SMWC Secret Santa 2011 - Elemental Mushrooms (For Sniggerb0bble)

Mario's favourite athletic level has been turnet into a monochromatic copy book. Will Mario be able to restore the colours with the four elements?

Filename(s):💟 Secret Santa 4
Categorized:🏆 Contest Entry
Produced By:Lui37
Tag / Brand:Lui37
Approx Date:2011-12-27
Binary Size:16 Mbit (2 MByte)
Apply Patch: BPS (127 KB) IPS (321 KB)
CRC32 Check:33E3BB6C
SHA-1 Check:1ee8620dc04684d43ed86e87fd2c6bf849f8006a
Header Info:@32K: 16Mb(+16Kb) FastLoROM+SRAM V1.00 L01-NTSC/US 255F/DAA0
Other Stuff:
Lunar Magic:Version 1.91 🔓
Level Edits:20 (est.)
First Level:105 Elemental Mushrooms
Level Images(are auto produced and may have errors!)

0C7 Title Screen
0C5 Intro Screen
104 Credits
105 Elemental Mushrooms


030 00:03C 03:022 04:023 05:027 07:044 0A:065 0B:052 0C:067 0E:02F

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035 00:028 03:029 04:02A 05:015 07:030 0A:04D 0B:033 0C:04F

036 00:037 03:013 04:014 05:02A 07:06C 0A:069 0B:031 0C:06B

037 00:036 03:010 04:011 05:00F 07:064 0A:045 0B:04A 0C:047

038 00:03B 03:01F 04:020 05:01E 07:033 0A:059 0B:070 0C:05B

039 00:03A 03:01C 04:01B 05:021 07:031 0A:05D 0B:06E 0C:05F

03A 00:039 03:019 04:01A 05:018 07:032 0A:051 0B:066 0C:053

03B 00:038 03:016 04:017 05:01B 07:040 0A:055 0B:062 0C:057

03C 00:030 03:02E 04:030 05:02D 07:068 0A:06D 0B:05E 0C:06F

03D 00:03F 03:02B 04:02C 05:030 07:04C 0A:030 0B:05A 0C:030

03E 00:035 03:00D 04:00E 05:012 07:060 0A:049 0B:042 0C:04B

03F 00:03D 03:025 04:026 05:024 07:048 0A:061 0B:056 0C:063