Status/Note: | May have compatibility issues with certain emulators. |
Filename(s): | 📚 Drama Mistery Demo 3.1.zip 💟 Drama Mistery Demo 3.1 |
Internal ID: | Drama Mistery 3.1 |
Categorized: | 🌠 Adventure |
Produced By: | Grate |
Tag / Brand: | /GRATE |
Approx Date: | 2011-07-06 |
Binary Size: | 24 Mbit (3 MByte) |
Apply Patch: |
BPS (748 KB)
IPS (1492 KB) |
CRC32 Check: | 8268FE1A |
SHA-1 Check: | 19372ec53e6d978fa4fa9dc33426098a2b3ec2fd |
Header Info: | @32K: 32Mb(+16Kb) LoROM+SRAM V1.05 L01-NTSC/US 255F/DAA0 |
Other Stuff: |
Lunar Magic: | Version 1.82 🔒 |
Level Edits: | 125 (est.) |
First Level: | 105 The Mistery Starts |
Level Images | (are auto produced and may have errors!) |