
CRC32 Check:A4135B40 - header mismatch
SHA-1 Check:57598ea005620ffe01f2be1e85876fdc8e07579c
Header Info:@32K: 16Mb(+16Kb) LoROM+SRAM V1.00 L01-NTSC/US 255F/DAA0
Other Stuff:
Lunar Magic:Version 1.71 🔓
Level Edits:11 (est.)
First Level:105 Grass Land
Level Images(are auto produced and may have errors!)

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