100 Rooms of Enemies Contest - Base ROM by Daizo Dee Von [2018-01-14] (SMW Hack)
Botcrazy's Musical LDC [#5-R4] - Cave Story - Moonsong (Entry) by Masterlink [2012-01-05] (SMW Hack)
Botcrazy's Musical LDC [#6-R3] - Memoria (Rainy Ruins) by Neo Carld923 [2012-01-05] (SMW Hack)
Brazilian Hack Contest - Mario Revolution (Demo 1.0) by goomba head [2009-06-09] (SMW Hack)
Brazilian Hack Contest - Mario Revolution (Demo 1.1) by goomba head [2009-06-09] (SMW Hack)
Brazilian Hack Contest - The Legend of Pirra (Demo) by Manuz [2009-05-02] (SMW Hack)
Contest Brazuca [#1] - Caramel Canyon DLC by karen13505 [2014-04-28] (SMW Hack)
Contest Level - Das Finale by Shog [2013-06-09] (SMW Hack)
Contest Level - Grassland by X-King [2009-02-07] (SMW Hack) [BAD-emu]
Contest Level - Leaves and Shrooms by Willie Bias (LunarDrake) [2009-02-27] (SMW Hack)
Contest Level - Moon Adventure by SMW King 2000 [2012-08-03] (SMW Hack)
Contest Level - Night Level by Shog [2009-01-18] (SMW Hack)
Contest Level - Super Wario World (V1.1) by UltraMario12 [2011-10-15] (SMW Hack)
Contest Level - The Great Desert Offensive by Bandit [2011-04-20] (SMW Hack)
Contest Level by Nep-Enut [2012-01-31] (SMW Hack)
Contest Level by TanookiMan [2011-08-27] (SMW Hack)
Courptendo's Variety LDC [#1] - Entry by Marisa (GlitchMr) [2011-01-31] (SMW Hack)
Courptendo's Variety LDC [#2] - Yoshi Cavern by yoshifanatic [2011-02-04] (SMW Hack)
Courptendo's Variety LDC [#3] - Entry by Sockbat Replica [2011-02-12] (SMW Hack)
Daizo's Summer Level Contest [#1-R5] - Run like Heck by MercuryPenny [2013-08-25] (SMW Hack)
Daizo's Summer Level Contest [#2-R2] - Koopa Beach by msi810 [2013-09-04] (SMW Hack)
Daizo's Summer Level Contest [#3-R3] - Sunny Beach by K1ngHacks [2013-09-08] (SMW Hack)
Daizo's Summer Level Contest [#4-R1] - The Demonator by Sokobansolver [2013-09-19] (SMW Hack)
Daizo's Summer Level Contest [#5-R4] - Beach by chineesmw [2013-09-19] (SMW Hack)
Dark Contest - Frei by Ricicir (Rockythetigre) [2016-03-29] (SMW Hack)
DODODO's Autoplay Contest [#2] - Mario Speed (V1.2) by Bistai949 [2010-04-18] (SMW Hack)
DODODO's Autoplay Contest [#3] - Entry by TRS [2010-05-21] (SMW Hack)
DODODO's Autoplay Contest [#4] - Entry by limepie20 [2010-06-04] (SMW Hack)
DODODO's Autoplay Contest [#X] - Entry by DODODO [2010-03-16] (SMW Hack)
EvilDonuts Boss Design Contest - Bowser by Patgangster (PatPatPat) [2012-01-08] (SMW Hack)
EvilDonuts Boss Design Contest - Insane by Thomas [2012-01-01] (SMW Hack)
ExGFX Contest 2015-03 [#8-R3] - Highwind Palace by Carld923 [2015-03-22] (SMW Hack)
ExGFX Contest 2015-08 [#02-R08F] - Darkness (Preview) by nathanrayman1998 [2015-08-22] (SMW Hack)
ExGFX Contest 2015-08 [#02-R08F] - Darkness by nathanrayman1998 [2015-08-31] (SMW Hack)
ExGFX Contest 2015-08 [#05-R07F_8B] - Dark by nickofzo [2015-08-31] (SMW Hack)
ExGFX Contest 2015-08 [#06-R1B] - Moonshine Crystals by Gloomier [2015-08-31] (SMW Hack)
ExGFX Contest 2015-08 [#07-R09F] - Luigi's Ghost House by Mandew [2015-08-31] (SMW Hack)
ExGFX Contest 2015-08 [#08-R06F_5B] - The Forest of Sorrow (Preview) by Face [2015-08-28] (SMW Hack)
ExGFX Contest 2015-08 [#08-R06F_5B] - The Forest of Sorrow by Face [2015-08-31] (SMW Hack)
ExGFX Contest 2015-08 [#09-R01F_4B] - Abyssal Base by Skewer [2015-08-31] (SMW Hack)
ExGFX Contest 2015-08 [#10-R02F] - Catacombs by Eminus [2015-08-31] (SMW Hack)
ExGFX Contest 2015-08 [#13-R03F_3B] - Castle by PercentN [2015-08-31] (SMW Hack)
ExGFX Contest 2015-08 [#14-R6B] - Graveyard by Berkay [2015-08-31] (SMW Hack)
ExGFX Contest 2015-08 [#15-R05F_7B] - Darkness by levelengine [2015-08-31] (SMW Hack)
ExGFX Contest 2023 [#1-R1] - Grassy Sky Ruins by Samie Zuccati [2023-03-05] (SMW Hack)
ExGFX Contest 2023 [#2-R7] - Terraria - Granite Cave by TheOrangeToad [2023-03-11] (SMW Hack)
ExGFX Contest 2023 [#3-R3] - Lush Garden by Lotsaspaghetti [2023-03-11] (SMW Hack)
ExGFX Contest 2023 [#4-R5] - Riverside Hills by Dispace [2023-03-11] (SMW Hack)
ExGFX Contest 2023 [#5-R8] - Entry by solgaleo35 [2023-03-12] (SMW Hack)
ExGFX Contest 2023 [#6-R6] - Forest Tree Tileset by Pink Gold Peach [2023-03-13] (SMW Hack)
ExGFX Contest 2023 [#7-DQ] - Entry by icrawfish [2023-03-13] (SMW Hack)
ExGFX Contest 2023 [#8-R4] - Ghost House by deported [2023-03-13] (SMW Hack)
ExGFX Contest 2023 [#9-R2] - Entry by MM102 [2023-03-13] (SMW Hack)
flareblade26's Level 105 Contest [#2] - Search for the Goal by MarioFan22 [2011-01-22] (SMW Hack)
flareblade26's Level 105 Contest [#3] - Teh Hack 1.5 by Marisa (GlitchMr) [2011-03-13] (SMW Hack)
FR Beach Level Contest [#1-R6] - Los Tacos Wey by tocininelcerdito [2016-07-03] (SMW Hack)
FR Beach Level Contest [#2-R5] - Beach Heat by Big Brawler [2016-07-03] (SMW Hack)
FR Beach Level Contest [#3-R3] - Snow Halation by Ivan Sword [2016-07-12] (SMW Hack)
FR Beach Level Contest [#4-R7] - Mario in Yoshi Beach by NCO16 [2016-07-14] (SMW Hack)
FR Beach Level Contest [#5-R4] - Entry by gartore (dragoniante174) [2016-07-14] (SMW Hack)
FR Beach Level Contest [#6-R1] - Entry by MaxodeX [2016-07-17] (SMW Hack)
FR Beach Level Contest [#7-R2] - Hellish Sea by Carld923 [2016-07-20] (SMW Hack)
FR Burning Cold Contest [#01-R01] - Poor Luigi by Pinci [2018-12-15] (SMW Hack)
FR Burning Cold Contest [#02-R08] - Frozen Cavern (V1.2) by Big Brawler [2018-12-20] (SMW Hack)
FR Burning Cold Contest [#03-R11] - Road of Lasers by Gartore [2018-12-24] (SMW Hack)
FR Burning Cold Contest [#05-R04] - Climatic Cataclysm by Centipede [2018-12-23] (SMW Hack)
FR Burning Cold Contest [#07-R05] - Snowy Fortress (V2.5) by Yupilongas [2018-12-31] (SMW Hack)
FR Burning Cold Contest [#08-R02] - Icy Inferno by NoXuS9090 (Kixune) [2018-12-24] (SMW Hack)
FR Burning Cold Contest [#09-R06] - Pongan Bachata by Ivan Sword [2018-12-25] (SMW Hack)
FR Burning Cold Contest [#09-R06] - Pongan Bachata by Ivan Sword [2018-12-28] (SMW Hack)
FR Burning Cold Contest [#09-R06] - Pongan Bachata by Ivan Sword [2018-12-29] (SMW Hack)
FR Burning Cold Contest [#11-R09] - Tremendous Chest Cold by Gusano [2018-12-28] (SMW Hack)
FR Burning Cold Contest [#11-R09] - Tremendous Chest Cold by Gusano [2018-12-30] (SMW Hack)
FR Burning Cold Contest [#12-R03] - Stormy Christmas by Kraken [2018] (SMW Hack)
FR Cave Level Contest [#1-R4] - The Haunted Cave by Big Brawler [2017-07-12] (SMW Hack)
FR Cave Level Contest [#2-R6] - Bot Cave by Eddy (elmario) [2017-07-18] (SMW Hack)
FR Cave Level Contest [#3-R1] - Cave Cespacial by Carld923 [2017-07-19] (SMW Hack)
FR Cave Level Contest [#4-R4] - Subterranean Adventure by Yupilongas [2017-07-20] (SMW Hack)
FR Cave Level Contest [#5-R3] - Entry by LMPuny [2017-07-22] (SMW Hack)
FR Cave Level Contest [#6-R7] - Entry by KyubiFOX (Foxmc30) [2017-07-23] (SMW Hack)
FR Cave Level Contest [#7-R2] - Catacombs by Ivan Sword [2017-07-23] (SMW Hack)
FR Cave Level Contest [#8-R8] - Imperial Caverns by gartore (dragoniante174) [2017-07-23] (SMW Hack)
FR Christmas Contest 2014 [#4-R4] - Christmas Snow by StanTheMackiar [2014-12-23] (SMW Hack)
FR Christmas Contest 2014 [#5-R3] - Entry by Ivan Sword [2014-12-24] (SMW Hack)
FR Christmas Contest 2014 [#6-R1] - Snow by MaxodeX [2014-12-25] (SMW Hack)
FR Christmas Contest 2014 [#7-R5] - Entry by Gusano [2014-12-26] (SMW Hack)
FR Christmas Contest 2015 [#01-R9] - The Fort of Grinch by tocininelcerdito [2015-12-16] (SMW Hack)
FR Christmas Contest 2015 [#02-R1] - Snowy Mountain by LloydJara [2015-12-17] (SMW Hack)
FR Christmas Contest 2015 [#04-R2] - Mopoos Forest by TheLX5 [2015-12-17] (SMW Hack)
FR Christmas Contest 2015 [#06-R6] - A Looooong Christmas! by Big Brawler [2015-12-21] (SMW Hack)
FR Christmas Contest 2015 [#07-R2] - Ice by NoXuS9090 [2015-12-23] (SMW Hack)
FR Christmas Contest 2015 [#08-R4] - Entry by Ivan Sword [2015-12-26] (SMW Hack)
FR Christmas Contest 2015 [#10-R3] - Christmas Snow by StanTheMackiar [2015-12-26] (SMW Hack)
FR Christmas Contest 2020 [#01-R3] - The Wintry Palace (V1.0) by Carld923 [2020-12-19] (SMW Hack)
FR Christmas Contest 2020 [#01-R3] - The Wintry Palace by Carld923 [2020-12-17] (SMW Hack)
FR Christmas Contest 2020 [#02-R2] - Winter of '92 (V1.3) by Big Brawler [2020-12-21] (SMW Hack)
FR Christmas Contest 2020 [#02-R2] - Winter of '92 by Big Brawler [2020-12-21] (SMW Hack)
FR Christmas Contest 2020 [#02-R2] - Winter of '92 by Big Brawler [2020] (SMW Hack)
FR Christmas Contest 2020 [#03-R4] - The Gifts by Alex_X8 [2020-12-22] (SMW Hack)
FR Christmas Contest 2020 [#04-R8] - Snowy Road by Gartore [2020-12-23] (SMW Hack)
FR Christmas Contest 2020 [#06-R9] - Boo-nus Coaster by Vasho (VashVaati) [2020-12-24] (SMW Hack)
FR Christmas Contest 2020 [#07-R7] - Entry by Gusano [2020-12-24] (SMW Hack)
FR Christmas Contest 2020 [#08-R5] - Ta Helao, Abrigarse by Dr. Gaspacho [2020-12-24] (SMW Hack)
FR Christmas Contest 2020 [#09-R6] - The Lost Daughter by MegaPredator360 [2020-12-27] (SMW Hack)
FR Christmas Contest 2020 [#10-R6] - Frozen Hill by Zar Zaraitzu (Zareption) [2020-12-29] (SMW Hack)
FR Christmas Eve Contest [#02-R14] - Mierda (V1) by Pinci [2016-12-14] (SMW Hack)
FR Christmas Eve Contest [#02-R14] - Mierda (V2) by Pinci [2016-12-14] (SMW Hack)
FR Christmas Eve Contest [#03-R07] - Field of Red Flowers by Najeraldo [2016-12-20] (SMW Hack)
FR Christmas Eve Contest [#06-R03] - Entry by LMPuny [2016-12-21] (SMW Hack)
FR Christmas Eve Contest [#07-R05] - Snow Climb by Carld923 [2016-12-21] (SMW Hack)
FR Christmas Eve Contest [#09-R08] - Hail Santa by NoXuS9090 (Kixune) [2016-12-20] (SMW Hack)
FR Christmas Eve Contest [#09-R08] - Hail Santa by NoXuS9090 (Kixune) [2016-12-22] (SMW Hack)
FR Christmas Eve Contest [#10-R08] - A Snowy Adventure by Yupilongas [2016-12-22] (SMW Hack)
FR Christmas Eve Contest [#11-R13] - Mid Day by gartore (dragoniante174) [2016-12-22] (SMW Hack)
FR Christmas Eve Contest [#12-R06] - We Are Number One (V1.2) by Ivan Sword [2016-12-22] (SMW Hack)
FR Christmas Eve Contest [#12-R06] - We Are Number One by Ivan Sword [2016-12-23] (SMW Hack)
FR Christmas Eve Contest [#13-R02] - Snow in the Sky by TheLX5 [2016-12-23] (SMW Hack)
FR Christmas Eve Contest [#14-R01] - Good Night by Skalibur [2016-12-24] (SMW Hack)
FR Christmas Eve Contest [#16-R04] - The 3 Snowy Routes by Kraken [2016-12-25] (SMW Hack)
FR Christmas Eve Contest [#16-R04] - The 3 Snowy Routes by Kraken [2016-12-26] (SMW Hack)
FR Christmas Forest Contest [#1-R4] - Christmas Level by KyubiFOX (Foxmc30) [2017-12-12] (SMW Hack)
FR Christmas Forest Contest [#3-R8] - The Frozen Forest by Kiatus [2017-12-13] (SMW Hack)
FR Christmas Forest Contest [#4-R3] - Winter Forest (V1.0) by Carld923 [2017-12-15] (SMW Hack)
FR Christmas Forest Contest [#4-R3] - Winter Forest (V2.0) by Carld923 [2017-12-19] (SMW Hack)
FR Christmas Forest Contest [#5-R1] - Boing-Boing Forest by Kraken [2017-12-14] (SMW Hack)
FR Christmas Forest Contest [#7-R5] - The Ancient Forest by MarioZarGM [2017-12-15] (SMW Hack)
FR Christmas Forest Contest [#8-R2] - Rex Migration (V1) by Ivan Sword [2017-12-17] (SMW Hack)
FR Christmas Forest Contest [#8-R2] - Rex Migration (V2) by Ivan Sword [2017-12-17] (SMW Hack)
FR Clock Is Ticking Contest - Base ROM by Michael [2019-12-11] (SMW Hack)
FR Clock Is Ticking Contest [#01-R10] - Speed (V1) by Gartore [2019-12-13] (SMW Hack)
FR Clock Is Ticking Contest [#01-R10] - Speed (V2) by Gartore [2019-12-13] (SMW Hack)
FR Clock Is Ticking Contest [#02-R07] - Magic Pipes by LX5 [2019-12-14] (SMW Hack)
FR Clock Is Ticking Contest [#03-R13] - Ruins of Past Xmas by Carld923 [2019-12-15] (SMW Hack)
FR Clock Is Ticking Contest [#05-R03] - Redemption (V2.5) by Yupilongas [2019-12-23] (SMW Hack)
FR Clock Is Ticking Contest [#06-R02] - Seconds Away by Dr. Gaspacho [2019-12-26] (SMW Hack)
FR Clock Is Ticking Contest [#07-R01] - NaviReznor (V3) by Maxodex [2019-12-24] (SMW Hack)
FR Clock Is Ticking Contest [#08-R06] - Infernal Blizzard by Centipede [2019-12-24] (SMW Hack)
FR Clock Is Ticking Contest [#09-R05] - Luigi's Secret Santa Gift by LMPuny [2019-12-24] (SMW Hack)
FR Clock Is Ticking Contest [#11-R04] - Details and Price by IvanSword [2019-12-25] (SMW Hack)
FR Clock Is Ticking Contest [#12-R11] - Luigi's Big Plan by MegaPredator360 [2019-12-25] (SMW Hack)
FR Clock Is Ticking Contest [#13-R12] - Entry by Gusano [2019-12-25] (SMW Hack)
FR Clock Is Ticking Contest [#14-R09] - 100 Seconds by Kraken [2019-12-25] (SMW Hack)
FR Cloud Level Contest [#01-R07] - Kongstruction Problems by Big Brawler [2019-07-16] (SMW Hack)
FR Cloud Level Contest [#03-R09] - Night Skating by Carld923 [2019-07-18] (SMW Hack)
FR Cloud Level Contest [#03-R09] - Night Skating by Carld923 [2019-07-21] (SMW Hack)
FR Cloud Level Contest [#04-R02] - Sky (Update) by NoXuS9090 (Kixune) [2019-07-20] (SMW Hack)
FR Cloud Level Contest [#04-R02] - Sky by NoXuS9090 (Kixune) [2019-07-18] (SMW Hack)
FR Cloud Level Contest [#05-R10] - Stratus Cumulus (V1.2) by Dr. Gaspacho [2019-07-21] (SMW Hack)
FR Cloud Level Contest [#05-R10] - Stratus Cumulus (VIP) by Dr. Gaspacho [2019-08-10] (SMW Hack)
FR Cloud Level Contest [#06-R11] - Level Made without Love (V1) by Gusano [2019-07-19] (SMW Hack)
FR Cloud Level Contest [#06-R11] - Level Made without Love (V2) by Gusano [2019-07-23] (SMW Hack)
FR Cloud Level Contest [#07-R08] - Flying Feet by Gartore [2019-07-21] (SMW Hack)
FR Cloud Level Contest [#09-R04] - Entry by Pinci [2019-07-23] (SMW Hack)
FR Cloud Level Contest [#10-R01] - MOUNTAIN (V3) (Retry Patch) by Maxodex [2019-07-25] (SMW Hack)
FR Cloud Level Contest [#10-R01] - MOUNTAIN (V3) by Maxodex [2019-07-25] (SMW Hack)
FR Cloud Level Contest [#11-R05] - Fortnite Save the World by Ivan Sword [2019-07-24] (SMW Hack)
FR Cloud Level Contest [#12-R06] - The Night Sky by MegaPredator360 [2019-07-24] (SMW Hack)
FR Dark Level Contest [#01-R09] - Bony Cemetery by Kraken [2016-10-04] (SMW Hack)
FR Dark Level Contest [#02-R04] - Slender Mario 2 (Easy Mode) by Big Brawler [2016-11-02] (SMW Hack)
FR Dark Level Contest [#02-R04] - Slender Mario 2 by Big Brawler [2016-10-06] (SMW Hack)
FR Dark Level Contest [#03-R10] - The Boat by braulio964 [2016-10-13] (SMW Hack)
FR Dark Level Contest [#04-R05] - Misty Mannor by Carld923 [2016-11-02] (SMW Hack)
FR Dark Level Contest [#05-R02] - Die by Hikaru SS (Lloyd Garcia) [2016-11-03] (SMW Hack)
FR Dark Level Contest [#06-R11] - The Secret Mansion by Haroz Wolder [2016-10-28] (SMW Hack)
FR Dark Level Contest [#07-R08] - Halloween Day by MegaPredator360 [2016-10-30] (SMW Hack)
FR Dark Level Contest [#09-R03] - Mario in a Dark Odyssey by Yupilongas [2016-11-01] (SMW Hack)
FR Dark Level Contest [#10-R06] - Hanuka Level by VashVaati [2016-11-01] (SMW Hack)
FR Dark Level Contest [#11-R07] - Ghost Shipwreck by Zeroso (Orphen Or.WaRM) [2016-11-03] (SMW Hack)
FR Dark Level Contest [#12-R01] - It's the Nut Shack by Ivan Sword [2016-11-03] (SMW Hack)
FR e s t e t i c a Contest - Compilation (Beta 0.2) [2018-04-14] (SMW Hack)
FR e s t e t i c a Contest - Compilation (Beta 0.3) [2018-04-14] (SMW Hack)
FR e s t e t i c a Contest - Compilation (English) [2018-07-07] (SMW Hack)
FR e s t e t i c a Contest - Compilation (Spanish) [2018-07-07] (SMW Hack)
FR e s t e t i c a Contest [#1-R5] - Night Blockade by Big Brawler [2018-02-20] (SMW Hack)
FR e s t e t i c a Contest [#2-R2] - A S S T H E T I C C by Carld923 [2018-02-20] (SMW Hack)
FR e s t e t i c a Contest [#4-DQ] - A S S T H E T I C C by NoXuS9090 (Nox) [2018-02-25] (SMW Hack)
FR e s t e t i c a Contest [#6-R1] - Blockfest Castle by Kraken [2018-03-05] (SMW Hack)
FR e s t e t i c a Contest [#6-R1] - Blockfest Castle by Kraken [2018-03-19] (SMW Hack)
FR e s t e t i c a Contest [#7-R4] - No! E S T H E T I C by MarioZarGM [2018-03-08] (SMW Hack)
FR e s t e t i c a Contest [#8-R3] - Cement World by Yupilongas [2018-03-11] (SMW Hack)
FR Electric Boogaloo Contest [#1-R5] - Cumbre Afilada! by Big Brawler [2018-07-12] (SMW Hack)
FR Electric Boogaloo Contest [#2-R2] - Thunder Forest by Carld923 [2018-07-12] (SMW Hack)
FR Electric Boogaloo Contest [#3-R9] - Eternal Runner (V1) by Gartore [2020-07-24] (SMW Hack)
FR Electric Boogaloo Contest [#3-R9] - Eternal Runner (V2) by Gartore [2018-07-24] (SMW Hack)
FR Electric Boogaloo Contest [#6-R4] - Hill Weather by Gusano [2018-07-28] (SMW Hack)
FR Electric Boogaloo Contest [#7-R8] - CHATBOX by Shiny Ninetales [2018-07-29] (SMW Hack)
FR Electric Boogaloo Contest [#8-R1] - Volcano Island by Kraken [2018-07-29] (SMW Hack)
FR Electric Boogaloo Contest [#9-R6] - Coward Temple by IvanSword [2018-07-29] (SMW Hack)
FR Fortress Pre-Entry Contest - All Levels by IvanSword et al [2015-07-12] (SMW Hack)
FR Fortress Pre-Entry Contest [#1-R5] - Desolate Place by Nestor Velasquez [2015-07-06] (SMW Hack)
FR Fortress Pre-Entry Contest [#3-R3] - Reznor's Garden by Carld923 [2015-07-06] (SMW Hack)
FR Fortress Pre-Entry Contest [#5-R4] - Entry by IvanSword [2015-07-09] (SMW Hack)
FR Grand Level Contest - Ban Pozo by Carld923 [2017-06-13] (SMW Hack)
FR Grand Level Contest - Bottom Text by Shiny Ninetales [2017-06-08] (SMW Hack)
FR Grand Level Contest - Compilation (V1.0) by Yupilongas [2020-03-30] (SMW Hack)
FR Grand Level Contest - Compilation (V1.1) by Yupilongas [2020-03-31] (SMW Hack)
FR Grand Level Contest - Hilltop Coffe (alt) by Big Brawler [2017-06-12] (SMW Hack)
FR Grand Level Contest - Hilltop Coffe by Big Brawler [2017-06-12] (SMW Hack)
FR Grand Level Contest - Huge Level by Fan-FR- [2017-05-21] (SMW Hack)
FR Halloween Terror Contest [#1-R5] - Slender Mario by Big Brawler [2015] (SMW Hack)
FR Halloween Terror Contest [#2-R4] - Spooky Forest by LloydJara [2015-10-12] (SMW Hack)
FR Halloween Terror Contest [#3-R2] - Astral Forest by NoXuS9090 [2015-10-22] (SMW Hack)
FR Halloween Terror Contest [#4-R1] - Woomy by Ivan Sword [2015-10-22] (SMW Hack)
FR Halloween Terror Contest [#5-R5] - Entry by gartore (dragoniante174) [2015-10-23] (SMW Hack)
FR Halloween Terror Contest [#6-R1] - Spoopy Mansion by Carld923 [2015-10-31] (SMW Hack)
FR Halloween Terror Contest [#7-R3] - Entry by anonimzwx [2015-10-31] (SMW Hack)
FR Haunted Pipes Contest [#1-R2] - Slender Mario 3 (V1.2) by Big Brawler [2017-10-28] (SMW Hack)
FR Haunted Pipes Contest [#3-R4] - Pipetory (Final 2.0) by MarioZarGM [2017-11-04] (SMW Hack)
FR Haunted Pipes Contest [#4-R2] - PIPEPIPEPIPE by Carld923 [2017-11-04] (SMW Hack)
FR Haunted Pipes Contest [#5-R1] - The Haunted Drain by Raisoven [2017-11-05] (SMW Hack)
FR Haunted Pipes Contest [#6-R3] - Lost Forest (Update) by Kraken [2017-11-12] (SMW Hack)
FR Haunted Pipes Contest [#6-R3] - Lost Forest by Kraken [2017-11-06] (SMW Hack)
FR Haunted Pipes Contest [#7-R4] - Dark Pipes (V1.0) by MegaPredator360 [2017-11-07] (SMW Hack)
FR Haunted Pipes Contest [#7-R4] - Dark Pipes (V1.1) by MegaPredator360 [2017-11-07] (SMW Hack)
FR Haunted Pipes Contest [#8-R4] - Haunted Pipes by Skalibur [2017-11-09] (SMW Hack)
FR Level-Oral-Ma - Round 1 [#1-R4] - The Forest of Illusions by gusapno [2012-11-07] (SMW Hack)
FR Level-Oral-Ma - Round 1 [#2-R5] - Castle DaRks by Ivan Sword54 [2012-11-14] (SMW Hack)
FR Level-Oral-Ma - Round 1 [#3-R3] - Pink! Castle by Mr. M [2012-11-15] (SMW Hack) [BAD-emu]
FR Level-Oral-Ma - Round 1 [#4-R1] - Aguas Salvajes by NoXuS9090 [2012-11-15] (SMW Hack) [BAD-emu]
FR Level-Oral-Ma - Round 1 [#5-R2] - Sky Temple by Vash Varket (VashVaati) [2012-11-17] (SMW Hack)
FR Level-Oral-Ma - Round 2 [#1-R1] - Mario on Acid by NoXuS9090 [2012-12-13] (SMW Hack) [BAD-emu]
FR Level-Oral-Ma - Round 2 [#2-R3] - Frozen City by Fan-FR- [2012-12-15] (SMW Hack)
FR Level-Oral-Ma - Round 2 [#3-R2] - Planet X by Mr. M [2012-12-15] (SMW Hack) [BAD-emu]
FR Level-Oral-Ma 2 [#1] - The Little Cave Offensive by Big Brawler [2016-01-19] (SMW Hack)
FR LM 1.3 Adventures [#1] - Oasis (Fixed) by Big Brawler (SMW Hack)
FR LM 1.3 Adventures [#1] - Oasis by Big Brawler [2017-01-26] (SMW Hack)
FR LM 1.3 Adventures [#3] - Level by Ivan Sword [2017-01-29] (SMW Hack)
FR Powerup Contest - Base ROM (DKCR) by lx5 [2020-07-01] (SMW Hack)
FR Powerup Contest - Base ROM (Regular) by lx5 [2020-07-01] (SMW Hack)
FR Powerup Contest - Base ROM (SMB3) by lx5 [2020-07-01] (SMW Hack)
FR Powerup Contest [#01-R06] - Paths of Power (V1.2.1) by Carld923 [2020-08-12] (SMW Hack)
FR Powerup Contest [#01-R06] - Paths of Power (V1.2) by Carld923 [2020-07-23] (SMW Hack)
FR Powerup Contest [#01-R06] - Paths of Power by Carld923 [2020-07-17] (SMW Hack)
FR Powerup Contest [#02-R15] - Entry by gusano [2020-07-20] (SMW Hack)
FR Powerup Contest [#03-R03] - Aquatic Sanctuary (V1.0) by Big Brawler [2020-07-22] (SMW Hack)
FR Powerup Contest [#03-R3] - Aquatic Sanctuary by Big Brawler [2020] (SMW Hack)
FR Powerup Contest [#04-R07] - Aerodynamic Boots by Vash Varket (VashVaati) [2020-07-23] (SMW Hack)
FR Powerup Contest [#04-R07] - Aerodynamic Boots by Vash Varket (VashVaati) [2020-08-02] (SMW Hack)
FR Powerup Contest [#05-R14] - Hello Manu Factory by Dark Prince [2020-07-23] (SMW Hack)
FR Powerup Contest [#06-R01] - Cave of Powers (V2.0) by Yupilongas [2020-08-02] (SMW Hack)
FR Powerup Contest [#06-R01] - Cave of Powers by Yupilongas [2020-07-23] (SMW Hack)
FR Powerup Contest [#07-R13] - Cyber Field (Update) by Gartore [2020] (SMW Hack)
FR Powerup Contest [#07-R13] - Cyber Field by Gartore [2020-07-25] (SMW Hack)
FR Powerup Contest [#08-R10] - LX5 Fortress by Alex_X8 [2020-07-31] (SMW Hack)
FR Powerup Contest [#09-R04] - Cavern Origin by Zareption [2020-08-01] (SMW Hack)
FR Powerup Contest [#10-R11] - A Nice Level by thejhonny-ador [2020-08-01] (SMW Hack)
FR Powerup Contest [#11-R12] - The Shadows of Evil (V1) by MegaPredator360 [2020-08-01] (SMW Hack)
FR Powerup Contest [#11-R12] - The Shadows of Evil (V2) by MegaPredator360 [2020-08-01] (SMW Hack)
FR Powerup Contest [#12-R08] - Final Factory (Final 1) by LMPuny [2020-08-01] (SMW Hack)
FR Powerup Contest [#12-R08] - Final Factory (Final 2) by LMPuny [2020-08-01] (SMW Hack)
FR Powerup Contest [#12-R08] - Final Factory (Final 3) by LMPuny [2020-08-02] (SMW Hack)
FR Powerup Contest [#12-R08] - Final Factory (Incomplete) (V2) by LMPuny [2020-07-30] (SMW Hack)
FR Powerup Contest [#12-R08] - Final Factory (Incomplete) by LMPuny [2020-07-29] (SMW Hack)
FR Powerup Contest [#13-R02] - Voyage of Powerups by IvanSword [2020-08-02] (SMW Hack)
FR Powerup Contest [#14-R05] - Night Fridge by Centipede [2020-08-01] (SMW Hack)
FR Powerup Contest [#15-R09] - Piranha Garden by Kixune [2020-08-02] (SMW Hack)
FR Reznor Fortress Contest [#1-R4] - Super Nigga World by IvanSword [2014-07-07] (SMW Hack)
FR Reznor Fortress Contest [#1-R4] - Super Nigga World by IvanSword [2014-08-01] (SMW Hack)
FR Reznor Fortress Contest [#1-R4] - Super Nigga World by IvanSword [2014-08-02] (SMW Hack)
FR Reznor Fortress Contest [#1-R4] - Super Nigga World by IvanSword [2014-08-03] (SMW Hack)
FR Reznor Fortress Contest [#5-R3] - Rainbow Fortress by anonimzwx [2014-08-03] (SMW Hack)
FR Reznorpheric Time [#1-R6] - Storm Ship by Carld923 [2021-07-13] (SMW Hack)
FR Reznorpheric Time [#2-R9] - Super Pene World by johnfortnitekennedyM [2021-07-14] (SMW Hack)
FR Reznorpheric Time [#4-R4] - Distant Thunder by Pinci [2021-07-16] (SMW Hack)
FR Reznorpheric Time [#5-R1] - Atmospheric Architecture (SA-1) by Centipede [2021-08-13] (SMW Hack)
FR Reznorpheric Time [#5-R1] - Atmospheric Architecture by Centipede [2021-07-21] (SMW Hack)
FR Reznorpheric Time [#6-R8] - Ain't a Windy Tale by Alex_X8 [2021-07-23] (SMW Hack)
FR Reznorpheric Time [#8-R2] - Ash Forest by Vash Varket (VashVaati) [2021-07-24] (SMW Hack)
FR Reznorpheric Time [#9-R7] - Last Member by MegaPredator360 [2021-07-28] (SMW Hack)
FR Spectral Mine Contest [#1] - Uckzuck Station by Big Brawler [2019-10-16] (SMW Hack)
FR Spectral Mine Contest [#2] - Haunted Cave by Yupilongas [2019-10-31] (SMW Hack)
FR Spectral Mine Contest [#3] - Orange Experiment by Dr. Gaspacho [2019-11-03] (SMW Hack)
FR Spooktacular Contest [#1-R5] - Chromophobia by Dr. Gaspacho [2018-10-17] (SMW Hack)
FR Spooktacular Contest [#2-R3] - Talking Trash by Big Brawler [2018-10-18] (SMW Hack)
FR Spooktacular Contest [#3-R4] - Sunken Fish Market (V1.0.2) by MarioZarGM [2018-10-27] (SMW Hack)
FR Spooktacular Contest [#3-R4] - Sunken Fish Market by MarioZarGM [2018-10-19] (SMW Hack)
FR Spooktacular Contest [#4-R3] - The Fisheria (Update) by Gartore [2018-10-31] (SMW Hack)
FR Spooktacular Contest [#4-R3] - The Fisheria by Gartore [2018-10-20] (SMW Hack)
FR Spooktacular Contest [#5-R2] - Forgotten (V1.01) by Yupilongas [2018-10-24] (SMW Hack)
FR Spooktacular Contest [#5-R2] - Forgotten (V2.0) by Yupilongas [2018-10-31] (SMW Hack)
FR Spooktacular Contest [#6-R6] - Haunted House by Fullcannon [2018-10-25] (SMW Hack)
FR Spooktacular Contest [#7-R1] - Halloween of Tales by Mario the Hacker [2018-10-29] (SMW Hack)
French SMW Hacking Contest 2008 [2008-09-05] (SMW Hack)
Gemini's Summer Level Contest [#01-R13] - Entry by ThePat545 [2016-07-21] (SMW Hack)
Gemini's Summer Level Contest [#02-R24] - Tropical Island by PMH [2016-07-22] (SMW Hack)
Gemini's Summer Level Contest [#03-R09] - Entry by Gamma V [2016-07-22] (SMW Hack)
Gemini's Summer Level Contest [#04-R19] - Summer Fun! by OmegaYoshi [2016-07-22] (SMW Hack)
Gemini's Summer Level Contest [#05-R22] - Pinna Park by IronFoxGaming [2016-07-22] (SMW Hack)
Gemini's Summer Level Contest [#06-R07] - Sunshine Beach (V1) by Pseudogon [2016-07-23] (SMW Hack)
Gemini's Summer Level Contest [#06-R07] - Sunshine Beach (V2) by Pseudogon [2016-08-04] (SMW Hack)
Gemini's Summer Level Contest [#07-R04] - The Big Sand Castle by MaiK [2016-07-24] (SMW Hack)
Gemini's Summer Level Contest [#09-R23] - Entry by Final Theory [2016-07-26] (SMW Hack)
Gemini's Summer Level Contest [#10-R14] - Forest Fire by Sockbat Replica [2016-08-01] (SMW Hack)
Gemini's Summer Level Contest [#11-R20] - Entry by Wind Fish [2016-08-03] (SMW Hack)
Gemini's Summer Level Contest [#11-R20] - Entry by Wind Fish [2016-08-05] (SMW Hack)
Gemini's Summer Level Contest [#12-R06] - Goomba Beach Shore by MarkD [2016-08-03] (SMW Hack)
Gemini's Summer Level Contest [#13-R12] - Rainy Town by Carld923 [2016-08-04] (SMW Hack)
Gemini's Summer Level Contest [#14-R05] - Truly Overly Hot Beach by Lazy [2016-08-05] (SMW Hack)
Gemini's Summer Level Contest [#15-R08] - Summer Hills by GameplaysDetonados [2016-08-07] (SMW Hack)
Gemini's Summer Level Contest [#16-R15] - Emerald Shore Zone by slakkmichael [2016-08-12] (SMW Hack)
Gemini's Summer Level Contest [#17-R20] - The Ground Is Yellow by ft029 [2016-08-14] (SMW Hack)
Gemini's Summer Level Contest [#18-R02] - Party Paradise by StrikeForcer [2016-08-14] (SMW Hack)
Gemini's Summer Level Contest [#20-R17] - Blooming Fields by TheInsanity115 [2016-08-14] (SMW Hack)
Gemini's Summer Level Contest [#22-R16] - Gorgeous Summer Day by snoruntpyro [2016-08-15] (SMW Hack)
Gemini's Summer Level Contest [#23-R03] - Hot Problems by levelengine [2016-08-15] (SMW Hack)
Gemini's Summer Level Contest [#24-R01] - Summer Bummer by Eminus [2016-08-16] (SMW Hack)
German Hacking Contest - crescent by RealLink [2010-03-28] (SMW Hack) [BAD-emu]
German Hacking Contest - Entry by GameBoyMichi [2010-04-02] (SMW Hack)
German Hacking Contest - Entry by mewtutrainer [2010-03-26] (SMW Hack)
German Hacking Contest - Entry by PascalTheMelone [2010-04-02] (SMW Hack)
German Hacking Contest - Entry by TripleStif [2010-03-25] (SMW Hack)
German Hacking Contest - Entry by Vaquenz [2010-03-22] (SMW Hack) [BAD-emu]
German Hacking Contest - Hellbound by Kayne [2010-03-26] (SMW Hack)
German Hacking Contest - Jill's Journey (V1.1) by Hellbourne [2010-03-26] (SMW Hack) [BAD-emu]
German Hacking Contest - Jill's Journey by Hellbourne [2010-11-20] (SMW Hack) [BAD-emu]
German Hacking Contest - Mario's Destroy Game by PryziN [2010-03-31] (SMW Hack) [BAD-emu]
German Hacking Contest - Wendy's Schloss by TJonnyX [2010-03-28] (SMW Hack)
Jackie's 9th Special LDC [#01-R3] - Freakin' Sweet (V2) by Sockbat Replica [2012-10-26] (SMW Hack)
Jackie's 9th Special LDC [#01-R3] - Freakin' Sweet (V3) by Sockbat Replica [2012-11-07] (SMW Hack)
Jackie's 9th Special LDC [#02-R1] - Star Road by GlitchMr [2012-10-24] (SMW Hack)
Jackie's 9th Special LDC [#03-R7] - Hairy (V1.0) by Daizo (Daizo Dee Von) [2012-10-19] (SMW Hack)
Jackie's 9th Special LDC [#03-R7] - Hairy (V1.2) by Daizo (Daizo Dee Von) [2012-11-17] (SMW Hack)
Jackie's 9th Special LDC [#04-R4] - Lumpy by Morsel [2012-10-24] (SMW Hack)
Jackie's 9th Special LDC [#05-R3] - Trippy by Sokobansolver [2012-10-24] (SMW Hack)
Jackie's 9th Special LDC [#06-R6] - Glorious by turbofa [2012-10-27] (SMW Hack)
Jackie's 9th Special LDC [#07-R5] - Wicked by notgoodwithusernames [2012-10-27] (SMW Hack)
Jackie's 9th Special LDC [#08-R3] - Smashing by Blue Leaf [2012-11-10] (SMW Hack)
Jackie's 9th Special LDC [#09-R8] - Phat by DishSoapBunny [2012-11-13] (SMW Hack)
Jackie's 9th Special LDC [#10-R7] - Difficult by Sinc-X [2012-11-17] (SMW Hack)
JDC's Title Screen LDC 2 [#1-R4] - Entry by netcvb [2011-07-07] (SMW Hack)
JDC's Title Screen LDC 2 [#3-R3] - Entry by Octopus [2011-07-15] (SMW Hack)
JDC's Title Screen LDC 2 [#5-R1] - Mario's Island Adventure by Enjoirider [2011-09-06] (SMW Hack)
JDC's Title Screen LDC 2 [#5-R1] - Mario's Island Adventure by Enjoirider [2011-09-16] (SMW Hack)
JDCGames Level 101 Contest - Entry (V1.0) by Daizo Dee Von (SMW Hack)
JDCGames Level 101 Contest - Entry by Sokobansolver [2012-10-21] (SMW Hack)
Jul Pure Vanilla LDC [#01-R04] - It Arose from the Ocean by Sukasa [2012-04-04] (SMW Hack)
Jul Pure Vanilla LDC [#02-R06] - Entry by paulguy [2012-04-04] (SMW Hack)
Jul Pure Vanilla LDC [#03-R07] - Dinosaur Plateau (alt) by AlexAR [2012-05-20] (SMW Hack)
Jul Pure Vanilla LDC [#03-R07] - Dinosaur Plateau (V1.0) by AlexAR [2012-04-06] (SMW Hack)
Jul Pure Vanilla LDC [#04-R03] - Ghost House (V1) by Nicole [2012-04-09] (SMW Hack)
Jul Pure Vanilla LDC [#04-R03] - Ghost House (V2) by Nicole [2012-04-16] (SMW Hack)
Jul Pure Vanilla LDC [#05-R01] - Radish Romp by Tyty (Teyla) [2012-04-15] (SMW Hack)
Jul Pure Vanilla LDC [#06-R02] - Hill Tunnel (First Castle) (alt) by Lunaria [2012-04-25] (SMW Hack)
Jul Pure Vanilla LDC [#06-R02] - Hill Tunnel (First Castle) by Lunaria [2012-04-15] (SMW Hack)
Jul Pure Vanilla LDC [#07-R08] - Highly Generic Castle (alt) by Sine [2012-04-16] (SMW Hack)
Jul Pure Vanilla LDC [#07-R08] - Highly Generic Castle by Sine [2012-04-25] (SMW Hack)
Jul Pure Vanilla LDC [#08-R01] - Swooper's Delight by Miasmir [2012-04-16] (SMW Hack)
Jul Pure Vanilla LDC [#09-R05] - Inedible Late Entry by MM200 [2012-04-16] (SMW Hack)
Jul Pure Vanilla LDC [#10-R07] - Le Zoo by Gabu [2012-04-17] (SMW Hack)
Jul Pure Vanilla LDC [#11-R04] - Gua Nasib Bagus by Koolboyman [2012-04-17] (SMW Hack)
Jul Pure Vanilla LDC [#12-R06] - Ghastly Dungeon by BlueWhirl (Nksor) [2012-04-17] (SMW Hack)
K1ngHacks Musical LDC [#1] - Pink Malace by Sockbat Replica [2013-11-20] (SMW Hack)
Kochobo Dourado 2 - AerodynamicVania (V1) (alt) by Anorakun [2020-08-06] (SMW Hack)
Kochobo Dourado 2 - AerodynamicVania (V1) by Anorakun [2020-08-06] (SMW Hack)
Kochobo Dourado 2 - AerodynamicVania (V2) by Anorakun [2020-08-11] (SMW Hack)
Kochobo Dourado 2 - AerodynamicVania (V3) by Anorakun [2020-08-11] (SMW Hack)
Kochobo Dourado 2 - AerodynamicVania (V4) by Anorakun [2020-08-12] (SMW Hack)
Kochobo Dourado 2 - AerodynamicVania by Anorakun [2020-08-19] (SMW Hack)
Kochobo Dourado 2 - AerodynamicVania by Anorakun [2020-08-20] (SMW Hack)
Kochobo Dourado 2 - Base ROM (Beta) by TheMorganah [2020-03-03] (SMW Hack)
Kochobo Dourado 2 - Base ROM (V1.2) by TheMorganah [2020-04-10] (SMW Hack)
Kochobo Dourado 2 - Base ROM by TheMorganah [2020-03-03] (SMW Hack)
Kochobo Dourado 2 - Flooded Swamp by eduard11 [2021-04-06] (SMW Hack)
Kochobo Dourado 2 - Forever Young (V1.0) by TheMorganah [2020-11-27] (SMW Hack)
Kochobo Dourado 2 - Frigid Garden Panic (Final V1.4) by Anorakun [2021-01-12] (SMW Hack)
Kochobo Dourado 2 - Frigid Garden Panic (Final) by Anorakun [2021-01-08] (SMW Hack)
Kochobo Dourado 2 - Frigid Garden Panic by Anorakun [2021-01-08] (SMW Hack)
Kochobo Dourado 2 - Grinder Factory (V1.1) by Redwykelz [2021-04-06] (SMW Hack)
Kochobo Dourado 2 - LOLShip + The Betrayal Tower by Freitasth [2021-04-04] (SMW Hack)
Kochobo Dourado 2 - Mole's Dark Forest + Fire Pillar Land by Green Jerry [2021-02-13] (SMW Hack)
Kochobo Dourado 2 - Neon Madness (Final) by LucasMegaStriker [2020-11-25] (SMW Hack)
Kochobo Dourado 2 - Volcanoland by Tommitalia (tommas2008) [2021-01-03] (SMW Hack)
Kochobo Dourado 2 [#01-R05] - Mole's Dark Forest by Green Jerry [2020-05-05] (SMW Hack)
Kochobo Dourado 2 [#02-R04] - Magnum Cave by M.Borges (Mr. MS) [2020-05-13] (SMW Hack)
Kochobo Dourado 2 [#03-R14] - Moshi Moshi by I'm Poppy (Poopsey) [2020-05-12] (SMW Hack)
Kochobo Dourado 2 [#03-R14] - Moshi Moshi by I'm Poppy (Poopsey) [2020-05-14] (SMW Hack)
Kochobo Dourado 2 [#04-R11] - Gold and Diamonds (Mine Cave) by Cr4zy [2020-04-26] (SMW Hack)
Kochobo Dourado 2 [#05-R12] - Goomba Hills by Infinity [2020-05-23] (SMW Hack)
Kochobo Dourado 2 [#07-R08] - Cyberpipe by Marcossanches (Icedragon) [2020-05-25] (SMW Hack)
Kochobo Dourado 2 [#08-DQ] - Bowser's Castle by Zidan3 [2020-05-31] (SMW Hack)
Kochobo Dourado 2 [#08-DQ] - Bowser's Castle by Zidan3 [2020-10-06] (SMW Hack)
Kochobo Dourado 2 [#09-R01] - Control the City (V1.1) by Matheus2653 [2020-06-14] (SMW Hack)
Kochobo Dourado 2 [#09-R01] - Control the City (V1.2) by Matheus2653 [2020-12-02] (SMW Hack)
Kochobo Dourado 2 [#10-R09] - Falling Leaf Forest by Cr4zy [2020-06-01] (SMW Hack)
Kochobo Dourado 2 [#10-R09] - Falling Leaf Forest by Cr4zy [2020-07-16] (SMW Hack)
Kochobo Dourado 2 [#11-R11] - Rainbow Space (V1.2) by Batata Douce [2020-07-29] (SMW Hack)
Kochobo Dourado 2 [#11-R11] - Rainbow Space by Batata Douce [2020-12-06] (SMW Hack)
Kochobo Dourado 2 [#12-R12] - Grassland Hill by Gabriel Souza [2020-09-08] (SMW Hack)
Kochobo Dourado 2 [#14-R04] - Aerodynamics City (Boss Fix) by Anorakun [2020-05-12] (SMW Hack)
Kochobo Dourado 2 [#14-R04] - Aerodynamics City (Final) by Anorakun [2020-11-22] (SMW Hack)
Kochobo Dourado 2 [#14-R04] - Aerodynamics City by Anorakun [2020-05-12] (SMW Hack)
Kochobo Dourado 2 [#14-R04] - Aerodynamics City by Anorakun [2020-05-27] (SMW Hack)
Kochobo Dourado 2 [#14-R04] - Aerodynamics City by Anorakun [2020-07-23] (SMW Hack)
Kochobo Dourado 2 [#14-R04] - Aerodynamics City by Anorakun [2020-09-20] (SMW Hack)
Kochobo Dourado 2 [#14-R04] - Aerodynamics City by Anorakun [2020-11-20] (SMW Hack)
Kochobo Dourado 2 [#15-R02] - Blackthorn Remains (Final 2) by Anorakun [2020-12-24] (SMW Hack)
Kochobo Dourado 2 [#15-R02] - Blackthorn Remains (Final) by Anorakun [2020-11-20] (SMW Hack)
Kochobo Dourado 2 [#15-R02] - Blackthorn Remains by Anorakun [2020-09-20] (SMW Hack)
Kochobo Dourado 2 [#15-R02] - Blackthorn Remains by Anorakun [2020-09-22] (SMW Hack)
Kochobo Dourado 2 [#16-R05] - COLORS! by RodrigoJooj [2020-09-30] (SMW Hack)
Kochobo Dourado 2 [#17-R10] - Grassland Bros. by Tommitalia (tommas2008) [2020-08-16] (SMW Hack)
Kochobo Dourado 2 [#17-R10] - Grassland Bros. by Tommitalia (tommas2008) [2020-09-28] (SMW Hack)
Kochobo Dourado 2 [#18-R13] - Koopa Forest by Yoshii (Blue Yoshi) [2020-09-28] (SMW Hack)
Kochobo Dourado 2 [#19-R07] - Cryptic Desert (Update) by Edgar (Crypt) [2020-05-14] (SMW Hack)
Kochobo Dourado 2 [#19-R07] - Cryptic Desert by Edgar (Crypt) [2020-05-14] (SMW Hack)
Kochobo Dourado 2 [#20-R03] - Snow Plus Spikes by MORC [2020-10-02] (SMW Hack)
Last Level Contest [#1-R5] - Super Mario SNES (Final) by natnew [2013-05-06] (SMW Hack)
Last Level Contest [#1-R5] - Super Mario SNES (Updated) by natnew [2013-05-10] (SMW Hack)
Last Level Contest [#2-R2] - Entry by 678ruby678 [2013-05-13] (SMW Hack)
Last Level Contest [#3-R3] - Dimension Break by Carld923 [2013-05-22] (SMW Hack)
Last Level Contest [#4-R4] - Big Boo Bullet Time by Bowser's Level Designer [2013-05-26] (SMW Hack)
Last Level Contest [#5-R1] - The Decision by MaxodeX [2013-06-02] (SMW Hack)
LPBass Vanilla Contest - Entry by TheSuperDomy96 (Dominik) [2011-11-26] (SMW Hack)
Lunar Magic 1.0 Adventures - Compilation (V1.0) by Fortaleza Reznor [2015-07-14] (SMW Hack)
Lunar Magic 1.0 Adventures - Compilation (V1.1) by Fortaleza Reznor [2015-07-18] (SMW Hack)
Lunar Magic 1.0 Adventures 2.0 [#1] - Entry by MetalYoshi94 [2020-05-26] (SMW Hack)
Lunar Magic 1.0 Adventures 2.0 [#2] - Entry by Yupilongas [2020-05-26] (SMW Hack)
Lunar Magic 1.0 Adventures 2.0 [#3] - Entry by Centipede [2020-05-31] (SMW Hack)
Lunariville French RHC 2009 by S.L et al [2009-02-24] (SMW Hack) [BAD-emu]
Lunariville Vanilla Contest 2009 - Compilation by S.L et al [2014-02-23] (SMW Hack)
Mad Scientist ASM Contest - Round 0 [#02-DQ] - Joke Entry by ThePat545 [2016-09-04] (SMW Hack)
Mad Scientist ASM Contest - Round 0 [#03-R14] - Cannonball Game by Ruberjig [2016-09-05] (SMW Hack)
Mad Scientist ASM Contest - Round 0 [#04-R02] - Entry by TheBiob [2016-09-06] (SMW Hack)
Mad Scientist ASM Contest - Round 0 [#06-R08] - Gumball Machine by Sonikku [2016-09-11] (SMW Hack)
Mad Scientist ASM Contest - Round 0 [#07-R07] - DDR-Style Game by Medic [2016-09-11] (SMW Hack)
Mad Scientist ASM Contest - Round 0 [#08-R10] - Spinning Shells by Erik557 [2016-09-11] (SMW Hack)
Mad Scientist ASM Contest - Round 0 [#09-R09] - Target Shooting by HuFlungDu [2016-09-11] (SMW Hack)
Mad Scientist ASM Contest - Round 0 [#10-R13] - Star Catcher by DarkBones [2016-09-11] (SMW Hack)
Mad Scientist ASM Contest - Round 0 [#11-R03] - Lakitu by Alcaro [2016-09-12] (SMW Hack)
Mad Scientist ASM Contest - Round 0 [#12-R01] - Launch Site by Thomas [2016-09-12] (SMW Hack)
Mad Scientist ASM Contest - Round 0 [#14-R16] - Match 3 Game by Bio [2016-09-12] (SMW Hack)
Mad Scientist ASM Contest - Round 0 [#15-R06] - Crane Game by JackTheSpades [2016-09-12] (SMW Hack)
Mad Scientist ASM Contest - Round 0 [#17-R15] - Flappy Bird by p4plus2 [2016-09-13] (SMW Hack)
Mad Scientist ASM Contest - Round 1 [#1-R1] - Boss Wart by Ruberjig [2016-10-14] (SMW Hack)
Mad Scientist ASM Contest - Round 1 [#2-R3] - Boss Ludwig by TheBiob [2016-10-15] (SMW Hack)
Mad Scientist ASM Contest - Round 1 [#3-R2] - Boss Birdo by Un8Y [2016-10-17] (SMW Hack)
Mad Scientist ASM Contest 2 - Round 1 [#1-R4] - Battle by Von Fahrenheit [2020-10-17] (SMW Hack)
Mad Scientist ASM Contest 2 - Round 1 [#2-R8] - Boost by NerDose [2020-10-15] (SMW Hack)
Mad Scientist ASM Contest 2 - Round 1 [#3-R6] - Eel by anonimzwx [2020-10-15] (SMW Hack)
Mad Scientist ASM Contest 2 - Round 1 [#4-R7] - Minigame by Ruberjig [2020-10-17] (SMW Hack)
Mad Scientist ASM Contest 2 - Round 1 [#5-R5] - Rising by UltiMario [2020-10-13] (SMW Hack)
Mad Scientist ASM Contest 2 - Round 1 [#6-R3] - Size by EternityLarva [2020-10-17] (SMW Hack)
Mad Scientist ASM Contest 2 - Round 1 [#7-R1] - Sphere by Darolac [2020-10-16] (SMW Hack)
Mad Scientist ASM Contest 2 - Round 1 [#8-R2] - Vertical by Koopster [2020-10-16] (SMW Hack)
Mad Scientist ASM Contest 2 - Round 2 [#1-R1] - Beam by anonimzwx [2020-10-30] (SMW Hack)
Mad Scientist ASM Contest 2 - Round 2 [#2-R3] - Dual by NerDose [2020-10-29] (SMW Hack)
Mad Scientist ASM Contest 2 - Round 2 [#3-R2] - Elementary by Darolac [2020-10-29] (SMW Hack)
Mad Scientist ASM Contest 2 - Round 2 [#4-R4] - Time by EternityLarva [2020-11-02] (SMW Hack)
Mad Scientist ASM Contest 2 - Round 2 [#5-R5] - X-Ray by Ruberjig [2020-11-03] (SMW Hack)
Mad Scientist ASM Contest 2 - Round 3 [#1-R1] - Custom by Darolac [2020-11-15] (SMW Hack)
Mad Scientist ASM Contest 2 - Round 3 [#2-R2] - Ditto by KevinM [2020-11-14] (SMW Hack)
Mad Scientist ASM Contest 2 - Round 3 [#3-R3] - Overused by NerDose [2020-11-13] (SMW Hack)
Mad Scientist ASM Contest 3 [#1-R3] - Scale Grinder Level (Henry) by NerDose [2022-09-14] (SMW Hack)
Magmar's GFX Competition [#1-R3] - Quote by RedToonLink [2009-12-06] (SMW Hack)
Magmar's GFX Competition [#2-R1] - Progress by PercentN [2009-12-06] (SMW Hack) [BAD-emu]
Magmar's GFX Competition [#4-R2] - Entry by DragonFire6780 [2009-12-31] (SMW Hack)
Magmar's GFX Competition [#6-R2] - Super ExGFX by TBH (the bad hacker) [2010-01-04] (SMW Hack)
Magmar's GFX Competition [#7-R6] - Entry by Fakescaper (Chdata) [2010-01-13] (SMW Hack)
mariofan1000's Linear LDC [#2] - Summer Forest by jur132 [2010-01-24] (SMW Hack)
mariofan1000's Linear LDC [#3] - Death Row by BDSwim (ShadowFan-X) [2010-01-28] (SMW Hack)
mariofan1000's Linear LDC [#4] - Geno's Adventure by Hellbourne [2010-01-30] (SMW Hack)
mariofan1000's Linear LDC [#5] - Dying Chasm by DarthYoshi492 [2010-01-29] (SMW Hack)
mariofan1000's Linear LDC [#6] - Mushroom Grove 1 (V2) by Dotsarecool [2010-02-01] (SMW Hack) [BAD]
mariofan1000's Linear LDC [#7] - Level by TRS [2010-02-28] (SMW Hack)
mariofan1000's Linear LDC [#X] - Countryside Path by JDC [2010-01-24] (SMW Hack)
Mawwo7's SMW Hacking Contest - Entry by Catobat [2011-03-04] (SMW Hack)
MercuryPenny's LDC [#1-R6] - Castle of Lost Souls by GameplaysDetonados [2013-09-15] (SMW Hack)
MercuryPenny's LDC [#2-R7] - Speedy Ghost House by MarioGamer125 [2013-09-19] (SMW Hack)
MercuryPenny's LDC [#3-DQ] - Entry by Akireyano (Mindevous) [2013-09-21] (SMW Hack)
MercuryPenny's LDC [#4-R4] - SoBe Death Water by Sokobansolver [2013-09-21] (SMW Hack)
MercuryPenny's LDC [#5-R4] - Nice Ice by LuigiTime [2013-09-21] (SMW Hack)
MercuryPenny's LDC [#6-R2] - Quest for Appreciation by NGB [2013-09-22] (SMW Hack)
MercuryPenny's LDC [#7-R5] - Escape the Mansion by K1ngHacks [2013-09-23] (SMW Hack)
MercuryPenny's LDC [#8-R3] - Temple Run by levelengine [2013-09-26] (SMW Hack)
MercuryPenny's LDC [#9-R1] - Rushin' Retro Race by scooter102089 [2013-09-27] (SMW Hack)
Multi-Theme Contest [#1-R1] - Zphghaieolphitz (Updated) by Sockbat Replica [2013-11-05] (SMW Hack)
Pick-A-Pack Contest [#1] - Entry (Pack 3) by GloriousWater [2013-10-12] (SMW Hack)
Pick-A-Pack Contest [#3] - The Lost Dessert (Pack 4) by Hynalite + Koopster [2013-11-18] (SMW Hack)
Portal SMW LDC - Mario e a Esfera Teletransportadora by Taven [2009-08-25] (SMW Hack)
Portal SMW LDC - Mysterious Tunnels (alt) by Shinnok [2009-08-28] (SMW Hack)
Portal SMW LDC - Mysterious Tunnels by Shinnok [2009-08-28] (SMW Hack)
Rayman Man's Beginner LDC [#01-R04] - Mario's Contest by the bad hacker [2009-08-22] (SMW Hack)
Rayman Man's Beginner LDC [#03-R10] - Easy Level by Findoku29 [2009-11-05] (SMW Hack)
Rayman Man's Beginner LDC [#04-R01] - Entry by Hellbourne [2009-11-05] (SMW Hack)
Rayman Man's Beginner LDC [#07-R09] - The Hack Of Easyness by mariocool1999 [2009-11-10] (SMW Hack)
Rayman Man's Beginner LDC [#10-R02] - Pipe Forest by GN (Incognito) [2009-11-07] (SMW Hack)
Rayman Man's Beginner LDC [#14-R08] - Entry by Thwaterguy [2009-11-14] (SMW Hack)
Riolu180's Vague Gimmick LDC [#1] - Switches and Such by cheeseofdoom [2010-01-02] (SMW Hack)
Riolu180's Vague Gimmick LDC [#4] - P-Switch Forecast (V1) by Kiseki [2010-01-03] (SMW Hack)
Riolu180's Vague Gimmick LDC [#4] - P-Switch Forecast (V2) by Kiseki [2010-01-05] (SMW Hack)
Riolu180's Vague Gimmick LDC [#5] - The Switch Tower by superomanyte [2010-01-06] (SMW Hack)
Riolu180's Vague Gimmick LDC [#7] - Koopa House by Koops [2010-01-12] (SMW Hack)
Riolu180's Vague Gimmick LDC [#8] - P-Switch Castle by Neutron (leictreon) [2010-01-16] (SMW Hack)
SchokoLP April Contest - Entry by K1ngHacks [2013-04-03] (SMW Hack)
SelinTheFox's Graphics Contest - Entry by PercentN [2010-05-27] (SMW Hack)
SelinTheFox's Graphics Contest - The Secret Island by Marisa [2010-05-28] (SMW Hack)
Six Pack - SMWC VLDC Compilation (V1.0) (alt) by Ragey et al [2023-10-25] (SMW Hack)
Six Pack - SMWC VLDC Compilation (V1.0) by Ragey et al [2023-10-25] (SMW Hack)
SMS LM Creative Contest - Chuck's Desert by SMS Team (Green Jerry) [2020-02-04] (SMW Hack)
SMW Archives Level Contest - The Grinder Castle (V2) by Samuka97 [2010-07-12] (SMW Hack) [BAD-emu]
SMW Archives Level Contest - The Invasion by MetalBenderJem [2010-07-02] (SMW Hack) [BAD-emu]
SMW Boss Contest - Round 1 [#1-R4] - Entry by PatPatPat [2012-10-22] (SMW Hack)
SMW Boss Contest - Round 1 [#2-R5] - Entry (Update) by xjakku [2012-11-10] (SMW Hack)
SMW Boss Contest - Round 1 [#2-R5] - Entry by xjakku [2012-11-03] (SMW Hack)
SMW Boss Contest - Round 1 [#3-R1] - Entry by yogui [2012-10-26] (SMW Hack)
SMW Boss Contest - Round 1 [#4-R2] - Entry by SMW King 2000 [2012-11-13] (SMW Hack)
SMW Boss Contest - Round 1 [#5-R3] - Entry by Morsel [2012-11-17] (SMW Hack)
SMW Boss Contest - Round 2 [#1-R4] - Bullet Hell by Sokobansolver [2012-12-27] (SMW Hack)
SMW Boss Contest - Round 2 [#2-R5] - Wendy's Lava Lair by unxperinc [2012-12-28] (SMW Hack)
SMW Boss Contest - Round 2 [#3-R1] - Let There Be Ice by Ky2010 (lolyoshi) [2013-01-01] (SMW Hack)
SMW Boss Contest - Round 2 [#4-R7] - Lemmy's Annoyance by Archie (Katerpie) [2013-01-02] (SMW Hack)
SMW Boss Contest - Round 2 [#5-R2] - Wendy's Bouncy Castle by Morsel [2013-01-02] (SMW Hack)
SMW Boss Contest - Round 2 [#6-R6] - Death Dungeon by SMW King 2000 [2013-01-03] (SMW Hack)
SMW Boss Contest - Round 2 [#7-R3] - A Boss Named Wendy by yogui [2012] (SMW Hack)
SMW Cafe 24 Hour LDC - Athletic Palace by yoshi9429 [2017-01-14] (SMW Hack)
SMW Cafe 24 Hour LDC - Thwomp's Castle by PokerFace [2017-01-14] (SMW Hack)
SMW Time Trialing Tournament - Competition ROM by Roy [2010-01-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 12DBC LDC [#01-R2] - Entry (V2) by Rykon-V73 [2014-01-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 12DBC LDC [#02-R1] - Entry (V1) by MercuryPenny [2013-12-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 12DBC LDC [#02-R1] - Entry (V2) by MercuryPenny [2013-12-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 12DBC LDC [#03-R3] - Super ROFL World by Silver Scarlet (Wakana) [2013-12-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 12DBC LDC [#04-R3] - Entry by levelengine [2013-12-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 12DBC LDC [#05-R4] - Mighty Luigi Force by EvilGuy0613 [2013-12-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 12DBC LDC [#06-R4] - Entry by Sockbat Replica [2013-12-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 12DBC LDC [#07-R5] - Oiram's Invasion by Gamma V [2013-12-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 12DBC LDC [#09-R5] - Shattered Lands by yoshicookiezeus [2014-01-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 12DBC LDC [#10-R2] - Just Another Mario World by Luks [2014-01-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 12DBC LDC [#11-R2] - Bill the Bob-omb's Adventure (V1) by Daizo Dee Von [2014-01-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 12DBC LDC [#11-R2] - Bill the Bob-omb's Adventure (V2) by Daizo Dee Von [2014-01-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 12DBC LDC [#12-R5] - Twelve Days of Twelve (V2) by ZMann [2014-01-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 12DBC LDC [#13-R5] - Find Stuff by Oh Hell No (Fornaxus) [2014-01-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#01-DQ] - No Enemies Path by GlitchMr [2011-04-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#02-R08] - Entry by Tatrion [2011-08-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#03-R01] - Middle Door by MajorasMask9 [2011-08-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#04-R85] - Bowser's Ninth Door by netcvb [2011-08-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#05-R52] - Entry by Jolpengammler [2011-08-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#06-R05] - Entry by GN (Incognito) [2011-08-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#07-R03] - Entry by Wa [2011-08-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#08-R49] - Dino Labyrinth by Yonowaaru [2011-08-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#09-R59] - 9th Room by OGS93 [2011-08-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#10-R11] - Entry by Bloop [2011-08-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#11-R04] - Secret Door by Ixtab [2011-08-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#12-R25] - Entry by Mrgoomba909 [2011-08-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#13-R46] - 9Munchers (V1.1) by Ersanio [2011-08-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#14-R82] - Bowser Returns by FellipeUzumaki [2011-08-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#15-R14] - Bowser's Fiery Ninth Room by GeminiRage [2011-08-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#16-R12] - Entry by Vinnyboiler [2011-08-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#17-R69] - Entry by 1-ups [2011-08-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#18-R29] - Entry by TomPhanto [2011-08-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#19-R42] - The Ninth Door by ShadowFire [2011-08-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#20-R20] - Heated Halls by Chanagaburu [2011-08-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#21-R65] - Entry by CrispyYoshi [2011-08-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#22-R84] - Bowser Returns by Baby Eater [2011-08-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#23-R09] - Slipspiky Nonadoor by Zeldara109 [2011-08-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#24-R43] - Entry by 2dareduck [2011-08-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#25-R23] - Secret Pipe by UmlautBanana [2011-08-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#26-R60] - Door The 9th by ferrety111 [2011-08-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#27-R78] - Haunted Forgotten Hallway by Thehoundsquad [2011-08-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#28-R49] - Door Nine (Bowser's 9th Room) by RedToonLink [2011-08-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#29-R67] - The Death Court by Zero-X [2011-08-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#30-R26] - Bouncy Bonanza by TheOtherGuy25 [2011-08-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#31-R74] - Door 9 (V2) by Pikerchu13 [2011-08-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#32-R57] - Sky Remains by TheGamer (Ludus) [2011-08-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#33-R77] - Dhort Nien by LuigiPikachu [2011-08-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#34-R21] - The Intact Room by aj6666 [2011-08-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#35-R46] - Room #9 by The Burning Goldfish [2011-08-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#36-R15] - 9th Door by Best Video Gamer (Dan Maku) [2011-08-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#37-R53] - Entry by TanookiMan [2011-08-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#38-R65] - The Ninth Door by RaindropDry [2011-08-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#39-R10] - Castle Courtyard by AxemJinx [2011-08-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#40-R33] - Secret Entrance by yogui [2011-08-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#41-R81] - The Ninth Door (V1) by mariocool1999 [2011-08-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#41-R81] - The Ninth Door (V2) by mariocool1999 [2011-08-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#42-R58] - Entry by PowerStrike [2011-08-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#43-R64] - Side Door by eXcavator [2011-08-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#44-R18] - Entry by Raibys [2011-08-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#45-R54] - Door 9 by DarkBones [2011-08-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#46-R60] - Bowser's Vault by Lunatic Wolf [2011-08-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#47-R71] - 9 (V2) by TwoHeadedYoshi (THY) [2011-08-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#48-R46] - Entry by Agent Q (Hielus) [2011-08-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#49-R37] - The Ninth Door by Leo137 [2011-08-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#50-R43] - Room 9 by Snifit [2011-08-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#51-R41] - 9 by K3nny [2011-08-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#52-R16] - The Ninth Door by imamelia [2011-08-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#53-R54] - Entry by Underway [2011-08-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#54-R39] - Entry by TRS [2011-08-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#55-R13] - Entry by Sonikku [2011-08-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#56-R32] - A Ghostly Secret (Fix 2) by ZMann [2011-08-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#57-R22] - Entry (Fixed) by Lui37 [2011-08-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#58-R29] - Door 9 (V1) by Jimmy52905 [2011-08-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#58-R29] - Door 9 (V2) by Jimmy52905 [2011-09-03] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#59-RXX] - Blatant Level Edit by MrDeePay [2011-08-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#60-R31] - 9th Door (Fixed) by Patgangster (PatPatPat) [2011-08-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#60-R31] - 9th Door by Patgangster (PatPatPat) [2011-08-28] (SMW Hack) [BAD-emu]
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#61-R80] - Pipe Corridor by everest700 [2011-08-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#62-R43] - Entry by TheGuyWhoIsSitting [2011-08-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#63-DQ] - Toad's World - Toad's Mission by BBKaizo [2011-08-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#64-R06] - The 9th Door (V1) by Koops [2011-08-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#64-R06] - The 9th Door (V2) by Koops [2011-08-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#65-R70] - The Ninth Door by JDC [2011-08-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#66-R02] - Smashers by yoshicookiezeus [2011-08-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#67-R54] - Bowser's Room 9 by Wormer21 [2011-08-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#68-R40] - Annoying Jumps by Morsel [2011-08-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#69-R75] - Door Number Nine by MarioFan22 [2011-08-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#70-R86] - Ninth Door by Lespna1 [2011-08-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#71-R33] - A Thing by TLMB + HuFlungDu [2011-08-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#72-R37] - The Ninth Door by magicmidget [2011-08-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#73-R33] - Entry (V1) by Iceguy [2011-08-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#73-R33] - Entry (V2) by Iceguy [2011-08-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#74-R63] - Vines and Stuff by Shadowlucario64 [2011-08-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#75-R36] - Crush by Kevinskie555 [2011-08-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#76-R83] - Entry by Sockbat Replica [2011-08-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#77-R76] - The Ninth Door by notgoodwithusernames [2011-08-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#78-R79] - A Cracking Door by DDM295 [2011-08-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#79-R27] - Door 9 by Enjoirider [2011-08-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#80-R17] - Stuff by Aqualakitu [2011-08-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#81-R68] - The Secret 9 Door by Mario's Hat (Purple Rex) [2011-08-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#82-R73] - Entry by Magiluigi [2011-08-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#83-R07] - Room Nine by Atma + p4plus2 [2011-08-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#84-R24] - Entry by leod [2011-08-28] (SMW Hack) [BAD-emu]
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#85-R49] - Entry by Weeabuu [2011-08-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#86-R62] - Basement by dotted [2011-08-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#87-R72] - Heavy - The Ninth Room by RednGreen [2011-08-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#88-R19] - Nineth Door by Storm Kyleis [2011-08-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#89-R28] - Door #17 - Fuzzy by Roy [2011-08-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#XX-RXX] - Bowser's 9th Door by Ripperon-X [2011-09-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 1 [#XX-RXX] - Front Door by liverpol2222 [2011-10-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#01-R58] - Donut Fortress by toad64 [2017-01-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#02-R53] - Dunkin Donuts by JaphethMario21st [2017-01-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#03-R35] - Donut Fortress by Roberto Zampari [2017-01-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#04-R45] - Cookie Fortress by RussianMan [2017-01-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#05-R15] - Donut Fortress by Super Stiviboy [2017-01-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#06-R62] - Cookie Fortress by Divemissile [2017-01-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#07-R39] - Cookie Fortress by msi810 [2017-01-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#08-R06] - Cookie Fortress by S.N.N. [2017-01-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#09-R33] - Donut Fortress by yogui [2017-01-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#10-R24] - Cookie Fortress by Tob [2017-01-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#11-R40] - Cookie Fortress by snoruntpyro [2017-01-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#12-R36] - Donut Fortress by GameplaysDetonados [2017-01-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#13-R12] - Cookie-Cutter Fortress by Enjl [2017-01-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#14-R30] - Cookie Fortress (V1.0) by FrozenQuills [2017-01-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#14-R30] - Cookie Fortress (V1.1) by FrozenQuills [2017-01-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#14-R30] - Cookie Fortress (V1.2) by FrozenQuills [2017-01-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#14-R30] - Cookie Fortress (V1.3) by FrozenQuills [2017-01-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#15-R24] - Cheese Fortress by Sokobansolver [2017-01-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#16-R58] - Donut Fortress by Big Brawler [2017-01-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#17-R10] - Butter Fortress by GlitchMr [2017-01-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#18-R08] - Donut Fortress by JeanOliveira [2017-01-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#19-R45] - Cookie Fortress by Flan. [2017-01-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#20-R23] - Cookie Fortress by Torchkas [2017-01-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#21-R29] - Donut Fortress by allowiscous [2017-01-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#22-R26] - Cookie Fortress by Katerpie [2017-01-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#23-R12] - Soda Fortress by Lazy [2017-01-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#24-RXX] - Vanilla Fortress by lolyoshi [2017-01-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#25-R52] - Cookie Fortress by amhunter [2017-01-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#26-R19] - Biscoito Fortress by Aeon [2017-01-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#27-R17] - Cookie Fortress by Morsel [2017-01-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#28-R17] - Bridge Fortress by Erik557 [2017-01-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#29-R44] - Icy Fortress by natnew [2017-01-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#30-R32] - Cookie Fortress by MarioFan22 [2017-01-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#31-DQ] - The Falling Memer by h.carrell [2017-01-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#32-DQ] - Donut Dungeon by Carld923 [2017-01-22] (SMW Hack) [BAD]
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#33-R63] - Cookie Fortress by darken [2017-01-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#34-R22] - Soda Fortress by idol [2017-01-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#35-R57] - Cookie Fortress by Prizm [2017-01-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#36-R26] - Cookie Fortress by ZMann [2017-01-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#37-R15] - Cookie Fortress by Koopster [2017-01-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#38-R19] - Flying Fortress (V2) by Hobz [2017-01-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#39-R02] - Soda Fortress by Lui37 [2017-01-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#40-R60] - 24 Hour Donut Shop by white_moth [2017-01-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#41-R37] - Cheese Fortress by ft029 [2017-01-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#42-R54] - Cookie Fortress by willian125677 [2017-01-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#43-R08] - Cookie Fortress (V1) by GeminiSunfall [2017-01-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#43-R08] - Cookie Fortress (V2) by GeminiSunfall [2017-01-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#44-DQ] - Cookie Fortress by Ruberjig [2017-01-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#45-R42] - Donut Fortress (V1) by chineesmw [2017-01-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#45-R42] - Donut Fortress (V2) by chineesmw [2017-01-22] (SMW Hack) [BAD]
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#45-R42] - Donut Fortress (V3) by chineesmw [2017-01-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#46-R04] - Donut Fortress by Medic + leod [2017-01-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#47-R04] - Donut Fortress by Wavee [2017-01-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#48-R50] - Cookie Fortress by Leiras [2017-01-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#49-R37] - Cookie Fortress by Pseudogon [2017-01-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#50-R55] - Butter Bridge 2 by dragoniante174 [2017-01-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#51-R07] - Donut Fortress by Agent Q [2017-01-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#52-R45] - Top Secret Fortress by MarioFanGamer [2017-01-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#53-R26] - Cookie Fortress by Sixcorby [2017-01-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#54-R61] - Banzai Cookie Fortress (V1.0) by StrikeForcer [2017-01-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#54-R61] - Banzai Cookie Fortress (V1.1) by StrikeForcer [2017-01-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#54-R61] - Banzai Cookie Fortress (V1.2) by StrikeForcer [2017-01-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#55-R42] - Donut Fortress by Daizo Dee Von [2017-01-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#56-R33] - Bridge Fortress by imamelia [2017-01-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#57-R51] - Cookie Fortress by Mathos [2017-01-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#58-R03] - Cookie Fortress by ToxicRave [2017-01-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#59-R10] - Cookie Fortress by Super Maks 64 [2017-01-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#60-R19] - Cookie Fortress by Centipede [2017-01-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#61-R55] - Donut Fortress by Cascade [2017-01-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#62-R45] - Cookie Fortress by SpicySeafood (JDC) [2017-01-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#63-R14] - Donut Fortress by Everest [2017-01-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#64-R01] - Falafel Fortress by Blue Leaf [2017-01-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#65-R45] - Cheese Fortress by Lemonade [2017-01-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#66-R30] - Donut Fortress of Solitude by Hook [2017-01-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 10 [#67-R41] - Donut Fortress by Eminus [2017-01-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 11 [#01-R30] - Bomb Desert by Green Jerry [2018-06-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 11 [#03-R19] - Good Morning Mario by Mandew [2018-06-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 11 [#04-R11] - Magical Machinery Convention by Sancles [2018-06-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 11 [#05-R05] - Good Night Mario (Update) by FrozenQuills [2018-06-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 11 [#05-R05] - Good Night Mario by FrozenQuills [2018-06-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 11 [#06-R31] - Cave for Midgets by Wind Fish [2018-06-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 11 [#07-R29] - Air Tank Ship by Manofer [2018-06-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 11 [#08-R03] - Skyrim by snoruntpyro [2018-06-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 11 [#09-R28] - Satellite Saga by Caracc [2018-06-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 11 [#10-R23] - Ghost in Forest by yoshi9429 [2018-06-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 11 [#11-R26] - Super Waluigi Time (Fixed) by FedoraFriday [2018-06-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 11 [#11-R26] - Super Waluigi Time by FedoraFriday [2018-06-16] (SMW Hack) [BAD]
SMWC 24hosmw 11 [#12-R13] - Muncher Molotov (Updated) by ft029 [2018-06-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 11 [#12-R13] - Muncher Molotov by ft029 [2018-06-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 11 [#13-R17] - Cloudy Treetops by toad64 [2018-06-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 11 [#14-R21] - Look, Watch, Move! by Ruberjig [2018-06-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 11 [#15-R09] - Llanfairpwllgwyngyll by GbreezeSunset [2018-06-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 11 [#16-R02] - Spinal Tap by MiracleWater [2018-06-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 11 [#17-R16] - Forest Night Thing by Teyla [2018-06-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 11 [#18-R09] - AAAA (Updated) by Eminus [2018-06-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 11 [#18-R09] - AAAA by Eminus [2018-06-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 11 [#19-R14] - Ghastly Lullaby by chineesmw [2018-06-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 11 [#20-R33] - Desert Royale by SupInvisible (Fullcannon) [2018-06-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 11 [#21-R15] - Sleep by Miku [2018-06-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 11 [#22-R18] - what dis by NeXuS15 [2018-06-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 11 [#23-R12] - Entry (Update 2) by RussianMan [2018-06-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 11 [#24-R08] - Prism Passage by Ryaa [2018-06-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 11 [#25-R25] - Entry by Kazkek [2018-06-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 11 [#26-R06] - Somnolent Midnight by E-man38 [2018-06-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 11 [#27-R01] - Windy Hot Breakfast by Lazy [2018-06-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 11 [#28-R27] - Weaponized Woods by BulletBillTime [2018-06-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 11 [#29-R07] - Skyscraping Stronghold by Centipede [2018-06-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 11 [#30-R24] - An Underwater Level by Berk [2018-06-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 11 [#31-R04] - Misc. Sprite Castle by Super Maks 64 [2018-06-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 11 [#32-R31] - Unfinished Space Station by Quantix [2018-06-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 11 [#33-R20] - Cult of the Dam by LucasRCD [2018-06-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#01-R57] - 4 Yoshi's Sake by Rykon-V73 [2020-02-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#02-R38] - Snowy Ruins by Green Jerry [2020-02-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#03-R34] - Cardinal Jumpman by Morsel [2020-02-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#04-R40] - D4nce by Darkslayer [2020-02-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#05-R02] - Time Till Death - 4 by xfix [2020-02-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#06-DQ] - Entry by Sping bot [2020-02-29] (SMW Hack) [BAD]
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#07-R50] - Those Little Stars by MrBread [2020-02-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#08-R54] - Night B4 Leap Day by Scoobert [2020-02-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#09-R15] - Scented Candles (Update) by snoruntpyro [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#09-R15] - Scented Candles by snoruntpyro [2020-02-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#10-R08] - Four Colored Skies (Update) by Pink Gold Peach [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#10-R08] - Four Colored Skies by Pink Gold Peach [2020-02-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#11-R45] - Double Jump by Enan63 [2020-02-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#12-R24] - All 4 One by Far [2020-02-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#13-R46] - Shinobi of Night by Infinity [2020-02-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#14-R60] - Friends R 4ever (V2) by Poppy [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#15-R55] - 4zum4ng4 d4ioh by Yume Nikki Fan (Doug Walker) [2020-02-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#16-R04] - 4 Second Timed Lifts by Sixcorby [2020-02-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#17-R48] - What Have I Made by Ninja Boy [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#18-R39] - 4 Inf4station (Update) by RussianMan [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#18-R39] - 4 Inf4station by RussianMan [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#19-R47] - Bowser's Castle 4 by waterwithoutanyice [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#20-R06] - Squad Goals (V2) by FrozenQuills [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#20-R06] - Squad Goals (V3) by FrozenQuills [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#21-R19] - Blocks 4 Life by ECS.98 [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#22-R07] - Road to Merlee (Update) by SimFan96 [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#22-R07] - Road to Merlee by SimFan96 [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#23-R03] - Newo (Update) by idol [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#23-R03] - Newo by idol [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#24-R13] - Pebble Beach Golf Links by GbreezeSunset [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#25-R51] - Incandescent Vault by tomato jonson [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#26-R61] - Bowser Gave Up! by Makaron (GlitchYoShI) [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#27-R27] - Four out of Four (Fixed) by BlueZy [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#27-R27] - Four out of Four by BlueZy [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#28-R29] - Tetraphobia (New) by OEOTeam (OEO6) [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#28-R29] - Tetraphobia by OEOTeam (OEO6) [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#29-R63] - Fourwith's Pool by Fullcannon [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#30-R35] - Jump 1-4 by Sinc-X [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#31-R26] - The Ruins of Yoshis (Update) by DTA450 [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#31-R26] - The Ruins of Yoshis by DTA450 [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#32-R20] - Four Door Tour Roar by SomeGuy712x [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#33-R20] - The 4 Seasons (Update) by N450 [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#33-R20] - The 4 Seasons by N450 [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#34-R43] - Numbuh 4 Island by toad64 [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#35-R59] - Waluigi 4 Smash by Eduard (SquidMan_Raps) [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#36-R12] - Tetrad by Ryaa [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#37-R10] - Ggotta B L A S T by Pat [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#38-R57] - F(o)ursecution (Fixed) by lion [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#38-R57] - F(o)ursecution by lion [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#39-R52] - Entry by Dark Prince [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#40-R62] - Entry by Lespna1 [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#41-R49] - 4 Color Fortress by Dispace Troblex [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#42-R23] - Leap Day Coin by EternityLarva [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#43-R32] - Shinta's Ghost House (V1.0) by TheMorganah [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#43-R32] - Shinta's Ghost House (V1.2) by TheMorganah [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#43-R32] - Shinta's Ghost House (V1.3) by TheMorganah [2020-03-03] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#44-R31] - Entry by PMH [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#45-R30] - B4zing4 by Flagpole1up [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#46-R08] - A Season in 40 Seconds (Update) by Amine Retro [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#46-R08] - A Season in 40 Seconds by Amine Retro [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#47-R01] - Drawn and Quartered by Medic [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#48-DQ] - 4 of Your Favorite Enemies by xjakku [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#49-R22] - ILLUSISQUARED by Tob [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#50-R24] - cros sroa dsss .... by Sancles [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#51-R17] - 4 Castles by Darolac [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#52-R44] - 4 Sprites, 1 Mario by wuffalo [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#53-DQ] - Super Mario World 4 by Amrio [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#54-R05] - Prismatic Palace by Sariel [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#55-R15] - 2(4) Hour Level by Atari2.0 [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#56-R37] - FFIV Demon Wall by Blue Leaf [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#57-R41] - Wendy Four (Fixed) by 7 up [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#57-R41] - Wendy Four by 7 up [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#58-R18] - Elemental Quar-Ted by WhiteYoshiEgg [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#59-R33] - Quatre by Ralshi02 [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#60-R41] - Know Your Shell by neosaver [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#61-R14] - Cargo Jeans by Mellonpizza [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#62-R55] - 4am (Fixed) by TickTockClock [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#62-R55] - 4am by TickTockClock [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#63-R52] - The Four Bros. by AnasMario130 [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#64-R11] - Shells (V1) by Gloomy [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#64-R11] - Shells (V2) by Gloomy [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#65-R28] - 4bidden Desert (Fixed) by Teows [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#65-R28] - 4bidden Desert by Teows [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#66-R36] - Unlucky Halls (Design Fix) by Dan Drigues [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#66-R36] - Unlucky Halls (Fix) by Dan Drigues [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#66-R36] - Unlucky Halls by Dan Drigues [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 12 [#XX-RXX] - Sector 4 (Concept) by BootaNoBijuu [2020-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 13 [#01-R40] - Moonlight Teleport by SammmUuU [2020-12-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 13 [#02-R32] - Nyctophobia by Segment1Zone2 [2020-12-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 13 [#03-R29] - Flashlight Cave by Green Jerry [2020-12-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 13 [#04-R45] - Timed Lane by Sping bot [2020-12-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 13 [#05-R43] - Desert Sunlight by Enan63 [2020-12-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 13 [#06-R44] - Castle to the Blinking by DTA450 [2020-12-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 13 [#07-R10] - Bootstrap Paradox (Update) by FrozenQuills [2020-12-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 13 [#07-R10] - Bootstrap Paradox by FrozenQuills [2020-12-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 13 [#08-R05] - Light Sleepers by ft029 [2020-12-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 13 [#09-R33] - Spittin' Straight Fire (alt) by JupiHornet [2020-12-28] (SMW Hack) [BAD]
SMWC 24hosmw 13 [#09-R33] - Spittin' Straight Fire (Fixed) by JupiHornet [2020-12-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 13 [#09-R33] - Spittin' Straight Fire by JupiHornet [2020-12-28] (SMW Hack) [BAD]
SMWC 24hosmw 13 [#10-R06] - Accelerate by Rye_ [2020-12-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 13 [#11-R42] - Lightning by MiracleWater [2020-12-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 13 [#12-R38] - Light as a Feather by algae5 [2020-12-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 13 [#13-R24] - Aflare Freeze by CosmicTiff [2020-12-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 13 [#14-R02] - Cosmic Jumps (Update) by Stivi [2020-12-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 13 [#14-R02] - Cosmic Jumps by Stivi [2020-12-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 13 [#15-R24] - UI (Ugly Interface) (Fixed) by TickTockClock [2020-12-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 13 [#15-R24] - UI (Ugly Interface) by TickTockClock [2020-12-28] (SMW Hack) [BAD]
SMWC 24hosmw 13 [#15] - UI (Ugly Interface) (C3 Extended) by TickTockClock [2020-12-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 13 [#16-R03] - A Glimmer of Hope (V2) by NerDose [2020-12-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 13 [#17-R36] - Fill Your Dark Soul with Liiiight by AnEvilGhost [2020-12-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 13 [#18-R31] - Arctic Mountains by Fullcannon [2020-12-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 13 [#19-R13] - Nation Blue (Update) by KitikuSa [2020-12-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 13 [#19-R13] - Nation Blue by KitikuSa [2020-12-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 13 [#20-R23] - Aurora Hills by MORC [2020-12-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 13 [#21-R01] - Refraction Airway by Far [2020-12-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 13 [#22-R28] - The Light of SMWC by yogui [2020-12-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 13 [#23-R20] - Physical Properties by qantuum [2020-12-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 13 [#24-R18] - Lost Shrine of Light by yoshi9429 [2020-12-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 13 [#25-R11] - Crossover Cave by Darolac [2020-12-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 13 [#26-R12] - Neon Dreams by MegacesarCG [2020-12-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 13 [#27-R26] - Curse Lampshade by OEO6 [2020-12-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 13 [#28-R14] - Speed of Light by Nitrogen [2020-12-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 13 [#29-R34] - Cavern by MarioFanGamer [2020-12-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 13 [#30-R14] - Mario Commits Arson (Update) by Sancles [2020-12-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 13 [#30-R14] - Mario Commits Arson by Sancles [2020-12-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 13 [#31-R41] - The Cheap Lamp by EternityLarva [2020-12-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 13 [#32-R37] - Grave Intentions by J2DaBibbles [2020-12-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 13 [#33-R39] - Blue Mystery Data by snoruntpyro [2020-12-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 13 [#34-R09] - The Blinding Light by yoshiatom [2020-12-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 13 [#35-R08] - Firework Factory by Blue Leaf [2020-12-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 13 [#36-R04] - Photoshoot by KevinM [2020-12-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 13 [#37-R27] - Blackout Factory by codfish1002 [2020-12-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 13 [#38-R21] - Skylight by WhiteYoshiEgg [2020-12-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 13 [#39-R07] - Molded by It by singlepat [2020-12-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 13 [#40-R16] - Feeling Lighter by Sockbat Replica [2020-12-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 13 [#41-R17] - Sky High Dinosaurs by robertkoopa12 (Heraga) [2020-12-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 13 [#42-R22] - Variable Floats by E-man38 [2020-12-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 13 [#43-R35] - Boo's Blinding Bank by Praseodymium [2020-12-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 13 [#44-R19] - The Lighthouse by Centipede [2020-12-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 13 [#45-R30] - Calciferol by quietmason [2020-12-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 13 [#46-R46] - In Search of Light by 7 up [2020-12-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 13 [#XX-RXX] - Mario Turns on the Lights by Ondore's Lies [2020-12-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 14 - Base ROM by MarioFanGamer [2021-07-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 14 [#01-R21] - Crazy Canyon by NewPointless [2021-07-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 14 [#02-R13] - Spinies on the Moon by Green Jerry [2021-07-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 14 [#03-R15] - Sub Zero Gravity by KaidenThelens [2021-07-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 14 [#04-R10] - The 77 Pipe Woods by JupiHornet [2021-07-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 14 [#05-R16] - Thwomp Palace by Enan63 [2021-07-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 14 [#06-R02] - Illusionary Infrastructure (V1.2) by bebn legg [2021-07-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 14 [#07-R08] - Hazy Linear Cave (Update) by HamOfJustice [2021-07-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 14 [#08-R14] - Bit to the Future (V1.1) by TickTockClock [2021-07-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 14 [#09-R20] - Suspicious Cave by yoshi9429 [2021-07-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 14 [#10-R03] - Cold Cash Crisis (V1.1) (Final) by Nitrogen [2021-07-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 14 [#11-R23] - Horrorbular by AbuseFreakHacker [2021-07-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 14 [#12-R18] - Elevation Heist by Rye_ [2021-07-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 14 [#13-R09] - A Mountain Anecdote by OEO6 [2021-07-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 14 [#14-DQ] - Onigiri Showtime 2 (V2) by Heraga [2021-07-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 14 [#15-R24] - Distant Skyline by HD_DankBaron [2021-07-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 14 [#16-DQ] - Sunset Sunday by Trakkan [2021-07-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 14 [#17-R05] - Pane Production by Daizo Dee Von [2021-07-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 14 [#18-R12] - Danny Bananas by qantuum [2021-07-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 14 [#19-R01] - Industrial Society by NerDose [2021-07-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 14 [#20-R06] - Galcial Athletics by Far [2021-07-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 14 [#21-R07] - Puzzles by RussianMan [2021-07-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 14 [#22-R22] - Electric Leakage by EternityLarva [2021-07-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 14 [#23-R26] - Life Is a Videogame by Disk Poppy [2021-07-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 14 [#24-R18] - Some Forest by Spedinja [2021-07-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 14 [#25-R25] - Spikes, Snakes, Switches! by Ruberjig [2021-07-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 14 [#26-R04] - Mt. Icarus by Aeon [2021-07-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 14 [#27-R10] - Claus for Concern by E-man38 [2021-07-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 14 [#28-R17] - Tenant Mario (Update) by ft029 [2021-07-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 15 [#01-R07] - Eraserhead (Helmet) by FerpyMcFrosting [2023-06-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 15 [#02-R09] - Double Dipper (Manhole) by bebn legg [2023-06-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 15 [#03-R08] - Mole Time (Vermin) by Boosius [2023-06-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 15 [#04-R03] - Holy Men (Manhole) by GbreezeSunset [2023-06-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 15 [#06-R04] - Accounting Analysis (Judge) (V1.1) by Nitrogen [2023-06-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 15 [#07-R21] - Greenhouse by LuigiXHero [2023-06-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 15 [#08-R13] - Space Bomb Sweep by Enan63 [2023-06-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 15 [#09-R17] - SMW Helmet (V2) by jirok1 [2023-06-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 15 [#10-R06] - Bowser's Pinballs Fall by Daizo Dee Von [2023-06-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 15 [#11-R12] - Vermin VVrangle (V2) by Scarfley [2023-06-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 15 [#12-R17] - Freibad (Outdoor Pool) (Oil Panic) by Lazy [2023-06-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 15 [#13-R15] - Lifeland Rescue (Life Boat) by CosmicTiff [2023-06-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 15 [#14-R01] - Sticky Situation (Oil Panic) by Sariel [2023-06-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 15 [#15-R11] - The Sewer of Bombs by codfish1002 [2023-06-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 15 [#16-R14] - Greenhouse by JupiHornet [2023-06-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 15 [#17-R02] - Sadistic Entomologist (Vermin) by OEO6 [2023-06-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 15 [#18-R09] - Get Pinballed! (Update) by RussianMan [2023-06-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 15 [#19-R16] - Pinball Reverse! by Yui-Drakon [2023-06-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 15 [#20-R05] - Dodge Judge by ft029 [2023-06-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 15 [#21-R20] - Hammers Down! (Helmet) (Demo 2) by Fullcannon [2023-06-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 15 [#22-R22] - Oil Panic by Lespna1 [2023-06-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 2 [#01-R32] - Entry by TomPhanto [2012-05-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 2 [#02-R47] - Entry by MARiO42 [2012-05-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 2 [#03-R27] - Entry by Lunatic Wolf [2012-05-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 2 [#04-R55] - Entry by MarioStarLuigi (X-cniS) [2012-05-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 2 [#05-R24] - Entry by ShadowFire [2012-05-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 2 [#06-R16] - Entry by Sokobansolver [2012-05-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 2 [#07-R23] - Corrupted Island by Ripperon-X [2012-05-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 2 [#08-R16] - Entry by WhiteYoshiEgg [2012-05-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 2 [#09-R19] - Entry by Patgangster (PatPatPat) [2012-05-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 2 [#10-R37] - Entry by Roykirbs [2012-05-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 2 [#10-R37] - Entry by Roykirbs [2012-05-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 2 [#11-R31] - Super Mario Bros. 4 by Nicole [2012-05-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 2 [#12-R46] - Entry by miguel21450 (Katerpie) [2012-05-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 2 [#13-R03] - Entry by yogui [2012-05-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 2 [#14-R12] - Entry by Dinomar (Alessio) [2012-05-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 2 [#15-R56] - And Heart by xjakku [2012-05-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 2 [#16-R41] - Entry by Jolpengammler [2012-05-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 2 [#17-R44] - Entry by FellipeUzumaki [2012-05-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 2 [#18-R36] - Mario's Moon Mission by AxemJinx [2012-05-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 2 [#19-R22] - Entry by Blue Leaf [2012-05-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 2 [#20-R24] - Shroomly Heights by mchabez [2012-05-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 2 [#21-R02] - Entry by yoshicookiezeus [2012-05-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 2 [#22-R51] - Entry by jimbo1qaz [2012-05-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 2 [#23-R54] - Entry by mariocool1999 [2012-05-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 2 [#24-R16] - Entry by RaindropDry [2012-05-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 2 [#25-R39] - 4 Worlds in 45 Seconds by Lester_Vine [2012-05-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 2 [#26-R19] - Entry by serplux [2012-05-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 2 [#27-R35] - Entry by ferrety111 [2012-05-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 2 [#28-R07] - Treetop Trouble by Mario's Hat (Purple Rex) [2012-05-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 2 [#29-R40] - Entry by Zeldara109 [2012-05-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 2 [#30-R19] - Entry by Gwaur [2012-05-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 2 [#32-R11] - Raindom Airship Stuff by Lui37 [2012-05-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 2 [#33-R10] - Magicshrooms by DragonLX [2012-05-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 2 [#34-R53] - Entry by RAMBO 3RD [2012-05-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 2 [#35-R29] - Sunset Sky Paradise by GeminiRage [2012-05-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 2 [#36-R14] - Entry by GeorgeVsSonic (GvS) [2012-05-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 2 [#37-R30] - A Lil'Forest by PowerStrike [2012-05-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 2 [#38-R14] - Entry by SomeGuy712x [2012-05-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 2 [#39-R06] - Entry by leod [2012-05-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 2 [#40-R42] - Entry by K3nny [2012-05-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 2 [#41-R48] - Twilight Inferno by Bowser's Level Designer [2012-05-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 2 [#42-R09] - Entry by Atma [2012-05-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 2 [#43-R32] - Entry by xlk [2012-05-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 2 [#44-R26] - Entry by notgoodwithusernames [2012-05-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 2 [#45-R07] - Entry by MarioFan22 [2012-05-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 2 [#46-R05] - Entry (V1) by TRS [2012-05-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 2 [#46-R05] - Entry (V2) by TRS [2012-05-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 2 [#47-RXX] - Entry by Jimmy52905 [2012-05-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 2 [#48-R37] - Entry by x-treme [2012-05-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 2 [#49-R13] - Peace and Love by nnnGay [2012-05-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 2 [#50-R50] - Entry by Vinnyboiler [2012-05-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 2 [#51-R50] - Entry by Shog [2012-05-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 2 [#52-R34] - Entry by MajorasMask9 [2012-05-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 2 [#53-R45] - Noite Assombrada [Haunted Night] by MD Producoes [2012-05-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 2 [#54-R52] - Entry by TanookiMan [2012-05-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 2 [#55-R57] - EPIC by MetalJo (Mao) [2012-05-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 2 [#56-R27] - Entry by Aquamentus [2012-05-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 2 [#57-R49] - Entry by Thehoundsquad [2012-05-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 2 [#58-R01] - Entry by Sind [2012-05-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 2 [#59-R04] - The Quest for the Blue Berry by Kipernal [2012-05-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 2 [#XX-RXX] - Entry by TheSuperRotom [2012-05-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 2 [#XX-RXX] - Entry by Zildjian [2012-05-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 3 [#01-R32] - Chocolate Island 1 by Wa [2012-08-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 3 [#02-R51] - Yoshi's Island 1 by MARiO42 [2012-08-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 3 [#03-R34] - Chocolate Island 1 by ShadowFire [2012-08-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 3 [#04-R44] - Sunny Isle (Yoshi's Island 1) by telinc1 [2012-08-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 3 [#05-R02] - Choco Isle 1.5 (Chocolate Island 1) by TomPhanto [2012-08-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 3 [#07-R56] - Fnordor (Butter Bridge 2) by Delta [2012-08-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 3 [#08-R54] - Wendy's Castle by ErikAlay [2012-08-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 3 [#10-R07] - Donut Plains 1 by yoshicookiezeus [2012-08-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 3 [#12-R20] - Butter Forest 2 (Butter Bridge 2) by mchabez [2012-08-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 3 [#13-R31] - Rex Castle (Yoshi's Island 1) by Lightvayne [2012-08-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 3 [#15-R36] - Vanilla Dome 4 by LX5 [2012-08-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 3 [#17-DQ] - Donut Plains 1 by Ivan Sword54 [2012-08-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 3 [#18-R19] - Fonut Plains 1 (Donut Plains 1) by levelengine [2012-08-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 3 [#22-R27] - Boney Cave (Yoshi's Island 1) by SomeGuy712x [2012-08-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 3 [#23-R09] - Donut Plains 1 by Giant Shy Guy [2012-08-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 3 [#25-R37] - Bullet Brink (Vanilla Dome 4) by THY (Truxton) [2012-08-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 3 [#26-R45] - Sunset Island (Yoshi's Island 1) by Gamma V [2012-08-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 3 [#28-R35] - Chocolate Island 1 by everest700 [2012-08-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 3 [#29-R17] - Midnight Athletics (Vanilla Dome 4) by Rextep [2012-08-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 3 [#30-R48] - The Heart (Yoshi's Island 1) by Racoonhat09 [2012-08-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 3 [#31-R41] - Wendy's Castle by BlackMageMario [2012-08-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 3 [#32-R17] - Valid 4 A Lemon (Vanilla Dome 4) by Lemonade [2012-08-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 3 [#33-R14] - Original level DNS! (Vanilla Dome 4) by TLMB [2012-08-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 3 [#36-R26] - Rhino Hideout (Chocolate Island 1) by Blue Leaf [2012-08-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 3 [#37-R43] - Donut Hell 1 (Donut Plains 1) by Kenny [2012-08-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 3 [#38-R37] - Moon (Donut Plains 1) by x-treme [2012-08-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 3 [#40-R24] - A Purple Level (Yoshi's Island 1) by Findoku29 [2012-08-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 3 [#43-R05] - Snowy Hills (Vanilla Dome 4) (Update) by xlk [2012-08-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 3 [#43-R05] - Snowy Hills (Vanilla Dome 4) by xlk [2012-08-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 3 [#45-DQ] - Yoshi's Island 1 (Fixed) by PikBube3 [2012-09-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 3 [#45-DQ] - Yoshi's Island 1 by PikBube3 [2012-08-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 3 [#46-R22] - Yoshi's Island 1 (V1) by MetalJo (Mao) [2012-08-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 3 [#46-R22] - Yoshi's Island 1 (V2) by MetalJo (Mao) [2012-08-26] (SMW Hack) [BAD]
SMWC 24hosmw 3 [#47-R30] - Donut Cave 1 (Donut Plains 1) by BlackEagle766 [2012-08-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 3 [#49-R42] - Wendy's New Castle (Wendy's Castle) by Dakress [2012-08-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 3 [#50-R46] - Vanilla Dome 4 by MSA (Infrared) [2012-08-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 3 [#51-R25] - Vanilla Fleet 4 (Vanilla Dome 4) by Cobra [2012-08-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 3 [#53-R13] - Donut Plains 1 by The Oncoming Storm (Tahixham) [2012-08-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 3 [#54-R53] - Chocolate Island 1 by Thehoundsquad [2012-08-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 3 [#55-R06] - Chocolate Island 1 by Lui37 [2012-08-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 3 [#56-R50] - Vanilla Dome 4 by Jesuiscontent [2012-08-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 3 [#58-R55] - Wendy's Castle by Sind [2012-08-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 4 [#01-R27] - Donut Plains 4 by levelengine [2012-12-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 4 [#03-R30] - Donut Secret 2 by PatPatPat [2012-12-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 4 [#05-R18] - Forest of Illusion 4 (V2) by Q-bee [2012-12-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 4 [#06-R31] - Blatant 015 Edit (Donut Plains 1) by Alcaro [2012-12-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 4 [#08-R15] - Yoshi's Island 1 by Silver Scarlet [2012-12-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 4 [#10-R20] - Yoshi's Island 2 by xlk [2012-12-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 4 [#11-R01] - Christmas Plains (Donut Plains 4) by Gloomy Star [2012-12-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 4 [#12-R32] - Forest of Illusion 4 by SJackSJ [2012-12-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 4 [#13-R08] - Butter Bridge 1 by Roykirbs [2012-12-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 4 [#14-R22] - Vanilla Ghost House by notgoodwithusernames [2012-12-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 4 [#15-R28] - Yoshi's Island 3 by Koopster [2012-12-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 4 [#17-R21] - Snowball Fight (Donut Plains 1) by Luigi-San [2012-12-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 4 [#18-R16] - Yoshi's Island 1 by Adam [2012-12-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 4 [#19-R05] - Donut Plains 4 (alt) by Daizo Dee Von (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 4 [#19-R05] - Donut Plains 4 by Daizo Dee Von [2012-12-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 4 [#20-R25] - Vanilla Secret 2 by Egadd [2012-12-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 4 [#21-R29] - Donut Plains 1 (Fixed) by ErikAlay [2012-12-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 4 [#23-R03] - Forest of Illusion 1 by TheOtherGuy25 [2012-12-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 4 [#24-R26] - Chocolate Island 5 by Snifit [2012-12-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 4 [#25-R08] - Forest of Illusion 3 by Snowshoe [2012-12-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 4 [#26-R12] - Funky by carbonMessiah [2012-12-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 4 [#27-R23] - Vanilla Secret 2 by Kenny [2012-12-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 4 [#28-R04] - Cookie Mountain (Update) by Underway [2012-12-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 4 [#28-R04] - Cookie Mountain by Underway [2012-12-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 4 [#29-R08] - Cookie Mountain by DiscoMan [2012-12-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 4 [#30-R12] - Groovy by Yoshi Master [2012-12-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 4 [#31-R07] - coolsaucenoice (Yoshi's Island 3) by Ladida [2012-12-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 4 [#32-R06] - Frozen Castle (Chocolate Castle) by Storm Kyleis [2012-12-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 4 [#XX-RXX] - Winter by Magiluigi [2012-12-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 5 [#01-R5] - Bullets and Ropes by natnew [2013-04-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 5 [#02-R3] - E N D by TomPhanto [2013-04-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 5 [#03-R3] - Ice Sheet by Archie (Katerpie) [2013-04-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 5 [#04-R5] - Automatic by HuFlungDu [2013-04-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 5 [#05-R5] - Automatic Input by Masterjun [2013-04-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 5 [#06-R3] - Not so Super Entry by ErikAlay (Erik557) [2013-04-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 5 [#07-R3] - Mole-r Coaster by Sokobansolver [2013-04-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 5 [#08-R3] - Winter Woods by SomeGuy712x [2013-04-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 5 [#09-R4] - Entry by Rextep [2013-04-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 5 [#10-R3] - Entry by Ladida [2013-04-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 5 [#11-R2] - Entry by notgoodwithusernames [2013-04-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 5 [#13-R5] - Entry by MARiO42 [2013-04-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 5 [#14-R4] - Furious Fortress by 678ruby678 (Ruby) [2013-04-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 5 [#15-R5] - It's a Trap by K1ngHacks [2013-04-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 5 [#16-R1] - Wire on the Upside by ravegg [2013-04-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 5 [#17-R1] - Mario Is Drunk by NoXuS9090 (Monster Reborn) [2013-04-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 5 [#18-R2] - Autostar by yogui [2013-04-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 5 [#19-R1] - Storm Castle by Gloomy Star (Gloomier) [2013-04-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 5 [#20-R4] - A Funky Adventure by PatPatPat [2013-04-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 5 [#21-R4] - AutoMario by Dipalon [2013-04-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 5 [#22-R2] - The Mario Jackson Entry by Mr. M [2013-04-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 5 [#23-R3] - Entry by Koopster [2013-04-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 5 [#24-R2] - Beat The Wind by Aquamentus [2013-04-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 5 [#25-R2] - Fiery Cave Cave by Oh Hell No (Fornaxus) [2013-04-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 5 [#26-R4] - Entry by Kipernal [2013-04-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 5 [#XX-RX] - Cave Water by Nigimario (ramza039) [2013-05-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 6 [#01-R2.5] - Black Switch Palace by S.N.N. [2013-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 6 [#02-R2.5] - Bowser Switch Palace by Sockbat Replica [2013-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 6 [#03-R3.5] - Green Switch Palace by JackTheSpades [2013-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 6 [#04-R2.5] - Gray Switch Palace by Adam [2013-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 6 [#05-R3.0] - Orange Switch Palace by PatPatPat [2013-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 6 [#06-R2.0] - Brown Switch Palace by ShadowPhoenix (Mirann) [2013-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 6 [#07-R2.5] - Grey Switch Palace by Nickel (Nickelony) [2013-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 6 [#08-R3.5] - Purple Switch Palace by Roykirbs [2013-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 6 [#09-R2.0] - Pink Switch Palace by Archie (Katerpie) [2013-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 6 [#10-R3.0] - White Switch Palace by Everest [2013-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 6 [#11-R2.0] - Purple Switch Palace by Ladida [2013-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 6 [#12-R4.0] - Grey Switch Palace by Morsel [2013-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 6 [#13-R3.5] - Orange Switch Palace (Update) by Daizo Dee Von [2013-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 6 [#13-R3.5] - Orange Switch Palace by Daizo Dee Von [2013-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 6 [#14-R3.5] - Disco Switch Palace by Purple Rex (Eternity) [2013-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 6 [#15-R3.5] - Azure Switch Palace by RaindropDry [2013-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 6 [#16-R2.0] - Maybe a Switch Palace by Grav (Izuna) [2013-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 6 [#17-R4.5] - Pink Switch Palace by Incognito [2013-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 6 [#18-R3.5] - Teal Switch Palace by NamelessProtagonist [2013-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 6 [#19-R3.5] - Lost Switch Palace by AxemJinx [2013-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 6 [#20-R3.5] - Grey Switch Palace by KY2010 (lolyoshi) [2013-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 6 [#21-R3.0] - Olive Switch Palace by Rykon-V73 [2013-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 6 [#22-R2.0] - That One Switch Palace by MSA (Infrared) [2013-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 6 [#23-R2.0] - The Abandoned Palace by GloriousWater [2013-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 6 [#25-R2.5] - Gold Switch Palace by Golden Yoshi [2013-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 6 [#26-R2.0] - Diamond Switch Palace by 678ruby678 (Ruby) [2013-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 6 [#27-R2.0] - Light Blue Switch Thing by Dylancd5010 (Hat Kid) [2013-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 6 [#28-R4.5] - Coral Blue #5 Switch Palace by Xinn (Wuthering) [2013-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 6 [#29-R2.0] - Red Switch Palace (Update) by Koopster [2013-09-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 6 [#29-R2.0] - Red Switch Palace by Koopster [2013-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 6 [#30-R3.5] - Lavender Switch Palace by ShadowFire (Prizm) [2013-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 6 [#31-R3.5] - Colorless Switch Palace by GeminiRage [2013-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 6 [#32-R3.5] - Unknown Switch Palace by Undy (Underway) [2013-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 6 [#33-R3.0] - Cyan Switch Palace by SomeGuy712x [2013-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 6 [#34-R4.5] - Gold Switch Palace by notgoodwithusernames [2013-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 6 [#35-R3.5] - White Switch Palace by Kipernal [2013-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 6 [#36-R4.0] - Tan Switch Palace by Kenny [2013-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 6 [#37-R1.0] - Tie-Dye Switch Palace by Sokobansolver [2013-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 6 [#38-R2.5] - Rainbow Switch Palace by levelengine [2013-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 6 [#39-R3.0] - White Switch Palace by SilverSwallow [2013-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 6 [#40-R1.5] - Dark Switch Palace (Fixed) by Ultradragonyoshi [2013-09-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 6 [#40-R1.5] - Dark Switch Palace by Ultradragonyoshi [2013-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 6 [#41-R3.0] - Black Switch Palace by MarioFanGamer659 [2013-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 6 [#42-R2.0] - White Switch Palace by SuperJeenius [2013-09-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 6 [#43-R2.0] - Faded Switch Palace by Sonikku [2013-09-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 6 [#44-R2.0] - Blank Switch Palace by ZMann [2013-09-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 6 [#45-R3.5] - Magenta Switch Palace by DragonLX [2013-09-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 6 [#46-R3.0] - Red Switch Palace 2 by yoshicookiezeus [2013-09-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 6 [#47-R2.0] - Four-Colored Palace by HyperMario (Hinalyte) [2013-09-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 6 [#48-R3.5] - Purple Switch Palace by MarioFan22 [2013-09-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 6 [#49-R3.5] - Ecalap Hctiws Der by GlitchMr [2013-09-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 6 [#50-R2.0] - Reverse Switch Palace by Jimmy52905 [2013-09-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 6 [#51-R2.5] - Crimson Switch palace by Mellonpizza [2013-09-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 6 [#52-R2.5] - Aqua Switch Palace (V1.2) by natnew [2013-09-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 6 [#53-R1.5] - Grey Switch Palace by tjdtnsu [2013-09-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 6 [#54-R2.5] - Switch Palace by Nameless [2013-09-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 6 [#55-R3.0] - A Switch Palace by theraze2fan [2013-09-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 6 [#56-DQ] - Yellow Switch Palace by jesus [2013-09-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 6 [#57-R2.5] - Purple Switch Palace by yogui [2013-09-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 6 [#58-R2.0] - Infrared Switch Palace by Lui37 [2013-09-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 7 [#01-R40] - Wily Big Boo Pingas by Roberto Zampari [2014-07-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 7 [#02-R38] - The Ultimate Investaiton!! by lolyoshi [2014-07-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 7 [#03-R10] - Ghosts Ahoy by PatPatPat [2014-07-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 7 [#04-R51] - Ghosty (V2) by Wakana [2014-07-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 7 [#05-R39] - Inferno by MoosieHD [2014-07-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 7 [#06-R53] - Big Boo Challenge by Litdude [2014-07-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 7 [#07-R43] - Boo's Dimension (V3) by Rykon-V73 [2014-07-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 7 [#08-R36] - Boo Contest by Argumentable [2014-07-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 7 [#09-R44] - Terminal Velocity (V2) by Sokobansolver [2014-07-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 7 [#11-R44] - Obligatory On-Off Based Thing by MercuryPenny [2014-07-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 7 [#12-R58] - Big Boo by nick 139 [2014-07-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 7 [#13-R66] - Entry by Salaramon [2014-07-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 7 [#14-R55] - Sky High Battle (V2) by SuperAgentYoshi [2014-07-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 7 [#15-R21] - Entry by HackerOfTheLegend (Sayuri) [2014-07-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 7 [#16-R29] - Cave Ghost House by Koopster [2014-07-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 7 [#17-R56] - Mydea by Mr.some1 (Yuuka Zaami) [2014-07-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 7 [#18-R65] - Outlast Big Boo by Tymewiz [2014-07-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 7 [#19-R60] - MYBU (V4) by AnOtakuGamer (Suika Ibuki) [2014-07-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 7 [#20-R63] - Here Is Booss by xjakku [2014-07-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 7 [#21-R12] - Entry by Katerpie [2014-07-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 7 [#22-R13] - Spooky Scary Skeleton by Slaxles (Lazy) [2014-07-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 7 [#23-R49] - Yoshi in the Sky by Twoka [2014-07-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 7 [#24-R61] - Item Bashin' by Footsteps_of_Coins [2014-07-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 7 [#25-R32] - O1d Sh1t by Losoall (Richard Nixon) [2014-07-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 7 [#26-R13] - Play Me by levelengine [2014-07-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 7 [#27-R07] - Balloon Fight! by Mellonpizza [2014-07-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 7 [#28-R26] - Spoopy Ship by TheOtherGuy25 [2014-07-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 7 [#29-R07] - Ghost Cloud by Aquamentus [2014-07-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 7 [#30-R33] - Big Boo Boogie by SomeGuy712x [2014-07-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 7 [#31-R23] - The Haunted House by DaKennyMan [2014-07-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 7 [#32-R62] - Big Boo Boss Battle by Gible V [2014-07-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 7 [#33-R26] - Spikes by Blittle McNilsen [2014-07-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 7 [#34-R25] - Big Boo (V2) by Everest [2014-07-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 7 [#35-R50] - Terror Town by Meirdent [2014-07-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 7 [#36-R29] - Enty by Macky [2014-07-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 7 [#37-R63] - Puzzle-Type Battle (V2) by chineesmw [2014-07-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 7 [#38-R05] - Entry by notgoodwithusernames [2014-07-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 7 [#39-R04] - Tenant Corrupt by Atma [2014-07-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 7 [#40-R29] - Yoshi's Ghost House by Poloros [2014-07-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 7 [#41-R18] - Ghosto Houso by Shog [2014-07-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 7 [#42-R13] - Valley Fortress + Big Boo... by Daizo Dee Von [2014-07-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 7 [#43-R19] - Boo Boo Keyz by neosaver [2014-07-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 7 [#44-R06] - Mario in the Middle by Morsel [2014-07-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 7 [#45-R36] - Big Boo in the Sky by aj6666 [2014-07-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 7 [#46-R01] - Bouhou - Mario Smelt of Elderberries by leod [2014-07-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 7 [#47-R03] - Entry by JackTheSpades [2014-07-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 7 [#48-R59] - BBBB - Big Boo Boss Battle by yogui [2014-07-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 7 [#49-R09] - Entry by Superkingyoshi [2014-07-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 7 [#50-R02] - Big Boo's Pinball (V2) by Bio [2014-07-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 7 [#51-R53] - Big Boo Battle by Daniel 115 [2014-07-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 7 [#52-R44] - Enty by Qwholl [2014-07-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 7 [#53-R54] - Super Peach World (V1) by Gabriel Alves [2014-07-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 7 [#53-R54] - Super Peach World (V2) by Gabriel Alves [2014-07-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 7 [#54-R48] - GrassLand Hell by JaphethMario21st [2014-07-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 7 [#55-R41] - 4XB - Big Boo Boss Battle by PphoenixX [2014-07-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 7 [#56-R19] - Vs. Big Boo by Dan Maku [2014-07-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 7 [#57-R21] - SAM Site by worldpeace [2014-07-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 7 [#58-R33] - Surprise by Mirann Mayonnai [2014-07-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 7 [#59-R44] - Big Boo Vs. Mario and Luigi (V1) by natnew [2014-07-06] (SMW Hack) [BAD]
SMWC 24hosmw 7 [#59-R44] - Big Boo Vs. Mario and Luigi (V2) by natnew [2014-07-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 7 [#60-R16] - Large Apparition Tourney Application by Deeke [2014-07-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 7 [#61-R16] - Valley Secret House by Superwario1999 [2014-07-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 7 [#63-R41] - 2014 New Boss by tcdw [2014-07-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 7 [#64-R26] - The Twilight Zone by videogames [2014-07-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 7 [#65-R23] - Nightmare Battle by Gloomy Star [2014-07-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 8 [#02-RM] - Yoshi's Island 3 by MercuryPenny [2015-05-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 8 [#03-RM] - Vanilla Dome 4 by Roberto Zampari [2015-05-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 8 [#04-RM] - Valley of Bowser 3 by lolyoshi [2015-05-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 8 [#05-RG] - Vanilla Dome 4 by GeminiRage [2015-05-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 8 [#06-RM] - Anti-Awesome (Awesome) (Update) by BBkaizo [2015-05-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 8 [#06-RM] - Anti-Awesome (Awesome) by BBkaizo [2015-05-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 8 [#07-RM] - #Awful (Awesome) by xHF01x [2015-05-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 8 [#08-RP] - Vanilla Dome 4 by TheInsanity115 [2015-05-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 8 [#09-RM] - Spike Mountain (Awesome) (Corrected) by Erik557 [2015-05-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 8 [#10-RG] - Valley of Prizmic 4 (Valley of Bowser 4) by Prizm [2015-05-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 8 [#11-RE] - Bubble Blast (Awesome) by PatPatPat [2015-05-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 8 [#12-RM] - Valley of Bowser 4 by RainbowShell [2015-05-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 8 [#16-RG] - Yoshi's Iceland 3 (Yoshi's Island 3) by Luks [2015-05-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 8 [#17-RG] - Boomeranginess (Vanilla Dome 4) by cyphermur9t [2015-05-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 8 [#18-RM] - Awesome by Neidave [2015-05-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 8 [#19-RM] - Valley of Bowser 4 by Wormer21 [2015-05-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 8 [#20-RM] - Valley of Bowser 3 (Update) by Nickelony [2015-05-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 8 [#22-RM] - Elite Koopa S.H. - Thwimp Hills (Awesome) by Shog [2015-05-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 8 [#23-RP] - Lickity Split (Awesome) by Final Theory [2015-05-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 8 [#24-RP] - Awesome by TheBassLP [2015-05-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 8 [#25-DQ] - Cookie Mountain (Update) by AlwaysANoob [2015-05-10] (SMW Hack) [BAD]
SMWC 24hosmw 8 [#25-DQ] - Cookie Mountain by AlwaysANoob [2015-05-09] (SMW Hack) [BAD]
SMWC 24hosmw 8 [#26-RG] - Awesome House (Awesome) (V1.0) by Aquamentus [2015-05-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 8 [#26-RG] - Awesome House (Awesome) (V1.1) by Aquamentus [2015-05-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 8 [#29-RG] - Valley of Bowser 3 by Mindevous [2015-05-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 8 [#30-RE] - Awesome by Lazy [2015-05-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 8 [#32-RM] - Scary Mountain (Cookie Mountain) by nick 139 [2015-05-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 8 [#33-RM] - Cookie Mountain by switchpalacecorner [2015-05-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 8 [#34-RG] - Awesome by Daizo Dee Von [2015-05-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 8 [#36-RG] - Cookie Mountain by Ivan Sword54 [2015-05-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 8 [#37-RM] - Valley of Bowser 4 by LX5 [2015-05-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 8 [#38-RM] - Spiky Cookie (Cookie Mountain) by Nimono [2015-05-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 8 [#40-RM] - Awesome by Manuz [2015-05-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 8 [#43-RM] - Vanilla Dome 4 by TheAbusefreakhacker [2015-05-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 8 [#44-RP] - Cookie Mountain by Lespna1 [2015-05-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 8 [#46-RG] - Everything Is Awesome! (Awesome) by MarioFan22 [2015-05-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 8 [#47-RE] - Cookie Beach (Cookie Mountain) by HammerGuy [2015-05-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 8 [#48-RG] - Ordinary (Awesome) by Ersanio [2015-05-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 8 [#49-RE] - Awesome (Update) by Minimay [2015-05-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 8 [#49-RE] - Awesome by Minimay [2015-05-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 8 [#50-RG] - Possum (Awesome) by Sokobansolver [2015-05-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 8 [#51-RE] - Vanilla Dome 4 by Sonikku [2015-05-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 8 [#52-RP] - Hong Kong Mountain (Cookie Mountain) by Sayuri [2015-05-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 8 [#53-RG] - The Suburb (Cookie Mountain) by tcdw [2015-05-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 8 [#56-RE] - Vaninja Dome 420 (Vanilla Dome 4) by Medic + leod [2015-05-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 8 [#58-RM] - Cookie Mountain by dragoniante174 [2015-05-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 8 [#59-R3] - Mushroom Galaxy (Yoshi's Island 3) by NGB [2015-05-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 8 [#60-RM] - Freezing-Hot Cave (Valley of Bowser 4) by Koops [2015-05-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 8 [#61-RG] - Awful 2 (Awesome) by Superwario1999 [2015-05-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 8 [#62-RP] - Vanilla Dome 4 by JackTheSpades [2015-05-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 8 [#63-RE] - Vanilla Secret 5 (Vanilla Dome 4) by Blue Leaf [2015-05-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 8 [#64-RM] - Bottomless Descent (Vanilla Dome 4) by Zerio [2015-05-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 8 [#66-RM] - Revenge! (Cookie Mountain) (Fixed) by Ludus [2015-05-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 8 [#66-RM] - Revenge! (Cookie Mountain) by Ludus [2015-05-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 8 [#69-RG] - Upgraded Lifts (Valley of Bowser 3) by Gloomier [2015-05-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 8 [#70-RE] - Valley of Bowser 3 by Reggiamoto [2015-05-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 8 [#71-RE] - Valley of Bowser 4 by Eternity [2015-05-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 8 [#XX-RX] - Experiment by TLMB [2015-05-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 8 [#XX-RX] - Experiment by TLMB [2015-05-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 8 [#XX-RX] - Underwater Volcano by Firoshi [2015-05-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 8 [#XX-RX] - Valley of Bowser 3 by MrDeePay [2015-05-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 9 [#01-RT] - Terrifying Underwater Level by Error 52 [2015-10-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 9 [#02-RT] - notajoke by Nin [2015-10-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 9 [#03-RM] - Entry by Morsel [2015-10-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 9 [#04-RM] - The Sunken Temple by MercuryPenny [2015-10-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 9 [#05-RM] - Lost Caves by Erik557 [2015-10-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 9 [#06-RG] - Submerged Chococave by Thehoundsquad [2015-11-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 9 [#07-RG] - Wendy's Ship (Update) by GameplaysDetonados [2015-11-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 9 [#07-RG] - Wendy's Ship by GameplaysDetonados [2015-11-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 9 [#08-RM] - Haunted Waters (Update 2) by RandomUser46 [2015-11-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 9 [#09-RG] - Urchin Death-Swamp by allowiscous [2015-11-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 9 [#10-RM] - Dead Sea by JaphethMario21st [2015-11-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 9 [#11-RP] - Average Water Level by KTBHacking [2015-11-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 9 [#12-RG] - Underwater Cavern by Blue Leaf [2015-11-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 9 [#13-RG] - Haunted Castle (Update) by chineesmw [2015-11-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 9 [#14-RM] - A Ghostly Night by nick 139 [2015-11-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 9 [#15-RM] - What Lies beneath the Water by Cynook (Mindevous) [2015-11-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 9 [#16-RT] - Haunted Maze by Lespna1 [2015-11-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 9 [#17-RM] - Sunken Silent Fort by TheLostKooper [2015-11-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 9 [#18-RE] - Ghostly Gravity by Dr. Tapeworm [2015-11-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 9 [#19-RP] - House of Illusions by msi810 [2015-11-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 9 [#20-RM] - Jaws (Beta) by Rockythetigre [2015-11-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 9 [#20-RM] - Jaws by Rockythetigre [2015-11-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 9 [#21-RM] - Crimsonwater Cave by IDidMakeThat [2015-11-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 9 [#22-RM] - Entry (MSU-1) by Medic [2015-11-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 9 [#23-RG] - Deep Dark Ditch (Fixed) by Yan [2015-11-03] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 9 [#23-RG] - Deep Dark Ditch by Yan [2015-11-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 9 [#24-RE] - Super Spooky Halloween Level by K3fka + Sixcorby [2015-11-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 9 [#25-RE] - Entry by Lazy [2015-11-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 9 [#26-RP] - Ghost Cave by Neropla [2015-11-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC 24hosmw 9 [#27-RM] - Entry by nathanrayman1998 [2015-11-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Auto LDC 1 [#01-DQ] - Entry by Giga [2008-05-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Auto LDC 1 [#02-R09] - Entry by Neko (Carsr4carpeople1) [2008-05-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Auto LDC 1 [#03-R27] - Entry by Kagami (Internoob) [2008-05-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Auto LDC 1 [#04-R26] - Entry by Pheonix (Feenicks) [2008-05-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Auto LDC 1 [#05-R15] - Entry by Who Am I (CondorTalon) [2008-05-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Auto LDC 1 [#06-R28] - Entry by Lespna1 [2008-05-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Auto LDC 1 [#07-R18] - Perpetual Palace by Dagx (Caracc) [2008-05-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Auto LDC 1 [#08-R19] - Entry by Bagoony (ChaoticX) [2008-05-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Auto LDC 1 [#09-R13] - Gritty Hills by Haaaaaach (Hach) [2008-05-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Auto LDC 1 [#10-R07] - Guide-Line Grove by WhiteYoshiEgg [2008-05-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Auto LDC 1 [#11-R04] - Entry by Lightvayne [2008-05-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Auto LDC 1 [#12-R10] - Madness Path by Broozer [2008-05-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Auto LDC 1 [#13-R20] - Entry by anonimato [2008-05-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Auto LDC 1 [#14-DQ] - Entry by Chrono (trackftv) [2008-05-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Auto LDC 1 [#15-DQ] - Entry by pikamaxi (pikazz) [2008-05-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Auto LDC 1 [#16-R22] - Entry by Tornado [2008-05-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Auto LDC 1 [#17-R12] - Entry by shffler1337 (exit1337) [2008-05-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Auto LDC 1 [#18-R25] - Entry by Edgar1205 (El Grinchdga) [2008-05-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Auto LDC 1 [#19-R23] - Entry by BlinD [2008-05-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Auto LDC 1 [#21-R21] - Entry by Kh2Playa [2008-05-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Auto LDC 1 [#22-R24] - Entry by Lunar Yoshi (Lunar Wurmple) [2008-06-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Auto LDC 1 [#23-R15] - The Automaticon by G-Virus (GVirusG) [2008-06-03] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Auto LDC 1 [#23-R15] - The Automaticon by G-Virus (GVirusG) [2008-06-03] (SMW Hack) [BAD-7efdb]
SMWC Auto LDC 1 [#24-R01] - Windy Desert (V1) by x1372 [2008-06-04] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Auto LDC 1 [#24-R01] - Windy Desert (V2) by x1372 [2008-06-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Auto LDC 1 [#25-R08] - Entry by diamondphoenix [2008-06-04] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Auto LDC 1 [#26-R02] - Entry by S.L [2008-06-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Auto LDC 1 [#27-R05] - Entry by Bio [2008-06-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Auto LDC 1 [#28-R17] - Entry by DarkHacker [2008-06-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Auto LDC 1 [#29-DQ] - Entry by Christof [2008-06-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Auto LDC 1 [#30-R10] - Entry by RealLink [2008-06-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Auto LDC 1 [#31-R06] - Entry by Reading [2008-06-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Auto LDC 1 [#32-R03] - Bully's Ice Cave by Boingboingsplat [2008-06-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Auto LDC 1 [#33-R14] - Entry by An00bis [2008-06-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Auto LDC 2 [#01-R08] - Entry (Fixed) by GameplaysDetonados [2015-11-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Auto LDC 2 [#01-R08] - Entry by GameplaysDetonados [2015-11-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Auto LDC 2 [#02-R10] - Sky Level by Neropla [2015-11-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Auto LDC 2 [#03-R07] - Entry by dragoniante174 [2015-11-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Auto LDC 2 [#04-R04] - Lazy Mario by TheAbusefreakhacker0 [2015-11-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Auto LDC 2 [#05-DQ] - Entry by nambona890 [2015-11-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Auto LDC 2 [#06-R06] - Entry by MarioFanGamer659 [2015-11-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Auto LDC 2 [#07-R03] - Entry by nick 139 [2015-11-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Auto LDC 2 [#08-R01] - The Party House (MSU-1) by Wakana [2015-11-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Auto LDC 2 [#09-R02] - Entry (V1) by JackTheSpades [2015-12-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Auto LDC 2 [#09-R02] - Entry (V2) by JackTheSpades [2015-12-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Auto LDC 2 [#10-R02] - Entry (MSU-1) by NGB [2015-12-03] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Auto LDC 2 [#11-R09] - Entry by chineesmw [2015-12-07] (SMW Hack) [BAD-emu]
SMWC Auto LDC 2 [#12-R11] - Entry by Lespna1 [2015-12-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Auto LDC 2 [#13-R05] - Athletic and Castle by S.L [2015-12-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC - Base Rom (V1.00) by FPzero + Major Flare + bebn legg [2019-08-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC - Base Rom (V1.01) by FPzero + Major Flare + bebn legg [2019-08-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC - Base Rom (V1.02) by FPzero + Major Flare + bebn legg [2019-08-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC - Base Rom (V1.03) by FPzero + Major Flare + bebn legg [2019-08-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC - Layer 3 BG Sample Levels by Noivern [2019-09-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#01-R32] - Bro's Plains (V1.0.0) by Green Jerry [2019-08-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#01-R32] - Bro's Plains (V1.0.1) by Green Jerry [2019-08-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#01-R32] - Bro's Plains (V1.0.2) by Green Jerry [2019-09-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#02-R51] - Floodful Beach (V1.0) by FimishHACK [2019-08-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#02-R51] - Floodful Beach (V1.1) by FimishHACK [2019-09-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#03-R28] - Rock and Roll Out by Gamma V [2019-08-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#04-R03] - Bless the Rains (V1) by FrozenQuills [2019-08-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#04-R03] - Bless the Rains (V2) by FrozenQuills [2019-09-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#05-R49] - Annoying Plants by tomato jonson [2019-08-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#06-R25] - Bob-Omb Green Hills by Infinity [2019-08-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#07-R23] - Jumpopolis by Knight of Time [2019-08-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#08-R28] - Glowing Cave by Enan63 [2019-08-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#09-R08] - Bubble Butt (V1.0) by Sixcorby [2019-09-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#09-R08] - Bubble Butt (V1.2) by Sixcorby [2019-10-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#11-R10] - Vanilla Volcano (V1.0) by toad64 [2019-09-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#11-R10] - Vanilla Volcano (V1.1) by toad64 [2019-09-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#12-R20] - Enclosure of Agony (V1.0) by Blind Devil [2019-09-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#13-R40] - The Soul Crusher (Deluxe) by Samuel Zuccati [2019-09-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#13-R40] - The Soul Crusher (Deluxe) by Samuel Zuccati [2019-10-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#13-R40] - The Soul Crusher (First) by Samuel Zuccati [2019-08-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#13-R40] - The Soul Crusher (Standard) by Samuel Zuccati [2019-09-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#13-R40] - The Soul Crusher (Standard) by Samuel Zuccati [2019-10-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#14-R48] - Breathtaking Fortress (V1) by Fullcannon [2019-09-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#15-R15] - Go'n Around by Renhoek [2019-09-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#16-R36] - Moonlight Lands (V1.0) by xyz600sp [2019-09-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#16-R36] - Moonlight Lands (V1.1) by xyz600sp [2019-09-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#17-R27] - Military Wall March by MarkVD100 [2019-09-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#17-R27] - Military Wall March by MarkVD100 [2019-10-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#18-R33] - Banana Fort (V1.0) by Darkslayer [2019-09-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#18-R33] - Banana Fort (V1.1) by Darkslayer [2019-09-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#19-R15] - Deep House by Sancles [2019-09-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#20-R26] - Woodblock Skyways by ZMann [2019-09-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#21-DQ] - Escape from Blue Shell Cave by Fruitloops [2019-09-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#21-DQ] - Escape from Blue Shell Cave by Fruitloops [2019-10-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#22-R46] - Rip Van Fishlantis by FailSandwich [2019-10-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#23-R43] - Battlefield Cliffs by Dispace [2019-10-03] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#24-R45] - Bubble Beach by Hayashi Neru [2019-10-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#25-R41] - Fire and Chainsaws by Sockbat Replica [2019-10-03] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#26-R38] - The Infernal Pits by imamelia [2019-10-03] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#27-R34] - Valley of ON - OFF by yoshi9429 [2019-10-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#28-R01] - Kirov Airship by worldpeace [2019-10-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#29-R50] - Magic Goes On and Off by 7threat [2019-10-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#30-R44] - Blue Blue Travel by Wind Fish [2019-10-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#31-R13] - Lair of the Urchins (Beta) by Falconpunch [2019-08-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#31-R13] - Lair of the Urchins (V1.00) by Falconpunch [2019-10-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#31-R13] - Lair of the Urchins (V1.14) by Falconpunch [2019-10-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#32-R05] - Melon Punch by Eevee + Atari2.0 [2019-10-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#33-R39] - Half-Fortified by Bugsbunny205 [2019-10-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#34-R07] - Preposterous Athletic by MiracleWater [2019-10-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#34-R07] - Preposterous Athletic by MiracleWater [2019-10-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#35-R14] - Everything on Fire Volcano (V1.0) by BlueZy [2019-10-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#37-R47] - Love Letter by Morsel [2019-10-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#38-R24] - Spherical Skies by bebn legg [2019-10-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#39-R15] - Goomba Industries by mariosr [2019-10-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#40-R18] - Summa Glacies Maris (Test) by Teows + Mr. MS [2019-10-04] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#40-R18] - Summa Glacies Maris by Teows + Mr. MS [2019-10-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#41-R06] - Lava Temple (V1.0) by EternityLarva [2019-10-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#41-R06] - Lava Temple (V1.1) by EternityLarva [2019-10-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#42-R21] - Bubble Jungle (Demo V0.8) by ECS.98 [2019-10-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#42-R21] - Bubble Jungle (V1.0) by ECS.98 [2019-10-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#43-R04] - Cloud Surfing by Blue Leaf [2019-10-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#44-R41] - Short but Intense by yogui [2019-10-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#45-R52] - Deep Sea Dash by Mariotag1 [2019-10-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#46-R11] - Slick as Slip (V0.8) by ToxicRave [2019-10-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#46-R11] - Slick as Slip by ToxicRave [2019-10-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#47-R31] - Ninji Night Village by BootaNoBijuu [2019-10-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#49-R12] - Rotation Nimbus by Flagpole1up [2019-10-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#50-R18] - Fairy Eclipse by Ryaa [2019-10-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#51-R36] - Very Mondo by Hobz [2019-10-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#52-R28] - Midnight Hour by kamekku14 [2019-10-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#53-R08] - Sunken Shipp by Erik + Dakras Hayashi [2019-10-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#54-R35] - Waterworld - Diving by ft029 [2019-10-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#55-R53] - Punchy 106 by Maruhai [2019-10-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#XX-RXX] - AAAAAAAA by 7 Up [2019-10-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#XX-RXX] - Bank Heist Blitz (V1.0) by Ruberjig [2019-08-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#XX-RXX] - Bank Heist Blitz (V1.1) by Ruberjig [2019-09-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#XX-RXX] - Cool Mini Mario by OEOTeam [2019-08-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#XX-RXX] - Deep Soda Caverns by Darolac [2019-08-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#XX-RXX] - Orange Cream Dreams (Demo) by TickTockClock [2019-10-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#XX-RXX] - Practical Loopholes by Super Maks 64 [2019-10-15] (SMW Hack) [BAD-emu]
SMWC Base Rom LDC [#XX-RXX] - Reflex Factory by Amine Retro [2019-10-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC 2 - Base ROM (V1.0) by AmperSam [2022-11-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC 2 - Base ROM (V1.01) by AmperSam [2022-11-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC 2 - Base ROM (V1.02) by AmperSam [2022-11-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC 2 - Base ROM (V1.03) by AmperSam [2022-11-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC 2 - Base ROM (V1.04) by AmperSam [2022-11-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC 2 - Base ROM (V1.05) by AmperSam [2022-11-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC 2 - Base ROM (V1.06) by AmperSam [2022-12-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC 2 - Base ROM (V1.07) by AmperSam [2022-12-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC 2 - Base ROM (V1.08) by AmperSam [2023-03-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC 2 - Base ROM (V1.09) by AmperSam [2023-03-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC 2 - Base ROM (V1.10) by AmperSam [2023-03-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC 2 - Base ROM (V1.11) by AmperSam [2023-04-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC 2 [#01-R52] - Goombud Solar Desert by Flaming Hot Toons [2022-11-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC 2 [#02-R46] - Snowy Thwomp Night by h.carrell [2022-11-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC 2 [#03-R31] - Before I Forget by mish1 [2022-11-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC 2 [#04-R27] - Quicksand Beach (V1.1) by Green Jerry [2022-12-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC 2 [#05-R43] - Cloudtop Cruise by Boosius [2022-11-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC 2 [#06-R01] - 10-Pin Monocle (V2) by GbreezeSunset [2022-12-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC 2 [#07-R40] - Dirty Sewer by Hayashi Neru [2022-11-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC 2 [#08-R20] - Be Loved, Don't Cry by Azula16 [2022-11-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC 2 [#09-R34] - Unidimensional by Samie Zuccati [2022-11-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC 2 [#10-R22] - Mario in the Castle by Spade_Magnes [2022-11-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC 2 [#11-R41] - Bubbly Beach by Zavok + N450 [2022-11-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC 2 [#12-R06] - Niagara's Locksmith by OEO6 [2022-11-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC 2 [#13-R18] - Jinxed Jars by GRIMMKIN [2022-11-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC 2 [#15-R19] - Laboratory of Trial (V1.1) by yoshi9429 [2022-12-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC 2 [#17-R09] - Stack Up! by EvanEMV (EmilyEmmi) [2022-11-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC 2 [#18-R14] - Autumn Park (V1.3) by AnEvilGhost + Supreme [2022-12-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC 2 [#19-R39] - 1 2 3 4 Go roKu by wir4lor [2022-12-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC 2 [#20-R37] - Conveyor Castle by DetectiveZvarri [2022-12-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC 2 [#21-R42] - Perilous Pipeline by DanMario24YT [2022-12-04] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC 2 [#22-R30] - OFF-n'-ON Again by J2DaBibbles [2022-12-04] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC 2 [#23-R44] - Big Small by MarkVD100 [2022-12-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC 2 [#24-R12] - Mad Mechanism by NopeContest [2022-12-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC 2 [#25-R33] - Pipe Treeway (V1.1) by Dispace [2022-12-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC 2 [#26-R25] - Haunted Jungle (V1.1) by mariosr [2022-12-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC 2 [#27-R16] - Magic Ride Mayhem by RussianMan [2022-11-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC 2 [#28-R02] - Haywires by FrozenQuills [2022-12-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC 2 [#30-R24] - Pipe Craze (Fixed) by MarioFanGamer [2022-12-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC 2 [#31-R08] - Geysers of Life by jirok1 [2022-12-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC 2 [#32-R48] - It's Cold Outside by darkreader2636 [2022-12-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC 2 [#33-R20] - Periphery (V1.02) by bry [2022-12-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC 2 [#34-R38] - Muncher Cruncher (Final) by Theopold [2022-12-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC 2 [#35-R03] - Lumber Exchange by Sixcorby [2022-12-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC 2 [#36-R36] - Sky Plains by Enan63 [2022-12-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC 2 [#37-R10] - Beach Balls by snoruntpyro [2022-12-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC 2 [#38-R50] - Green Tower of Boredom (V3) by edgar [2022-12-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC 2 [#40-R26] - Starry Skies Castle by Littleminer64 [2022-12-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC 2 [#41-R05] - Hydrophobic Denim by margot + HamOfJustice [2022-12-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC 2 [#42-R11] - Fire Bar Furnace (Final) by JupiHornet [2022-12-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC 2 [#43-R15] - Chuck's Frosty Fields by Arity [2022-12-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC 2 [#44-R17] - Bro, It's Hot Bro. by Faro (Jamie) [2022-12-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC 2 [#45-R35] - World @-4 by CircleFriendo [2022-12-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC 2 [#46-R45] - Sliding Castle by TheOrangeToad [2022-12-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC 2 [#47-R07] - Brown Block Volcano by Blue Leaf [2022-12-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC 2 [#48-R32] - The Small Sky by Ascaska [2022-12-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC 2 [#49-R48] - Starsmagoric by Zaroio [2022-12-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC 2 [#50-R29] - Pots 'n Panic by Ruberjig [2022-12-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC 2 [#51-R47] - Waltz of the Yoshis by Klug [2022-12-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Base Rom LDC 2 [#52-R28] - Pill Garden by Burning Loaf + bebn legg [2022-12-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC C3 2015 LDC [#01-R04] - Perilous Plantlife by Gamma V [2015-06-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC C3 2015 LDC [#02-R10] - Stop It Doom Guy by Luks [2015-06-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC C3 2015 LDC [#03-R08] - NSMB Snowfields (V1) by msi810 [2015-07-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC C3 2015 LDC [#03-R08] - NSMB Snowfields (V2) by msi810 [2015-07-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC C3 2015 LDC [#03-R08] - NSMB Snowfields (V3) by msi810 [2015-07-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC C3 2015 LDC [#03-R08] - NSMB Snowfields (V4) by msi810 [2015-07-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC C3 2015 LDC [#03-R08] - NSMB Snowfields (V5) by msi810 [2015-07-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC C3 2015 LDC [#03-R08] - NSMB Snowfields (V6) by msi810 [2015-07-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC C3 2015 LDC [#04-R05] - Scorch Labyrinth by AgentExabyte [2015-07-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC C3 2015 LDC [#05-R06] - In the Forest Depth by Erik557 [2015-07-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC C3 2015 LDC [#06-R07] - Complex Citadel by MegaMarioMan9 [2015-07-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC C3 2015 LDC [#07-R01] - Peril Park (Test) by Agent Q [2015-07-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC C3 2015 LDC [#07-R01] - Peril Park by Agent Q [2015-07-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC C3 2015 LDC [#07-R01] - Peril Park by Agent Q [2015-07-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC C3 2015 LDC [#08-R02] - Money the Monkey by Eminus [2015-07-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC C3 2015 LDC [#09-R03] - Castle of Doom (Update) by Von Fahrenheit [2015-07-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC C3 2015 LDC [#09-R03] - Castle of Doom by Von Fahrenheit [2015-07-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC C3 2015 LDC [#10-R09] - Entry (Fixed) by TLMB + Lespna1 [2015-07-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC C3 2015 LDC [#10-R09] - Entry (Update 2) by TLMB + Lespna1 [2015-07-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC C3 2015 LDC [#10-R09] - Entry (Update) by TLMB + Lespna1 [2015-07-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC C3 2015 LDC [#10-R09] - Entry by TLMB + Lespna1 [2015-07-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC C3 2015 LDC [#10-R09] - Entry by TLMB + Lespna1 [2015-07-19] (SMW Hack) [BAD]
SMWC C3 2015 LDC [#10-R09] - Entry by TLMB + Lespna1 [2016-09-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC C3 Resource LDC [#1] - Beach (Fixed) by RussianMan [2017-01-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC C3 Resource LDC [#1] - Beach by RussianMan [2017-01-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC C3 Resource LDC [#2] - Dust Hill Zone (V1.00) by Luansilva12 [2017-01-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC C3 Resource LDC [#3] - Rhino Rompus by Ruberjig [2017-01-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC C3 Resource LDC [#4] - Bouncy Stronghold (V1) by chineesmw [2017-01-15] (SMW Hack) [BAD]
SMWC C3 Resource LDC [#4] - Bouncy Stronghold (V3) by chineesmw [2017-01-15] (SMW Hack) [BAD]
SMWC C3 Resource LDC [#4] - Bouncy Stronghold (V4) by chineesmw [2017-01-15] (SMW Hack) [BAD]
SMWC C3 Resource LDC [#4] - Bouncy Stronghold (V5) by chineesmw [2017-01-15] (SMW Hack) [BAD]
SMWC C3 Resource LDC [#4] - Bouncy Stronghold (Working) by chineesmw [2017-01-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 1 [#03-R30] - Bowser's Labratory by Meirdent [2009-08-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 1 [#04-R33] - Freeze Flame by fuzzyyoshi [2009-08-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 1 [#06-R16] - The Frozen Desert by Kristian [2009-08-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 1 [#08-R25] - Chocolate Run by Master S [2009-08-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 1 [#09-R26] - Bowser World - Night Sky Bridge by King Boo [2009-08-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 1 [#10-R08] - Explore the Island by reghrhre [2009-08-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 1 [#11-R31] - Choco Island (V1) by mariocool1999 [2009-08-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 1 [#11-R31] - Choco Island (V2) by mariocool1999 [2009-09-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 1 [#12-R18] - Jungle Temple by superwiidude [2009-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 1 [#13-R13] - Mario in Yoshi's Island by ZMann [2009-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 1 [#14-R21] - Mountain Top 4 by insanehuman19 [2009-09-02] (SMW Hack) [BAD]
SMWC Chocolate LDC 1 [#14-R21] - Mountain Top 4 by insanehuman19 [2009-09-03] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 1 [#15-R24] - Under the Tombs #2 by Electron (leictreon) [2009-09-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 1 [#17-DQ] - Kaizo's Challenge by Kaizo Bro [2009-09-12] (SMW Hack) [BAD]
SMWC Chocolate LDC 1 [#18-R27] - Cutman's Hideout by Insectduel [2009-09-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 1 [#19-R28] - Zerio's Heroic Sprint by Zerio [2009-09-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 1 [#20-R20] - SMR2 by TRS [2009-09-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 1 [#21-R32] - Random Untitled Birdo Level by Lespna1 [2009-09-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 1 [#22-R19] - Ride On by Caracc [2009-09-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 1 [#23-R10] - Green Glade by Lynnes [2009-09-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 1 [#24-R11] - #5 Morton's Castle (V1) by MajorasMask9 [2009-09-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 1 [#24-R11] - #5 Morton's Castle (V2) by MajorasMask9 [2009-09-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 1 [#25-R07] - Chocolate Level (V1) by Spade [2009-09-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 1 [#25-R07] - Chocolate Level (V2) by Spade [2009-09-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 1 [#26-R29] - World 1 by super nintendo man [2009-09-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 1 [#27-R05] - Phantasm's Tower by Atma [2009-09-29] (SMW Hack) [BAD-emu]
SMWC Chocolate LDC 1 [#28-R06] - Forest Maze Fortress (V1) by Aqualakitu [2009-09-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 1 [#28-R06] - Forest Maze Fortress (V2) by Aqualakitu [2009-10-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 1 [#29-R11] - Deep Castle by pikaguy900 (Nimono) [2009-09-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 1 [#31-R02] - Mushroom Dungeon by Kaijyuu [2009-09-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 1 [#35-R15] - Brothers to the End (alt) by SyStemkraSh [2009-10-03] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 1 [#35-R15] - Brothers to the End by SyStemkraSh [2009-09-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 1 [#XX-RXX] - Palm Grove Isle (Unreleased) by Spud Alpha [2009] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 2 [#01-R38] - Entry by limepie20 [2010-09-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 2 [#02-R29] - Entry by TheCloudMario [2010-09-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 2 [#03-R30] - Entry by Jarimii [2010-09-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 2 [#04-R34] - Nova Stars by Henix Aurorus [2010-09-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 2 [#05-R35] - Truth Or Lip Hair by gamingawesome [2010-09-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 2 [#06-R20] - Bulwark In The Sky by vindew332 [2010-09-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 2 [#08-R12] - Lava Cake by cyphermur9t [2010-09-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 2 [#09-R28] - C00l Island by BBKaizo [2010-09-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 2 [#11-R39] - The Forest of Dreams (The Atonement) by AUS [2010-09-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 2 [#12-R26] - Entry by yoshiguy978 [2010-09-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 2 [#13-R23] - A Slimy Cave by Ripperon-X [2010-09-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 2 [#14-R04] - Void Castle by ZMann [2010-10-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 2 [#15-R13] - Entry (V1.0) by TRS + RivalNightmare [2010-10-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 2 [#15-R13] - Entry (V1.1) by TRS + RivalNightmare [2010-10-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 2 [#17-R09] - Mario And Luigi by grishnax [2010-01-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 2 [#18-DQ] - Entry by xjC0n [2010-10-16] (SMW Hack) [BAD]
SMWC Chocolate LDC 2 [#19-R07] - Mirage Fortress by Blind Devil (Q-bee) [2010-10-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 2 [#20-R19] - Entry by Hobz [2010-10-19] (SMW Hack) [BAD-emu]
SMWC Chocolate LDC 2 [#23-R24] - Entry by Zerio [2010-10-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 2 [#24-R02] - Mario in Japan by Hadron [2010-10-21] (SMW Hack) [BAD-emu]
SMWC Chocolate LDC 2 [#25-R27] - Vanilla Adventure by TomPhanto [2010-10-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 2 [#27-R16] - Always by RedToonLink [2010-10-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 2 [#28-DQ] - It Gets Worse by sweetjunkyard [2010-10-23] (SMW Hack) [BAD]
SMWC Chocolate LDC 2 [#29-R03] - Lava Fields by E-Man [2010-10-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 2 [#30-R31] - The Island (V1) by BooDuk3 (BraedenDuk3) [2010-10-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 2 [#30-R31] - The Island (V2) by BooDuk3 (BraedenDuk3) [2010-10-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 2 [#32-R17] - Advance Warfare by Bio [2010-10-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 2 [#33-R08] - Vanguard Ashita by reghrhre [2010-10-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 2 [#34-R22] - Mario's Day by Master S [2010-10-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 2 [#35-R37] - Super Jenson World by Link 70222 [2010-10-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 2 [#39-R06] - MS Pain (Fixed) by MajorasMask9 [2010-10-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 2 [#39-R06] - MS Pain by MajorasMask9 [2010-10-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 2 [#40-R32] - Tower Level by Lespna1 [2010-10-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 2 [#41-R01] - Entry by HuFlungDu + TLMB [2010-10-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 3 [#02-R29] - Very Scary Scramble by darkmario777 [2013-10-04] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 3 [#03-R06] - The Ice Land by GameplaysDetonados [2013-10-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 3 [#04-R08] - Bridgy Brocklyn by Vink [2013-10-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 3 [#05-R09] - The Blue Pipe by Neidave [2013-10-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 3 [#07-R23] - Clouds and Stuff by MercuryPenny [2013-10-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 3 [#08-R25] - Entry by nick 139 [2013-10-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 3 [#09-R24] - Chocolate Replica by Sockbat Replica [2013-10-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 3 [#11-R28] - Weird Falling Chairs (V2) by Lespna1 [2013-11-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 3 [#13-R11] - Sea Level by tcdw [2013-11-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 3 [#15-R18] - Space Sokoban (V3) by Sokobansolver [2014-02-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 3 [#16-R19] - Switches Being INC (V1) by THY (Truxton) [2013-11-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 3 [#16-R19] - Switches Being INC (V2) by THY (Truxton) [2013-11-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 3 [#17-R20] - Pyramid Grassland by Alessio [2013-11-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 3 [#18-R05] - Yoshi's Treasure Hunt by Gregor + Moose [2013-11-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 3 [#19-R03] - Leafy Reminiscence by Mirann + Oh Hell No [2013-11-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 3 [#20-R06] - Loli by Ladida [2013-11-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 3 [#22-R17] - A Random SMB3 Level by MarioFan22 [2013-11-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 3 [#23-R26] - Entry by JackTheSpades [2013-11-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 3 [#24-R01] - Rush Hour by notgoodwithusernames [2013-11-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 3 [#25-R13] - The Sweet Tall Mountain by Daizo Dee Von [2013-11-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 3 [#26-R14] - Speedy Castle by ZMann [2013-11-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 3 [#27-R10] - Lost Switch Palace by Veck [2013-11-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 3 [#28-R02] - Entry by HuFlungDu + TLMB [2013-11-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 4 [#01-R26] - Chocolate Island 7 (OOF) by h.carrell [2017-01-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 4 [#01-R26] - Chocolate Island 7 by h.carrell [2016-10-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 4 [#02-R21] - Grassforest (V1.0) by Luansilva12 [2016-10-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 4 [#02-R21] - Grassforest (V1.1) by Luansilva12 [2016-10-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 4 [#02-R21] - Grassforest (V1.2.1) by Luansilva12 [2016-10-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 4 [#02-R21] - Grassforest (V1.2) by Luansilva12 [2016-10-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 4 [#03-R02] - Motel (V1.3) by FrozenQuills [2016-10-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 4 [#03-R02] - Motel (V1.4) by FrozenQuills [2016-11-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 4 [#04-R24] - Water Dungeon by niko [2016-10-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 4 [#05-R22] - Holy Heavens (V1.0) by Wind Fish [2016-10-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 4 [#05-R22] - Holy Heavens (V1.0a) by Wind Fish [2016-10-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 4 [#05-R22] - Holy Heavens (V1.1) by Wind Fish [2016-10-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 4 [#05-R22] - Holy Heavens (V1.2) by Wind Fish [2016-10-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 4 [#05-R22] - Holy Heavens (V1.2a) by Wind Fish [2016-11-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 4 [#06-R25] - Iggy's Airship by Barrelroller64 [2016-10-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 4 [#06-R25] - Iggy's Airship by Barrelroller64 [2016-10-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 4 [#07-R12] - Death and Beyond by Divemissile [2016-11-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 4 [#08-R19] - Iggy's Sky Fortress by Kaito [2016-11-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 4 [#09-R15] - What the Check by Sockbat Replica [2016-11-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 4 [#10-R13] - Alien Hive (V1) by darken [2016-11-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 4 [#10-R13] - Alien Hive (V2) by darken [2016-11-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 4 [#10-R13] - Alien Hive (V3) by darken [2016-11-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 4 [#11-R06] - Tree Cut Mountains by GameplaysDetonados [2016-11-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 4 [#12-R09] - Cloud Voyage (V1) by Pseudogon [2016-11-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 4 [#12-R09] - Cloud Voyage (V2) by Pseudogon [2016-11-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 4 [#13-R14] - Choco Mountain Mysteries by imamelia [2016-11-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 4 [#14-R23] - Frozen Fortress by Leiras [2016-11-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 4 [#15-R17] - Yoshi Berry Orchard by DaSpongeBobMan [2016-11-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 4 [#16-R20] - Extreme Castle (V1.00) by yoshi9429 [2016-11-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 4 [#16-R20] - Extreme Castle (V1.02) by yoshi9429 [2016-11-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 4 [#17-R08] - Chocolate Rush by levelengine [2016-11-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 4 [#18-R05] - Sunset Vista (Fixed) by allowiscous [2016-12-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 4 [#18-R05] - Sunset Vista by allowiscous [2016-11-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 4 [#19-R03] - Summer Hammer Time by Blind Devil [2016-11-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 4 [#20-R16] - Boo Guy Fortress by LHB [2016-11-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 4 [#20-R16] - Boo Guy Fortress by LHB [2016-11-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 4 [#21-R07] - A Grindr Experience by lolyoshi [2016-11-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 4 [#22-R11] - Sica and the Dark Princess (V1.1) by Skewer [2016-11-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 4 [#23-R18] - Wall Jump Kid (Update) by Hobz [2016-12-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 4 [#24-R01] - Luigi, Yeah by Charlotte (idol) [2016-11-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 4 [#25-DQ] - Creepy Childhouse (Beta) by StrikeForcer [2016-11-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 4 [#26-R04] - I Made an ASM by ft029 [2016-12-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 4 [#27-R10] - Entry (V1) by HuFlungDu + TLMB [2016-12-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 4 [#27-R10] - Entry (V2) by HuFlungDu + TLMB [2016-12-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 4 [#27-R10] - Entry (V3) by HuFlungDu + TLMB [2016-12-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 4 [#27-R10] - Entry by HuFlungDu + TLMB [2016-12-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 4 [#28-RXX] - Autumnmole Stroll by Chillah [2016-12-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 5 [#01-R12] - Freeze, Plumber! by Gamma V [2018-01-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 5 [#02-R08] - Bowser's Dungeon by Super Stiviboy [2018-01-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 5 [#02-R08] - Bowser's Dungeon by Super Stiviboy [2018-02-04] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 5 [#03-R18] - Growing Fields by toad64 [2018-02-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 5 [#04-R19] - Leg Day by Sokobansolver [2018-02-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 5 [#04-R19] - Leg Day by Sokobansolver [2018-02-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 5 [#05-R29] - Chocolate Mountains by JokingOnTheSidewalk [2018-02-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 5 [#06-R05] - The Tap Tap Menace by Tob + Luks [2018-02-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 5 [#07-R30] - Bullet Ship (V2) by ghyn [2018-02-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 5 [#07-R30] - Bullet Ship by ghyn [2018-02-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 5 [#08-R23] - Do the Weasel Stomp by Sockbat Replica [2018-02-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 5 [#09-R28] - Entry by iBcakester [2018-02-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 5 [#10-R13] - Living on the Sky by Fellipe R [2018-02-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 5 [#11-R33] - Travel to Airship by yoshi9429 [2018-02-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 5 [#11-R33] - Travel to Airship by yoshi9429 [2018-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 5 [#11-R33] - Travel to Airship by yoshi9429 [2018-03-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 5 [#14-R31] - Castle Level by Somebody for sure [2018-03-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 5 [#15-R14] - Choo Choo by FedoraFriday [2018-03-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 5 [#16-R32] - Summit Highislands (V1) by TheInsanity115 [2018-03-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 5 [#16-R32] - Summit Highislands (V2) by TheInsanity115 [2018-03-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 5 [#17-R07] - Pancakes by Mandew [2018-03-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 5 [#17-R07] - Pancakes by Mandew [2018-03-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 5 [#18-R19] - Rainbow Trout by MiracleWater [2018-03-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 5 [#19-R04] - Vera Bounce! by E-man38 [2018-03-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 5 [#20-R26] - Entry by Manofer [2018-03-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 5 [#20-R26] - Entry by Manofer [2018-03-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 5 [#21-R19] - Greenville by Flabort [2018-03-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 5 [#21-R19] - Greenville by Flabort [2018-03-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 5 [#23-R35] - Cave M. Ghost Manor by Lespna1 [2018-03-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 5 [#23-R35] - Cave M. Ghost Manor by Lespna1 [2018-03-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 5 [#24-R25] - Entry, Dude! by lukacspatrick [2018-03-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 5 [#26-R15] - Oxygen Not Included! by RussianMan [2018-03-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 5 [#27-R27] - Entry by uoouo [2018-03-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 5 [#28-R24] - BURNING UP FOR YOU by alexandrite [2018-03-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 5 [#29-R10] - Exhausted Mario by ft029 [2018-03-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 5 [#30-R01] - lightest (MSU-1) (Fixed) by idol + Katrina [2018-04-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 5 [#30-R01] - lightest (MSU-1) by idol + Katrina [2018-03-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 5 [#32-R09] - Haunted Stronghold by MegaMarioMan9 [2018-03-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 5 [#34-R11] - Clouds by Wind Fish + Miku [2018-03-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 5 [#XX-RXX] - Entry by HuFlungDu [2018-03-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 5 [#XX-RXX] - Stomach (R213) by Wind Fish [2018-05-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 5 [#XX-RXX] - Stomach (R62) by Wind Fish [2018-02-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 5 [#XX-RXX] - Stomach (R72) by Wind Fish [2018-02-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#01-R61] - Thing Naw by Sping bot [2020-04-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#02-R37] - Fblue Fling Forest by Scoobert [2020-04-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#03-DQ] - Temple of Homing by tomato jonson [2020-04-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#04-R45] - Flour Flowers by Fullcannon [2020-04-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#04-R45] - Flour Flowers by Fullcannon [2020-04-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#05-R44] - Skyscraper Bath by OEO6 [2020-04-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#06-R48] - High in the Sky (Edit 2) by DTA450 [2020-04-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#06-R48] - High in the Sky (Edit) by DTA450 [2020-04-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#06-R48] - High in the Sky (Final) by DTA450 [2020-05-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#06-R48] - High in the Sky by DTA450 [2020-04-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#08-R11] - Hacksaw Ridge (V2) by Heraga [2020-05-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#08-R11] - Hacksaw Ridge by Heraga [2020-04-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#09-R38] - Stone Monty Moles by Infinity [2020-04-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#09-R38] - Stone Monty Moles by Infinity [2020-04-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#10-R51] - Koopa Kicker (Update) by PMH [2020-04-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#10-R51] - Koopa Kicker by PMH [2020-04-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#11-R25] - Chilly Snow by Enan63 [2020-04-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#12-R29] - Negative Equinox by cyphermur9t [2020-04-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#13-R56] - Ice Cap Isles by Wheat [2020-04-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#14-R63] - A Fate Worse than Death by Fruitloops [2020-04-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#15-R53] - Tree of Sky (Fixed) by SammmUuU [2020-04-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#15-R53] - Tree of Sky (Hard) by SammmUuU [2020-04-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#15-R53] - Tree of Sky (Kaizo) by SammmUuU [2020-04-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#15-R53] - Tree of Sky by SammmUuU [2020-04-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#16-R43] - Plants and Waffles by msi810 [2020-04-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#16-R43] - Plants and Waffles by msi810 [2020-05-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#16-R43] - Plants and Waffles by msi810 [2020-05-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#16-R43] - Plants and Waffles by msi810 [2020-05-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#17-R16] - Sleepwalking until Sunrise by Sancles [2020-05-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#17-R16] - Sleepwalking until Sunrise by Sancles [2020-05-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#18-R23] - Castle Blocko by Sockbat Replica [2020-05-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#19-R51] - Trippy Taffy by Wind Fish [2020-05-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#19-R51] - Trippy Taffy by Wind Fish [2020-05-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#20-R50] - Spiny Farmin' by Dark Prince [2020-05-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#21-R45] - wowee (Energy Plant) by MokaCraft [2020-05-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#22-R49] - Choco Cake Candy by Dispace [2020-05-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#24-R54] - Smoky Mountain by DPBOX [2020-05-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#25-R34] - Cetaceans' Call by FYRE150 [2020-05-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#26-R31] - The Death's Keep by Samuel Zuccati [2020-05-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#27-R31] - Mario Fell and Can't Get Up by mariosr [2020-05-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#28-R02] - The Storm Conductor by Sixcorby [2020-05-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#29-R42] - Capital Man Advance by S.WillTwist [2020-05-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#30-R24] - Misogi Chalice by Truxton [2020-05-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#31-R40] - Hovering Heights by Jead [2020-05-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#32-R47] - Yoshi's Meadow Planet by yoshi9429 [2020-05-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#33-R36] - Chartreuse Cliffside by bebn legg [2020-05-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#34-R01] - Mirror of Hyperion (MSU-1) by snoruntpyro [2020-05-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#36-R58] - Thwimp Thwomp Palace by wolfnasty [2020-05-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#37-R62] - Star Power by Sheeplover1011 [2020-05-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#37-R62] - Star Power by Sheeplover1011 [2020-05-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#38-R60] - The Royalty Beach by Fermin Acosta Jr. [2020-05-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#39-R02] - Richter's Mixtape (Edit) by S.N.N. + Medic [2020-05-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#39-R02] - Richter's Mixtape by S.N.N. + Medic [2020-05-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#40-R27] - The Lost Bros. (Update 2) by RussianMan [2020-05-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#40-R27] - The Lost Bros. by RussianMan [2020-05-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#41-R59] - Enemy Ambush by codfish1002 [2020-05-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#42-R64] - Pineapple Beach by Soonstar [2020-05-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#43-R56] - Flowering Mountains by Seike kun [2020-05-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#44-R14] - Smasher Castle (V1) by MarioFanGamer [2020-05-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#44-R14] - Smasher Castle (V2) by MarioFanGamer [2020-05-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#44-R14] - Smasher Castle (V3) by MarioFanGamer [2020-05-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#45-R33] - Strict Safety Guidelines (MSU-1) by Mathos [2020-05-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#45-R33] - Strict Safety Guidelines (MSU-1) by Mathos [2020-05-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#45-R33] - Strict Safety Guidelines by Mathos [2020-05-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#45-R33] - Strict Safety Guidelines by Mathos [2020-05-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#46-R39] - Streemerz (Fixed) by Darkbloom + NerDose [2020-05-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#46-R39] - Streemerz by Darkbloom + NerDose [2020-05-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#47-R08] - Mad Men by Sinc-X [2020-05-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#48-R04] - Neon Night Fishing by FPzero [2020-05-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#50-R29] - Saws+Wood (Update) by Ralshi02 [2020-05-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#50-R29] - Saws+Wood by Ralshi02 [2020-05-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#51-R20] - Hypnosis Hopscotch (V2) by ToxicRave [2020-05-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#52-R28] - Entry by waterwithoutanyice [2020-05-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#54-R15] - Flippin' Flickerbars by Zerio [2020-05-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#55-R26] - JUMP'R shoot'r (Timerless) by Daizo Dee Von [2020-05-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#55-R26] - JUMP'R shoot'r by Daizo Dee Von [2020-05-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#56-R18] - BEE by Tahixham [2020-05-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#57-R12] - The Mountain by Blue Leaf [2020-05-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#58-R13] - Spiny Blast by EternityLarva [2020-05-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#59-R55] - Super Choco Rush! by kamekku14 [2020-05-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#61-R09] - Manual Scroller (V1.00) by MM102 [2020-05-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#62-R21] - Hard Fly by nokonoko82 [2020-05-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#63-R17] - Grab-Block by Pat [2020-05-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#64-R34] - A Journey in Space by Teows [2020-05-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 6 [#65-R10] - o by FrozenQuills [2020-05-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 7 [#01-R19] - Land of Thwomps and Dust by eltiolavara9 [2023-03-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 7 [#02-R12] - The Chrometophobia Town by OEO6 [2023-04-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 7 [#03-R12] - Flame Factory by N450 + Zavok [2023-04-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 7 [#04-R27] - Palmwood Island by Dispace [2023-04-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 7 [#05-R21] - Mountain Blast (Fixed) by Enan63 [2023-04-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 7 [#06-DQ] - Dragon Garden by habarakoyo [2023-04-11] (SMW Hack) [BAD]
SMWC Chocolate LDC 7 [#07-R31] - Aki Fortress (V1.03) by Insectduel [2023-04-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 7 [#08-R33] - Mount Must Dash (V1.1) by Gamer_HS [2023-04-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 7 [#09-R18] - Sacred Sanctum (V2.02) by DanMario24YT [2023-04-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 7 [#10-R07] - Unsight by MiracleWater [2023-04-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 7 [#11-R17] - You Vs. Boo EX by NopeContest [2023-04-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 7 [#12-R24] - Pokey's Desert Planet (V1.1) by yoshi9429 [2023-04-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 7 [#13-R15] - The Wing's the Limit by TheOrangeToad [2023-04-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 7 [#14-R08] - Bat Appreciation (V3) by Scarfley [2023-04-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 7 [#16-R34] - Chocolane (V1.1) by Fullcannon [2023-04-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 7 [#18-R14] - Silicate Kingdom (V3) by MoxieCat [2023-04-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 7 [#19-R20] - Kaleidoslope by Nitrogen [2023-04-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 7 [#20-R22] - Burning Sun Temper by MarkVD100 [2023-04-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 7 [#21-R22] - Armed and Aquatic by DetectiveZvarri [2023-04-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 7 [#22-R03] - Spectral Circles (V1.1) by Praseodymium [2023-04-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 7 [#23-R29] - Crystal-Clear Skies by solgaleo35 [2023-04-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 7 [#24-R10] - Cardinal Parazon (V1.1) by bebn legg [2023-04-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 7 [#25-R06] - Coral Confluence by MegaMarioMan9 [2023-04-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 7 [#26-R30] - Banzai Bonanzai by ninj [2023-04-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 7 [#27-R01] - Breathing Effect by GbreezeSunset [2023-04-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 7 [#28-R09] - Rocket Launch Ruckus by RussianMan [2023-04-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 7 [#29-R02] - Buffer Jump (V1.2) by Daizo Dee Von [2023-04-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 7 [#30-R05] - Flower, I Hardly Know 'er! by Magi [2023-04-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 7 [#31-R28] - SMB - CLDC23 by King Mayro [2023-04-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 7 [#32-R04] - Starstruck by AmperSam + Alex [2023-04-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 7 [#33-R26] - Moonlight Sunrise by Klug [2023-04-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 7 [#34-DQ] - New Fire Bros. by argooman [2023-04-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 7 [#35-R11] - Shifting in Rex by TheKazooBloccGosh [2023-04-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Chocolate LDC 7 [#36-R32] - 1000 IQ Super Quiz by HD_DankBaron [2023-04-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC HackJam 1 [#01] - Nature Challenge (V1.1) by Dispace et al [2021-12-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC HackJam 1 [#05] - The Mirror Border by Aja (Ckristina) et al [2021-12-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC HackJam 1 [#05] - The Mirror Border by Aja (Ckristina) et al [2022-03-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC HackJam 1 [#06] - A Mole in Space (V2.2) by Team Titania [2021-12-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC HackJam 1 [#06] - A Mole in Space (V2.3) by Team Titania [2022-02-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC HackJam 1 [#06] - A Mole in Space by Team Titania [2021-12-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC HackJam 1 [#06] - A Mole in Space by Team Titania [2022-02-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC HackJam 1 [#07] - The Ghost's Gallery by Team Mochi Eclairs [2021-12-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC HackJam 1 [#08] - Super Sickos World (V1.1) by Heraga et al [2021-12-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC HackJam 1 [#08] - Super Sickos World (V1.2) by Heraga et al [2021-12-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC HackJam 1 [#08] - Super Sickos World by Heraga et al [2021-12-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC HackJam 1 [#09] - Mario's Positively Perilous Skydiving! by AntiDuck [2021-12-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC HackJam 1 [#10] - Lost Mario (alt) by meatloaf et al [2021-12-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC HackJam 1 [#10] - Lost Mario by meatloaf et al [2021-12-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC HackJam 1 [#11] - Super Sauce Search (V1.02) by Team #Office [2022-01-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC HackJam 1 [#11] - Super Sauce Search by Team #Office [2022-01-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC HackJam 1 [#12] - Mario Jam by Team Fortuna [2021-12-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Halloween LDC [#01-R15] - Spooky Woods by nick 139 [2014-10-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Halloween LDC [#02-R16] - The Dark Halloween by Daniel 115 [2014-10-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Halloween LDC [#03-R09] - Great Splunkin's Fort (V1) by Gamma V [2014-10-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Halloween LDC [#03-R09] - Great Splunkin's Fort (V2) by Gamma V [2014-10-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Halloween LDC [#04-R08] - Mario in Halloween Nightmare by Jack Kitetsu [2014-10-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Halloween LDC [#05-R03] - The Nightmare House (V1.0) by Wakana [2014-10-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Halloween LDC [#05-R03] - The Nightmare House (V1.6669) by Wakana [2014-11-03] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Halloween LDC [#05-R03] - The Nightmare House by Wakana [2017-12-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Halloween LDC [#06-R06] - The Librarinth by imamelia [2014-10-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Halloween LDC [#07-R18] - Normal Ordinary Level (Death) by MercuryPenny [2014-10-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Halloween LDC [#08-R12] - Illuminator by Sockbat Replica [2014-10-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Halloween LDC [#09-R14] - 2spooky4hldc by Luks [2014-10-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Halloween LDC [#10-R20] - Spooky Level by DieKonfi [2014-10-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Halloween LDC [#11-R13] - GH (Brighter) by lolyoshi + Mogsiah [2014-11-03] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Halloween LDC [#11-R13] - GH by lolyoshi + Mogsiah [2014-10-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Halloween LDC [#12-R04] - The Mario Game (V1.0) by Daizo Dee Von [2014-10-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Halloween LDC [#12-R04] - The Mario Game (V2.5) by Daizo Dee Von [2014-11-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Halloween LDC [#13-R11] - What's in the Water (Fix 1) by ZMann [2014-11-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Halloween LDC [#13-R11] - What's in the Water (Fix 2) by ZMann [2014-11-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Halloween LDC [#13-R11] - What's in the Water by ZMann [2014-11-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Halloween LDC [#14-R02] - The Fall Festival by Snifit [2014-11-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Halloween LDC [#16-R10] - Shelf Life (Revised) by levelengine [2014-11-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Halloween LDC [#16-R10] - Shelf Life by levelengine [2014-10-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Halloween LDC [#17-R17] - Ghoul's Rule (V1) by Final Theory [2014-11-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Halloween LDC [#17-R17] - Ghoul's Rule (V2) by Final Theory [2014-11-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Halloween LDC [#18-R19] - Last Minute Entry by SuperAgentYoshi [2014-11-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Halloween LDC [#19-R06] - Artifact Chamber (V1.0) by Scorpion [2014] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Halloween LDC [#19-R06] - Artifact Chamber (V1.1) by Scorpion [2014-11-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Halloween LDC [#19-R06] - Artifact Chamber (V1.3) by Scorpion [2014-11-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Halloween LDC 2 [#02-R23] - Wood Stock by huebrbr [2019-10-14] (SMW Hack) [BAD-emu]
SMWC Halloween LDC 2 [#03-R14] - Wooded Darkness by Sockbat Replica [2019-10-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Halloween LDC 2 [#04-R12] - Ghoulish Woods by rosysunrise_ [2019-10-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Halloween LDC 2 [#04-R12] - Ghoulish Woods by rosysunrise_ [2019-10-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Halloween LDC 2 [#04-R12] - Ghoulish Woods by rosysunrise_ [2019-10-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Halloween LDC 2 [#05-R11] - Spooky, Scary Skeletons by Gamma V [2019-10-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Halloween LDC 2 [#06-R07] - Scary Land (Update) by Green Jerry [2019-11-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Halloween LDC 2 [#06-R07] - Scary Land by Green Jerry [2019-10-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Halloween LDC 2 [#07-DQ] - Scary Mario World by tomato jonson [2019-10-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Halloween LDC 2 [#08-R20] - Cash in the Attic by Fruitloops [2019-10-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Halloween LDC 2 [#09-R15] - Haunted Rainfall (Fixed) by Enan63 [2019-11-03] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Halloween LDC 2 [#09-R15] - Haunted Rainfall by Enan63 [2019-11-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Halloween LDC 2 [#10-R13] - Pumpkin Resort by Infinity [2019-11-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Halloween LDC 2 [#10-R13] - Pumpkin Resort by Infinity [2019-11-04] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Halloween LDC 2 [#11-R05] - 362 (Update) by VLSkoot [2019-11-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Halloween LDC 2 [#11-R05] - 362 by VLSkoot [2019-11-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Halloween LDC 2 [#13-R21] - Strategist's Nights by Fullcannon [2019-11-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Halloween LDC 2 [#14-R06] - An Uncanny Mansion by Darkslayer [2019-11-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Halloween LDC 2 [#15-R04] - A Really Not Scary Level by Ralshi02 [2019-11-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Halloween LDC 2 [#16-DQ] - King Boo's Rage by elgringolocojr [2019-11-11] (SMW Hack) [BAD]
SMWC Halloween LDC 2 [#16-DQ] - King Boo's Rage by elgringolocojr [2019-11-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Halloween LDC 2 [#17-R09] - October Railway by EternityLarva [2019-11-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Halloween LDC 2 [#19-R17] - Entry by Ruberjig [2019-11-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Halloween LDC 2 [#20-R08] - A Booring Level by Sixcorby [2019-11-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Halloween LDC 2 [#21-R03] - Halloween Chills by E-man38 [2019-11-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Halloween LDC 2 [#22-R01] - ALPHA SPHERE (V1.0.0) by Daizo Dee Von [2019-11-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Halloween LDC 2 [#23-R16] - Dark Cave by MarioFanGamer [2019-11-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Halloween LDC 2 [#24-R10] - Entry by Eminus [2019-11-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC HGHC [#02-R21S_21D] - Flip-Flop Maze (V1) by Netto Takashi [2008-10-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC HGHC [#02-R21S_21D] - Flip-Flop Maze (V2) by Netto Takashi [2008-10-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC HGHC [#02-R21S_21D] - Flip-Flop Maze (V3) by Netto Takashi [2008-10-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC HGHC [#02-R21S_21D] - Flip-Flop Maze (V4) by Netto Takashi [2008-10-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC HGHC [#04-R12S_20D] - Headless Horseman's House by KaizoFan [2008-10-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC HGHC [#05-R11S_05D] - Scorpion's Ruins by Scorpion [2008-10-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC HGHC [#06-R10S_17D] - Haunted Villa by Cellcen [2008-10-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC HGHC [#07-R12S_03D] - Frozen Mansion by WhiteYoshiEgg [2008-10-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC HGHC [#08-R21S_27D] - The Haunted Ghost House by NeverUser (leictreon) [2008-10-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC HGHC [#09-R18S_25D] - Ghosts of the Mist by MrSmrt (Mugenman88) [2008-10-14] (SMW Hack) [BAD]
SMWC HGHC [#11-R15S_15D] - Tricks by Dagx (Caracc) [2008-10-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC HGHC [#12-R01S_02D] - Mario Wakes Up... - Expanded! by MATTAN [2008-10-16] (SMW Hack) [BAD]
SMWC HGHC [#13-DQ] - Mansion by Project_MK [2008-10-16] (SMW Hack) [BAD]
SMWC HGHC [#15-DQ] - BOO by BOoOoOoOFFIN1996 [2008-10-17] (SMW Hack) [BAD]
SMWC HGHC [#16-R19S_17D] - Clifftop Mansion by Dark Lord Lucifer (grishnax) [2008-10-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC HGHC [#17-R17S_23D] - Empty House (Beta) by Mr.Bob [2008-10-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC HGHC [#18-R21S_26D] - Fun Fun Land by Roadkilled Raccoon (TNR) [2008-10-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC HGHC [#20-R09S_09D] - Boo's Basement by Mint (Exor) [2008-10-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC HGHC [#21-R15S_16D] - Luigi's Mansion by Mythbusterbro [2008-10-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC HGHC [#22-R05S_12D] - Splatterhouse by Carsr4carpeople1 [2008-10-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC HGHC [#23-DQ] - Mario and the Mysterious Mansion by Nameless [2008-10-19] (SMW Hack) [BAD]
SMWC HGHC [#24-R02S_01D] - The Haunt by Kc (Kc1336) [2008-10-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC HGHC [#25-R04S_06D] - Halloween of Scary by chriszombie (chris10125) [2008-10-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC HGHC [#26-R03S_04D] - Boo Manor by Blue Rabbit [2008-10-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC HGHC [#27-R12S_12D] - Under the Graveyard by RealLink [2008-10-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC HGHC [#28-R25S_09D] - Puzzle House by GN (Incognito) [2008-10-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC HGHC [#29-R27S_28D] - No Trespassing! by Barstar Shison (trumpet24601) [2008-10-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC HGHC [#30-R24S_21D] - Silent Night by Jacob Farnsworth (themilkman) [2008-10-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC HGHC [#31-R08S_09D] - Midnight Mischief by x1372 [2008-10-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC HGHC [#32-DQ] - Bowser's Tomb by Simple Bag [2008-10-20] (SMW Hack) [BAD]
SMWC HGHC [#33-R19S_12D] - Big Boo's 25 Trials by Spookler (Quizler) [2008-10-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 1 [#02-R23] - Autumn Time! by Midna [2009-10-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 1 [#03-R34] - Sonic Design by SonicBlue77 (Mai) [2009-10-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 1 [#04-R18] - Creative (V1) by Spade [2009-10-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 1 [#04-R18] - Creative (V2) by Spade [2009-10-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 1 [#05-R01] - Pumpkin on Fire by WhiteYoshiEgg [2009-10-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 1 [#08-R09] - Trick or Treat! by Luigi-San [2009-10-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 1 [#09-R33] - Konata-ism by Yanama (Dick) [2009-10-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 1 [#11-R23] - Some Mario Classics by Meirdent [2009-10-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 1 [#12-R28] - Boo! by Calvin [2009-10-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 1 [#13-R07] - Luigi on Fire (V2) by Buu [2009-10-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 1 [#15-R16] - Roflcopter by Ultimaximus [2009-10-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 1 [#16-DQ] - Megaman Owns Airman Boo (V3) by x-treme [2009-10-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 1 [#17-R03] - Boo Luigi by TheDutchLuigi [2009-10-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 1 [#18-DQ] - Your Primary SMW Hacking Resource by Hadron [2009-10-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 1 [#19-R22] - Luigi and the Boo (Fixed) by anonimato [2009-10-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 1 [#19-R22] - Luigi and the Boo by anonimato [2009-10-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 1 [#20-R11] - Mansion Battle by Jayfeather [2009-10-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 1 [#21-R36] - Happy Halloween Pacman! by 10204307 (Delta) [2009-10-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 1 [#23-R16] - Picture by King Boo [2009-10-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 1 [#24-R35] - Awesome Graphic by marioVSshadow (MVS) [2009-10-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 1 [#26-R14] - Mega Mega Man by Blaze.128 [2009-10-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 1 [#27-R23] - Classic NES by HunterMetroid (Volke) [2009-10-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 1 [#28-R32] - Zomg! Floating Muncher! by Chikane [2009-10-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 1 [#29-R30] - Attack My Meta Army by MetaKnight 3 [2009-10-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 1 [#30-R38] - Random Scene Level by Lespna1 [2009-10-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 1 [#31-R13] - Yoshi's Island Tribute by hackfan [2009-10-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 1 [#32-R20] - Noddy by Rainbowslime [2009-10-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 1 [#33-R07] - MegaMan Vs. SkullMan by Tornado [2009-10-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 1 [#34-R29] - Huge Muncher by GN (Incognito) [2009-10-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 1 [#35-R10] - pUmpy by Hach [2009-10-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 1 [#37-R20] - Castlevania III Stars by Snifit [2009-10-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 1 [#40-R02] - TLMB's Entree by TLMB [2009-10-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 1 [#41-R37] - Entry by ds777fighter [2009-10-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 1 [#XX-RXX] - Entry by Broozer [2009-10-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 2 [#01-R15] - Hyrule by Nox [2015-05-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 2 [#01-R15] - Hyrule by Nox [2015-05-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 2 [#02-R28] - Mario Meets Mario by Kaisaan Siddiqui [2015-05-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 2 [#03-R29] - Goomba by TheInsanity115 [2015-05-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 2 [#04-R20] - Mountains by Prizm [2015-05-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 2 [#05-DQ] - Entry by MoosieHD [2015-05-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 2 [#06-R12] - Masked Man by Sokobansolver [2015-05-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 2 [#07-R08] - Entry by Gamma V [2015-05-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 2 [#08-R14] - Entry by nick 139 [2015-05-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 2 [#09-R17] - Entry by Luks [2015-05-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 2 [#10-R33] - Entry by TheRaveGamer [2015-05-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 2 [#11-R18] - Forest (Final) by Gregor [2015-05-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 2 [#12-R02] - Take It Easy (V1) by Wakana [2015-05-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 2 [#12-R02] - Take It Easy (V2) by Wakana [2015-05-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 2 [#13-R25] - Rainbow Dash by Trollope [2015-05-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 2 [#14-R19] - Mew by TheAbusefreakhacker0 [2015-05-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 2 [#15-R32] - Entry by Lespna1 [2015-05-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 2 [#16-R27] - Midnight Run by Ruberjig + UmlautBanana [2015-05-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 2 [#17-R30] - Entry by Nickelony [2015-05-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 2 [#18-R21] - Cool Ranch or Nacho Cheese by Aquamentus [2015-05-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 2 [#19-R23] - Reimu by JaphethMario21st [2015-05-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 2 [#20-R31] - Entry by Roadhog360 Gaming [2015-05-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 2 [#21-R05] - Blargg by Galactaknight [2015-05-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 2 [#22-R11] - Kuma Weed by Suika Ibuki [2015-05-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 2 [#23-R19] - Buckethead by levelengine [2015-05-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 2 [#24-R02] - Lunar Majestic by Eminus [2015-05-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 2 [#25-R01] - Rounded Corners by Lazy [2015-05-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 2 [#26-R07] - 420 Blaze It by Nameless [2015-06-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 2 [#27-R15] - Entry by dragoniante174 [2015-06-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 2 [#28-R10] - Yooka-Laylee by SilverSwallow [2015-06-03] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 2 [#30-R25] - Entry by killer dagger [2015-06-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 2 [#31-R24] - Entry by Final Theory [2015-06-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 2 [#32-R09] - Entry (Updated) by S.R.H. [2015-06-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 2 [#33-R22] - Mario's Death Chamber by Koopster [2015-06-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 2 [#35-R16] - Entry by Erik557 [2015-06-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 2 [#36-DQ] - Peach by Magiluigi [2015-06-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 2 [#37-R28] - Entry by Nin [2015-06-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 2 [#38-R21] - Entry by Mindevous [2015-06-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 2 [#39-R26] - Cute Yoshi by Ludus [2015-06-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 2 [#40-R13] - Line-Tan's Declaration by yogui [2015-06-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 2 [#41-R06] - Entry by Hinalyte [2015-06-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 3 [#01-R06] - Entry by Twoka [2017-01-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 3 [#02-R11] - Entry by Luansilva12 [2017-01-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 3 [#03-R09] - Entry by GameplaysDetonados [2017-01-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 3 [#04-R10] - Entry by Big Brawler [2017-01-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 3 [#05-R02] - Entry by Eminus [2017-01-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 3 [#06-R14] - Entry by Final Theory [2017-01-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 3 [#07-R08] - Entry by Prizm [2017-01-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 3 [#08-R05] - Entry by Pseudogon [2017-01-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 3 [#09-R04] - Entry by WhiteYoshiEgg [2017-01-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 3 [#10-R03] - Entry by Wakana [2017-01-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 3 [#11-R07] - Entry by LucasRCD [2017-01-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 3 [#12-R12] - Entry by IanBoy141 [2017-01-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 3 [#13-R13] - Entry by idol [2017-01-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 3 [#14-R01] - Entry by Mathos [2017-01-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 3 [#XX-RXX] - Entry by h.carrell [2016-12-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 4 [#2-R5] - Entry by Sheeplover1011 [2019-08-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 4 [#3-R1] - Entry (Final) by MM102 [2019-07-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 4 [#3-R1] - Entry by MM102 [2019-07-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 4 [#4-R3] - Entry by Green Jerry [2019-08-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 4 [#5-R2] - Entry by EternityLarva [2019-08-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC LM Creativity 4 [#6-R4] - Entry by Dark Prince [2019-08-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Monthly Gaming Get-Together - Randomizer Speedrun by Impetus [2017-04-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC - Collaboration Hack (V1.0) by SMW Central [2018-06-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC - Collaboration Hack (V1.0) by SMW Central [2018-06-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC - Collaboration Hack (V1.1) (alt) by SMW Central [2017-2018] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC - Collaboration Hack (V1.1) by SMW Central [2018-07-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#01-R76] - Athletic Jumps (V1.0) by Luansilva12 [2017-06-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#01-R76] - Athletic Jumps (V1.1) by Luansilva12 [2017-06-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#02-R47] - Under the Bridge by Gamma V [2017-06-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#03-R57] - Fishing Jumps by toad64 [2017-06-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#04-R21] - click Noice by ThePat545 [2017-06-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#05-R34] - Entry by Heraga [2017-06-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#06-R44] - New York Subway by DogLivesMatter [2017-06-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#07-R52] - Climb 'N Dodge (Update) by Super Stiviboy [2017-06-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#07-R52] - Climb 'N Dodge by Super Stiviboy [2017-06-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#08-R52] - EAZY (Edit) by AbuseFreakHacker [2017-06-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#08-R52] - EAZY by AbuseFreakHacker [2017-06-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#09-R32] - Tricky but Hard (V1.0) by KDeee [2017-06-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#09-R32] - Tricky but Hard (V1.5) by KDeee [2017-06-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#10-R17] - Goalsphere's Castle by Sokobansolver [2017-06-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#11-R43] - Lost Castle by Wakana [2017-06-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#11-R43] - Lost Castle by Wakana [2017-06-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#12-R72] - Forest Mario by DaiaNerd [2017-06-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#13-R08] - Seltzer Fortress (V1) by HammerGuy [2017-06-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#13-R08] - Seltzer Fortress (V2) by HammerGuy [2017-06-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#14-R66] - Entry by TheRealGDColon [2017-06-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#15-R74] - Yoshi's House by Kyanite [2017-06-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#16-R82] - Water World by zacmario [2017-06-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#17-DQ] - Entry by Final Theory [2017-06-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#18-R31] - Bullet Bonzana by Minuy600 [2017-06-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#19-R20] - Hold the Line (V1) by MarioFan22 [2017-06-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#19-R20] - Hold the Line (V2) by MarioFan22 [2017-06-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#20-R03] - Milka Fortress (Update) by Luks [2017-06-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#20-R03] - Milka Fortress by Luks [2017-06-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#21-R45] - Concrete Valley by turbofa [2017-06-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#22-R01] - Strip Mine (Edit) by FrozenQuills [2017-06-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#22-R01] - Strip Mine by FrozenQuills [2017-06-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#23-R24] - Streamside Grove by Gloomy [2017-06-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#23-R24] - Streamside Grove by Gloomy [2017-06-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#24-R45] - Autumn Carnival by yoshi9429 [2017-06-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#24-R45] - Autumn Carnival by yoshi9429 [2017-06-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#25-DQ] - Stalking Castle (Fixed) by LOLIPOP1136 [2017-06-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#25-DQ] - Stalking Castle by LOLIPOP1136 [2017-06-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#26-R37] - Ghost Forest by Matheus2653 [2017-06-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#27-R70] - Chocolate Cliff by Celestial Seraph [2017-06-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#28-R50] - Lifty Heights by NeXuS15 [2017-06-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#29-R23] - Slushy Moors by Eevee [2017-06-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#29-R23] - Slushy Moors by Eevee [2017-06-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#30-R69] - The Haunted House by Wii2 [2017-06-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#31-R60] - Iggy's Fortress by Rykon-V73 [2017-06-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#32-R29] - Entry by yogui [2017-06-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#33-R42] - Donut Ghost Village by NGB [2017-06-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#34-R02] - Ghost Water (V1.0) by Sixcorby [2017-06-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#34-R02] - Ghost Water (V1.1) by Sixcorby [2017-06-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#35-R17] - So Safe It's Boring (V1) by Lazy [2017-06-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#35-R17] - So Safe It's Boring (V2) by Lazy [2017-06-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#36-R15] - Pure Vanilla (Update) by Sockbat Replica [2017-06-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#36-R15] - Pure Vanilla by Sockbat Replica [2017-06-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#37-R62] - Illusion Island by yoshimap [2017-06-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#38-R11] - Bowser's Front Door by lolyoshi [2017-06-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#39-R13] - Notable Heights by Quantix [2017-06-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#40-R09] - Aquatic Mines by Agent Q [2017-06-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#41-R16] - Luigi's Kong Quest (Update 1) by Hobz [2017-06-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#41-R16] - Luigi's Kong Quest (Update 2) by Hobz [2017-06-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#41-R16] - Luigi's Kong Quest by Hobz [2017-06-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#42-R36] - Floodwoods by Prizm [2017-06-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#43-R77] - Wendy's Hideaway by LucasRCD [2017-06-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#43-R77] - Wendy's Hideaway by LucasRCD [2017-06-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#44-R54] - The Boney Crew by Wind Fish [2017-06-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#45-R28] - Grinder Castle by msi810 [2017-06-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#46-R64] - Monty Mole Mountain by Shiny Ninetales [2017-06-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#46-R64] - Monty Mole Mountain by Shiny Ninetales [2017-06-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#47-R68] - Mount Meato (Revised) by Cobsters [2017-06-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#47-R68] - Mount Meato by Cobsters [2017-06-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#48-RXX] - Pipe City by SMW_Physicist [2017-06-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#49-R48] - Canyon Crossroads by a hick [2017-06-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#50-R61] - Ghostly Fiery Woods by dreamworkman [2017-06-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#51-R24] - Lemmy's Aquarium by Pseudogon [2017-06-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#53-R65] - Wendy's 2nd Castle by glitch4 [2017-06-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#53-R65] - Wendy's 2nd Castle by glitch4 [2017-06-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#54-R57] - No Waifu, No Laifu by ThalesMangaka [2017-06-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#55-R10] - Yoshi's Island 1.5 by Sariel (Leiras) [2017-06-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#56-R55] - Deadwood Forest by solareclipse713 [2017-06-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#57-R07] - Agaric Sabotage by GbreezeSunset [2017-06-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#57-R07] - Agaric Sabotage by GbreezeSunset [2017-06-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#57-R07] - Agaric Sabotage by GbreezeSunset [2017-06-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#58-R81] - Dolphin Paradise by Galaer [2017-06-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#59-R04] - Grinding to a Halt by Enjl [2017-06-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#60-R74] - Windbreaker Plains by kamekku14 [2017-06-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#61-R13] - Primeape Bridge by snoruntpyro [2017-06-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#62-R67] - Above the Canopy by Ivy [2017-06-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#63-R48] - Volcanic Volcano (Update) by Najeraldo [2017-06-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#63-R48] - Volcanic Volcano by Najeraldo [2017-06-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#64-R70] - #0 Big Boo's Castle by Lsh0426 [2017-06-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#65-R27] - Ice Cream Glacier by MasterSkodwarde [2017-06-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#66-R21] - Emerald Fortress by Nariofan101 [2017-06-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#66-R21] - Emerald Fortress by Nariofan101 [2017-06-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#67-R50] - sp00py Forest by MalusAmigo [2017-06-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#68-R12] - Superterranean Hill by Nao [2017-06-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#69-R78] - Frigid Fortress by YoFilthyMudda [2017-06-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#70-R05] - Tower to Heaven (V1.0) by Blue Leaf [2017-06-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#70-R05] - Tower to Heaven (V1.1) by Blue Leaf [2017-06-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#71-R72] - Water Pool by Minimay [2017-06-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#72-R41] - River Raft Ride by alexandrite [2017-06-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#73-R59] - Basalt Keep (Update) by CondorTalon [2017-06-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#73-R59] - Basalt Keep by CondorTalon [2017-06-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#74-R26] - Meringue Heights (Updated) by Grugi [2017-06-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#74-R26] - Meringue Heights by Grugi [2017-06-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#75-R32] - Subterranean Scaffolds by Centipede [2017-06-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#76-R19] - Crystal Castle by RussianMan [2017-06-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#77-R39] - Vanilla Bridge by Tob [2017-06-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#78-R56] - Racing Party by Kusrry [2017-06-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#79-R29] - #712 Big Boo Castle by SomeGuy712x [2017-06-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#80-R83] - Actual Garbage by Flan. [2017-06-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#81-R62] - Star World 6 by LX5 [2017-06-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#82-R79] - Disparity Track (Fixed) by mkwstar [2017-06-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#82-R79] - Disparity Track by mkwstar [2017-06-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#83-R80] - Battle Royale (alt) by Steven [2017-06-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#83-R80] - Battle Royale by Steven [2017-06-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#84-R34] - Lakitu's Grassland by Everest [2017-06-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#85-R06] - What the Fuzz by ft029 [2017-06-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#86-DQ] - Yellow Challenge (Fixed) by homerscout [2017-06-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#86-DQ] - Yellow Challenge by homerscout [2017-06-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#87-R39] - Mushroom Challenge by mes [2017-06-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC [#XX-RXX] - Rockslide Ridge by imamelia [2017-06-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 - Collaboration Hack (V1.0) by SMW Central [2022-10-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 - Collaboration Hack (V1.02) by SMW Central [2022-11-03] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#001-R096] - Dilemma (Update) by JP32 [2021-04-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#001-R096] - Dilemma by JP32 [2021-04-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#002-DQ] - Winning Level by NewPointless [2021-04-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#003-R068] - Mar de Morros (V1.0) by mariosr [2021-04-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#003-R068] - Mar de Morros (V1.1) by mariosr [2021-04-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#003-R068] - Mar de Morros (V1.3) by mariosr [2021-05-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#004-R039] - The Dank Pit by yogui [2021-04-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#005-R088] - Nightly Hopping by Nao [2021-04-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#006-R075] - Dino Mountain (Update) by Green Jerry [2021-04-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#006-R075] - Dino Mountain by Green Jerry [2021-04-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#007-R098] - Ninji Highlands by yv64n [2021-04-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#008-R011] - Matcha Mansion (V1) by Heraga [2021-04-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#008-R011] - Matcha Mansion (V2) by Heraga [2021-04-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#009-R113] - Spinjump Cave by Xboy1282 [2021-04-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#010-R024] - Bowser's Biggest Fan (V1.2) by JamesD28 [2021-04-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#010-R024] - Bowser's Biggest Fan (V1.3) by JamesD28 [2021-05-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#010-R024] - Bowser's Biggest Fan by JamesD28 [2021-04-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#011-R058] - Mocha Tower by IronFoxGaming [2021-04-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#012-R087] - Chucks Grass by Enan63 [2021-04-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#013-R065] - All the Way Up by Neidave [2021-04-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#014-R069] - Koopa's Battleships by iTom33.ro [2021-04-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#015-R089] - Slippery Skies by Mario is the best [2021-04-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#016-R119] - Peanut Plains 1 by Dispace [2021-04-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#017-R065] - Roy's Castle by KevinM [2021-04-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#018-R064] - Wendy's Doom by AbuseFreakHacker [2021-04-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#019-R023] - Castle of WTF (V1) by Magikey [2021-04-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#019-R023] - Castle of WTF (V3) by Magikey [2021-04-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#021-R032] - Ebb and Flow by AmperSam [2021-04-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#022-R085] - Cave o' Movement by MrDoubleA [2021-04-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#023-R104] - Secret Ghost House by MercuryPenny [2021-04-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#024-R001] - Rancid Conduit (V2) by Lazy [2021-05-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#024-R001] - Rancid Conduit by Lazy [2021-04-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#025-R038] - French Twost by lolyoshi [2021-04-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#026-R069] - Not Secret Area by rextep [2021-04-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#027-R060] - Kuwait Desu by waterwithoutanyice [2021-04-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#028-R002] - Mycologic Masochism by OEO6 [2021-04-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#029-R090] - Oni Mountain by Truxton [2021-04-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#030-R062] - The Myth of Icarus by Nitrogen [2021-04-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#031-R031] - Shifting Cavern (V1) by ModernKiwi [2021-04-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#031-R031] - Shifting Cavern (V2) by ModernKiwi [2021-04-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#032-R107] - Mole Is Desert by Infinity [2021-04-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#033-R016] - Fuzzy Drink by Stivi [2021-04-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#034-R009] - Alto Adige by NerDose [2021-04-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#035-R047] - Op.10 No.12 (Update) by Alex_X8 [2021-04-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#035-R047] - Op.10 No.12 by Alex_X8 [2021-04-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#036-R028] - Leap Claps by MarkVD100 [2021-04-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#036-R028] - Leap Claps by MarkVD100 [2021-04-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#037-R059] - Greedy Athletic by MiracleWater [2021-04-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#038-R067] - Radical Rope Ride by RussianMan [2021-04-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#039-R115] - Simply Mansion by OrangeBronzeDaisy [2021-04-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#039-R115] - Simply Mansion by OrangeBronzeDaisy [2021-05-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#040-R042] - Fish's Lair by eduard11 [2021-04-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#041-R004] - Intangible Assets by GbreezeSunset [2021-04-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#041-R004] - Intangible Assets by GbreezeSunset [2021-04-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#041-R004] - Intangible Assets by GbreezeSunset [2021-04-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#042-R078] - Slip 'N' Scare by Segment1Zone2 [2021-04-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#043-R091] - Mario Go Spinny by Jead [2021-04-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#044-R082] - Spirit Woods by Paperdomo101 [2021-04-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#045-R029] - Moss Hill by Koopster [2021-04-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#045-R029] - Moss Hill by Koopster [2021-04-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#046-R047] - IDK - Yo by FragOnCrack [2021-04-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#047-R013] - Lit Dungeon (V2) by Katerpie [2021-05-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#047-R013] - Lit Dungeon by Katerpie [2021-04-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#048-R101] - Blue-Grey Valley (Fixed) by Brutapode89 [2021-04-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#048-R101] - Blue-Grey Valley by Brutapode89 [2021-04-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#049-DQ] - Is This 105 by MarioPlayer001 [2021-04-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#050-R036] - Chainsaw Coppice by N450 [2021-04-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#051-R052] - Hot Cocoa Hills (V2.5) by Devazure [2021-04-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#051-R052] - Hot Cocoa Hills (V3.0) by Devazure [2021-05-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#052-R071] - Fresh Air Fortress (alt) by Friday_D0nat [2021-04-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#052-R071] - Fresh Air Fortress by Friday_D0nat [2021-04-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#053-R121] - Monty Mole Mountain by AppleBoy54321 [2021-04-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#054-R040] - Rock Fest by BlueToad [2021-04-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#054-R040] - Rock Fest by BlueToad [2021-04-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#055-R007] - Pencil Sharpening (V2) by Aeon [2021-04-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#055-R007] - Pencil Sharpening (V6) by Aeon [2021-05-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#055-R007] - Pencil Sharpening by Aeon [2021-04-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#056-R021] - McYoshi's (V1.0) by 7 up [2021-04-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#056-R021] - McYoshi's (V1.24) by 7 up [2021-04-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#057-R056] - Big Boo's Shipyard by Idunno [2021-04-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#058-R034] - Why Be Right by SomeGuy712x [2021-04-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#059-R046] - Shameless Sky (V1.3) by Galaer [2021-04-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#059-R046] - Shameless Sky by Galaer [2021-04-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#060-R003] - Entry by Sixcorby [2021-04-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#061-R072] - Sky Platforms Zone by Jeosberry [2021-04-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#062-R049] - Lightning Festival by Lotsaspaghetti [2021-04-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#063-R035] - Musical Sci-Fi by Squirrelyman157 [2021-04-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#064-R082] - Cloud Nine by EduzinMMA [2021-04-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#064-R082] - Cloud Nine by EduzinMMA [2021-05-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#065-R094] - 12PTLAYERGM (Updated) by 2pvenezuela [2021-04-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#065-R094] - 12PTLAYERGM by 2pvenezuela [2021-04-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#066-R032] - Dizzy Aerial Stunts by yoshi9429 [2021-04-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#067-DQ] - Salute to Tomato by Morsel [2021-04-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#068-R120] - Final Castle Basic by Albert1234 [2021-04-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#069-R072] - Supersubmerged Keep by Raymondsze [2021-04-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#070-R019] - Triangle or Devil by Rhodonacht [2021-04-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#071-R100] - Bossless Fortress by Hayashi Neru [2021-04-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#072-R051] - Sky Battallion (Update) by Klug [2021-04-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#072-R051] - Sky Battallion by Klug [2021-04-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#073-R118] - Dino Rush by Disk Poppy [2021-04-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#074-R050] - Iggy's Dizzy Home by Wind Fish [2021-04-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#075-R078] - Jolly Bouncers by qantuum [2021-04-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#075-R078] - Jolly Bouncers by qantuum [2021-04-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#076-R056] - Popsicle Glacier by Aja [2021-04-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#077-R106] - A Clockwork Moon by CM9 [2021-04-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#078-R104] - slopey buttey capey by quietmason [2021-04-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#079-R041] - Forestress (Update 1) by Spedinja [2021-05-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#079-R041] - Forestress by Spedinja [2021-04-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#080-R095] - Dark Cave by Edphonse15 [2021-04-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#080-R095] - Dark Cave by Edphonse15 [2021-05-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#081-R085] - A Spin over Hazards (V5) by slakkmichael [2021-04-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#081-R085] - A Spin over Hazards (V6) by slakkmichael [2021-05-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#082-R108] - Creme Cavern (V2) by HammerGuy [2021-05-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#082-R108] - Creme Cavern by HammerGuy [2021-04-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#084-DQ] - Lava Chucks by Prestinator13 [2021-04-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#085-R072] - Thrown into the Deep End by Hobz [2021-04-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#086-R115] - Cavemania by xyz600sp [2021-04-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#087-R103] - SuperKoopa Land by DoktorGroove [2021-05-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#088-R097] - Classic Romp by AnEvilGhost [2021-05-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#089-R037] - Trial and Terror by Sancles [2021-05-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#090-R076] - Blueberry Fortress (V1) by Selicre [2021-05-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#090-R076] - Blueberry Fortress (V2) by Selicre [2021-05-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#091-R044] - Cave of No Fish by Mirann [2021-05-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#092-R052] - Spiny Skyway by Eevee [2021-05-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#093-R093] - When It's The by eltiolavara9 [2021-05-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#094-R081] - Cloudspooks by Ivy [2021-05-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#095-R024] - Flickering Forest by Lui [2021-05-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#096-R110] - The Storm Machine by FritzMillfarmer [2021-05-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#097-R026] - UberzequistA-o by kjitmno''.pqr [2021-05-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#098-R062] - The Call of the Mt. by Lightvayne [2021-05-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#099-R108] - New Londo Ruins by Fellipe R [2021-05-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#101-R029] - Bowser's Scrapped Castle by Lucky Bacon [2021-05-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#102-R114] - Shipwreck Shore by Caracc [2021-05-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#103-R099] - Underworld by monkey03297 [2021-05-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#104-R076] - Coasting Redwoods by PSI Ninja [2021-05-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#106-R017] - Rehab by Magmatic + le4che [2021-05-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#107-R027] - Aquatic Rift (Update) by E-man38 [2021-05-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#107-R027] - Aquatic Rift by E-man38 [2021-05-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#108-R018] - Some Strange Place by codfish1002 [2021-05-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#109-R054] - Wendy's Water Tower by TheOrangeToad [2021-05-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#110-R022] - Blockchain Fortress by neosaver [2021-05-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#111-R045] - Level 136 by Chris [2021-05-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#112-R042] - Mansion Slide by Luaxon [2021-05-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#114-R061] - Volcania Hills by MORC [2021-05-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#115-R082] - Shadowland by Maw [2021-05-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#116-R019] - Slippy Slopes by ToxicRave [2021-05-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#117-R092] - Way Coolbular by KiloMinimo + Matt [2021-05-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#118-R008] - Line Drive by Blue Leaf [2021-05-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#119-R078] - Rex Ridge by Fingolfin [2021-05-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#120-R102] - KAPPOW!!! (alt) by Marcozzo Daro [2021-05-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#120-R102] - KAPPOW!!! by Marcozzo Daro [2021-05-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#121-R112] - Mini Castle by Davidvama21 [2021-05-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#123-R117] - Mini-Castle of Spin by TheKazooBloccGosh [2021-05-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#124-R005] - Living Sponges by ft029 [2021-05-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#125-R010] - Wet Socks by FrozenQuills [2021-05-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 2 [#XXX-RXXX] - Alpha Dreamflight by NopeContest [2021-07-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 3 - Base ROM by Alex [2023-08-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 3 [#01-R34] - Sawblade Synergy (V1.4) by mariofan_171 [2023-10-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 3 [#02-R53] - Ghost Train by Boosius [2023-10-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 3 [#03-R50] - Chuck Buddies (V1.14.1) by 7 up [2023-10-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 3 [#04-R33] - Grassland Athletics by Enan63 [2023-10-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 3 [#05-R22] - Choco-Cream Prime by Shiki_Makiro [2023-10-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 3 [#06-R47] - Wonder Forest Lake by TheXander [2023-10-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 3 [#07-R02] - Blue Door Cinema Club by GbreezeSunset [2023-10-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 3 [#08-R44] - Mushroom Challenge by Zavok + N450 [2023-10-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 3 [#09-R24] - Bowser's Bistro (V2.0) by DanMario24YT [2023-10-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 3 [#10-R49] - Woods of Peril (Fixed) by Brutapode89 [2023-10-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 3 [#11-R03] - DVD Logo (Updated) by NerDose [2023-10-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 3 [#12-R01] - Three Block Formation by idol [2023-10-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 3 [#13-R07] - Magnificent Donkeys by OEO6 [2023-10-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 3 [#14-R44] - Is It Night Now by Hayashi Neru [2023-10-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 3 [#15-R14] - Lime Stone Cowboy by NopeContest [2023-10-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 3 [#16-R10] - Turnblock Point (Updated) by Anas [2023-10-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 3 [#18-R35] - Pipe Music by TheBrightStar [2023-10-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 3 [#19-R52] - Caven Shelling Show by yoshi9429 [2023-10-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 3 [#20-R54] - Pewter Fortress (V1.01) by Insectduel [2023-10-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 3 [#21-R41] - Higher Mountain by Guido_Keller [2023-10-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 3 [#22-R19] - Low Budget Castle! by BlueSheep123 [2023-10-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 3 [#23-R48] - Platform Rush by Dispace [2023-10-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 3 [#24-R12] - s p a c e o u t by Scarfley [2023-10-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 3 [#25-R28] - Flooded Castle (V1.1) by Green Jerry [2023-10-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 3 [#27-R39] - Yes Yoshi Allowed by MarkVD100 [2023-10-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 3 [#28-R35] - I Can't Hear the BGM by TheMorganah [2023-10-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 3 [#29-R25] - One Shot by Big Brawler [2023-10-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 3 [#30-R19] - Crimson Night by Idunno [2023-10-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 3 [#31-R32] - Untitled Entry by Nitrogen [2023-10-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 3 [#32-R46] - The Archway by Klug [2023-10-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 3 [#33-R41] - Chocolate Secret 2 by Soul Storm [2023-10-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 3 [#34-R16] - Turn Up the Volume by crocodileman94 [2023-10-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 3 [#35-R43] - Blue Tides by Pitchin' Luigi [2023-10-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 3 [#36-R05] - How High Are You by ECS.98 [2023-10-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 3 [#37-R14] - The Goal Tape Heist by SomeGuy712x [2023-10-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 3 [#38-R37] - Mega Mole Road by monkey03297 [2023-10-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 3 [#39-R11] - House of Duality by Sixcorby [2023-10-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 3 [#40-R08] - Quiver Catacombs by Daizo Dee Von [2023-10-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 3 [#41-R26] - Ninji Treasure Cove by Panik FLDV [2023-10-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 3 [#42-R05] - Root of All Evil by Blue Leaf [2023-10-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 3 [#43-R03] - Spinny Sparky Spice by Stivi [2023-10-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 3 [#44-R09] - A Switch Palussy by AmperSam [2023-10-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 3 [#45-R22] - It Moves! by neosaver [2023-10-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 3 [#46-DQ] - Normal Level 1 by the_name_is_already_taken [2023-10-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 3 [#47-R38] - Red Temple by Mischievous Marc [2023-10-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 3 [#48-R17] - House of the Mammonist by thegonzalex [2023-10-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 3 [#49-R40] - Rarity Resort and Recreation by imamelia [2023-10-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 3 [#50-R28] - Coin Arcanum (V1.1) by bebn legg + Donut [2023-10-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 3 [#51-R51] - Bazooka33 by 7frames [2023-10-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 3 [#52-R19] - Slaptear by lolyoshi + snoruntpyro [2023-10-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 3 [#53-R17] - Balloon Fort by AnEvilGhost [2023-10-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 3 [#54-R30] - Forest Frenzy by IanBoy [2023-10-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 3 [#55-R26] - Vitruvian Scroll by E-man38 [2023-10-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Old-School LDC 3 [#56-DQ] - Blocks of Chaos 2 by ASMagician Maks [2023-10-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 1 [#01-R14] - Goomba Pass by Whiter (Darkrai) [2009-02-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 1 [#03-R11] - Sunshine Isle (V1) by Blaze.128 [2009-02-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 1 [#03-R11] - Sunshine Isle (V2) by Blaze.128 [2009-02-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 1 [#04-R07] - The Four Seasonal Regions by Jimmy52905 [2009-02-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 1 [#05-R16] - The 6 Golden Coins by Magikoopa24 [2009-02-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 1 [#06-R09] - Latcari Riverside by Spade [2009-02-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 1 [#07-R10] - Tremendous Hills by Neko (Carsr4carpeople1) [2009-02-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 1 [#08-R01] - Sapphire Shores by A Yoshi (Azurik) [2009-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 1 [#09-R03_4S] - Quest On Trains' Kingdom by Lunatic Wolf [2009-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 1 [#09-R03_4S] - Submap Overworld by Lunatic Wolf [2009-03-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 1 [#10-R05_1S] - Mushroom Island by Dinomar (Alessio) [2009-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 1 [#11-R12_2S] - Overworld by WhiteYoshiEgg [2009-03-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 1 [#11-R12_2S] - Submaps by WhiteYoshiEgg [2009-03-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 1 [#12-R13] - Entry by Flopping Luigi (L.C.M.O.) [2009-03-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 1 [#13-RXX] - Rocky Ravine (V2) by phenolatukas (Impetus) [2009-03-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 1 [#13-RXX] - Rocky Ravine (V3) by phenolatukas (Impetus) [2009-03-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 1 [#14-R08] - Caramel Plains by blurredmario64 (Iceguy) [2009-03-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 1 [#15-R06] - Entry by Haaaaaach (Hach) [2009-03-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 1 [#16-R02] - Entry by InvisibleCoinBlock [2009-03-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 1 [#17-R04_3S] - Shroomy Hills (V1.02) by TheDutchLuigi [2009-03-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 2 [#01-R21] - Geplakte Ocean by Ersanio [2012-07-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 2 [#02-R08] - Ascend to the Base by Ripperon-X [2012-07-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 2 [#03-R19] - A Berry Good Day by Egadd [2012-07-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 2 [#04-R16] - Land of Frost-Fire by Henix Aurorus [2012-07-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 2 [#05-R17] - Beginner's Fork by levelengine [2012-07-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 2 [#06-R05] - Gap Bridge by Pikerchu13 [2012-07-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 2 [#07-R22] - Plot Development by OGS93 [2012-07-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 2 [#08-R07] - Water You Waiting For by reghrhre [2012-07-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 2 [#09-R20] - PEGI 18+ by yogui [2012-07-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 2 [#10-R12] - Life Hurts by Jonny [2012-07-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 2 [#11-R15] - Entry by TomPhanto [2012-07-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 2 [#12-R10] - Crag Canyon by Kenny [2012-07-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 2 [#13-R11] - Yoshi's Beach by Lunatic Wolf [2012-07-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 2 [#14-R13] - Koopa Island Shore by aj6666 [2012-07-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 2 [#15-R14] - Enter the Castle by cheat-master30 [2012-08-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 2 [#16-R09] - Grassy Hills by 1337H4mm3rBr0z (LHB) [2012-08-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 2 [#17-DQ] - Entry (V1) by Teo17 [2012-08-02] (SMW Hack) [BAD-emu]
SMWC Overworld DC 2 [#17-DQ] - Entry (V2) by Teo17 [2012-08-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 2 [#18-R06] - Goomba's Garden by Exor [2012-08-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 2 [#19-R03] - Ruby's Castle by Azurik [2012-08-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 2 [#20-R02] - Grassy Junction by Lynnes [2012-08-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 2 [#21-R01] - Yoshi's Floating Island by Jimmy52905 [2012-08-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 2 [#22-R04] - Kusabana Road by Ladida [2012-08-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 2 [#23-R18] - Lil' Hill by camoslash [2012-08-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 2 [#XX-RXX] - Starting Point by superwiidude [2012-07-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 3 [#01-R18] - Entry by Green Jerry [2019-05-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 3 [#02-R09] - Entry by joseph aka Omega (Rammy) [2019-05-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 3 [#02-R09] - Entry by joseph aka Omega (Rammy) [2019-05-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 3 [#03-R03] - Entry (V1.0) by Digital Entertainment [2019-05-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 3 [#03-R03] - Entry (V1.1) by Digital Entertainment [2019-06-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 3 [#03-R03] - Entry (V1.2) by Digital Entertainment [2019-06-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 3 [#03-R03] - Entry (V1.2) by Digital Entertainment [2019-06-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 3 [#04-R12] - Entry by Infinity [2019-05-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 3 [#05-R26] - Entry by GST_Bass [2019-05-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 3 [#06-R19] - Entry by Hayashi Neru [2019-06-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 3 [#06-R19] - Entry by Hayashi Neru [2019-06-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 3 [#07-DQ] - Entry (Final) by Dispace [2019-06-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 3 [#07-DQ] - Entry by Dispace [2019-06-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 3 [#07-DQ] - Entry by Dispace [2019-06-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 3 [#07-DQ] - Entry by Dispace [2019-07-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 3 [#08-R16] - Entry by Lexou (Lexator) [2019-06-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 3 [#09-R14] - Entry by Roberto Zampari [2019-06-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 3 [#10-R06] - Entry by Koopster [2019-06-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 3 [#10-R06] - Entry by Koopster [2019-06-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 3 [#11-R21] - Entry by Yourio_ [2019-06-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 3 [#12-R20] - Entry by TheEvilKingBowser [2019-06-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 3 [#13-R07] - Entry by hash [2019-06-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 3 [#14-R05] - Entry by Emoglobin [2019-06-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 3 [#15-R01] - Entry (V1.0) by Erik + Tob [2019-06-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 3 [#16-R02] - Entry (V0.7) by EternityLarva [2019-06-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 3 [#16-R02] - Entry (V0.77) by EternityLarva [2019-07-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 3 [#17-R22] - Entry by yoshi9429 [2019-07-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 3 [#18-R14] - Entry (V1.1) by ECS.98 [2019-07-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 3 [#19-R04] - Entry by Dakras Hayashi [2019-06-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 3 [#20-R15] - Entry by Nickelony [2019-07-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 3 [#21-R17] - Entry by Fullcannon [2019-07-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 3 [#22-R24] - Entry by poopsey [2019-07-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 3 [#23-R09] - Entry by Sancles [2019-07-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 3 [#24-DQ] - Entry by xyz600sp (Dispace) [2019-07-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 3 [#25-R08] - Entry by Ondore's Lies [2019-07-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 3 [#26-R11] - Entry by hendog30_ [2019-07-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 3 [#27-DQ] - Entry by Sariel [2019-07-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 3 [#29-R24] - Entry by Super Maks 64 [2019-07-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 3 [#30-R23] - Entry by Ruberjig + MarioFanGamer [2019-07-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 3 [#XX-RXX] - Entry by Dispace [2019-06-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 3 [#XX-RXX] - Entry by XpheXl [2019-05-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 4 [#01-R06] - Entry (Fixed) by OrangeBronzeDaisy [2021-05-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 4 [#01-R06] - Entry by OrangeBronzeDaisy [2021-05-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 4 [#01-R06] - Entry by OrangeBronzeDaisy [2021-05-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 4 [#01-R06] - Entry by OrangeBronzeDaisy [2021-06-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 4 [#02-R20] - Entry by Gamma V [2021-05-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 4 [#02-R20] - Entry by Gamma V [2021-05-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 4 [#03-R05] - Entry (V1.3) by Dispace Troblex [2021-05-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 4 [#03-R05] - Entry (V1.4) by Dispace Troblex [2021-05-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 4 [#03-R05] - Entry (V1.5) (Final) by Dispace Troblex [2021-06-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 4 [#03-R05] - Entry by Dispace Troblex [2021-05-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 4 [#04-R19] - Entry (Update 2) by Green Jerry [2021-05-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 4 [#04-R19] - Entry by Green Jerry [2021-05-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 4 [#05-R22] - Entry by Infinity [2021-05-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 4 [#06-R26] - Entry by KevinM [2021-05-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 4 [#07-R24] - Entry by OEO6 [2021-05-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 4 [#08-R23] - Entry (V1.0) by Kimicharu [2021-05-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 4 [#09-R11] - Entry (V1.01) by xyz600sp [2021-05-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 4 [#09-R11] - Entry (V1.10) by xyz600sp [2021-06-03] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 4 [#09-R11] - Entry (V1.11) (Final) by xyz600sp [2021-06-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 4 [#09-R11] - Entry by xyz600sp [2021-05-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 4 [#10-R16] - Entry by Rykon-V73 [2021-06-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 4 [#11-R13] - Entry by Lazy + GbreezeSunset [2021-06-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 4 [#11-R13] - Entry by Lazy + GbreezeSunset [2021-06-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 4 [#12-R28] - Entry by NewPointless [2021-06-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 4 [#13-R04] - Entry by Koopster [2021-06-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 4 [#13-R04] - Entry by Koopster [2021-06-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 4 [#14-R08] - Entry by Mr. MS + edgar [2021-06-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 4 [#15-R02] - Entry by Mirann [2021-06-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 4 [#16-R27] - Entry by NINTENLUIGI [2021-06-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 4 [#17-R09] - Entry by Friday_D0nat [2021-06-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 4 [#18-R12] - Entry (Update) by Darkwoon (Ziz) [2021-06-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 4 [#18-R12] - Entry by Darkwoon (Ziz) [2021-06-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 4 [#19-R06] - Entry by Rilla Roo [2021-06-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 4 [#20-R03] - Entry (V1.2) by Stivi + Bench-kun [2021-06-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 4 [#20-R03] - Entry by Stivi + Bench-kun [2021-06-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 4 [#21-R09] - Entry by Segment1Zone2 [2021-06-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 4 [#22-R18] - Entry by Digital Entertainment [2021-06-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 4 [#23-R21] - Entry by TheOrangeToad [2021-06-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 4 [#24-R01] - Entry (V1) by Devazure [2021-06-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 4 [#24-R01] - Entry (V2) by Devazure [2021-06-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 4 [#25-R15] - Entry by codfish1002 [2021-06-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 4 [#26-R25] - Entry (Final) by Starius65 [2021-06-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 4 [#27-R17] - Entry by icrawfish [2021-06-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 4 [#28-R13] - Entry by Dark Prince [2021-06-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 4 [#XX-RXX] - Entry (Dropped) by Rammy [2021-06-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 5 [#01-R07] - Neural World (V1) by Daizo Dee Von [2022-03-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 5 [#02-R19] - 1-1 Ripoff by ninj [2022-03-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 5 [#03-R09] by Gamma V [2022-03-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 5 [#04-R11] - Entry (Update 1) by Green Jerry [2022-04-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 5 [#05-R06] - Sponge's Quest (Update 2) by edgar [2022-04-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 5 [#06-R04] - Anime Lovers (V2) by Dispace [2022-04-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 5 [#07-R08] - Entry (Updated) by Alex [2022-04-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 5 [#08-R05] - Entry by OrangeBronzeDaisy [2022-04-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 5 [#09-R13] - Entry by xyz600sp [2022-04-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 5 [#10-R13] - Gourmet Land by Panik FLDV [2022-04-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 5 [#11-R13] - Entry by Zavok (Infinity) [2022-04-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 5 [#12-R03] - Entry by GbreezeSunset + Lazy [2022-04-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 5 [#13-R10] - Entry by Galeth [2022-04-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 5 [#14-R17] - Luigi's Adventure (V1.1) by NINTENLUIGI [2022-04-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 5 [#15-R16] - Entry by Nitrogen [2022-04-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 5 [#16-R12] - Entry by TheOrangeToad [2022-04-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 5 [#17-R18] - Entry by icrawfish [2022-04-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 5 [#18-R01] - Crescent County (V2) by Devazure + Kevin [2022-04-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 5 [#19-R02] - Entry (V5) by Deeke [2022-04-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 6 [#01-R09] - The Tengri Chronicles 1 by mariofan_171 [2023-05-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 6 [#02-R05] - Paradiso by Rouge (Rammy) [2023-06-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 6 [#03-R17] - Entry (V1.2) by MarioFanGamer [2023-06-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 6 [#04-R13] - Hub Main Map World by wye [2023-05-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 6 [#05-R10] - Bitch Land by Sixcorby [2023-06-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 6 [#06-R15] - Entry (V1.0.1) by Green Jerry [2023-06-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 6 [#07-R11] - Entry by Alex [2023-06-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 6 [#08-R03] - Entry by Zavok + Dispace [2023-06-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 6 [#09-R16] - Entry by OrangeBronzeDaisy [2023-06-04] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 6 [#10-R20] - Entry by karls_Corinthia [2023-06-04] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 6 [#11-R14] - Entry (V1.1) by DanMario24YT [2023-06-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 6 [#12-R06] - Entry by Idunno [2023-06-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 6 [#13-R07] - The Eclipsed Berg by Morph Moth [2023-06-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 6 [#14-R12] - Entry (lol) by Lazy [2023-06-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 6 [#15-R19] - Pillars by icrawfish [2023-06-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 6 [#16-R18] - Entry by Hayashi Neru [2023-06-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 6 [#17-R01] - Unfunny Edition by Segment1Zone2 [2023-06-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 6 [#18-R08] - Mario Gets His Groove Back by Burning Loaf [2023-06-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 6 [#19-R04] - Entry (V1.0) by MM102 [2023-06-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Overworld DC 6 [#20-R02] - Entry by edgar [2023-06-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2011 - A Dark Walk (For MSAhm3d59113) by everest700 [2011-12-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2011 - Apocalypse (For keckcellent) by MSA [2011-12-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2011 - Barnyard Mayhem by Snifit [2012-01-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2011 - Beach Level (alt) (For Masterlink) by JDC [2011-12-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2011 - Beach Level (For Masterlink) by JDC [2011-12-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2011 - Beetch (For Mario's Hat) by Atma [2012-01-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2011 - Bluey Crater (For Storm Kyleis) by telinc1 [2011-12-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2011 - Bob Omb Tower (For KevKot) by keckcellent [2011-12-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2011 - Bullet Point (For FUGGNUTZ) by sunwarrior25 [2011-12-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2011 - Cave Level (For telinc1) by Vinnyboiler [2011-12-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2011 - Chilly Crusade! (For Zero-X) by Jayfeather [2012-01-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2011 - Crackton Dump (For DarkBones) by Sockbat Replica [2012-01-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2011 - Dark Mushroom Woods (For Riolu180) by Shog [2011-12-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2011 - Death Desert (For Vinnyboiler) by Medic [2011-12-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2011 - Desert (For andy_k_250) by camoslash [2012-01-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2011 - Desert Woes (For Atma) by Riolu180 [2011-12-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2011 - Deserted Fortress (For Kicezand) by cyphermur9t [2011-12-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2011 - Deserted Temple (For Kipernal) by Thomas [2012-01-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2011 - Desolation's End (For MajorasMask9) by Artemiscat55 [2011-12-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2011 - Elemental Mushrooms (For Sniggerb0bble) by Lui37 [2011-12-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2011 - FlipFlop Ice Island by mariocool1999 [2011-12-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2011 - FlipFlop Ice Island by mariocool1999 [2011-12-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2011 - Forest Yoshi (For Feenicks) by ZMann [2011-12-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2011 - Forgotten Temple (For imamelia) by MaxodeX [2011-12-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2011 - Frostfear Forest (For UMA) by GeminiRage [2011-12-23] (SMW Hack) [BAD-emu]
SMWC Secret Santa 2011 - Frostfear Forest (For UMA) by GeminiRage [2012-01-02] (SMW Hack) [BAD-emu]
SMWC Secret Santa 2011 - Ghostly Block Train (For Sokobansolver) by Moose [2011-12-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2011 - Ghostly Volcano (For Snifit) by Storm Kyleis [2011-12-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2011 - Gift Hunt (For Aiedaiil) by marioVSshadow (MVS) [2011-12-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2011 - Grassland Fortress (For everest700) by aj6666 [2011-12-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2011 - Halloween Mansion (For nico2167) by Davichi [2011-12-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2011 - Happy Womanly Beach (For Maxodex) by Volke [2011-12-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2011 - Hyper Pressure (For notgoodwithusernames) by KevKot [2011-12-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2011 - Ice Cap Clouds (For GeminiRage) by Karatekid5 [2011-12-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2011 - Inverse Ghost House (For mariocool1999) by reghrhre [2011-12-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2011 - Jelectro's Icy Lake (For Phoba555) by Kicezand [2011-12-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2011 - Loads of Slopes (For Chikane) by Underway [2011-12-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2011 - Mario in a Beach (For Ludus) by Neo Carld923 [2011-12-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2011 - Must Be Santa (For Enker) by andy_k_250 [2011-12-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2011 - Neon City (For KarateKid5) [2011] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2011 - Neon Trails (For Counterfeit) by xlk [2011-12-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2011 - Night-Time Adventures (For GN) by Teo17 [2011-12-22] (SMW Hack) [BAD-emu]
SMWC Secret Santa 2011 - Oil Cave (For reghrhre) by mariocool1999 [2011-12-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2011 - Pipe Castle (For Davichi) by yogui [2011-12-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2011 - Present City [2012-01-03] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2011 - Santa's Castle (For ShadowFire) by illusion115 [2011-12-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2011 - Switches Being INC (For Scorpion) by THY [2011-12-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2011 - Switchless Castle (For cyphermur9t) by Snifit [2011-12-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2011 - Toxic Terror (For ZMann) by mr.luigiman9089 [2011-12-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2011 - Unfinished Tower (For Giant Shy Guy) by Feenicks [2011-12-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2011 - Unknown Entry [2011-12-26] (SMW Hack) [BAD-emu]
SMWC Secret Santa 2011 - Water Temple (For camoslash) by K3nny [2011-12-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2011 - Wetland Temple (For 2dareduck) by Aiedaiil [2011-12-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2011 - Wildlife Grotto (For Ixtab) by Nic Nac [2011-12-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2011 - Windy Desert (For New Hacker) by Wormer21 [2011-12-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2011 (For Artemiscat55) by lugi-mario2563 [2011-12-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2011 (For Dakress) by imamelia [2011-12-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2011 (For Diddykaizo100) by Pikerchu13 [2011-12-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2011 (For ima9000) by TomPhanto [2011-12-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2011 (For Khnum666) [2011-12-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2011 (For Lui37) by New Hacker [2011-12-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2011 (For mr.luigiman9089) by Scorpion [2012-01-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2011 (For MrLakeynator) by Ixtab [2011-12-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2011 (For neocarld923) by ShadowFire [2011-12-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2011 (For The Vicious Outcast) by 2dareduck [2011-12-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2011 (For THY) by Phoba555 [2011-12-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2011 (For TomPhanto) by TheSuperRotom [2011-12-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2011 (For tr9536on) by Dakress [2011-12-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2015 - A Fiery XMas (For Berkay) by Pikachu [2015-12-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2015 - Apollo 19 (For Nin.Collin) by Mindevous (Cynook) [2015-12-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2015 - Aqua Saproicthyes C (For Nao) by Mellonpizza [2015-12-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2015 - Atmosphere (For underway) by leod [2015-12-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2015 - Bowser's Ice Castle (For Ruberjig) by Najeraldo [2015-12-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2015 - Cave By Some Lava (For AlwaysANoob) by Erik557 [2015-12-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2015 - Chilly Chomp Hills (For Gloomier) by Gamma V [2015-12-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2015 - Christmas Wasted... (For nick 139) by IDidMakeThat [2015-12-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2015 - Dog Forest (For Medic) by AlwaysANoob [2015-12-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2015 - Final Lava Castle (For Wakana) by lolyoshi [2015-12-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2015 - Fishy Aviation (For Nin) by Sockbat Replica [2016-01-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2015 - Heavenly Castle (V2) (For lolyoshi) by Gloomier [2015-12-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2015 - Houses in the Woods (For TheLostKooper) by Nox [2015-12-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2015 - Intergalactic Spa (For Skewer) by Roykirbs [2015-12-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2015 - Morphing Lava Depth (For Erik557) by aterraformer [2015-12-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2015 - No Ghost House Here (For Najeraldo) by Nao [2015-12-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2015 - Nonspecific Volcano (For imamelia) by yoshiatom [2015-12-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2015 - Out Gravity (For Mellonpizza) by Carld923 [2015-12-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2015 - Pipe Works (For Sockbat Replica) by nick 139 [2015-12-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2015 - Plumber Be Damned (For Mirann) by Dr. Tapeworm [2015-12-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2015 - Red and Brown Town (For KDeee) by Nin [2015-12-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2015 - Santa (For Nox) by Torchkas [2015-12-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2015 - Satan's Happy House (For Blind Devil) by Everest [2015-12-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2015 - Saws in the Heights (For levelengine) by Najeraldo [2016-01-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2015 - Scenic (For Mindevous) by Mellonpizza [2015-12-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2015 - Sleigh Ride (For GameplaysDetonados) by Thomas [2015-12-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2015 - Sliding (For Lazy) by Berkay [2015-12-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2015 - Spooktory (For Roykirbs) by Sonikku [2015-12-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2015 - Spotlight Sprites (For IDidMakeThat) by Eminus [2015-12-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2015 - Super Sux (For Dr. Tapeworm) [2015-12-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2015 - Text Land (For yoshiatom) by Lui37 [2015-12-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2015 - Trash Party (For Nimono) by levelengine [2015-12-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2015 - Underwater Mountain (For Carld923) by Blind Devil [2015-12-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2015 - Upset Stomach (For Eminus) by Sockbat Replica [2015-12-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2015 - Waterfall (For RanAS) by notgoodwithusernames [2015-12-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2015 - What-A-Blast! (For Torchkas) by Ruberjig [2015-12-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2015 - Yoshi Timetraveler (For Lui37) by underway [2015-12-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2015 (For Everest) by Skewer [2015-12-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2015 (For Gamma V) by Nimono [2015-12-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2015 (For Koopster) by MercuryPenny [2015-12-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Secret Santa 2015 (For Pikachu) by RanAS [2015-12-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Special LDC [#01-R06] - Midnight Hat Size by Sockbat Replica [2015-09-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Special LDC [#02-R07] - Caved-in Factory (V1) by Cynook (Mindevous) [2015-09-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Special LDC [#02-R07] - Caved-in Factory (V2) by Cynook (Mindevous) [2015-09-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Special LDC [#03-R17] - Block Land by TheLostKooper [2015-09-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Special LDC [#04-R10] - Sinking Factory by msi810 [2015-09-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Special LDC [#05-R02] - Killer Factory by Wakana [2015-09-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Special LDC [#07-R13] - The Ice Mountain by FellipeUzumaki [2015-09-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Special LDC [#08-R03] - Synth Key - Maridia (V1) by Skewer [2015-09-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Special LDC [#08-R03] - Synth Key - Maridia (V2) by Skewer [2015-09-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Special LDC [#09-R10] - Hinterland Hedrons by levelengine [2015-09-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Special LDC [#10-R14] - The Plan of the Machine by Neropla [2015-09-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Special LDC [#11-R12] - Forgotten Forest by Erik557 [2015-09-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Special LDC [#12-R18] - Icy Temple by killer dagger [2015-09-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Special LDC [#14-R15] - Lost Factory (V1.0) by Carld923 [2015-10-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Special LDC [#14-R15] - Lost Factory (V1.1) by Carld923 [2015-10-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Special LDC [#15-R08] - Black Sewers (V1) by aj6666 (Najeraldo) [2015-10-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Special LDC [#15-R08] - Black Sewers (V2) by aj6666 (Najeraldo) [2015-10-03] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Special LDC [#16-R16] - Water and Lava by Chineesmw [2015-10-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Special LDC [#17-R05] - The Factory by Lazy [2015-10-03] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Special LDC [#18-R04] - Agent Plumber (V1) by Eminus [2015-10-03] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Special LDC [#18-R04] - Agent Plumber (V2) by Eminus [2015-10-03] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Strawberry LDC 1 [#03-R02] - Mario's Short Journey by MarioFan22 [2011-10-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Strawberry LDC 1 [#04-R12] - Pisces by Sokobansolver [2011-10-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Strawberry LDC 1 [#05-RXX] - Peach's Garden (V1) by thewizard [2011-10-26] (SMW Hack) [BAD-emu]
SMWC Strawberry LDC 1 [#05-RXX] - Peach's Garden (V2) by thewizard [2011-10-27] (SMW Hack) [BAD-emu]
SMWC Strawberry LDC 1 [#06-R04] - Dark World 1 by Lui37 [2011-10-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Strawberry LDC 1 [#07-R03] - Mansion of Teases by Aquamentus [2011-10-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Strawberry LDC 1 [#08-R11] - Hurry Up! by notgoodwithusernames [2011-10-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Strawberry LDC 1 [#09-R06] - Glucid Fields by Spy [2011-10-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Strawberry LDC 1 [#10-R07] - Flightway to Bowser by Diortem [2011-10-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Strawberry LDC 1 [#12-R10] - Original Castle Level by Lespna1 [2011-10-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Strawberry LDC 1 [#13-R13] - Dark Night Maze by Darius [2011-10-27] (SMW Hack) [BAD-emu]
SMWC Strawberry LDC 1 [#14-R01] - Soda Greens by BlackEagle766 [2011-10-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Strawberry LDC 2 [#01-R10] - Wreck it Mario by Sokobansolver [2012-11-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Strawberry LDC 2 [#02-R09] - Bluck by Sockbat Replica [2012-11-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Strawberry LDC 2 [#03-R12] - Bowser's Chimney by DishSoapBunny [2012-12-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Strawberry LDC 2 [#04-R02] - Yoshi's Island 2 by Ripperon-X [2012-12-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Strawberry LDC 2 [#05-R06] - Cataclysmic City by LuigiTime [2012-12-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Strawberry LDC 2 [#06-R07] - Stagnant Isle by levelengine [2012-12-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Strawberry LDC 2 [#07-R04] - S-n-S by Morsel [2012-12-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Strawberry LDC 2 [#08-R01] - FreezeFlood Forest by AxemJinx [2012-12-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Strawberry LDC 2 [#09-R11] - Porcu's Playtime by Blue Leaf [2012-12-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Strawberry LDC 2 [#12-R08] - U View by Aquamentus [2012-12-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Strawberry LDC 3 [#1-R7] - Shouldering On by Morsel [2013-12-03] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Strawberry LDC 3 [#2-R3] - Star Spooks by Sockbat Replica [2013-12-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Strawberry LDC 3 [#4-R5] - Chocolate Snow Side by Shog [2013-12-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Strawberry LDC 3 [#6-R2] - Christmas Sewers by Aquamentus [2013-12-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Strawberry LDC 3 [#7-R6] - GCAT on Boards, Mips on Mic by Egadd [2013-12-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Strawberry LDC 3 [#9-R7] - Burning Forest by Lavir [2013-12-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 1 - Compilation (Submap Update) by Najeraldo et al [2016-01-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 1 - Compilation (Submap Update) by Najeraldo et al [2016-01-03] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 1 - Compilation (V1) by Najeraldo et al [2016-01-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 1 - Compilation (V2) by Najeraldo et al [2016-01-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 1 - Compilation (V3) by Najeraldo et al [2016-01-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 1 - Compilation (V4) by Najeraldo et al [2016-02-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 1 - Compilation (V5) by Najeraldo et al [2016-03-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 1 - Compilation (V6) by Najeraldo et al [2016-06-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 1 - Compilation (V7) by Najeraldo et al [2016-07-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 1 - Compilation (V8) by Najeraldo et al [2016-07-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 1 - Compilation (V9) by Najeraldo et al [2016-07-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 1 [#01-R33] - Tunnel Trouble by AxemJinx [2008-02-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 1 [#02-R48] - Prison Escape by DarkHacker [2008-02-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 1 [#03-R12] - A Land Lost in Dust by spigmike [2008-02-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 1 [#04-R12] - Boo's Time Tower by Lucas (CK Crash) [2008-02-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 1 [#05-R31] - Big Boo's Icy Mansion by Dylan Yoshi [2008-02-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 1 [#06-R49] - Haunted Isle by Mario41001 [2008-02-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 1 [#07-R26] - Haunted Fortress by Rasto (TooManyToasters) [2008-02-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 1 [#09-R24] - Yoshi's Island 7 by WhiteYoshiEgg [2008-02-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 1 [#10-R33] - Land of Darkness by Dotsarecool [2008-02-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 1 [#11-R03] - Tidal Swamp by Joshua [2008-02-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 1 [#12-R21] - The Soulwrecked by Eymerich [2008-02-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 1 [#13-R01] - Mountain Heights by darklink898 (Kaeru) [2008-02-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 1 [#14-R51] - Super Wario Blah by Mr.L [2008-02-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 1 [#15-R02] - Shining Forest by Schwa [2008-02-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 1 [#16-R02] - Castle of Mystery (Fixed) by Giga [2008-02-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 1 [#17-R43] - This Is a Castle by hebesphenomegacorona [2008-02-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 1 [#18-R28] - Chateau Von Mort (Fixed) by Daaa77 (Suns) [2008-02-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 1 [#19-R45] - Hazy Forest Castle by pas'ra'chilli [2008-02-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 1 [#22-R14] - Ninji Fortress by x1372 [2008-02-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 1 [#23-R08] - Random Airship by Breakfast [2008-02-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 1 [#24-R41] - Iggy's Castle by dotted [2008-02-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 1 [#25-R33] - Bowser's Nightmare Factory by anonimato [2008-02-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 1 [#26-R43] - The Sky Attack by Insectduel [2008-02-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 1 [#27-R17] - Mario and A_Yoshi's Quest by green-kirby [2008-02-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 1 [#28-RXX] - Flight of the Yoshi by FirePhoenix0 (FPzero) [2008-02-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 1 [#30-R26] - Podoboo Cavern by pieguy1372 [2008-02-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 1 [#31-R28] - Unnamed by Pozeal [2008-02-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 1 [#33-R47] - Watchout... Above and Below by Delmaru [2008-02-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 1 [#34-R18] - Sunset Vista by Caped Mario (Rubberducky2) [2008-02-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 1 [#35-R40] - Mario's Ship by Xgor [2008-02-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 1 [#36-R50] - Entry (Fixed) by MamaLuigi (Professor Wasp) [2008-02-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 1 [#37-R31] - No Name by Sind [2008-02-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 1 [#38-R42] - Mario's Great Adventure by Internoob [2008-02-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 1 [#39-R39] - Mt. Dover (Final) by Exor [2008-02-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 1 [#40-R21] - Wendy's Security Castle by groudondjango [2008-02-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 1 [#41-R33] - Triple Threat by Crystal King [2008-02-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 1 [#42-R08] - Koopa Hills by Higsby [2008-02-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 1 [#43-R11] - Frozen Future Fury by asdf [2008-02-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 1 [#44-R19] - Frozen Forest by Cheeseum [2008-02-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 1 [#45-R04] - Rainbow World by Remnic [2008-02-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 1 [#47-R07] - Onyx Platform 1 by Onyx [2008-02-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 1 [#48-R16] - Into the Dark by Vic Rattlehead [2008-02-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 1 [#49-R28] - Dark Core by KPhoenix [2008-02-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 1 [#50-R19] - DaKing's Contest Entry by DaKing (Hielus) [2008-02-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 1 [#51-R04] - Do the Time Warp by Suicine + fabio [2008-02-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 1 [#52-R37] - Black Switch Palace by Octillery (Raibys) [2008-02-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 - Base ROM (V1) by Vitor Vilela [2017-02-03] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 - Base ROM (V2) by Vitor Vilela [2017-02-04] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#001-R071] - One Effort Mountain (Update) by yogui [2017-03-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#002-R105] - Dolphin Beach (Update 1) by Luansilva12 [2017-02-03] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#002-R105] - Dolphin Beach (Update 2) by Luansilva12 [2017-02-04] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#002-R105] - Dolphin Beach (Update 3) by Luansilva12 [2017-02-04] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#002-R105] - Dolphin Beach (Update 4) by Luansilva12 [2017-02-04] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#002-R105] - Dolphin Beach (Update 5) by Luansilva12 [2017-02-04] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#002-R105] - Dolphin Beach (Update 6) by Luansilva12 [2017-02-04] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#003-DQ] - #1 LUDWIG'S DOMAIN by MARIOWORLD [2017-01-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#004-R057] - Mars Colonization (Update) by msi810 [2017-02-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#004-R057] - Mars Colonization by msi810 [2017-02-03] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#005-R089] - Very Danger Lifts (Update 2) by LHB [2017-02-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#006-R168] - Area 51 (Update) by PMH [2017-02-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#007-R068] - Dark Cloud Castle by Roberto Zampari [2017-02-04] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#008-R135] - Abstract Road by toad64 [2017-02-04] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#010-R054] - Bowel Relaxation (R213) by Wind Fish [2017-03-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#011-R051] - Hot Swizz Lava by GlitchMr [2017-02-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#011-R051] - Hot Swizz Lava by GlitchMr [2017-03-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#012-R095] - Koopa Troopa Beach (Update) by Gamma V [2017-02-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#012-R095] - Koopa Troopa Beach by Gamma V [2017-02-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#013-R010] - CHURRASCADA(TM) (Final V1) by Aeon [2017-03-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#013-R010] - CHURRASCADA(TM) (Final V2) by Aeon [2017-03-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#013-R010] - CHURRASCADA(TM) (V1.0-1) by Aeon [2017-02-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#013-R010] - CHURRASCADA(TM) (V1.0-2) by Aeon [2017-02-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#013-R010] - CHURRASCADA(TM) (V1.1) (More Time) by Aeon [2017-02-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#013-R010] - CHURRASCADA(TM) (V1.1) by Aeon [2017-02-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#013-R010] - CHURRASCADA(TM) (V2) by Aeon [2017-03-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#014-R170] - A Normal SMW Level by Nahuelescoba [2017-02-03] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#015-R076] - Absolute Frenzy (V1.0) by ThePat545 [2017-02-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#015-R076] - Absolute Frenzy (V1.1) by ThePat545 [2017-02-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#015-R076] - Absolute Frenzy (V1.10) by ThePat545 [2017-03-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#015-R076] - Absolute Frenzy (V1.2) by ThePat545 [2017-02-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#015-R076] - Absolute Frenzy (V1.3) by ThePat545 [2017-02-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#015-R076] - Absolute Frenzy (V1.4) by ThePat545 [2017-03-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#015-R076] - Absolute Frenzy (V1.5) by ThePat545 [2017-03-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#015-R076] - Absolute Frenzy (V1.6) by ThePat545 [2017-03-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#015-R076] - Absolute Frenzy (V1.7) by ThePat545 [2017-03-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#016-R035] - Fuzzy Heights (V4.0) by RZIBARA [2017-03-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#018-R116] - Covert Volcano by MonkeyShrapnel [2017-02-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#019-R012] - Trust Fall (V2.1) by Superwario1999 [2017-03-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#020-R108] - Ruins of Grassland by yoshi9429 [2017-02-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#021-R061] - Ghost Town (V1) by palerider [2017-02-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#021-R061] - Ghost Town (V2.0) by palerider [2017-02-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#022-R082] - Creeple Steeple (V3) by GammaSlap [2017-02-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#023-R018] - Blazeholic (V1) by PokerFace [2017-02-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#023-R018] - Blazeholic (V2) by PokerFace [2017-02-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#023-R018] - Blazeholic (V3) by PokerFace [2017-02-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#024-R022] - Swiss Ruins (Update) by snoruntpyro [2017-03-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#026-R135] - Bonus Switch Palace (V2) by Lsh0426 [2017-02-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#026-R135] - Bonus Switch Palace (V3) by Lsh0426 [2017-02-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#026-R135] - Bonus Switch Palace (V4) by Lsh0426 [2017-02-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#026-R135] - Bonus Switch Palace (V5) by Lsh0426 [2017-02-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#027-R035] - Hydromagmatic Fort by Cyphermur9t [2017-03-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#028-R138] - Fort Exanguish (V2) by 9th Zentillion [2017-02-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#028-R138] - Fort Exanguish (V3) by 9th Zentillion [2017-03-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#028-R138] - Fort Exanguish (V3b) by 9th Zentillion [2017-03-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#029-R160] - Chocolate Tower by Herobrine81902 [2017-02-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#030-R111] - Dangerous Mission (V1.0) by KDeee [2017-02-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#030-R111] - Dangerous Mission (V1.2) by KDeee [2017-02-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#030-R111] - Dangerous Mission (V1.3) by KDeee [2017-02-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#030-R111] - Dangerous Mission (V1.4) by KDeee [2017-03-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#031-R075] - Perilous Paintings by Twoka [2017-02-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#032-R085] - Water Processing by superwiidude [2017-02-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#033-RXXX] - Twinkle Twinkle... (Fix 1) by jshaaa [2017-02-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#033-RXXX] - Twinkle Twinkle... (Fix 2) by jshaaa [2017-03-04] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#033-RXXX] - Twinkle Twinkle... by jshaaa [2017-02-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#034-R169] - Fort Koopa by SMWCJullasicFox [2017-02-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#034-R169] - Fort Koopa by SMWCJullasicFox [2017-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#034-R169] - Fort Koopa by SMWCJullasicFox [2017-03-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#035-R040] - Snakes and Ladders (Edit) by Morsel [2017-03-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#036-R156] - Highpotenuse (Take 2) by Lenophis [2017-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#037-R119] - Subway Madness by Pinci [2017-02-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#038-DQ] - Together We Ride (V1) by Divemissile [2017-02-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#039-R086] - Anomalous Apparatus (Update) by Ruberjig [2017-03-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#039-R086] - Anomalous Apparatus by Ruberjig [2017-03-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#040-R142] - The Frigid Fort by Celestial Seraph [2017-02-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#041-R006] - Swiss Steamworks (Risky) by FrozenQuills [2017-02-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#041-R006] - Swiss Steamworks (V1.2) by FrozenQuills [2017-02-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#041-R006] - Swiss Steamworks (V1.3) by FrozenQuills [2017-03-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#041-R006] - Swiss Steamworks (V1.4) by FrozenQuills [2017-03-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#041-R006] - Swiss Steamworks (V1.41) by FrozenQuills [2017-03-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#041-R006] - Swiss Steamworks (V1.42) by FrozenQuills [2017-03-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#041-R006] - Swiss Steamworks (V1.43) by FrozenQuills [2017-03-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#041-R006] - Swiss Steamworks (V1) by FrozenQuills [2017-02-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#041-R006] - Swiss Steamworks by FrozenQuills [2017-02-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#042-R141] - Spike-Top Cave by moo_we_all_do [2017-02-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#043-DQ] - Avatar by werd [2017-02-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#044-R044] - Ball Breaker (V2) by Luks [2017-02-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#044-R044] - Ball Breaker (V3) by Luks [2017-02-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#045-R053] - Rhino's Bubbles (Update) by Christian07 [2017-03-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#045-R053] - Rhino's Bubbles by Christian07 [2017-02-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#046-R074] - Plundersome Pyramid by Ivy [2017-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#047-R147] - Ordinary Hills by GlitteringInDarkness [2017-02-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#048-R009] - Wetsuit Columns (Edit) by S.N.N. [2017-03-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#048-R009] - Wetsuit Columns by S.N.N. [2017-03-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#049-R106] - Ghastly Laboratory (V1.1) by alexandrite [2017-03-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#049-R106] - Ghastly Laboratory by alexandrite [2017-04-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#050-R079] - Crystal Lake (Update) by MandL27 [2017-03-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#051-R099] - Chuckmania by Rockythetigre [2017-02-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#052-R042] - Faux Water (Update) by Sixcorby [2017-03-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#053-R137] - ERROR CODE #1D4 (Update) by Sayuri [2017-04-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#053-R137] - ERROR CODE #1D4 by Sayuri [2017-02-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#054-R055] - Tower of Brass (V2) by brickartsteven [2017-03-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#054-R055] - Tower of Brass (V3) by brickartsteven [2017-03-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#055-R065] - Nocturnal Heights (Update) by turbofa [2017-03-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#056-R005] - Cerulean Cave (V1) by worldpeace [2017-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#056-R005] - Cerulean Cave (V2) by worldpeace [2017-03-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#056-R005] - Cerulean Cave (V3) by worldpeace [2017-03-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#056-R005] - Cerulean Cave (V4) by worldpeace [2017-03-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#056-R005] - Cerulean Cave (V5f) by worldpeace [2017-03-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#057-R015] - Neo Reztopia Tower (Demo 1) by allowiscous [2017-02-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#057-R015] - Neo Reztopia Tower (Demo 2) by allowiscous [2017-02-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#057-R015] - Neo Reztopia Tower (Demo 3) by allowiscous [2017-02-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#057-R015] - Neo Reztopia Tower (Demo 4) by allowiscous [2017-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#057-R015] - Neo Reztopia Tower by allowiscous [2017-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#057-R015] - Neo Reztopia Tower by allowiscous [2017-03-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#057-R015] - Neo Reztopia Tower by allowiscous [2017-03-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#058-R171] - Entry by WhoNeedsAUsername [2017-03-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#059-R037] - Hotdog Aerials (Final) by Roykirbs [2017-03-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#059-R037] - Hotdog Aerials by Roykirbs [2017-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#059-R037] - Hotdog Aerials by Roykirbs [2017-03-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#059-R037] - Hotdog Aerials by Roykirbs [2017-03-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#061-R057] - Afterburner Castle (V3) by RanAS [2017-02-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#061-R057] - Afterburner Castle (V6) by RanAS [2017-03-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#062-R032] - Deja Vu-lley (V3) by Grugi [2017-03-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#063-R079] - Stageshow Shuffle by Karatekid5 [2017-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#063-R079] - Stageshow Shuffle by Karatekid5 [2017-03-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#064-R107] - You Are Still In... by SkywinDragoon [2017-03-04] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#065-R033] - Night Ruins by G.D. (Pink Gold Peach) [2017-03-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#066-R128] - Lake Constance by MarioFanGamer [2017-03-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#068-R158] - Heavenward Plinths by MaxMaxMaxVidya [2017-03-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#069-R127] - Dark Data Tower by SilverSwallow [2017-02-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#070-R045] - CLAUSTROPHOBICLIMB by Hobz [2017-03-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#071-R097] - Lava You Lots by Mata Hari [2017-03-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#072-R013] - On the Bayou (Update 1) by WhiteYoshiEgg [2017-03-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#072-R013] - On the Bayou (Update 2) by WhiteYoshiEgg [2017-03-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#073-DQ] - Aerophobia by 2dareduck [2017-03-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#074-R167] - Orange Desert (V1.0) by Master Lakitu [2017-03-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#074-R167] - Orange Desert (V1.1) by Master Lakitu [2017-03-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#075-R088] - Unforeseen Consequences (Final) by Guiga [2017-03-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#076-R023] - Nightmares' Temple by Dan + Wakana [2017-03-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#077-R049] - Missing Cleft (Day Set) by Prizm [2017-02-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#077-R049] - Missing Cleft (Draft 1) by Prizm [2017-03-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#077-R049] - Missing Cleft (Draft 2) by Prizm [2017-03-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#077-R049] - Missing Cleft (Draft 3) by Prizm [2017-03-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#077-R049] - Missing Cleft (V1) by Prizm [2017-03-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#077-R049] - Missing Cleft (V2) by Prizm [2017-03-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#078-R138] - The Moon-Everest by MarkVD100 [2017-03-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#078-R138] - The Moon-Everest by MarkVD100 [2017-03-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#079-R077] - Generic Flying Fort by Quantix [2017-03-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#080-R108] - Urban Jungle by yoshifanatic [2017-03-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#081-R011] - Subterranean Shrine (V1.0) by Blue Leaf [2017-03-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#081-R011] - Subterranean Shrine (V1.1) by Blue Leaf [2017-03-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#082-R014] - Vestigia Caeca (V0.20) by Leiras [2017-03-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#082-R014] - Vestigia Caeca (V0.23.1) by Leiras [2017-03-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#082-R014] - Vestigia Caeca (V0.23.2) by Leiras [2017-03-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#082-R014] - Vestigia Caeca (V0.24) by Leiras [2017-03-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#082-R014] - Vestigia Caeca (V0.25) by Leiras [2017-03-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#082-R014] - Vestigia Caeca (V3.0) by Leiras [2017-03-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#083-R026] - Swiss Sparkles Inc. by Enjl [2017-03-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#085-R052] - Room 1F0 by levelengine [2017-03-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#086-R117] - The Golden Bone Mine by Wii2 [2017-03-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#087-R021] - Lost Leafage (V1.0) by StrikeForcer [2017-03-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#087-R021] - Lost Leafage (V1.1) by StrikeForcer [2017-03-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#087-R021] - Lost Leafage (V1.21) by StrikeForcer [2017-03-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#087-R021] - Lost Leafage (V1.3) by StrikeForcer [2017-03-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#087-R021] - Lost Leafage (V1.4) by StrikeForcer [2017-03-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#087-R021] - Lost Leafage (V1.5) by StrikeForcer [2017-03-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#087-R021] - Lost Leafage (V1.6 Final) by StrikeForcer [2017-03-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#088-R144] - Broken Bridge Way (Troll) by Wise Person [2017-03-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#088-R144] - Broken Bridge Way (V8) by Wise Person [2017-03-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#089-R039] - Bubble Trouble (V1.1) by E-man38 [2017-03-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#090-R145] - Tropical Island (alt) by RealMarioGamer [2017-03-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#090-R145] - Tropical Island by RealMarioGamer [2017-03-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#090-R145] - Tropical Island by RealMarioGamer [2017-04-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#091-R028] - Springy Spire (V1.0) by white_moth [2017-03-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#091-R028] - Springy Spire (V1.1) by white_moth [2017-03-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#091-R028] - Springy Spire (V1.2) by white_moth [2017-03-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#092-R121] - Boom Beach by Fostelif [2017-03-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#093-R140] - Friend or Foe (Beta) by natnew32 [2017-03-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#093-R140] - Friend or Foe (Beta) by natnew32 [2017-03-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#093-R140] - Friend or Foe (V1) by natnew32 [2017-03-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#093-R140] - Friend or Foe (V2) by natnew32 [2017-03-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#093-R140] - Friend or Foe (V3) by natnew32 [2017-03-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#095-R071] - Note Blocks!!! (V3) by YoungsVideos44 [2017-03-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#096-R163] - Koopa Mountain by Mushroom378 [2017-03-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#097-R040] - Hop-On, Hop-Off by PuzzelBreaker [2017-03-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#098-R128] - Gorgon's Garden (V3) by EvilMariobot [2017-03-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#099-R086] - Space Odyssey (Final) by Matheus2653 [2017-03-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#099-R086] - Space Odyssey (V1) by Matheus2653 [2017-02-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#099-R086] - Space Odyssey (V3) by Matheus2653 [2017-03-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#100-R115] - Movie Night by JerryEris [2017-03-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#101-DQ] - Mole Canyon by KamillBR [2017-03-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#102-R048] - Luminous Hollow (Demo) by Teyla [2017-03-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#102-R048] - Luminous Hollow (Demo) by Teyla [2017-03-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#102-R048] - Luminous Hollow (V1) by Teyla [2017-03-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#102-R048] - Luminous Hollow (V2) by Teyla [2017-03-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#102-R048] - Luminous Hollow (V3) by Teyla [2017-03-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#102-R048] - Luminous Hollow (V4) by Teyla [2017-03-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#103-DQ] - Cloudtop Castle by IronFoxGaming [2017-03-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#105-R055] - Spooky Stronghold (V1) by Erik557 [2017-03-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#105-R055] - Spooky Stronghold (V2) by Erik557 [2017-03-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#105-R055] - Spooky Stronghold (V3) by Erik557 [2017-03-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#105-R055] - Spooky Stronghold (V4) by Erik557 [2017-03-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#105-R055] - Spooky Stronghold (V5) by Erik557 [2017-03-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#106-R104] - Fortress of Decay (Update 1) by KP9000 [2017-03-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#106-R104] - Fortress of Decay (Update 2) by KP9000 [2017-03-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#106-R104] - Fortress of Decay (Update 3) by KP9000 [2017-03-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#106-R104] - Fortress of Decay by KP9000 [2017-03-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#107-R064] - An Unusual Trip Out by SomeGuy712x [2017-03-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#108-R124] - Vulpine Love Story by SMILEuser96 [2017-03-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#108-R124] - Vulpine Love Story by SMILEuser96 [2017-03-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#109-RXXX] - Dragon Valley (V1) by kamekku14 [2017-03-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#109-RXXX] - Dragon Valley (V2) by kamekku14 [2017-03-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#109-RXXX] - Dragon Valley (V3) by kamekku14 [2017-03-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#110-R148] - Truth's Final Reckoning by Samario [2017-03-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#111-R096] - Ruins of Icarus (V3) by Forty2 [2017-03-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#112-R043] - Balloons! (V1) by ToxicRave [2017-03-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#112-R043] - Balloons! (V2) by ToxicRave [2017-03-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#113-R073] - The Night Garden (Fixes) by ZMann [2017-03-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#113-R073] - The Night Garden by ZMann [2017-03-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#114-R152] - Obscure Fields by TheInsanity115 [2017-03-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#115-R046] - Sweet Tooth (Update) by Pseudogon [2017-03-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#116-R152] - Abstract Plain's (V2) by Aristocrat [2017-03-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#118-R008] - Sandy Seafood by idol [2017-03-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#119-R163] - To Heck With Marios (Final) by SuperWeirdo [2017-03-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#119-R163] - To Heck With Marios by SuperWeirdo [2017-03-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#120-R089] - Temple of Atlantis by Level ASMer [2017-03-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#121-R166] - Dolphin's Bet by Galaer [2017-03-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#122-R157] - Secrets of Yoshi by Vantastic [2017-03-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#124-R113] - Sizzle-Rock Cliffs (V1.5) by Mr. Pixelator [2017-03-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#125-R070] - Elemental Heavens (Alpha) by Impetus [2017-03-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#125-R070] - Elemental Heavens (V2.0) by Impetus [2017-03-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#126-R100] - Forest Level (V3) by underway [2017-03-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#127-R124] - Red Planet Station by ShUriK KiD [2017-03-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#128-R133] - Magical Commute by Steven V. (space-goon) [2017-03-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#129-R122] - Vacation by Retronom [2017-03-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#130-R016] - Chainsaw CD (Update) by Dr. Tapeworm [2017-03-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#132-R029] - Bowser's Villa (Update) by Super Maks 64 [2017-03-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#133-R077] - Danish SUPER BLOCK by Waddle Derp [2017-03-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#134-R001] - Tidal Temple (V1.0) by NGB [2017-03-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#134-R001] - Tidal Temple (V1.1) by NGB [2017-03-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#134-R001] - Tidal Temple (V1.2) by NGB [2017-03-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#135-R065] - Cloudcandy Castle by Sanct [2017-03-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#136-R025] - Fish N' Bits (V1) (Midpoint) by Spy [2017-03-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#136-R025] - Fish N' Bits (V2) by Spy [2017-03-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#137-R004] - Genocide City by Agent Q [2017-03-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#138-R033] - Koopa Koal Ko. Line (Update) by Nimono [2017-03-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#139-R061] - Deluged Festival by chineesmw [2017-03-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#140-R089] - Cave Escape 3 by MarioFan22 [2017-03-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#141-R124] - Yoshi's Island 1 by Heraga [2017-03-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#142-R159] - Vertigo (V1) by Minimay [2017-03-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#142-R159] - Vertigo (V3) by Minimay [2017-03-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#143-R007] - Linespace (V5) by Gloomier [2017-03-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#144-R151] - Magenta Mine by Mogu94 [2017-03-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#145-R110] - Hack Metroid by ShyGuyExpress [2017-03-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#146-R037] - The Death Star (V3) by Eevee + Katerpie [2017-03-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#146-R037] - The Death Star by Eevee + Katerpie [2017-03-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#147-R002] - Shroom Starship by GbreezeSunset + Eminus [2017-03-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#147-R002] - Shroom Starship by GbreezeSunset + Eminus [2017-03-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#148-R020] - Crystal Chamber by Hinalyte + Mirann [2017-03-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#149-R161] - HD Peridot Temple by Ryaa [2017-03-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#150-R165] - Mystery Cavern by Final Theory [2017-03-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#151-R118] - I Hopped in Iced Wind by Kowkarot [2017-03-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#152-R100] - Monty's Hall by MiracleWater [2017-03-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#153-R155] - The Great Wiggler Launch by jesus [2017-03-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#154-R150] - Three Ambience Castle by Shiny Ninetales [2017-03-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#156-R154] - Sky Castle Lake (Update) by MECHDRAGON777 [2017-04-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#156-R154] - Sky Castle Lake by MECHDRAGON777 [2017-03-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#157-R079] - LaMulana (V1.0) by Lester_Vine [2017-03-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#157-R079] - LaMulana (V1.1) by Lester_Vine [2017-03-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#157-R079] - LaMulana (V1.2) by Lester_Vine [2017-03-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#158-R132] - Bubble Skies by Caio Lesnock [2017-03-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#159-R023] - Ethereal Sanctuary (V2.2) by MaxodeX [2017-03-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#160-R049] - Deep within Dunes by Centipede [2017-03-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#161-R130] - Abandoned Enigma by Luigi1000 [2017-03-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#162-R063] - Bowser's Steelworks by Nic Nac [2017-03-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#163-R148] - Pipe Trap by Cascade [2017-03-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#164-R026] - Abnormal Asylum (V1.61) by Daizo Dee Von [2017-03-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#165-R017] - Swissotel by ft029 [2017-03-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#166-R093] - Lofted Lifts (Halfway) by Galactaknight [2017-03-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#166-R093] - Lofted Lifts by Galactaknight [2017-03-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#167-R068] - NEW FUNK CITY by MegaMarioMan9 [2017-03-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#168-R019] - Move Them Bones! (Update) by Wavee + leod [2017-03-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#168-R019] - Move Them Bones! by Wavee + leod [2017-03-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#169-R083] - Blazing Jungle Ruins (Update) by Carld923 [2017-03-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#169-R083] - Blazing Jungle Ruins by Carld923 [2017-03-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#171-R146] - SMW Showdown by glitch4 [2017-03-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#172-R161] - Epiletia Way 2 by dragoniante174 [2017-03-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#173-R142] - Pipe Gardens by imamelia [2017-03-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#174-R083] - Lava Floaters (V1) by Kenny [2017-03-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#174-R083] - Lava Floaters (V2) by Kenny [2017-03-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#175-R131] - Lakeway Odyssey UnT by Kusrry [2017-03-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#176-R123] - Forest Jinx by DarkFeposo [2017-03-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#177-R134] - 5 Themes at Arcade (Final) by pat94plus [2017-03-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#178-R059] - Glittering Grotto (Finished) by Magiluigi [2017-03-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#178-R059] - Glittering Grotto by Magiluigi [2017-03-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#179-R003] - Swiss Nazca (Fixed) by Lazy [2017-03-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#179-R003] - Swiss Nazca by Lazy [2017-03-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#180-RXXX] - Basic Plains (Fixed) by Noivern [2017-05-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#180-RXXX] - Basic Plains by Noivern [2017-03-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#XXX-RXXX] - Cave Island by moo_we_all_do [2017-02-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#XXX-RXXX] - City on the Sea by idol + Nameless [2017-03-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#XXX-RXXX] - Dolphin Valley by SMWCJullasicFox [2017-02-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#XXX-RXXX] - Dolphin Valley by SMWCJullasicFox [2017-02-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#XXX-RXXX] - Entry by Skyso (darken) [2017-02-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#XXX-RXXX] - Frantic Furnace (V1.00-1) by UpBForVictory [2017-02-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#XXX-RXXX] - Frantic Furnace (V1.00-2) by UpBForVictory [2017-02-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#XXX-RXXX] - Frantic Furnace (V1.01) by UpBForVictory [2017-02-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#XXX-RXXX] - Net so Fast by 1UPdudes [2017-02-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#XXX-RXXX] - Starlite Volcano by LuigiTime [2017-02-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#XXX-RXXX] - Stratus Stairway by Mathos [2017-02-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#XXX-RXXX] - Treeway Patrol by Ultrabi [2017-02-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#XXX-RXXX] - Waluigi Express (Demo) by Nimono [2017-02-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 10 [#XXX-RXXX] - Waluigi Express (Demo) by Nimono [2017-03-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 - Base ROM [2019-01-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 - Collaboration Hack (V0.1) (Unofficial) by SMW Central [2020-10-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 - Collaboration Hack (V0.2) (Unofficial) by SMW Central [2020-10-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 - Collaboration Hack (V0.3) (Unofficial) by SMW Central [2020-10-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 - Collaboration Hack (V0.4) (Unofficial) by SMW Central [2020-10-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 - Collaboration Hack (V0.4) (Unofficial) by SMW Central [2020-10-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 - Collaboration Hack (V0.5) (Unofficial) by SMW Central [2020-10-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 - Collaboration Hack (V1.0) (alt) by SMW Central [2022-02-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 - Collaboration Hack (V1.0) by SMW Central [2022-02-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 - Collaboration Hack (V1.1) (alt) by SMW Central [2022-02-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 - Collaboration Hack (V1.1) by SMW Central [2022-02-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 - Collaboration Hack (V1.2) (alt) by SMW Central [2022-02-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 - Collaboration Hack (V1.2) by SMW Central [2022-02-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 - Collaboration Hack (V1.3) by SMW Central [2022-03-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 - Collaboration Hack (V1.4) by SMW Central [2022-04-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#001-R027] - MURAMUR by Mandew [2019-01-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#002-R100] - Lime Green Lane by Young Boi [2019-01-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#003-R103] - Vanilla Plains (Fix) by enan2017 [2019-02-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#003-R103] - Vanilla Plains by enan2017 [2019-01-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#004-R092] - Sunny Shoreline by TheSpeedyJay [2019-01-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#004-R092] - Sunny Shoreline by TheSpeedyJay [2019-03-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#005-R090] - Rocky Forest (V1.0) by Green Jerry [2019-01-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#005-R090] - Rocky Forest (V1.1) by Green Jerry [2019-02-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#006-R063] - Mushroom Lange by Infinity [2019-01-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#007-R066] - Sky Castle (Update) by N450 [2019-01-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#007-R066] - Sky Castle by N450 [2019-01-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#008-R058] - Get the Mushroom! (Final) by Manofer [2019-03-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#008-R058] - Get the Mushroom! by Manofer [2019-01-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#008-R058] - Get the Mushroom! by Manofer [2019-01-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#008-R058] - Get the Mushroom! by Manofer [2019-02-04] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#008-R058] - Get the Mushroom! by Manofer [2019-02-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#009-R072] - The Red Ghost House by Hayashi Neru [2019-01-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#010-R068] - Deep Soda Sea by Kit [2019-01-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#010-R068] - Deep Soda Sea by Kit [2019-02-03] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#011-R027] - Plumbing Job by MercuryPenny [2019-01-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#011-R027] - Plumbing Job by MercuryPenny [2019-02-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#011-R027] - Plumbing Job by MercuryPenny [2019-03-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#012-R093] - Entry by Flabort [2019-02-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#013-R070] - Koopa Kaboose by Mogu94 [2019-02-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#013-R070] - Koopa Kaboose by Mogu94 [2019-03-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#014-R054] - Turrim Caelo by Stiviboy [2019-02-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#014-R054] - Turrim Caelo by Stiviboy [2019-02-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#015-R035] - Blue by turbofa [2019-02-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#016-R096] - Sunset Land by JLippe [2019-02-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#017-R105] - Bounce and Climb by RetroKoopa7170 [2019-02-03] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#018-R074] - Frozen Grassland by yoshi9429 [2019-02-03] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#018-R074] - Frozen Grassland by yoshi9429 [2019-02-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#018-R074] - Frozen Grassland by yoshi9429 [2019-03-04] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#018-R074] - Frozen Grassland by yoshi9429 [2019-03-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#019-R029] - Metallic Metropolis (V1.0) by PokerFace [2019-02-03] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#019-R029] - Metallic Metropolis (V1.1) by PokerFace [2019-02-04] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#019-R029] - Metallic Metropolis (V1.2) by PokerFace [2019-02-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#019-R029] - Metallic Metropolis (V1.4) by PokerFace [2019-03-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#020-R111] - Easiest Judgment by Crysack [2019-02-03] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#021-R104] - The Camping Episode by Silva Teixeira [2019-02-03] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#022-R109] - Athletic Synergy (V1.01) by crm0622 [2019-02-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#022-R109] - Athletic Synergy (V1.1) by crm0622 [2019-02-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#022-R109] - Athletic Synergy (V1.11) by crm0622 [2019-02-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#023-DQ] - Muncher Mountain (V1) by JP32 [2019-01-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#023-DQ] - Muncher Mountain (V2) by JP32 [2019-02-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#023-DQ] - Muncher Mountain (V3) by JP32 [2019-02-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#023-DQ] - Muncher Mountain (V4.5) by JP32 [2019-02-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#023-DQ] - Muncher Mountain (V4) by JP32 [2019-02-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#023-DQ] - Muncher Mountain (V5) by JP32 [2019-03-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#025-R078] - Silver Sky (Updated) by MechaNinji [2019-02-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#025-R078] - Silver Sky by MechaNinji [2019-02-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#026-R080] - Night Grassland by monkey03297 [2019-02-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#026-R080] - Night Grassland by monkey03297 [2019-02-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#027-R052] - Adventurous Ascent by Roykirbs [2019-02-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#028-R106] - Phantasmagoria (V1.0.0) by LotusLandSigma [2019-02-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#028-R106] - Phantasmagoria (V1.0.1) by LotusLandSigma [2019-02-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#029-R089] - House of Holes (Fixed) by Sockbat Replica [2019-05-03] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#029-R089] - House of Holes by Sockbat Replica [2019-02-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#030-R055] - Magnetic Net by NextTactics [2019-02-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#031-R038] - Bramble Climb (V1.0) by MarioFan22 [2019-02-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#031-R038] - Bramble Climb (V1.1) by MarioFan22 [2019-02-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#031-R038] - Bramble Climb (V1.2) by MarioFan22 [2019-02-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#031-R038] - Bramble Climb (V2.0) by MarioFan22 [2019-02-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#032-R011] - Vanish Castle (V1.1) by ECS.98 [2019-02-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#032-R011] - Vanish Castle (V1.11) by ECS.98 [2019-02-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#032-R011] - Vanish Castle (V1.2) by ECS.98 [2019-03-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#032-R011] - Vanish Castle (V1.21) by ECS.98 [2019-03-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#032-R011] - Vanish Castle (V1.25) by ECS.98 [2019-03-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#034-R088] - Altair (V1.0) by Tweyxx [2019-02-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#034-R088] - Altair (V1.1) by Tweyxx [2019-02-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#034-R088] - Altair (V1.2) by Tweyxx [2019-02-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#034-R088] - Altair (V1.3) by Tweyxx [2019-03-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#034-R088] - Altair (V1.4) by Tweyxx [2019-03-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#034-R088] - Altair (V1.5) by Tweyxx [2019-03-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#035-DQ] - Tangerine Wetlands by MonkeyShrapnel [2019-02-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#036-R049] - Skyway Sanctum by Carld923 [2019-02-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#037-DQ] - Chuck's Norris (Final) by huebrbr [2019-03-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#037-DQ] - Chuck's Norris (V1.0) by huebrbr [2019-02-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#037-DQ] - Chuck's Norris (V2.0) by huebrbr [2019-02-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#037-DQ] - Chuck's Norris (V2.5) by huebrbr [2019-02-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#037-DQ] - Chuck's Norris (V3.1) by huebrbr [2019-03-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#038-R002] - Crystarp Hollow (V2) by S.N.N. [2019-02-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#039-R004] - Brown Block Factory (V1.0) by Sixcorby [2019-02-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#039-R004] - Brown Block Factory (V1.1) by Sixcorby [2019-03-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#039-R004] - Brown Block Factory (V1.2) by Sixcorby [2019-03-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#040-R107] - Black and White Land by YoshiGamingHD [2019-02-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#041-R034] - Buster Quarry (V1) by GammaSlap [2019-02-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#041-R034] - Buster Quarry (V2) by GammaSlap [2019-02-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#041-R034] - Buster Quarry (V3) by GammaSlap [2019-03-03] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#042-R023] - Temple of Fish Gods by Sancles [2019-01-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#042-R023] - Temple of Fish Gods by Sancles [2019-02-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#042-R023] - Temple of Fish Gods by Sancles [2019-03-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#043-R084] - Boney Basin (V1.0) by Sparky [2019-02-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#043-R084] - Boney Basin (V1.1) by Sparky [2019-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#045-R025] - Oh That's Hot (V1.0) by Mad Lad [2019-02-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#045-R025] - Oh That's Hot (V1.1) by Mad Lad [2019-03-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#045-R025] - Oh That's Hot (V1.2) by Mad Lad [2019-03-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#046-R014] - le Reservoir (V1.0) by Blind Devil [2019-02-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#046-R014] - le Reservoir (V1.1) by Blind Devil [2019-03-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#047-R033] - Grandma's Paradise by Wind Fish [2019-02-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#047-R033] - Grandma's Paradise by Wind Fish [2019-03-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#048-R020] - Have Sweet Dreams (V1.1) by EternityLarva [2019-03-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#049-R077] - Quiz Mario Academy (V1.0) by Lsh0426 [2019-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#050-R037] - Dimension Traveling (Halfway) by Kusrry [2019-02-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#050-R037] - Dimension Traveling (V0.99) by Kusrry [2019-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#050-R037] - Dimension Traveling (V1.0) by Kusrry [2019-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#050-R037] - Dimension Traveling (V1.1) by Kusrry [2019-03-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#050-R037] - Dimension Traveling (V1.11) by Kusrry [2019-03-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#050-R037] - Dimension Traveling (V1.12) by Kusrry [2019-03-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#050-R037] - Dimension Traveling (V1.14) by Kusrry [2019-03-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#050-R037] - Dimension Traveling (V1.15) by Kusrry [2019-03-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#051-R044] - G.U.C Plains by toad64 [2019-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#052-R069] - Linear Farms by Dakras Hayashi [2019-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#052-R069] - Linear Farms by Dakras Hayashi [2019-03-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#053-R041] - Timber Tower by Sokobansolver [2019-03-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#054-R101] - Industrial Desert by IronFoxGaming [2019-03-03] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#054-R101] - Industrial Desert by IronFoxGaming [2019-03-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#055-R102] - King of the Mountain by MarkVD100 [2019-03-03] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#055-R102] - King of the Mountain by MarkVD100 [2019-03-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#056-R099] - Darkmoon Riverside (V1.3) by ThumbLie [2019-03-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#056-R099] - Darkmoon Riverside (V1.4) by ThumbLie [2019-03-03] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#056-R099] - Darkmoon Riverside (V1.5) by ThumbLie [2019-03-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#056-R099] - Darkmoon Riverside (V1.6) by ThumbLie [2019-03-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#056-R099] - Darkmoon Riverside (V1.7) by ThumbLie [2019-03-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#057-DQ] - The Leaving Skies by Fullcannon [2019-03-03] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#057-DQ] - The Leaving Skies by Fullcannon [2019-03-17] (SMW Hack) [BAD-emu]
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#058-R043] - Dude, Jill (V1) by ToxicRave [2019-03-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#058-R043] - Dude, Jill (V2) by ToxicRave [2019-03-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#060-R065] - Caelum Coast (V1.0) by Ruberjig [2019-03-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#060-R065] - Caelum Coast (V1.1) by Ruberjig [2019-03-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#060-R065] - Caelum Coast (V1.2) by Ruberjig [2019-03-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#060-R065] - Caelum Coast (V1.3) by Ruberjig [2019-03-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#060-R065] - Caelum Coast (V1.4) by Ruberjig [2019-03-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#061-R018] - Vanilla Emulation by Samuel Zuccati [2019-03-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#061-R018] - Vanilla Emulation by Samuel Zuccati [2019-03-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#062-R032] - DCMEITPI (V0.2) by BlueZy [2019-02-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#062-R032] - DCMEITPI (V1.0) by BlueZy [2019-03-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#062-R032] - DCMEITPI (V1.1.1) by BlueZy [2019-03-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#062-R032] - DCMEITPI (V1.1.2) by BlueZy [2019-03-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#062-R032] - DCMEITPI (V1.1) by BlueZy [2019-03-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#062-R032] - DCMEITPI (V1.2) by BlueZy [2019-03-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#063-DQ] - Good Night Beach by MaiK [2019-03-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#064-DQ] - Moon Temple by TheInsanity115 [2019-03-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#066-R108] - Getting Up by tomato jonson [2019-03-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#067-R013] - Shrine of Souls (V3) by Gloomy [2019-02-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#067-R013] - Shrine of Souls (V4) by Gloomy [2019-02-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#067-R013] - Shrine of Souls (V5) by Gloomy [2019-02-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#067-R013] - Shrine of Souls (V6) by Gloomy [2019-03-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#067-R013] - Shrine of Souls by Gloomy [2019-02-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#068-R083] - Loopy Labyrinth by Caracc [2019-03-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#069-R017] - Yescroll by yogui [2019-03-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#069-R017] - Yescroll by yogui [2019-03-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#070-R022] - General Trotyl (V1.0) by Galaer [2019-03-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#070-R022] - General Trotyl (V1.1) by Galaer [2019-03-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#070-R022] - General Trotyl (V1.1a) by Galaer [2019-03-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#071-R050] - Otherworldly Monument by eltiolavara9 [2019-03-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#072-R024] - Flames of Muspell (Final) by Falconpunch [2019-03-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#072-R024] - Flames of Muspell by Falconpunch [2019-03-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#072-R024] - Flames of Muspell by Falconpunch [2019-03-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#073-R110] - Forest Blitz (V1.0) by wolfnasty [2019-02-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#073-R110] - Forest Blitz (V1.2) by wolfnasty [2019-03-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#074-R047] - Knuck If You Chuck (V1.0) by King Boo [2019-03-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#074-R047] - Knuck If You Chuck (V1.1) by King Boo [2019-03-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#074-R047] - Knuck If You Chuck (V1.2) by King Boo [2019-03-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#075-R058] - Mecha Mountain (V1) by FerpyMcFrosting [2019-02-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#075-R058] - Mecha Mountain (V2) by FerpyMcFrosting [2019-03-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#076-R042] - Stalwart Ramparts by Quantix [2019-03-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#076-R042] - Stalwart Ramparts by Quantix [2019-03-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#077-R031] - The Grand Koopalopolis by SMWizard [2019-03-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#078-R080] - Flying Fish Fort by Fostelif [2019-03-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#079-R010] - Harmonious Heaven (V1.01) by Emerald Shell [2019-03-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#079-R010] - Harmonious Heaven (V1.03) by Emerald Shell [2019-03-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#079-R010] - Harmonious Heaven (V1.11) by Emerald Shell [2019-03-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#080-R079] - Cold and Colder by Minuy600 [2019-03-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#081-R050] - Primary Pipes (V0.1) by Shog [2019-03-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#081-R050] - Primary Pipes (V2) by Shog [2019-03-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#081-R050] - Primary Pipes (V3) by Shog [2019-03-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#082-R057] - Tangle Race by KajurN [2019-03-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#083-R025] - The Ground Is Gold (V1) by neosaver [2019-03-13] (SMW Hack) [BAD]
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#083-R025] - The Ground Is Gold (V4) by neosaver [2019-03-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#084-R030] - Hide and Seek Items (V1.0) by SomeGuy712x [2019-03-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#084-R030] - Hide and Seek Items (V1.1) by SomeGuy712x [2019-03-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#084-R030] - Hide and Seek Items (V1.2) by SomeGuy712x [2019-03-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#084-R030] - Hide and Seek Items (V1.3) by SomeGuy712x [2019-03-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#085-R076] - Sweet Dreams (V1.3) by ThalesMangaka [2019-03-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#086-R006] - Roaming Fiber by Christian07 [2019-03-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#086-R006] - Roaming Fiber by Christian07 [2019-03-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#087-R071] - Olivine Pass by Giftshaven [2019-03-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#088-R046] - Petroleum Pipeland (V1) by KennyJ [2019-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#088-R046] - Petroleum Pipeland (V2) by KennyJ [2019-03-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#089-R052] - Neverland by Fellipe R [2019-03-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#090-R064] - Fort Hoversaw by Stairkase [2019-03-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#090-R064] - Fort Hoversaw by Stairkase [2019-03-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#090-R064] - Fort Hoversaw by Stairkase [2019-03-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#091-R060] - Za Warudo Tower by ghyn [2019-03-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#092-R021] - The Frozen Way by slakkmichael [2019-03-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#093-R005] - Traumerei (Final) by Tob + Darkdlp02 [2019-03-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#093-R005] - Traumerei by Tob + Darkdlp02 [2019-03-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#094-R007] - Bouncy Ruins (Backup 3) by Dan Drigues [2019-03-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#094-R007] - Bouncy Ruins (V1) by Dan Drigues [2019-03-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#094-R007] - Bouncy Ruins (V2) by Dan Drigues [2019-03-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#094-R007] - Bouncy Ruins (V3) by Dan Drigues [2019-03-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#095-R016] - Plains Water by Mr. Pixelator [2019-03-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#096-R072] - Entry by getthefish [2019-03-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#097-R038] - Vanilla Valley by Pink Gold Peach [2019-03-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#098-R095] - Panic at the Docks by Trollope [2019-03-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#099-R091] - Crystal Forest by Cryses96 [2019-03-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#100-R075] - Underworld Chapel by Minimay [2019-03-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#101-R093] - Dark Forest by The Hacking Yoshi [2019-03-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#102-R047] - Generic SMB1-1 Remake by Daizo Dee Von [2019-02-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#102-R047] - Generic SMB1-1 Remake by Daizo Dee Von [2019-03-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#103-R008] - Militarized Iceberg by snoruntpyro [2019-03-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#103-R008] - Militarized Iceberg by snoruntpyro [2019-03-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#105-R035] - Bridge (Updated) by Teyla [2019-03-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#105-R035] - Bridge by Teyla [2019-03-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#106-R019] - Go Directly to Jail by Dr. Tapeworm [2019-03-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#107-R045] - Crevice Climb (V1.0) by Steven [2019-03-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#107-R045] - Crevice Climb (V1.1) by Steven [2019-03-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#108-R003] - Purple Waves (V1) by ft029 [2019-03-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#108-R003] - Purple Waves (V2) by ft029 [2019-03-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#109-R062] - Canyon of Bombs by mariosr [2019-03-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#110-R085] - Sugarless Cave by tcdw [2019-03-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#111-R080] - Mountan Castle (V1) by jesus [2019-03-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#111-R080] - Mountan Castle (V2) by jesus [2019-03-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#112-R012] - Greystone Grotto by Centipede [2019-03-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#113-R061] - Overless Night by Teows [2019-03-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#114-R087] - Dents d'Ouranus by Cote de Boeuf [2019-03-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#116-R038] - TO2LLY TERRIBLE by Hobz [2019-03-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#117-R009] - Technical Loopholes by Super Maks 64 [2019-03-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#XXX-RXXX] - A Nice Gift by janioareias [2019-01-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#XXX-RXXX] - A Nice Gift by janioareias [2019-02-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#XXX-RXXX] - Forgotten World by SMWHackerPRO (debug001) [2019-02-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#XXX-RXXX] - Mix Coins and Night by Red Dino [2019-02-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 11 [#XXX-RXXX] - Space Bubble (Demo) by jona255 [2019-03-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 - Base ROM (V1.0) by Major Flare [2020-07-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 - Base ROM (V1.1) by Major Flare [2020-08-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 - Collaboration Hack (V1.0) by SMW Central [2022-10-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 - Collaboration Hack (V1.06) by SMW Central [2022-10-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 - Collaboration Hack (V1.07) by SMW Central [2022-11-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#001-R080] - Koopas' Village by DTA450 [2020-08-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#002-R075] - Springtime by msi810 [2020-08-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#002-R075] - Springtime by msi810 [2020-08-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#002-R075] - Springtime by msi810 [2020-08-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#002-R075] - Springtime by msi810 [2020-08-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#002-R075] - Springtime by msi810 [2020-08-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#002-R075] - Springtime by msi810 [2020-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#003-R071] - Night Platform by Enan63 [2020-08-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#003-R071] - Night Platform by Enan63 [2020-08-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#004-R119] - Koopa's Castle by Fermin Acosta Jr. [2020-08-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#005-R089] - Blocks That Believe by blocc [2020-08-03] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#006-R126] - The HyperZone by Synergic [2020-08-03] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#007-DQ] - Statue Overhaul (Update Final) by Rykon-V73 [2020-08-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#007-DQ] - Statue Overhaul (Update) by Rykon-V73 [2020-08-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#007-DQ] - Statue Overhaul (Update) by Rykon-V73 [2020-08-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#007-DQ] - Statue Overhaul by Rykon-V73 [2020-08-03] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#008-R109] - Ice Age by Blizzard Buffalo [2020-08-03] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#009-R073] - Mario in Namek (V1.0) by Green Jerry [2020-08-03] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#009-R073] - Mario in Namek (V1.1) by Green Jerry [2020-08-04] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#009-R073] - Mario in Namek (V1.2) by Green Jerry [2020-08-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#010-R127] - Enter the Volcano by Desert [2020-08-04] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#011-R108] - Rainy Days (V1) by MirrorReflect [2020-08-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#011-R108] - Rainy Days (V2) by MirrorReflect [2020-08-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#012-R047] - Cumulonimbus Castle by Idunno [2020-08-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#012-R047] - Cumulonimbus Castle by Idunno [2020-08-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#012-R047] - Cumulonimbus Castle by Idunno [2020-08-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#013-R120] - Logic Science by MarkVD100 [2020-08-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#014-R049] - MarioMare, Inc. (V1.00) by Lsh0426 [2020-08-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#014-R049] - MarioMare, Inc. (V1.10) by Lsh0426 [2020-08-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#014-R049] - MarioMare, Inc. (V1.11) by Lsh0426 [2020-08-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#015-R063] - Orange Spice (V1.0) by Lotica [2020-08-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#015-R063] - Orange Spice (V1.1) by Lotica [2020-08-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#015-R063] - Orange Spice (V1.2.1) by Lotica [2020-08-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#015-R063] - Orange Spice (V1.2) by Lotica [2020-08-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#016-R122] - Spinnin' Spiky Castle (V1.2) by josee_544 [2020-08-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#016-R122] - Spinnin' Spiky Castle (V2.1) by josee_544 [2020-08-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#017-R066] - The Tall Tree by Hayashi Neru [2020-08-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#018-R123] - Kill Yoshi by savagecabbage [2020-08-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#019-R113] - Muncher Underground by JP32 [2020-08-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#020-R086] - Sherbet Starry by Infinity [2020-08-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#021-R114] - Forest Level by Sping bot [2020-08-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#022-R061] - Minty Bowl XII (V1.0) by HamOfJustice [2020-08-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#022-R061] - Minty Bowl XII (V1.1) by HamOfJustice [2020-08-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#023-R032] - Rainy Ruins (V1.0) by PokerFace [2020-08-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#023-R032] - Rainy Ruins (V1.1) by PokerFace [2020-08-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#024-R121] - NETHER (Red Carpet) by huebrbr [2020-08-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#024-R121] - NETHER (Red Carpet) by huebrbr [2020-08-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#025-DQ] - undefined (V1.0) by Magikey [2020-08-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#025-DQ] - undefined (V1.1) by Magikey [2020-08-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#026-R102] - After Party with a Drunk Yoshi by yogui [2020-08-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#027-R037] - Miragice Remains by Blind Devil [2020-08-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#028-R052] - Perilous Platforms (V1.1) (Update) by N450 [2020-08-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#028-R052] - Perilous Platforms (V1.1) by N450 [2020-08-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#029-R103] - Illusive Dreams (V1.0) by TickTockClock [2020-08-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#029-R103] - Illusive Dreams (V1.3) by TickTockClock [2020-08-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#029-R103] - Illusive Dreams (V1.5) by TickTockClock [2020-08-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#030-R110] - Autumnal Forest by Worl [2020-08-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#031-R125] - Angular 2 (Update) by Sakurai on SMWC [2020-08-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#031-R125] - Angular 2 by Sakurai on SMWC [2020-08-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#032-R099] - Steam Gardens (V1.0) by IronFoxGaming [2020-08-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#032-R099] - Steam Gardens (V1.2) by IronFoxGaming [2020-08-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#032-R099] - Steam Gardens (V1.5) by IronFoxGaming [2020-08-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#033-R124] - Forest of Chucks (V0.8) by KitikuSa [2020-08-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#033-R124] - Forest of Chucks (V0.92) by KitikuSa [2020-08-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#033-R124] - Forest of Chucks (V1.0) by KitikuSa [2020-08-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#033-R124] - Forest of Chucks (V1.1) by KitikuSa [2020-08-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#033-R124] - Forest of Chucks (V1.4) by KitikuSa [2020-08-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#034-R079] - Moles Invasion by MegaSonic1999 [2020-08-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#035-R028] - Spin Thwump Cavern (V1.0) by TheOtherGuy25 [2020-08-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#035-R028] - Spin Thwump Cavern (V1.1) by TheOtherGuy25 [2020-08-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#037-R100] - Lunar Base (V3) by Mogu94 [2020-08-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#037-R100] - Lunar Base (V4) by Mogu94 [2020-08-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#038-R101] - Starry Skies Palace (V1.0) by Dispace [2020-08-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#038-R101] - Starry Skies Palace (V1.1) by Dispace [2020-08-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#038-R101] - Starry Skies Palace (V1.21) by Dispace [2020-08-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#039-R041] - Yoshi's Time Crisis (V1.00) by Counterfeit [2020-08-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#039-R041] - Yoshi's Time Crisis (V1.01) by Counterfeit [2020-08-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#041-R066] - House of Grassland (alt) by yoshi9429 [2020-08-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#041-R066] - House of Grassland by yoshi9429 [2020-08-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#042-R022] - Floody Fluid (Beta) by Kusrry [2020-08-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#042-R022] - Floody Fluid (V1.0) by Kusrry [2020-08-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#042-R022] - Floody Fluid (V1.2) by Kusrry [2020-08-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#042-R022] - Floody Fluid (V1.21) by Kusrry [2020-08-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#042-R022] - Floody Fluid (V1.3) by Kusrry [2020-08-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#042-R022] - Floody Fluid (V1.31) by Kusrry [2020-08-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#042-R022] - Floody Fluid (V1.32) by Kusrry [2020-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#043-R035] - Chainsaw Way (alt) by Mr. MS [2020-08-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#043-R035] - Chainsaw Way (alt) by Mr. MS [2020-08-03] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#043-R035] - Chainsaw Way (V1.4) by Mr. MS [2020-08-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#043-R035] - Chainsaw Way (V1.5) by Mr. MS [2020-08-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#043-R035] - Chainsaw Way (V1.6) by Mr. MS [2020-08-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#043-R035] - Chainsaw Way (V1.8) by Mr. MS [2020-08-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#043-R035] - Chainsaw Way (V1.9) by Mr. MS [2020-08-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#043-R035] - Chainsaw Way (V2.0) by Mr. MS [2020-08-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#043-R035] - Chainsaw Way (V2.1) by Mr. MS [2020-08-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#043-R035] - Chainsaw Way (V2.2) by Mr. MS [2020-08-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#043-R035] - Chainsaw Way (V2.5) by Mr. MS [2020-08-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#043-R035] - Chainsaw Way (V2.7) by Mr. MS [2020-08-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#043-R035] - Chainsaw Way (V3.0) by Mr. MS [2020-08-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#043-R035] - Chainsaw Way (V3.1) by Mr. MS [2020-08-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#043-R035] - Chainsaw Way (V3.2) by Mr. MS [2020-08-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#043-R035] - Chainsaw Way by Mr. MS [2020-08-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#043-R035] - Chainsaw Way by Mr. MS [2020-08-03] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#043-R035] - Chainsaw Way by Mr. MS [2020-08-04] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#043-R035] - Chainsaw Way by Mr. MS [2020-08-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#044-R065] - A Fuzzy Day (Revised) by NopeContest [2020-08-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#044-R065] - A Fuzzy Day by NopeContest [2020-08-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#045-R020] - Prude Bastion by Romano338 [2020-08-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#046-R097] - Cloud Towers Waltz (V1.1) by owenxm_ [2020-08-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#047-R091] - Art Deco Alcove (WIP 1) by qantuum [2020-08-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#047-R091] - Art Deco Alcove by qantuum [2020-08-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#048-DQ] - Snowboard Caves by LudFloko [2020-08-21] (SMW Hack) [BAD]
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#049-R074] - Fruity Factory by LuigiTime [2020-08-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#049-R074] - Fruity Factory by LuigiTime [2020-08-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#050-R096] - Koopa Valley by Odyssey K. [2020-08-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#050-R096] - Koopa Valley by Odyssey K. [2020-08-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#051-R005] - Quake Engine (alt) by snoruntpyro [2020-08-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#051-R005] - Quake Engine by snoruntpyro [2020-08-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#051-R005] - Quake Engine by snoruntpyro [2020-08-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#052-R017] - Archers' Road by OEO6 [2020-08-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#053-DQ] - Grape Beach by M6 Productions [2020-08-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#054-R085] - Elevated Vaults by mariosr [2020-08-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#055-R039] - Magma Reef by EgonV [2020-08-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#056-R117] - Jumps n' Traps (Update) by Raymondsze [2020-08-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#056-R117] - Jumps n' Traps by Raymondsze [2020-08-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#057-R001] - Cunning Plumbing (V1.0) by FrozenQuills [2020-08-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#057-R001] - Cunning Plumbing (V1.1) by FrozenQuills [2020-08-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#058-R019] - Eating Block Manor (V1.0) by SomeGuy712x [2020-08-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#058-R019] - Eating Block Manor (V1.1) by SomeGuy712x [2020-08-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#059-R116] - Old House by Hat Kid [2020-08-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#060-R060] - Goo Mountain (Beta) by toad64 [2020-08-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#060-R060] - Goo Mountain (V1.0) by toad64 [2020-08-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#060-R060] - Goo Mountain (V1.1) by toad64 [2020-08-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#062-R092] - Furt Exhaus Zust Quatra (Demo) by Losoall [2020-08-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#062-R092] - Furt Exhaus Zust Quatra (Demo) by Losoall [2020-08-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#062-R092] - Furt Exhaus Zust Quatra (V1.0) by Losoall [2020-08-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#062-R092] - Furt Exhaus Zust Quatra (V1.1) by Losoall [2020-08-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#062-R092] - Furt Exhaus Zust Quatra (V1.2) by Losoall [2020-08-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#062-R092] - Furt Exhaus Zust Quatra (V1.3) by Losoall [2020-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#063-R058] - Sky High Ice Palace (Beta) by Beed28 [2020-08-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#063-R058] - Sky High Ice Palace by Beed28 [2020-08-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#064-R082] - Bullet Hell by Fostelif [2020-08-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#064-R082] - Bullet Hell by Fostelif [2020-08-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#065-R089] - Snow Mountain by MilkyMooer [2020-08-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#066-R026] - Piranha Plant Panic (Final) by Hobz [2020-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#066-R026] - Piranha Plant Panic (V1.2.0) by Hobz [2020-08-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#066-R026] - Piranha Plant Panic (V1.3.0) by Hobz [2020-08-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#066-R026] - Piranha Plant Panic (V1.3.2) by Hobz [2020-08-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#066-R026] - Piranha Plant Panic (V1.3.6) by Hobz [2020-08-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#067-R112] - Warping by jirok1 [2020-08-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#068-R059] - Carnage Sewerside (V1.0) by xyz600sp [2020-08-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#068-R059] - Carnage Sewerside (V1.1) by xyz600sp [2020-08-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#068-R059] - Carnage Sewerside (V1.2) by xyz600sp [2020-08-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#068-R059] - Carnage Sewerside (V1.2) by xyz600sp [2020-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#069-R083] - Hot-Cold Train (alt) by EvanEMV [2020-08-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#069-R083] - Hot-Cold Train by EvanEMV [2020-08-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#070-R094] - Koopa Troopa Skyway by OrangeBronzeDaisy [2020-08-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#071-R004] - Factory Town (V1.0) by Carld923 [2020-08-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#071-R004] - Factory Town (V1.0) by Carld923 [2020-08-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#071-R004] - Factory Town (V1.1) by Carld923 [2020-08-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#071-R004] - Factory Town (V1.2.1) by Carld923 [2020-08-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#072-R027] - Really Cool Plants by Sancles [2020-08-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#073-R111] - The Lost Artifact by wolfnasty [2020-08-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#073-R111] - The Lost Artifact by wolfnasty [2020-08-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#074-R053] - Pekora Planet (V1.0) by NeutronCat [2020-08-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#074-R053] - Pekora Planet (V1.1) by NeutronCat [2020-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#075-R033] - Blood Fortress (Final Draft) by hulahoop [2020-08-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#075-R033] - Blood Fortress (V1.0) by hulahoop [2020-08-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#075-R033] - Blood Fortress (V1.1) by hulahoop [2020-08-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#076-R012] - Red n' Blueshift (V1.0) by Stivi [2020-08-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#076-R012] - Red n' Blueshift (V1.1) by Stivi [2020-08-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#077-R087] - The Green Fortress by Sockbat Replica [2020-08-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#078-RXXX] - Roy's Factory Zone by Young Boi [2020-08-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#079-R038] - Burning Bridges by Samuel Zuccati [2020-08-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#081-R047] - When the Clock Strikes 12 by yoshiatom [2020-08-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#082-R041] - Haunted Fun House by Luther [2020-08-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#083-R045] - Nimbus Forest by GranBlind64 [2020-08-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#084-R003] - Jurassic Slam Jam by Agent Q [2020-08-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#084-R003] - Jurassic Slam Jam by Agent Q [2020-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#085-R022] - Acidjazzed Evening by KevinM [2020-08-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#086-R050] - Frostbelt by Mr. Pixelator [2020-08-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#086-R050] - Frostbelt by Mr. Pixelator [2020-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#087-R072] - Ethereal Battleship by MechaNinji [2020-08-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#088-R011] - Station Cave Splash by ZMann [2020-08-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#090-R105] - Chucks Islands by Mario is the best [2020-08-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#091-R024] - Power of Suggestion by Galaer [2020-08-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#092-R018] - Destructive Detour (V1) by SuperMarisa1999 [2020-08-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#092-R018] - Destructive Detour (V2) by SuperMarisa1999 [2020-08-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#093-R069] - Underearthic Ruins by debug001 [2020-08-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#094-DQ] - Not Morton by Morsel [2020-08-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#096-R013] - Apex of Ascension by Quantix [2020-08-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#096-R013] - Apex of Ascension by Quantix [2020-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#097-R051] - Bastion of Blue by Rhodonacht [2020-08-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#098-R044] - Ghost Fire Bop (V1.0) by AnEvilGhost [2020-08-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#098-R044] - Ghost Fire Bop (V1.1) by AnEvilGhost [2020-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#099-R077] - Oreo Castle by JupiHornet [2020-08-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#100-R115] - Autumn Hills by Josuke Yoshikage [2020-08-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#101-R054] - Semi Water Level (V1.2) by Ralshi02 [2020-08-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#101-R054] - Semi Water Level by Ralshi02 [2020-08-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#102-R066] - Different Results by Amine Retro [2020-08-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#102-R066] - Different Results by Amine Retro [2020-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#103-R039] - Sunset Canyon (V1) by SLBros. [2020-08-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#104-R031] - Hebra Mines (Updated) by Incognito [2020-08-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#104-R031] - Hebra Mines by Incognito [2020-08-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#105-R002] - Petronas Towers (Update) by S.N.N. + idol [2020-08-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#105-R002] - Petronas Towers by S.N.N. + idol [2020-08-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#106-R081] - Orange Jungle by Digital Entertainment [2020-08-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#107-R093] - The Bustling Forest by jdl [2020-08-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#108-R034] - Floating Ruins by EternityLarva [2020-08-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#109-R021] - Mahagony Layers by Heraga + Darkbloom [2020-08-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#111-R061] - Greenhouse Effect by E-man38 + bebn legg [2020-08-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#113-R056] - Convoy Infiltration by Rye_ [2020-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#114-R013] - Wrapping Wigglers (V1.2) by ft029 [2020-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#115-R095] - Sublime by Maruhai [2020-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#116-R118] - The Dark Forest by GabrielJohn [2020-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#117-R064] - Blossom Ruins (Update 2) by codfish1002 [2020-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#117-R064] - Blossom Ruins (Update) by codfish1002 [2020-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#118-R043] - Distorted Chateau by singlepat [2020-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#119-R106] - Elevated Evening by Torchkas [2020-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#121-R030] - Orbital Fortress (Beta 2) by MORC [2020-08-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#121-R030] - Orbital Fortress by MORC [2020-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#122-R070] - Hellcastle by TriplePat [2020-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#123-R076] - Into the Crimelands by BodyBone [2020-08-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#123-R076] - Into the Crimelands by BodyBone [2020-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#124-R088] - Salty Saltflats by kamekku14 [2020-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#125-R008] - Santuario Sumergido by Centipede [2020-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#126-R007] - Thrill Seeker by Lazy [2020-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#127-R035] - Monty Migration by Kori [2020-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#128-R077] - Wooded Snow Cliffs by Saibot1997 [2020-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#130-R107] - Platforms of Escape (V2) by RanAS [2020-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#130-R107] - Platforms of Escape (V3) by RanAS [2020-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#131-R025] - Sandsift Temple by MegaMarioMan9 [2020-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#132-R056] - The Goop Flow by eltiolavara9 [2020-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#133-R009] - Space Cave Rescue (V1.0) by MM102 [2020-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#134-R084] - Ropewood Forest by Flagpole1up [2020-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#135-DQ] - Fudge Cave by DetectiveZvarri [2020-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#XXX-RXXX] - Blue Sky Palace by SammmUuU [2020-08-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#XXX-RXXX] - Blue Sky Palace by SammmUuU [2020-08-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#XXX-RXXX] - Nightime Park by Anan [2020-08-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#XXX-RXXX] - Reznor's Laputa X (Beta) by TheMorganah [2020-08-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#XXX-RXXX] - Reznor's Laputa X by TheMorganah [2020-08-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 12 [#XXX-RXXX] - Slip 'n Spike by Ruberjig [2020-08-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 - Base ROM (V13.0) by AmperSam [2022-04-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 - Base ROM (V13.1) by AmperSam [2022-04-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#01-R18] - Tubular (Hard Mode) by Heraga [2022-04-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#02-R07] - Time in Amber by GbreezeSunset [2022-04-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#03-R08] - Babylon by Samuel Zuccati [2022-05-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#04-R19] - Winds by Kori [2022-05-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#05-R65] - Loopy Lament by ninj [2022-04-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#06-R55] - Mirage Breeze (V2F) by Dispace [2022-05-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#07-R76] - Crown Thief by Boosius [2022-04-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#08-R32] - Unknown Force by TS_N [2022-04-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#09-R60] - Night at the Museum by blocc [2022-05-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#10-R56] - Purple Valley Trail (V2.2) by IronFoxGaming [2022-05-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#11-R61] - Sacred Forest (Updated) by DetectiveZvarri [2022-05-04] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#12-R70] - Garden of Eden (V1.2) by AnEvilGhost [2022-05-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#13-R34] - Cosmosis by bry [2022-05-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#15-R51] - Spooky Wacko Stage by Spade_Magnes [2022-05-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#16-R79] - Abuscence by Ryman [2022-05-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#17-R44] - Sapphire Shores by Donut + Segment1Zone2 [2022-05-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#18-R48] - Hydrotemple (V1.0.0) by yogui [2022-05-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#19-R28] - Note Block Surfing (Update 2) by Anas [2022-05-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#20-R43] - Veggie Valley (V1.1) by LuigiTime (MoxieCat) [2022-05-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#21-R34] - The Wet Coast (V1.1) by Soul Storm [2022-05-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#22-R63] - The Boring Blossom Forest by KekShadow_08 [2022-05-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#23-R46] - VLDC Entryy #1 (Update) by 2pvenezuela [2022-05-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#23-R46] - VLDC Entryy #1 by 2pvenezuela [2022-05-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#24-R03] - Hydro Fights by FrozenQuills [2022-05-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#25-R45] - Pokey Berry Pass (V2.0) by RZ1 [2022-05-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#26-R74] - RGB Plains by Fostelif [2022-05-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#27-R04] - Frigid Stronghold by Sixcorby [2022-05-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#28-R27] - Deforested Factory (V1.0) by TheOrangeToad [2022-05-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#29-DQ] - An Odd Bridge by LUHOINK [2022-05-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#30-R53] - Moon Mountain (V1.1) by Nanny_Skeksis [2022-05-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#31-R01] - Vividsection by idol + Squirrelyman157 [2022-05-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#32-R29] - Prehistoric Lift by TheJavabrew [2022-05-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#33-R26] - Pastel Peak by Idunno [2022-05-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#34-R56] - Chainsaw Mountain (V1.2) by YoungsVideos44 [2022-05-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#35-R67] - Mixed Grassland by yoshi9429 [2022-05-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#36-R85] - Time Machine by MarkVD100 [2022-05-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#36-R85] - Time Machine by MarkVD100 [2022-05-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#38-R38] - Cocoa-Mint Corp. by SMWizard [2022-05-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#40-R19] - Windy Overpass by PiyoPiyori [2022-05-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#41-R59] - Warfield Wilderness by N450 [2022-05-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#42-R62] - Lake Coolidge by Eli Jenkins YK [2022-05-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#43-R29] - Twilight Lunar (V1.01) by PokerFace [2022-05-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#44-R13] - Piscine Molitor (V1.1) by Nitrogen [2022-05-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#45-R66] - Aurum Fever by Blizzard Buffalo [2022-05-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#46-R58] - The Last Yoshi by Fruitloops [2022-05-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#47-R24] - Sky Zone by Enan63 [2022-05-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#48-R36] - Useless and Nasty (V1.1) by Dr. Gaspacho [2022-05-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#50-R83] - Opassa Beach by GabrielJohn [2022-05-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#51-R16] - Consumer Construct by Ruberjig [2022-05-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#52-R73] - Peach's Palace by huebrbr [2022-05-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#53-R54] - East Castle Walls by Roberto Zampari [2022-05-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#54-R21] - Steel Shores by rosysunrise_ [2022-05-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#55-R10] - Eating Block Story (V1.2) by SomeGuy712x [2022-05-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#56-R70] - A Walk in Greenpath by Sacri Pan [2022-05-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#57-R42] - It's New Donk! by TickTockClock [2022-05-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#58-R77] - Fast-Desire Drive (V1.01a) by Shiki_Makiro [2022-05-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#59-R72] - DJMARIO Respect (V1.02) by Lsh0426 [2022-05-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#60-R09] - Starlight-Ride (V1.1) by Sariel [2022-05-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#61-R69] - Run Yoshi Run by JP32 [2022-05-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#62-R78] - Super Bonus World by qantuum [2022-05-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#63-R32] - Scorching Sands by Spedinja [2022-05-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#64-R63] - Sakura Winds (Fixed) by Julintendo [2022-05-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#66-R13] - HAHAHA, YEs... CHUnks by Enjl + Waddle [2022-05-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#67-R06] - Buzzsaw Blueshift by HamOfJustice [2022-05-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#68-R81] - Golden Switch Trail by solgaleo35 [2022-05-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#69-R11] - Blue Cutting Sector by Aurel509 [2022-05-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#70-DQ] - Negative Zone by EduzinMMA [2022-05-29] (SMW Hack) [BAD]
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#71-R21] - Cloudgazing by snoruntpyro [2022-05-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#72-R67] - Hibernal Woodland by Yui-Drakon [2022-05-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#73-R50] - Urbano (V1.1) by Pinci [2022-05-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#74-R84] - Haunted Riverwalk by wolfnasty [2022-05-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#75-R25] - Nychthemeron by E-man38 + bebn legg [2022-05-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#76-R52] - Lady Crithania by PSI Ninja [2022-05-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#77-R17] - Lay Low by Lazy + lolyoshi [2022-05-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#78-R81] - Thiana's Gold Trail by Klug [2022-05-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#79-R38] - Moonlit Mayhem by Yoshi Master + Domanasaur [2022-05-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#80-R40] - Clair de Lune (V1.21) by Kusrry [2022-05-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#81-R31] - Dolphin Coast (V1.1) by codfish1002 [2022-05-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#82-R80] - Lame Kickin' by Kevin [2022-05-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#83-R49] - Entry by Azula16 [2022-05-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#84-R23] - Magmatic Morgue by MegaMarioMan9 [2022-05-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#85-R05] - Neo Atlantis (V2) by Aeon + Magi [2022-05-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#85-R05] - Neo Atlantis by Aeon + Magi [2022-05-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#86-R11] - Clown Fiesta by NGB [2022-05-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#87-R02] - Custom Block Party (V1.0) by MM102 [2022-05-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 13 [#87-R02] - Custom Block Party by MM102 [2022-05-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 - Compilation (WIP) by Rockythetigre [2016-05-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#02-R07] - New Dinosaur Island (V1) by Lucas (CK Crash) [2009-02-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#02-R07] - New Dinosaur Island (V2) by Lucas (CK Crash) [2009-02-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#02-R07] - New Dinosaur Island (V3) by Lucas (CK Crash) [2009-02-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#03-R15] - Variatic Madness by metalgearhunter [2009-02-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#04-R06] - Seasonal Expedition by Brontoman [2009-02-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#05-R07] - The LEVEL by Noobish Noobsicle [2009-02-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#06-R08] - Unnamed Level by Dokuro-Chan (Internoob) [2009-02-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#07-R09] - Swampy Forest by DarkHacker [2009-02-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#09-R07] - Final Destiny (V1) by DaytonTheGreat (DTG) [2009-02-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#09-R07] - Final Destiny (V2) by DaytonTheGreat (DTG) [2009-02-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#10-R20] - HAPPY-GO-LUCKY (V1) by kyurel (Vector) [2009-02-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#10-R20] - HAPPY-GO-LUCKY (V2) by kyurel (Vector) [2009-02-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#11-R03] - Red Wood Ruins by WhiteYoshiEgg [2009-02-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#13-R09] - Split Paths by Delmaru [2009-02-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#14-R10] - Strawberry by CSM300 [2009-02-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#16-R14] - Heaven and Hell by dotted [2009-02-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#17-R01] - Deja Vu Tower by yoshicookiezeus [2009-02-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#18-R12] - Prison Break by X-King [2009-02-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#19-R05] - Fire Mountain by omega lakitu (superwiidude) [2009-02-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#20-R12] - Stormy Cavern by Sock (Jayfeather) [2009-02-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#21-R17] - Mega Air Stage by Lucasmario (Tornado) [2009-02-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#22-R07] - Bowser's Nightmare Factory 2 by anonimato [2009-02-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#24-R06] - Black Hole (V2) by The riddle (green-kirby) [2009-02-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#25-R07] - Traveller's World by RedboneBit [2009-02-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#26-R11] - Lagoon of Sorrow by Geno_4_Ever [2009-02-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#27-R21] - Mystical P-Switches (V1) by Lespna1 [2009-02-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#27-R21] - Mystical P-Switches (V2) by Lespna1 [2009-02-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#28-R13] - Triple Terror by Darkrai [2009-02-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#29-R12] - Frosty Hollow (V1) by Cerebro [2009-02-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#29-R12] - Frosty Hollow (V2) by Cerebro [2009-02-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#29-R12] - Frosty Hollow (V3) by Cerebro [2009-02-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#30-R09] - Subterranean Ship (V2) by army128 [2009-02-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#31-R04] - The Runabout Castle by pikaguy900 (Nimono) [2009-02-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#32-R09] - Cave of Mystery by Kh2playa [2009-02-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#33-R01] - Click Clock Wood by Supertails [2009-02-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#34-R15] - One Island by PercentN [2009-02-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#35-R08] - Violet Valley (V1) by Kc (Kc1336) [2009-02-23] (SMW Hack) [BAD-emu]
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#35-R08] - Violet Valley (V2) by Kc (Kc1336) [2009-02-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#36-R08] - Rotten to the Core by Caracc [2009-02-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#37-R02] - Mario in Miscland by Dinomar (Alessio) [2009-02-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#40-R03] - Greenland Grove by Iceguy (Nesquik Bunny) [2009-02-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#41-R14] - Caramel Cave (V1) by GVirusG [2009-02-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#41-R14] - Caramel Cave (V2) by GVirusG [2009-02-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#42-R08] - Sensitive Volcano (V1) by Aquamentus [2009-02-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#42-R08] - Sensitive Volcano (V2) by Aquamentus [2009-02-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#43-R07] - Mt. Vesuvi Goldmine (alt) by Liru (Exor) (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#43-R07] - Mt. Vesuvi Goldmine by Liru (Exor) [2009-02-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#45-R11] - 3 Trials (V1.0 Reloaded) (alt) by I8Strudel [2009-02-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#45-R11] - 3 Trials (V1.0 Reloaded) by I8Strudel [2009-02-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#45-R11] - 3 Trials (V1.1) by I8Strudel [2009-03-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#46-DQ] - Trip to Yoshi's House (V1) by hej100 [2009-02-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#46-DQ] - Trip to Yoshi's House (V2) by hej100 [2009-02-26] (SMW Hack) [BAD]
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#46-DQ] - Trip to Yoshi's House (V3) by hej100 [2009-02-26] (SMW Hack) [BAD]
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#46-DQ] - Trip to Yoshi's House (V4) by hej100 [2009-02-27] (SMW Hack) [BAD]
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#46-DQ] - Trip to Yoshi's House (V5) by hej100 [2009-02-28] (SMW Hack) [BAD]
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#46-DQ] - Trip to Yoshi's House (V6) by hej100 [2009-02-28] (SMW Hack) [BAD]
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#46-DQ] - Trip to Yoshi's House (V7) by hej100 [2009-03-01] (SMW Hack) [BAD]
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#46-DQ] - Trip to Yoshi's House (V8) (alt) by hej100 [2017-08-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#46-DQ] - Trip to Yoshi's House (V8) by hej100 [2009-03-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#47-R09] - Untitled Level by grishnax [2009-02-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#48-R13] - Failure of an Epic (alt) by imamelia (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#48-R13] - Failure of an Epic by imamelia [2009-02-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#49-R07] - Shaded Region by Snifit [2009-02-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#50-R08] - Tumblerock Mountain (V1) by Hailstorm [2009-02-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#50-R08] - Tumblerock Mountain (V2) by Hailstorm [2009-02-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#51-R03] - Shroomy Island (V2.0) by TheDutchLuigi [2009-02-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#52-R14] - UNEXPECTED!!!!! by GammaProject (Jascha) [2009-02-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#53-R18] - A Castle by Dylan Yoshi [2009-02-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#54-R03] - Lemmy's Fantasy Fortress by spigmike [2009-02-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#55-R03] - Curse of the Golden Mushroom by x1372 [2009-02-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#56-R07] - Where's the Castle by pieguy1372 [2009-02-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#57-R03] - Underground Lake by Raibys [2009-02-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#58-R08] - The Pit (V1.0) by Ultimaximus [2009-02-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#58-R08] - The Pit (V1.1) by Ultimaximus [2009-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#58-R08] - The Pit (V1.2) by Ultimaximus [2009-05-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#59-R04] - The Chocolate Factory by fabio [2009-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#61-R03] - Luigi is Missing! by Foursword4 [2009-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#62-R06] - SMWorldbound by TLMB [2009-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#63-R06] - Northernmost Point by Reading [2009-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#XX-RXX] - All in One by nemo345 [2009-02-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 2 [#XX-RXX] - Iggy's Hideout by surfiin' bird [2009-02-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#003-R34] - Majestic Hills by SomeGuy (NameUser) [2010-02-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#004-R24] - Shine Forest (V1) by Brad172 [2010-02-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#004-R24] - Shine Forest (V2) by Brad172 [2010-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#005-R65] - Water Island by super pokemon world [2010-02-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#007-R17] - Subaqua Adventure by Tails_155 [2010-02-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#008-R35] - Travel to the Bottom by jur132 [2010-02-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#010-R46] - Pirate Ship Dip by sky_blue_wiggler [2010-02-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#011-R23] - Late Evening Stroll (V2) by Z. Raffle tikt [2010-02-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#012-R17] - Sunset Fortress (V1) by Neutron (leictreon) [2010-02-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#013-R08] - Elemental Adventure (V2) by Senjan [2010-02-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#013-R08] - Elemental Adventure (V3) by Senjan [2010-02-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#014-R48] - Splash Castle by LuigiPikachu [2010-02-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#015-R76] - Entry by DragonManGuyDude [2010-02-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#016-DQ] - Bianco Hills (V2) by BBkaizo [2010-02-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#017-R73] - Some Random Level by jallerman [2010-02-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#018-R39] - NO EXIT by hebesphenomegacorona [2010-02-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#019-R50] - Super Marathon Mario by Lunar Rico [2010-02-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#020-DQ] - Dust World (V1.0.1) by DemXiX [2010-02-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#020-DQ] - Dust World (V1.0.2) by DemXiX [2010-02-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#020-DQ] - Dust World (V1.1) by DemXiX [2010-02-24] (SMW Hack) [BAD]
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#021-R58] - Vanilla Contest Entry by joeblevins123 [2010-02-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#022-DQ] - Opticallity (V3) by Chdata [2010-02-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#023-R35] - Luna Bridge by Darkdata [2010-02-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#024-R51] - Multi-Colored Castle by Miguel20 [2010-02-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#026-R13] - Colorful Castle by cyphermur9t [2010-02-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#027-R09] - Mystery Mine by Chikane [2010-02-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#028-R66] - Cherry Blossom Ruins by Immortality [2010-02-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#029-RXX] - Up or Down by Toad8642 [2010-02-09] (SMW Hack) [BAD]
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#030-R68] - Crumbling Defeat by TiersWTF [2010-02-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#031-R27] - Overgrown by dotted [2010-02-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#035-R19] - Scaling the Icy Mountain by ZMann [2010-02-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#036-R44] - Beetletarian by booblock [2010-02-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#037-R02] - Mountain Fortress by superwiidude [2010-02-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#040-R69] - Mario's Adventure by Wizard The Wizzisential [2010-02-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#041-R37] - Misted Mountain by DarthYoshi492 [2010-02-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#042-R03] - Mario's Endless Adventure by Ddoomm10 [2010-02-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#043-R37] - Temple of Time (V1.0) by Time Traveler [2010-02-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#043-R37] - Temple of Time (V1.1) by Time Traveler [2010-02-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#043-R37] - Temple of Time (V1.2) by Time Traveler [2010-02-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#043-R37] - Temple of Time (V1.3) by Time Traveler [2010-04-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#044-R38] - I R Maek Levl 1337 (V3) by HuFlungDu [2010-02-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#045-R54] - Whatever the Weather! by boredman [2010-02-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#046-R52] - The One Level Challenge by Diddy Kong [2010-02-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#047-DQ] - Midnight (Treetop) Canopy by Desert-Fox [2010-02-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#048-R45] - Exploring The Marsh (V1) by CCF9Unite [2010-02-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#048-R45] - Exploring The Marsh (V2) by CCF9Unite [2010-02-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#049-R06] - A Normal Day for Mario (V1) by Dotsarecool [2010-02-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#049-R06] - A Normal Day for Mario (V2) by Dotsarecool [2010-02-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#050-R63] - Topsail Havoc by vindew332 [2010-02-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#051-R31] - Strange House (V2) by randoguy101 [2010-02-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#052-R04] - Mario Takes a Stroll (V1.3) by Zildjian [2010-02-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#053-R71] - A Boy and His Boo (Fixed) by kurosaga [2010-02-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#053-R71] - A Boy and His Boo by kurosaga [2010-04-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#054-R40] - Super Happy Fun Time by Mariowings77 [2010-02-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#055-R66] - Tundra by GoldRogerPirateking [2010-02-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#056-R54] - Acacia Valley 2 by Snowshoe [2010-02-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#057-R37] - Cave Escape (V1.0) by MarioFan22 [2010-02-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#057-R37] - Cave Escape (V1.1) by MarioFan22 [2010-02-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#058-R05] - Muncher Sphere by darkguitar4life (Darky) [2010-02-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#059-DQ] - Isle of Confusion (V3) by Pikerchu13 [2010-02-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#060-R36] - Vile Volcano by E-Man [2010-02-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#062-R56] - Element Castle (V2) by GanonTEK [2010-02-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#063-R70] - Blocks of Chaos by Smallhacker [2010-02-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#064-R54] - Yoshi's Back Yard (V2) by mootbooxle [2010-02-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#066-R41] - The Castle Raid by K3fka [2010-02-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#067-R55] - The Haunted Church by Elite Goomba Hacker [2010-02-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#068-R39] - Cerulean Cove by Snifit [2010-02-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#069-R64] - Volcanic Grassland by xman0444 [2010-02-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#070-R07] - The Swamp Demon's Lair (V1) by Hadron [2010-02-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#070-R07] - The Swamp Demon's Lair (V2) by Hadron [2010-02-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#073-R29] - Mouldy Mansion by RealLink [2010-02-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#074-R72] - Get Out of my Face Mario by Posiedien3 [2010-02-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#075-R04] - Mystical Orb Search (V1.2) by reghrhre [2010-02-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#076-R33] - Ghost Ship by Losoall (Richard Nixon) [2010-02-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#077-DQ] - Vanilla Dome Level by masterdud [2010-02-25] (SMW Hack) [BAD]
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#079-R15] - Climb To The Clouds by Kristian [2010-02-26] (SMW Hack) [BAD-emu]
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#080-R38] - Azure skyland by Creatorofchaos [2010-02-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#081-DQ] - Cleft Cliff by swamp cecil [2010-02-26] (SMW Hack) [BAD]
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#082-DQ] - Castle Of Doom by LaularuKyrumo [2010-02-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#083-R37] - SS Castle by arnpoly [2010-02-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#084-R47] - Cookie's Fortress by Dashie [2010-02-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#085-R43] - Volcano Fortress by ToasterTank [2010-02-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#086-R62] - Lava Rush by everest700 (Everest) [2010-02-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#087-R21] - Volcanic Valley by MoogleEmperor [2010-02-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#088-R20] - Magic Forest by DaxterSpeed (dax) [2010-02-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#089-R26] - Castle Ruins by Hach [2010-02-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#090-R35] - Iron Grotto (Returning The Favour) by Lu-kaz [2010-02-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#093-DQ] - Death Mountain (V1) by mrwannabe [2010-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#093-DQ] - Death Mountain (V2) by mrwannabe [2010-03-26] (SMW Hack) [BAD]
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#094-R32] - Oasis Isle (V1) by PowerStrike [2010-02-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#094-R32] - Oasis Isle (V2) by PowerStrike [2010-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#095-R19] - Chrominus Castle by Riolu180 (Nimono) [2010-02-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#096-R01] - Forever Factory (V1) by Lynnes (allowiscous) [2010-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#096-R01] - Forever Factory (V2) by Lynnes (allowiscous) [2010-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#096-R01] - Forever Factory (V3) by Lynnes (allowiscous) [2010-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#097-R14] - Larry's Volcano by GN (Incognito) [2010-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#100-R18] - Randomness (Update) by PercentN [2010-02-28] (SMW Hack) [BAD-emu]
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#100-R18] - Randomness by PercentN [2010-02-28] (SMW Hack) [BAD-emu]
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#101-R53] - Mossy Castle by kirbyeatsbomberman [2010-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#102-R12] - Teleporter Room (Custom Music) by yogui [2010-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#102-R12] - Teleporter Room by yogui [2010-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#104-R42] - Castle of Illusions by BlackEagle766 [2010-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#106-R59] - Purple Mario at the Red Cliffs by Triple Q [2010-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#107-R02] - Lunar Island Exploration by Aqualakitu [2010-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#109-R49] - The Maze of Puzzles by FUGGNUTZ [2010-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#110-R47] - Koopa Kaves Part 1 by Rayman Man [2010-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#111-R04] - Watch Tower Duke-Out by Agent Q (Hielus) [2010-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#112-DQ] - Parallel Dimensions by VideoGuy [2010-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#113-R13] - Checker-Filled Mountain (V1.0) by Marioman [2010-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#113-R13] - Checker-Filled Mountain (V1.1) by Marioman [2010-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#114-R28] - Mario - Lost Colors by Whoamme [2010-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#115-R22] - Vanilla Rain (Ending Cutscene) by TheGamer (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#115-R22] - Vanilla Rain (V1.0) by TheGamer (Ludus) [2010-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#115-R22] - Vanilla Rain (V1.1) by TheGamer (Ludus) [2010-03-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#116-R25] - Twilit Hills by Argumentable [2010-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#117-R16] - The Hills Seek Vengeance by keckcellent [2010-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#118-R10] - Black Day by Kyoseron (Counterfeit) [2010-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#121-R40] - Bowser Is a Jerk by tatanga [2010-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#122-R30] - A Magical Mystery - The Saga by imamelia [2010-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#123-R33] - Mountain Path by jesus [2010-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#124-R19] - SMWorldbound 2 - Bowser's Rage by TLMB [2010-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#XXX-RXX] - A Mario Game About Weed by bokobono [2010-02-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 3 [#XXX-RXX] - SMWShadow by ShadowMarioGalaxy64 [2010-02-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#01-DQ] - The Journey (V1) by Thehoundsquad [2011-02-04] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#01-DQ] - The Journey (V2) by Thehoundsquad [2011-02-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#02-R19] - Mario - Lost Colors 2 (V1.0) by Whoamme [2011-02-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#02-R19] - Mario - Lost Colors 2 (V1.1) by Whoamme [2011-02-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#03-R11] - Firestorm Fortress by patgangster (PatPatPat) [2011-02-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#04-R25] - Misty Horizon (V1.21) by Blind Devil (Q-bee) [2011-02-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#05-DQ] - Bronze Forest (V1.5) by Doownayr89 [2011-02-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#05-DQ] - Bronze Forest (V1) by Doownayr89 [2011-02-04] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#06-R77] - Blueberry Way by Roykirbs [2011-02-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#07-R11] - Lines and Stuff (V2) by SRA (SomeGuy712x) [2011-02-04] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#07-R11] - Lines and Stuff (V3) by SRA (SomeGuy712x) [2011-02-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#07-R11] - Lines and Stuff (V4) by SRA (SomeGuy712x) [2011-02-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#07-R11] - Lines and Stuff (V5) by SRA (SomeGuy712x) [2011-03-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#08-R81] - Unnamed by horribleTASer1.1 [2011-02-03] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#09-R28] - Unnamed by Sockbat Replica [2011-02-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#10-R65] - The Legendary 4 Statues (V3) by Ripperon-X [2011-02-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#10-R65] - The Legendary 4 Statues (V4) by Ripperon-X [2011-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#11-R79] - Castle Zero (V1) by abduel [2011-02-06] (SMW Hack) [BAD-emu]
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#11-R79] - Castle Zero (V2) by abduel [2011-02-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#12-R15] - The Haunted Island (V1) by RaindropDry [2011-02-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#12-R15] - The Haunted Island (V2) by RaindropDry [2011-02-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#14-DQ] - Unnamed by Giga [2011-02-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#15-R31] - Fort of Confusion (Update) by Artsy3... [2011-02-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#15-R31] - Fort of Confusion by Artsy3... [2011-02-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#16-R70] - Purple Lake Ridge by deedeedeechu (DDDchu) [2011-02-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#17-R56] - Perverted Creatures by yogui [2011-02-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#19-R59] - Western Borders... (and Stuff!) by Martin9172 [2011-02-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#20-R38] - Forest Cave (V1.00) by GlitchMr [2011-02-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#20-R38] - Forest Cave (V1.01) by GlitchMr [2011-03-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#21-R59] - Party City (V1) by Lunar Rico [2011-02-05] (SMW Hack) [BAD-emu]
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#21-R59] - Party City (V2) by Lunar Rico [2011-02-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#22-R25] - Grinding Guides by Riolu180 [2011-02-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#23-R44] - Chocolate-Dipped Vanilla (V2) by agie777 [2011-02-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#24-R52] - Swampside Cabin by Hyperme [2011-02-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#25-R56] - Midnight Forest (V1) by Volke [2011-02-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#25-R56] - Midnight Forest (V2) by Volke [2011-02-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#26-R41] - Dolph Isle 1-1 by Rainbowslime [2011-02-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#27-R50] - Shallow Lake (V2) by Kicezand [2011-02-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#28-R08] - Eclipse Ruins by Lucas [2011-02-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#30-R59] - Crazy Cliffside by Phantor [2011-02-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#33-R67] - A Normal Day for Mario by Diddy Kong [2011-02-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#35-R52] - Frigid Frenzy by Alice [2011-02-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#36-R28] - Gemstone Mines by PotatoNinja [2011-02-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#38-R19] - Mario Takes a Walk (V2) by Blaze.128 [2011-03-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#39-R52] - A Level in a Island (V1) by paper mario world [2011-02-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#40-R68] - Koopa Plains by The Shady Nerd [2011-02-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#41-R28] - Dense Forest Area (V1.0) by TheOtherGuy25 [2011-02-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#41-R28] - Dense Forest Area (V1.1) by TheOtherGuy25 [2011-03-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#43-R63] - A Generic Vanilla Level by MarioFan22 [2011-02-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#44-R41] - Neapolitan Road by Caracc [2011-02-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#45-R31] - Bowser's Mine by Noobish Noobsicle [2011-02-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#46-R56] - Silent Shivers by GeorgeVsSonic (GvS) [2011-02-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#47-R08] - Siskart Hills by Mr ESC450 [2011-02-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#48-R66] - Castle Escape! by GravityxHammah (Grav) [2011-02-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#49-R25] - An Aerial Anomaly (V1) by Forty2 [2011-02-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#50-R50] - Skull Island by aj6666 [2011-02-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#51-DQ] - Castle Hassle (V1.1) by miguel21450 (Katerpie) [2011-02-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#52-R01] - Forested Field (Forested Frenzy) by E-Man [2011-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#53-R74] - Unnamed by Mrgoomba909 [2011-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#54-R68] - Vanilla Plains (V1.3) by The Secret Exit [2011-03-03] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#54-R68] - Vanilla Plains (V1) by The Secret Exit [2011-03-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#55-R31] - Desert Beach by darkguitar4life (Darky) [2011-03-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#56-R04] - Rainbow Fortress by TomPhanto [2011-03-03] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#57-R16] - Just A Level by Chibikage89 [2011-03-03] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#58-R19] - The Stroll... (V1) by Master S [2011-03-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#58-R19] - The Stroll... (V2) by Master S [2011-03-03] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#59-R05] - Desert Discovery by K3nny [2011-03-04] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#60-R44] - Gravity Castle (V2) by Pikerchu13 [2011-03-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#61-R31] - Fantasy by Storm Kyleis [2011-03-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#62-R41] - Unnamed by IonDrako + K3fka [2011-03-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#63-R16] - Shining Moon Tourguide by Vic Rattlehead [2011-03-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#64-R63] - Binary of LULZ by Losoall (Richard Nixon) [2011-03-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#65-R44] - Sand Castle (V1) by neosaver [2011-03-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#65-R44] - Sand Castle (V2) by neosaver [2011-03-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#66-R62] - Mario Fights the Big Boo... by Morsel [2011-03-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#67-R05] - Sea Brine Shrine (V1.0-1) by Spud Alpha [2011-03-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#67-R05] - Sea Brine Shrine (V1.0-2) by Spud Alpha [2011-03-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#67-R05] - Sea Brine Shrine (V1.1) by Spud Alpha [2011-03-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#68-R36] - Teal Mountain by Kristian [2011-03-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#69-R80] - An SMW CeNNtral Production by S.N.N. [2011-03-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#70-R11] - The Factory by ZMann [2011-03-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#71-R31] - Mario Goes Home (V2) (No Anim) by Extroble [2011-03-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#71-R31] - Mario Goes Home (V2) by Extroble [2011-03-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#72-R36] - Mineral Mines (V1.2) by RedToonLink [2011-03-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#73-R03] - Unlock the Key (V2) by x1372 [2011-03-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#73-R03] - Unlock the Key by x1372 [2011-03-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#74-R44] - In the Sunset by everest700 [2011-03-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#76-R44] - A Starry Night Sky by MSAhm3d59113 (MSA) [2011-03-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#77-R40] - The Haunted House by Ninja X [2011-03-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#78-R38] - Wide Island Exploring (V2) by Mario's Hat [2011-03-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#79-R14] - Lunar Limbo by Uhrix + GN [2011-03-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#80-R70] - 105 Days by TheGamer (Ludus) [2011-03-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#81-R19] - It's Raining by Lester_Vine [2011-03-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#82-R16] - Scared Mario by TRS [2011-03-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#83-R70] - An Autumn Adventure (V1) by PowerStrike [2011-03-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#83-R70] - An Autumn Adventure (V2) by PowerStrike [2011-03-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#84-R44] - A Challenge by King Boo [2011-03-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#85-R08] - Lakeside Island (Stuff) by Aqualakitu [2011-03-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#86-R05] - Abandoned Toy Factory by DragonLX [2011-03-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#XX-RXX] - Dusk Shoal (Unfinished) by Spud Alpha [2011-06-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 4 [#XX-RXX] - Entry by Dusty Penguin (Xlvea) [2011-02-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#02-R55] - The Hack 3 (Demo 1.00) by GlitchMr [2012-02-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#02-R55] - The Hack 3 (Demo 1.01) by GlitchMr [2012-02-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#04-R57] - Orange Forest by Roberto Zampari [2012-02-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#05-R63] - PMP Micro Mini GO by sunwarrior25 [2012-02-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#06-R76] - Punishing Pothole (V1.0) by Sokobansolver [2012-02-03] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#06-R76] - Punishing Pothole (V1.1) by Sokobansolver [2012-02-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#07-R61] - Awesome Vanilla by SilverSwallow [2012-02-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#08-R80] - Weird on the SMW by Sockbat Replica [2012-02-03] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#10-R50] - Muddy Mountain by Thehoundsquad [2012-02-03] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#12-R71] - Split (Divided) Island (V2) by Ripperon-X [2012-02-04] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#13-R54] - Foopy Forest (V2) by agie777 [2012-02-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#14-R04] - Slaughterhouse by Blind Devil (Q-bee) [2012-02-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#15-R41] - Reznor's Temple by Dakress [2012-02-04] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#16-R47] - Scarlet Wood by Feenicks [2012-02-04] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#17-R52] - Taking A Stroll by miech10 [2012-02-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#18-R64] - Through The Fields by serplux [2012-02-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#20-R02] - THE LEVEL THAT... (V1) by Riolu180 [2012-02-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#20-R02] - THE LEVEL THAT... (V2) by Riolu180 [2012-02-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#20-R02] - THE LEVEL THAT... (V3) by Riolu180 [2012-02-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#20-R02] - THE LEVEL THAT... (V4) by Riolu180 [2012-02-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#21-R85] - Twin Dungeons by Aquamentus [2012-02-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#22-R95] - The Four Elements by FellipeUzumaki [2012-02-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#23-R67] - Apocalyptic Plains by Neo Carld923 [2012-02-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#24-R16] - Rex Ruins (V2) by Gamma V [2012-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#25-R48] - Autumn Dragon by ferrety111 [2012-02-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#26-R67] - Hill Island by Youmu Konpaku [2012-02-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#27-R27] - Her New Castle by Uhrix [2012-02-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#28-R01] - Trauma Towers by yoshicookiezeus [2012-02-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#29-R35] - Gloomy Grassland by TheOtherGuy25 [2012-02-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#30-R61] - A Few Blurry Memories (V0.48) by Zildjian [2012-02-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#31-R76] - Vanilla by Jolpengammler [2012-02-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#32-R64] - Mission Dinosaur Land (V3) by KevKot [2012-02-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#32-R64] - Mission Dinosaur Land (V4) by KevKot [2012-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#33-R27] - Entry (V1) by Dinomar (Alessio) [2012-02-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#33-R27] - Entry (V2) by Dinomar (Alessio) [2012-02-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#33-R27] - Entry (V3) by Dinomar (Alessio) [2012-02-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#34-R86] - Takeover of Dinosaur World by lugi-mario2563 [2012-02-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#35-R46] - Kelp Forest by Argumentable [2012-02-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#36-R90] - Click Clock Mario by Mannah [2012-02-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#37-R19] - Maroon Lagoon (V1) by THY [2012-02-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#37-R19] - Maroon Lagoon (V2) by THY [2012-02-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#38-R37] - The Flipside (V1) by notgoodwithusernames [2011] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#38-R37] - The Flipside (V2) by notgoodwithusernames [2012-02-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#39-R06] - Wooden Stronghold by Blue Leaf [2012-02-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#40-R69] - Forsaken Fortress (V2) by ShadowFire [2012-02-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#40-R69] - Forsaken Fortress (V3) by ShadowFire [2012-02-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#41-R25] - Neon Pipeline (V2) by TomPhanto (Nep-Enut) [2012-02-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#42-R82] - Metal Gear Solid 3 (V1) by Forty2 [2012-02-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#43-R83] - Stardust Puzzle by XolifreX [2012-02-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#44-R75] - Wiggler's Revenge by lomani57 [2012-02-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#45-R59] - No Hope by benvvv [2012-02-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#46-R37] - Castle Street by Snifit [2012-02-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#47-R06] - At Diamond Level by superwiidude [2012-02-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#48-R84] - Entry by xlk [2012-02-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#49-R41] - Weird Wreckage (V2) by Lunatic Wolf [2012-02-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#49-R41] - Weird Wreckage by Lunatic Wolf [2012-02-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#51-R74] - Mish Mash Mountain by Caracc [2012-02-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#52-R26] - Around the World by SyStemkraSh [2012-02-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#53-R73] - Grass and Lies (Spaghettios) by mario56 [2012-02-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#54-R03] - Nightfall by ZMann [2012-02-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#56-R22] - Forgotten Forest by darkguitar4life (Darky) [2012-02-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#57-R17] - Beach Cavern (V2) by MarioFan22 [2012-02-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#57-R17] - Beach Cavern by MarioFan22 [2012-02-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#58-R20] - Ghost Pirates Ahoy! by Pison [2012-02-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#59-R09] - Glyph Edifice (Final) by GeminiRage [2012-02-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#59-R09] - Glyph Edifice (V2) by GeminiRage [2012-02-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#60-R76] - Mystery Island (V2) by mariocool1999 [2012-02-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#60-R76] - Mystery Island (V3) by mariocool1999 [2012-02-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#61-R30] - Caramel Castle by Shog [2012-02-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#62-R13] - Bowser's Castle by aj6666 [2012-02-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#63-R66] - A Castle Level by miguel21450 (Katerpie) [2012-02-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#64-R87] - Wraithwreck by Morsel [2012-02-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#65-R92] - What A Blue Hill (V2) by Octopus [2012-02-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#66-R94] - Forest Fortress #2 by Pribor [2012-02-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#67-R36] - Maple Woods by ZetMyst [2012-02-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#68-R31] - Swamp Marsh (V2) by Turbo Man (Grav) [2012-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#68-R31] - Swamp Marsh by Turbo Man (Grav) [2012-02-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#69-R22] - Switch Block City by SRA (SomeGuy712x) [2012-02-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#70-R96] - Nine Inch Fireballs (V10) by mathelete [2012-02-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#71-DQ] - Another Grassland by xjakku [2012-02-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#72-R90] - Yoshi's Ghost House by AUS [2012-02-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#73-R51] - Kamek's Kastle by Yonowaaru [2012-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#74-R15] - Volcanic Vegetation (V2) by Tyty (Teyla) [2012-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#75-R10] - The Bubble Forest (V2) by Underway (Undy) [2012-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#76-DQ] - Mystic Moonlight Temple by Vink [2012-02-28] (SMW Hack) [BAD]
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#77-R41] - The Tower Inferno by neosaver [2012-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#78-R60] - Entry by TheGuyWhoIsSitting [2012-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#79-R06] - End of ProcrastiNation by Lui37 [2012-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#82-R87] - The Difficult Journey (trimmed) by bbk61 [2012-02-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#82-R87] - The Difficult Journey by bbk61 [2012-02-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#83-R89] - Kaleidoscope Castle by Sarge [2012-02-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#85-R37] - Chateau de Aeros by marioVSshadow (MVS) [2012-02-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#86-R32] - Placeless Color by Ludus [2012-02-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#87-R71] - Bowser's Crafty Creation (Fixed) by DDM295 [2016-03-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#87-R71] - Bowser's Crafty Creation by DDM295 [2012-02-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#88-R76] - Mario Goes Mental by pablopeach [2012-02-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#90-R17] - Entry (V1) by dotted [2012-02-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#90-R17] - Entry (V2) by dotted [2012-02-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#91-R41] - Shrums by TRS [2012-02-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#92-R12] - Finality (V1) by GN + LunarYoshi (NoelYoshi) [2012-02-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#92-R12] - Finality (V2) by GN + LunarYoshi (NoelYoshi) [2012-02-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#92-R12] - Finality (V3) by GN + LunarYoshi (NoelYoshi) [2012-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#92-R12] - Finality (V4) by GN + LunarYoshi (NoelYoshi) [2012-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#92-R12] - Finality (V5) by GN + LunarYoshi (NoelYoshi) [2012-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#93-R37] - Genericastle by Bloodstar [2012-02-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#94-R29] - Snow Goomba Cake by Ascaska [2012-02-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#96-R05] - Toffee Terrain by Agent Q (Hielus) [2012-02-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#97-R21] - Forest Utilities by DragonLX [2012-02-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 5 [#98-R48] - Soaring Gardens by DPhoenix29 [2012-02-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#01-R4] - Fortress Castle by Sockbat Replica [2013-02-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#02-R4] - Sky Adventure by Hadron [2013-02-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#03-R1] - Athletic Something (V1) by Purple Rex (Aeon) [2013-02-03] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#03-R1] - Athletic Something (V2) by Purple Rex (Aeon) [2013-02-03] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#04-R2] - Bullet Bluffs by Gamma V [2013-02-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#05-R7] - Hills and Slopes (Chocolate) by Javier [2013-02-03] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#05-R7] - Hills and Slopes (Vanilla) by Javier [2013-02-03] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#06-R2] - Road to Larry by SilverSwallow [2013-02-04] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#07-R5] - Super Level Run (V1) by DoopyBuckride (Zaxxon) [2013-02-04] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#07-R5] - Super Level Run (V1) by DoopyBuckride (Zaxxon) [2013-02-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#08-R8] - rRrRrR rRrRrRrR!!! by GlitchMr [2013-02-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#09-R7] - Random Double Path by luigiman09 [2013-02-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#10-R8] - Wet Dry Ruins (V2) by Sokobansolver [2013-02-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#11-R6] - Yoshi no House (V1) by Ladida [2013-02-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#11-R6] - Yoshi no House (V2) by Ladida [2013-02-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#13-R1] - Concussion Mountain by notgoodwithusernames [2013-02-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#14-R6] - Entry by AirMario [2013-02-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#15-R3] - Living Mountain by Morsel [2013-02-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#16-R4] - Ashy Plains by Shog [2013-02-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#17-R4] - Mammatus Woods by Magiluigi [2013-02-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#18-R4] - Lava Mansion (V1) by Aquamentus [2013-02-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#18-R4] - Lava Mansion (V2) by Aquamentus [2013-02-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#18-R4] - Lava Mansion (V3) by Aquamentus [2013-02-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#19-R3] - Choco Mountains (V4) by ShadowPhoenix (Mirann) [2013-02-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#20-R4] - A Haunted House by Yan [2013-02-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#21-R4] - Mustard Nightfall (Judges) by THY [2013-02-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#21-R4] - Mustard Nightfall (Other Players) by THY [2013-02-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#23-R2] - Cave Escape 2 by MarioFan22 [2013-02-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#24-R6] - A Simple Level by yogui [2013-02-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#25-R4] - How Did I Get Here by levelengine [2013-02-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#26-R5] - Cinnamon Woods (V1) by Hawthorne [2013-02-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#26-R5] - Cinnamon Woods (V2) by Hawthorne [2013-02-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#27-DQ] - Chocovanilla by Dark Mario Bros [2013-02-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#28-R6] - Boo's Forest by Mr.Blue Yoshi [2013-02-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#28-R6] - Boo's Forest by Mr.Blue Yoshi [2013-02-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#29-DQ] - Short Advanture by tjdtnsu (Snails) [2013-02-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#30-R4] - Forest Stroll (V1) by ShadowFire [2013-02-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#30-R4] - Forest Stroll (V2) by ShadowFire [2013-02-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#30-R4] - Forest Stroll (V3) by ShadowFire [2013-02-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#31-R1] - Sky Island by Blue Leaf [2013-02-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#32-R2] - Grand Galleon by Dakress (Moltz) [2013-02-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#33-R2] - Negative World by ZMann [2013-02-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#34-R5] - Blazing Desert by Mariosyoshishade (RandomNPC) [2013-02-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#35-R4] - Land of Mystery by Everest700 (Everest) [2013-02-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#36-R2] - Forest, Cave 'n Mole (V2) by Carld923 [2013-02-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#38-R3] - Rocky Land (V1) by Archie (Katerpie) [2013-02-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#38-R3] - Rocky Land (V2) by Archie (Katerpie) [2013-02-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#38-R3] - Rocky Land (V3) by Archie (Katerpie) [2013-02-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#38-R3] - Rocky Land (V4) by Archie (Katerpie) [2013-02-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#39-R3] - Dino River by 1UPdudes [2013-02-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#40-R1] - Fine Lineguide Ride by ferrety111 [2013-02-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#41-R8] - Distant Island, The (V1.1) by Guinimo [2013-02-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#42-R6] - Weakevel by Ripperon-X (Rykon-V73) [2013-02-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#43-R4] - Sunrise Mountain by Kenny [2013-02-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#44-R4] - How Do Chuck Glitch by PatPatPat [2013-02-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#45-R2] - Fierce Fire Flow by Undy (Underway) [2013-02-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#46-R2] - Kumquat Caverns by TomPhanto [2013-02-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#47-R1] - Forgotten Fortress by Snifit [2013-02-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#48-R6] - Ghost Tower (Beta) by PowerNewTop [2013-02-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#48-R6] - Ghost Tower by PowerNewTop [2013-02-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#50-R2] - Mushroom Fields by EvilGuy0613 [2013-02-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#51-DQ] - Autumn Forest by chineesmw [2013-02-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#52-R2] - Mountaintop Bridges by Gloomy Star [2013-02-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#53-R6] - Colorsplash Castle by Caracc [2013-02-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#54-R3] - Molten Magma Meadow (Design) by Lemonade + Spy [2013-03-04] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#54-R3] - Molten Magma Meadow (V1) by Lemonade [2013-02-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#54-R3] - Molten Magma Meadow (V2) by Lemonade [2013-02-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#54-R3] - Molten Magma Meadow (V3) by Lemonade [2013-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#55-R1] - Simmering Stalagmites by FPzero + Teyla [2013-02-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#56-R2] - Tenacious by Agent Q (Hielus) [2013-02-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#57-R3] - Haunted Forest (Test) by Koopster [2013-02-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#57-R3] - Haunted Forest by Koopster [2013-02-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#58-R6] - Mountainous Mountains (V1) by Egadd [2013-02-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#58-R6] - Mountainous Mountains (V2) by Egadd [2013-02-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#59-DQ] - BokuSecret Stage 1 by BokuNES [2013-02-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#60-R7] - Small Vanilla Castle by FrankyC253 [2013-02-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#61-R6] - Deep Dark Cave by K1ngHacks [2013-02-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#62-R6] - Burst Man's Level by Burst Man [2013-02-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#63-R5] - Jonny's Entry by Jonny [2013-02-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#64-R8] - Vacation Island 4 by RealMarioGamer [2013-02-27] (SMW Hack) [BAD-emu]
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#65-R6] - Running Greens by The Secret Exit [2013-02-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#66-R8] - Air Plains by Amida [2013-02-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#68-R2] - Verdant Garden by Ragey [2013-02-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#69-R3] - Magikoopa's Fun House (V1) by SomeGuy712x [2013-02-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#69-R3] - Magikoopa's Fun House (V3) by SomeGuy712x [2013-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#70-R8] - Jumping and Stuff by Findoku29 [2013-02-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#71-DQ] - Platform Pothole by Daizo Dee Von [2013-02-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#72-R4] - Volcano Valley (V1) by neosaver [2013-02-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#72-R4] - Volcano Valley (V2) by neosaver [2013-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#72-R4] - Volcano Valley (V3) by neosaver [2013-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#72-R4] - Volcano Valley (V4) by neosaver [2013-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#73-R4] - Burning Boiler by Dphoenix (DPhoenix29) [2013-02-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#74-R4] - The Great Koopa Gate by Poloros [2013-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#77-DQ] - The Time Dimension by 678ruby678 (Ruby) [2013-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#78-R4] - Omnomnom by Lui37 [2013-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#79-R7] - Goat World SNES by X-cniS (Sinc-X) [2013-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#80-DQ] - Bowser's Blocks by tatanga [2013-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#81-R6] - African Cave of Ice by Pikerchu13 [2013-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#82-R4] - Entry by NoelYoshi + Incognito [2013-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#83-DQ] - Quest for the Perfect Picnic Spot by LuigiTime [2013-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 6 [#XX-RX] - Extreme Lava Cave! by TLMB [2013-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 - Collaboration Hack by SMW Central [2014-07-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 - Collaboration Hack by SMW Central [2014-07-11] (SMW Hack) [BAD-2581a]
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#01-R02] - One Sunday Morning by Morsel [2014-01-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#02-R56] - Stronger than Dirt by Sockbat Replica [2014-01-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#03-R63] - Rexes and Koopas (Beta) by MercuryPenny [2014-01-04] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#03-R63] - Rexes and Koopas by MercuryPenny [2014-01-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#04-R26] - Emerald Grotto by Gamma V [2014-01-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#05-R73] - Darkest Woods (Update) by SuperAgentYoshi [2014-02-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#06-R58] - Gritty Desert by GloriousWater [2014-01-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#07-R10] - Shivery Smolder by mockingod [2014-01-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#08-R34] - Malicious Mines by Trollope [2014-01-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#09-R62] - Desert Battlefront by levelengine [2014-01-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#10-R50] - Stormwood Manor by SacredSilverYoshi [2014-01-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#11-R03] - Touch Fuzzy by WhiteYoshiEgg [2014-01-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#12-R10] - Parallel Pyramid by Roykirbs [2014-01-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#14-R79] - Bones - Hot Buss (Test 1) by BlackMageMario [2014-01-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#14-R79] - Bones - Hot Buss (Update) by BlackMageMario [2014-02-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#15-R30] - From Hot to Cold (V1.2) by MarioFanGamer659 [2014-01-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#17-R14] - Zip-Line Adventure (Update) by Sokobansolver [2014-02-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#18-R34] - Morton's Magma Mountain by Carld923 [2014-01-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#19-R52] - Forest of Illusion by Golden Yoshi [2014-01-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#19-R52] - Forest of Illusion by Golden Yoshi [2014-02-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#20-R74] - Purple Plateau (Update) by Underway [2014-02-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#21-R18] - Cavern of Pandora (V3) by worldpeace [2014-02-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#22-R81] - Green Muncher Land (Beta) by natnew [2014-02-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#23-R01] - Blazing Peak (V1.0) by Blue Leaf [2014-01-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#23-R01] - Blazing Peak (V1.1) by Blue Leaf [2014-02-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#24-R28] - Sheer Cold Chateau by Manuz [2014-02-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#25-R42] - The Magma Ship by Daizo Dee Von [2014-02-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#26-R54] - Frozen Passageway by Aquamentus [2014-02-03] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#27-R54] - Shivery Summit by Harumi Makoto (Izuna) [2014-02-04] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#28-R16] - Dark Depths by Superkingyoshi (Luks) [2014-02-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#29-R48] - Stony Seaside by Mirann + Oh Hell No [2014-01-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#29-R48] - Stony Seaside by Mirann + Oh Hell No [2014-02-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#30-R29] - Pleasant Forest by Hinalyte [2014-02-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#31-R06] - Volcanic Boiler (V1.01) by Scorpion [2014-02-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#32-R23] - Devious Devices (Update) by antimatterhunter [2014-02-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#33-R04] - Snake Eater by FPI [2014-02-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#34-R75] - Nocturnal Freeze by Proto Stratos [2014-02-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#35-R30] - Floating Fish by Wuthering [2014-02-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#36-R26] - Reset Tower by GlitchMr [2014-02-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#36-R26] - Reset Tower by GlitchMr [2014-02-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#36-R26] - Reset Tower by GlitchMr [2014-02-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#37-R34] - Reznor's Ice Path by Shog [2014-02-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#38-R39] - Frosty Freeze by Snowshoe [2014-02-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#39-R06] - A Study in Fulcrums by Milk [2014-02-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#40-R63] - Lotus Cave Overpass by yoshicookiezeus [2014-02-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#41-R63] - To the Forest by MrUltimateKirby [2014-02-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#42-R23] - Spooky Scary Swamp by Truxton [2014-01-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#42-R23] - Spooky Scary Swamp by Truxton [2014-02-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#43-R44] - Cloudy Sea Ruins (Update) by tcdw [2014-02-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#44-R10] - Magma Cavern by MarioFan22 [2014-02-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#44-R10] - Magma Cavern by MarioFan22 [2014-02-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#45-R06] - Inside Intestines by SilverSwallow [2014-02-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#46-R63] - Frosted Flame Fort by Exor Knurd [2014-02-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#47-R59] - Prism Peaks (BG Fix) by GeminiRage [2014-02-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#47-R59] - Prism Peaks (Final) by GeminiRage [2014-02-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#47-R59] - Prism Peaks (V1.1) by GeminiRage [2014-02-04] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#48-R05] - Quicksand Inc. by notgoodwithusernames [2014-02-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#49-R28] - Fun Gun Factory by Gregor [2014-02-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#50-R80] - The Comeback by Shyguyninja090 [2014-02-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#51-R19] - Castle of Chaos by Katerpie [2014-02-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#52-R46] - Bullet Bill Forest by gibbl [2014-02-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#53-R20] - Lakitu's Castle by ZMann [2014-02-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#54-R39] - Uncave by Kipernal [2014-02-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#55-R23] - Coal Stone Cavity by Volke [2014-02-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#56-R13] - Rushed Ridge by Koopster [2014-02-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#57-R16] - Snow My! by ferrety111 [2014-02-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#58-R14] - Cortex Pyramid (Update) by SLBros. [2014-02-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#60-R34] - Grinder Grotto by Aeon (Eternity) [2014-02-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#61-R09] - Nonsens Zone (Update) by yogui [2014-02-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#62-R50] - Hanging Gardens by Maruhai [2014-02-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#63-R77] - Twilight Lakeside (Update) by chineesmw [2014-02-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#63-R77] - Twilight Lakeside by chineesmw [2014-02-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#64-R53] - Realtor (Beta) by Agent Q (Hielus) [2014-01-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#64-R53] - Realtor by Agent Q (Hielus) [2014-02-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#65-R42] - Peaceful Night by Everest [2014-02-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#66-R71] - Inferno Athletic by LHB [2014-01-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#67-R71] - Winter Wrap World by Mikul3242 [2014-02-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#68-R69] - Epilepsia Way by dragoniante174 [2014-02-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#69-R48] - Red Hot Ruckus (Update) by Mineyl [2014-02-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#69-R48] - Red Hot Ruckus (Update) by Mineyl [2014-02-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#69-R48] - Red Hot Ruckus by Mineyl [2014-02-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#70-R59] - Brisk Barren by Lui37 [2014-02-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#71-R67] - Koopa Road by EvilGuy0613 [2014-02-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#72-R61] - Entry by zkip [2014-02-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#73-R75] - Cumulus Crag by MetaKnight3 (Galactaknight) [2014-02-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#74-R21] - Algid Ascent by Nimono + Magiluigi [2014-02-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#75-R21] - Sexy Trap House by PatPatPat [2014-02-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#76-R38] - Spiny Logging Fort by Lynnes (allowiscous) [2014-02-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#77-R33] - Tri-Top Traverse by superdragonyoshi1 [2014-02-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#78-R44] - Baked Fish Cake by Ascaska [2014-02-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#79-R67] - Hostel by Giant Shy Guy [2014-02-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#80-R56] - Why the Sand's Hot by Ludus [2014-02-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#81-R39] - Wood and Welkin by K3nny [2014-02-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 [#82-R69] - Sunset Scare by mariocool1999 [2014-02-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 Overworld Contest [#3-R2] - Entry by Fornaxus [2014-06-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 Overworld Contest [#4-R6] - Entry by Kenny [2014-06-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 Overworld Contest [#6-R7] - Entry by levelengine [2014-06-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 7 Overworld Contest [#7-R3] - Entry by ShadowFire (Prizm) [2014-05-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 - Collaboration Hack (V1.2) (Unlocked) by SMW Central [2015-05-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 - Collaboration Hack (V1.2) by SMW Central [2015-05-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 - Collaboration Hack by SMW Central [2015-04-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 - Judge Beta Test by MrDeePay [2015-04-04] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 - Judge Level by Eternity [2015-03-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 - Staff Level by Eternity [2015-03-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 - Switch Palace (V2) by Samario [2015-02-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 - Switch Palace by JackTheSpades [2015-02-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 - Switch Palace by Katerpie [2015-02-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#01-R76] - Bright Forest by DanielGolosneanu10 [2014-12-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#02-R73] - Zone 434 by Master Lakitu [2014-12-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#03-R44] - Mushroom Skies by nick 139 [2014-12-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#04-R59] - Super Hot Field by TheInsanity115 [2014-12-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#05-R51] - Normal Ghost House by MercuryPenny [2015-01-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#06-R67] - A Walk by Guilherme F Santos [2014-12-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#07-R15] - How Does Moles by lolyoshi [2015-01-04] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#08-R33] - Caloric Crater by ZMann [2015-01-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#09-R55] - Skybreeze Castle by Trollope [2014-12-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#10-R74] - Mt. Blazius by Paperdomo101 [2015-01-04] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#11-R08] - Municipal Swimming by Morsel [2015-01-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#12-R47] - Log Jammer Jog by Sokobansolver [2015-01-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#13-R41] - It Really Makes It by Sockbat Replica [2015-01-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#14-R61] - Dangerous and Wet (V1.0) by RedChomp [2015-01-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#14-R61] - Dangerous and Wet (V1.1) by RedChomp [2015-01-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#15-R42] - Rex's Shroom Garden by JaphethMario21st [2015-01-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#16-R40] - Signs Are USELESS by levelengine [2015-01-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#17-R47] - Pistachio Cliffs 3 by Saturn Moriya (agie777) [2015-01-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#18-R56] - The Ice Fortress by bbk61 [2015-01-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#19-R51] - The Dark Dimension (V1.0) by Retronom [2015-01-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#19-R51] - The Dark Dimension (V1.6) by Retronom [2015-01-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#20-R60] - Cave of Bones (V1.0) by LimeMaster92 [2015-01-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#20-R60] - Cave of Bones (V1.1) by LimeMaster92 [2015-01-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#21-R02] - Manic Mechanism by Roykirbs [2015-01-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#22-R35] - Platform Panic by Gregor [2015-01-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#23-R70] - Lake in a Mountain by Gabriel Yanni [2015-01-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#24-R30] - Searing Stronghold (V3) by Wakana [2015-01-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#25-R37] - Ship Ruins by Ivan Sword54 [2015-01-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#26-R04] - Monocloud Castle (Beta) by Lightvayne [2015-01-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#26-R04] - Monocloud Castle by Lightvayne [2015-01-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#27-R28] - Trunk Trouble (V1.2) by Izuna [2015-01-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#28-R78] - 2 Bros Make a Level by Kaisaan + Maimur [2015-02-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#29-R18] - Waterflow Temple by SilverSwallow [2015-02-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#30-R23] - The POW Perspective (Beta) by TheOtherGuy25 [2015-01-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#30-R23] - The POW Perspective (V1.0) by TheOtherGuy25 [2015-02-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#31-R66] - I.C. Castle by Mechanic [2015-02-03] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#32-R46] - Laputa, Sky Castle by Luks [2015-02-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#33-R32] - Pipe Path by Snowshoe [2015-01-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#34-R84] - A Vanilla Level by switchpalacecorner [2015-02-04] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#35-R24] - Matrix Mines by Aquamentus [2015-02-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#36-R49] - Goal Hunt (V1) by SyStemkraSh [2015-02-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#36-R49] - Goal Hunt (V2) by SyStemkraSh [2015-02-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#37-R79] - Holyoke World by holyoke [2015-02-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#38-R31] - Cakewalk Cavern by Kerkec [2015-02-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#39-R38] - Star Field (Beta) by Adam [2015-01-03] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#39-R38] - Star Field by Adam [2015-02-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#40-R57] - Pokey's Paradise by Alexis [2015-02-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#41-R27] - Ruinswamplatformist by imamelia [2015-02-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#42-R64] - Pipes and Vines by Nin [2015-02-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#43-R83] - MarYOLO's Journey by Negativelysonette [2015-02-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#44-R03] - The Podobooru (Fixed) by Lazy [2015-02-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#44-R03] - The Podobooru by Lazy [2015-02-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#45-R80] - P Is for Pandemonium by paran01abug97 [2015-02-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#46-R36] - Doritos Desert (Complete) by Minimay [2015-02-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#46-R36] - Doritos Desert (Final) by Minimay [2015-02-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#46-R36] - Doritos Desert (Test) by Minimay [2015-01-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#47-R28] - St. Patrick's Fort by PatPatPat [2015-02-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#48-R26] - Nephe Court (V2) by Feenicks [2015-01-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#48-R26] - Nephe Court (V3) by Feenicks [2015-02-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#49-R12] - Castle Collapse (V0.1) by Hinalyte [2015-01-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#49-R12] - Castle Collapse (V0.5) by Hinalyte [2015-01-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#49-R12] - Castle Collapse (V1.0) by Hinalyte [2015-02-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#50-R05] - Throw Block Heaven (V1) by Gloomier + Mirann [2015-02-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#50-R05] - Throw Block Heaven (V2) by Gloomier + Mirann [2015-02-03] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#50-R05] - Throw Block Heaven (V3) by Gloomier + Mirann [2015-02-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#50-R05] - Throw Block Heaven (V4) by Gloomier + Mirann [2015-02-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#51-R01] - Subterranean Canal (SA-1) by worldpeace [2015-02-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#51-R01] - Subterranean Canal by worldpeace [2015-02-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#53-R77] - Variety Path by KevKot (therealSWK) [2015-02-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#54-R75] - Lightning Lands by Samario [2015-02-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#55-R53] - Barren Badlands by Nic Nac [2015-02-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#56-R85] - Epic Nothing by KDeee [2015-02-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#57-R82] - Black Ice by Dakras Hayashi [2015-02-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#58-R25] - Tragic Revolution (Beta) by Koopster [2015-02-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#58-R25] - Tragic Revolution (Fixed) by Koopster [2015-02-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#58-R25] - Tragic Revolution by Koopster [2015-02-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#59-R34] - Seaside Tropical Ruins by Carld923 [2015-02-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#60-R06] - Abandoned Mine by NGB [2015-02-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#61-R09] - Kobalt Quarry by Blue Leaf [2015-02-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#62-R10] - Purple Pyre (Final) by Dr. Tapeworm [2015-02-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#62-R10] - Purple Pyre (RC1) by Dr. Tapeworm [2015-02-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#62-R10] - Purple Pyre (RC2) by Dr. Tapeworm [2015-02-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#63-R58] - Butts by Zyglrox Odyssey [2015-02-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#64-R68] - Fez2 (Fixed) by Richard Nixon [2015-02-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#64-R68] - Fez2 by Richard Nixon [2015-02-07] (SMW Hack) [BAD-emu]
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#65-R22] - A Nice Level by Teyla [2015-02-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#66-R72] - Sea Side Course by dragoniante174 [2015-02-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#67-R45] - Copyright Violation by Milk [2015-02-03] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#68-R07] - Fuzzball Frenzy (Demo) by allowiscous [2015-02-04] (SMW Hack) [BAD]
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#68-R07] - Fuzzball Frenzy (Demo) by allowiscous [2015-02-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#68-R07] - Fuzzball Frenzy (Final) by allowiscous [2015-02-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#68-R07] - Fuzzball Frenzy by allowiscous [2015-02-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#69-R18] - Eating Block Ruins by SomeGuy712x [2015-02-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#70-R43] - The Koopa Airfleet by Poloros [2015-02-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#71-R50] - Before Brightness by tcdw [2015-02-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#72-R16] - Yoshi's Starvation by Eminus [2015-02-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#73-R65] - Kind Timber Biome (Update) by KTBHacking [2015-02-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#73-R65] - Kind Timber Biome by KTBHacking [2015-02-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#74-R13] - Permafrost Pass by Mineyl [2015-02-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#75-R13] - Conveyor Coppice (Demo) by Wuthering [2015-02-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#75-R13] - Conveyor Coppice (V1.0) by Wuthering [2015-02-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#75-R13] - Conveyor Coppice (V1.1) by Wuthering [2015-02-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#76-R69] - Somber Sepia by MegaMarioMan9 [2015-02-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#77-R54] - Verlassen by JackTheSpades [2015-02-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#78-R21] - Peachpuff Peaks by AxemJinx [2015-02-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#79-R39] - Wholly Unnecessary by ferrety111 [2015-02-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#80-R11] - Exciting Expansions by Lui37 [2015-02-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#81-R35] - Hostel (Update) by Giant Shy Guy [2015-02-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#82-R63] - Archaic Art Archive (V1) by Galactaknight [2015-02-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#82-R63] - Archaic Art Archive (V2) by Galactaknight [2015-02-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#83-R16] - Eye of the Storm (Beta) by eXcavator [2015-02-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#83-R16] - Eye of the Storm by eXcavator [2015-02-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#84-R71] - Chai Tea by Final Theory [2015-02-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#85-R81] - Night of Fire by Proto Man [2015-02-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#86-R62] - Cave of Wall Springboards by waffledoctor87 [2015-02-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#XX-RXX] - Burning Ice by mario and luigi [2015-02-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#XX-RXX] - Cyber Chaos (Never Finished) by Daizo Dee Von [2019-04-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 [#XX-RXX] - Rainbow Castle by Lightvayne [2015-03-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 Overworld Contest - Base Compilation by S.N.N. [2015-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 Overworld Contest [#01] - Entry by nick 139 [2015-03-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 Overworld Contest [#05] - Entry by Prizm [2015-03-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 Overworld Contest [#07] - Entry by Nimono [2015-03-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 Overworld Contest [#10] - Entry by Skewer (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 Overworld Contest [#12] - Entry by somerandomdude312 [2015-03-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 Overworld Contest [#13] - Entry by ZMann (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 Overworld Contest [#14] - Entry by Galactaknight [2015-03-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 Overworld Contest [#16] - Entry by Cascade [2015-03-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 Overworld Contest [#17] - Entry by Lui37 [2015-03-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 8 Overworld Contest [#XX] - Entry by Ladida [2015-03-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 - Base ROM (V1) by JackTheSpades [2016-01-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 - Base ROM (V2) by JackTheSpades [2016-01-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 - Collaboration Hack (V1.10) by SMW Central [2016-12-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 - Collaboration Hack (V1.11) by SMW Central [2016-12-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 - Staff Invasion (Forest) by GbreezeSunset [2016-08-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#001-R25] - All Hail Megamole (V1) by Gamma V [2016-01-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#001-R25] - All Hail Megamole (V2) by Gamma V [2016-01-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#001-R25] - All Hail Megamole (V3) by Gamma V [2016-02-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#002-R30] - Aero Plains 1 (V1) by Paperdomo101 [2016-01-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#002-R30] - Aero Plains 1 (V2) by Paperdomo101 [2016-01-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#003-R51] - Peaceful Grassland (V1) by yoshi9429 [2016-01-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#003-R51] - Peaceful Grassland (V2) by yoshi9429 [2016-01-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#003-R51] - Peaceful Grassland (V3) by yoshi9429 [2016-02-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#004-R26] - Ruins on Blood by Guilherme F Santos [2016-01-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#005-R54] - Piranha Pipe Plant (V1) by MandL27 [2016-01-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#005-R54] - Piranha Pipe Plant (V2) by MandL27 [2016-01-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#006-R50] - Square Land (V1.0) by Wind Fish [2016-01-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#006-R50] - Square Land (V1.1) by Wind Fish [2016-01-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#006-R50] - Square Land (V1.2) by Wind Fish [2016-02-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#007-R11] - Aperture Laboratory (Beta) by GbreezeSunset [2015-06-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#007-R11] - Aperture Laboratory (V1) by GbreezeSunset [2016-01-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#007-R11] - Aperture Laboratory (V2) by GbreezeSunset [2016-01-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#007-R11] - Aperture Laboratory (V3) by GbreezeSunset [2016-02-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#007-R11] - Aperture Laboratory (V4) by GbreezeSunset [2016-02-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#007-R11] - Aperture Laboratory (V5) by GbreezeSunset [2016-03-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#008-R27] - Soul's Temple by PokerFace [2016-01-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#009-R73] - Molten Cavern (Fixed) by hypershadic [2016-03-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#009-R73] - Molten Cavern by hypershadic [2016-01-25] (SMW Hack) [BAD]
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#010-R49] - Moon Temple (V1) by msi810 [2016-01-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#010-R49] - Moon Temple (V2) by msi810 [2016-01-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#010-R49] - Moon Temple (V3) by msi810 [2016-01-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#010-R49] - Moon Temple (V4) by msi810 [2016-01-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#011-R45] - Archaic Architect (Final) by Ruberjig [2016-03-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#011-R45] - Archaic Architect (V1) by Ruberjig [2016-01-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#011-R45] - Archaic Architect (V3) by Ruberjig [2016-02-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#011-R45] - Archaic Architect (V4) by Ruberjig [2016-03-04] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#011-R45] - Archaic Architect (V5) by Ruberjig [2016-06-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#012-R53] - Haunted Woods by Gabriel Yanni [2016-01-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#013-R27] - Sea of Eden by nathanrayman1998 [2016-01-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#014-R40] - Swiss Hotel (V1) by Morsel [2016-01-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#014-R40] - Swiss Hotel (V2) by Morsel [2016-02-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#014-R40] - Swiss Hotel (V3) by Morsel [2016-03-03] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#015-R35] - Neon Castle (V1) by nick 139 [2016-01-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#015-R35] - Neon Castle (V3) by nick 139 [2016-01-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#015-R35] - Neon Castle (V4) by nick 139 [2016-02-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#016-R20] - The 100s Challenge (V1) by J P (KDeee) [2016-01-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#016-R20] - The 100s Challenge (V2) by J P (KDeee) [2016-02-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#016-R20] - The 100s Challenge (V3) by J P (KDeee) [2016-03-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#016-R20] - The 100s Challenge (V4) by J P (KDeee) [2016-03-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#017-R22] - Grassy Hights (V1) by WarFlare2 [2016-01-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#017-R22] - Grassy Hights (V2) by WarFlare2 [2016-02-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#018-R51] - Icicle Cavern by waffledoctor87 [2016-01-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#019-R33] - Calamity Crossing (V1) by cyphermur9t [2016-01-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#019-R33] - Calamity Crossing (V2) by cyphermur9t [2016-01-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#020-R75] - Green Meadows (V1) by DaSpongeBobMan [2016-01-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#020-R75] - Green Meadows (V10) by DaSpongeBobMan [2016-03-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#020-R75] - Green Meadows (V11) by DaSpongeBobMan [2016-03-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#020-R75] - Green Meadows (V2) by DaSpongeBobMan [2016-02-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#020-R75] - Green Meadows (V3) by DaSpongeBobMan [2016-02-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#020-R75] - Green Meadows (V4) by DaSpongeBobMan [2016-02-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#020-R75] - Green Meadows by DaSpongeBobMan [2016-03-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#020-R75] - Green Meadows by DaSpongeBobMan [2016-03-29] (SMW Hack) [BAD-emu]
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#020-R75] - Green Meadows by DaSpongeBobMan [2016-04-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#022-R04] - Mass Extinction (V1) by S.N.N. [2016-01-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#022-R04] - Mass Extinction (V2) by S.N.N. [2016-01-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#022-R04] - Mass Extinction (V3) by S.N.N. [2016-01-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#023-R62] - Flooded Volcano (Fixed) by Divemissile [2016-01-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#023-R62] - Flooded Volcano by Divemissile [2016-01-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#024-R19] - Midnight Arbor (V1.0) by FrozenQuills [2016-01-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#024-R19] - Midnight Arbor (V1.1) by FrozenQuills [2016-02-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#024-R19] - Midnight Arbor (V2) by FrozenQuills [2016-02-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#024-R19] - Midnight Arbor (V3) by FrozenQuills [2016-02-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#024-R19] - Midnight Arbor (V4) by FrozenQuills [2016-03-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#024-R19] - Midnight Arbor (V5) by FrozenQuills [2016-03-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#025-R46] - Saturation Plains (V2) by MarkD [2016-01-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#025-R46] - Saturation Plains (V3) by MarkD [2016-03-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#025-R46] - Saturation Plains (V4) by MarkD [2016-03-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#026-R27] - Angel Cliffs (Beta 1) by Prizm [2016-01-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#026-R27] - Angel Cliffs (Beta 2) by Prizm [2016-01-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#026-R27] - Angel Cliffs by Prizm [2016-02-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#027-R27] - KUSO LINE (Concept) by Rockythetigre [2016-01-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#027-R27] - KUSO LINE (Demo) by Rockythetigre [2016-01-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#027-R27] - KUSO LINE (Finished) by Rockythetigre [2016-03-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#027-R27] - KUSO LINE by Rockythetigre [2016-02-04] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#027-R27] - KUSO LINE by Rockythetigre [2016-02-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#028-R46] - Grinder Gauntlet (V2) by Pedro156 [2016-02-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#028-R46] - Grinder Gauntlet (V3) by Pedro156 [2016-02-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#029-R74] - Mysterious Ice Cavern (V1) by minakami [2016-02-04] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#029-R74] - Mysterious Ice Cavern (V2) by minakami [2016-02-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#030-R59] - Indivisibility by switchpalacecorner [2016-02-04] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#031-R40] - Sunset Stroll (V2) by mario and luigi [2016-02-03] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#032-R27] - Wood n Blocks (V3) by HammerGuy [2016-02-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#032-R27] - Wood n Blocks (V4) by HammerGuy [2016-02-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#033-R31] - Sunset Vista (V3) by Renhoek [2016-02-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#033-R31] - Sunset Vista by Renhoek [2016-02-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#034-R36] - Mystic Ruins (V2) by slakkmichael [2016-02-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#034-R36] - Mystic Ruins (V3) by slakkmichael [2016-02-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#034-R36] - Mystic Ruins (V4) by slakkmichael [2016-03-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#034-R36] - Mystic Ruins (V5) by slakkmichael [2016-03-03] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#034-R36] - Mystic Ruins (V6) by slakkmichael [2016-03-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#035-R17] - Stormy Ruins (V1) by GameplaysDetonados [2016-01-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#035-R17] - Stormy Ruins (V2) by GameplaysDetonados [2016-01-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#035-R17] - Stormy Ruins (V3) by GameplaysDetonados [2016-01-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#035-R17] - Stormy Ruins (V4) by GameplaysDetonados [2016-01-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#035-R17] - Stormy Ruins (V5) by GameplaysDetonados [2016-02-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#035-R17] - Stormy Ruins (V6) by GameplaysDetonados [2016-02-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#035-R17] - Stormy Ruins (V7) by GameplaysDetonados [2016-02-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#036-R21] - Peach Beach by yogui [2016-02-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#037-R09] - Nightswimming (V2) by WhiteYoshiEgg [2016-02-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#038-R19] - Hotel (Beta 1) by Giant Shy Guy (Frost) [2016-01-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#038-R19] - Hotel (V1) by Giant Shy Guy (Frost) [2016-02-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#038-R19] - Hotel (V2) by Giant Shy Guy (Frost) [2016-02-04] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#038-R19] - Hotel (V3) by Giant Shy Guy (Frost) [2016-02-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#038-R19] - Hotel (V4) by Giant Shy Guy (Frost) [2016-02-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#038-R19] - Hotel (V5) by Giant Shy Guy (Frost) [2016-02-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#038-R19] - Hotel (V6) by Giant Shy Guy (Frost) [2016-02-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#039-R25] - Ruin of Cupidity (V1) by lolyoshi [2016-02-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#039-R25] - Ruin of Cupidity (V2) by lolyoshi [2016-02-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#040-R75] - Cave of Bones (V1.1) by Systrem Studios [2016-02-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#041-R12] - Please Hold the Line (V1) by Luks [2016-02-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#041-R12] - Please Hold the Line (V1) by Luks [2016-02-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#041-R12] - Please Hold the Line (V2) by Luks [2016-03-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#042-R40] - Grassy Grotto by Christian07 [2016-02-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#043-R38] - Grove of Seclusion (V1) by LucasRCD [2016-02-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#043-R38] - Grove of Seclusion (V2.0) by LucasRCD [2016-02-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#043-R38] - Grove of Seclusion (V2.1) by LucasRCD [2016-02-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#043-R38] - Grove of Seclusion (V2.2) by LucasRCD [2016-02-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#043-R38] - Grove of Seclusion (V2.3) by LucasRCD [2016-02-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#043-R38] - Grove of Seclusion (V3) by LucasRCD [2016-02-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#044-R69] - Dark Cave (V2) by J.T.W. [2016-02-21] (SMW Hack) [BAD]
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#045-R29] - Underground Theatre (V1) by ft029 [2016-02-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#045-R29] - Underground Theatre (V2) by ft029 [2016-02-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#045-R29] - Underground Theatre (V3) by ft029 [2016-03-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#046-R09] - Gambly Night (V1) by Wakana [2016-01-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#046-R09] - Gambly Night (V2) by Wakana [2016-02-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#046-R09] - Gambly Night (V3) by Wakana [2017-12-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#047-R52] - Old Factory (Update) by TheInsanity115 [2016-02-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#047-R52] - Old Factory by TheInsanity115 [2016-02-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#048-R49] - Coldest Climb by GammaSlap [2016-02-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#049-R34] - Stormcloud Citadel (V1) by Roykirbs [2016-02-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#049-R34] - Stormcloud Citadel (V2) by Roykirbs [2016-02-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#050-R35] - Sky at the Wierd (V1.1) by Carld923 [2016-02-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#051-R23] - Maple Island (First Half) by Falconpunch [2016-02-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#051-R23] - Maple Island (V2.0) by Falconpunch [2016-02-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#051-R23] - Maple Island (V2.1) by Falconpunch [2016-02-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#051-R23] - Maple Island (V2.7) by Falconpunch [2016-02-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#052-R37] - The Action Is Go by Sockbat Replica [2016-02-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#053-R26] - The Way of Ninji (V1) by Chineesmw [2016-02-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#053-R26] - The Way of Ninji (V2) by Chineesmw [2016-03-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#054-R08] - Stellar Garden (RC1) by Dr. Tapeworm [2016-02-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#054-R08] - Stellar Garden (RC2) by Dr. Tapeworm [2016-03-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#055-R28] - Magmatic Cliffs (V1) by Grugi [2016-02-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#055-R28] - Magmatic Cliffs (V2) by Grugi [2016-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#056-R58] - Misty Swamp Cave (V1) by Najeraldo [2016-02-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#056-R58] - Misty Swamp Cave (V2) by Najeraldo [2016-03-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#057-R14] - Unsettling Bastion by Gloomier [2016-02-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#058-R49] - Tropical Stronghold (V1) by tcdw [2016-02-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#058-R49] - Tropical Stronghold (V2) by tcdw [2016-02-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#059-R70] - Level 01 by jshaaa [2016-02-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#060-R51] - Hogwarts (V1) by Sokobansolver [2016-02-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#060-R51] - Hogwarts (V2) by Sokobansolver [2016-03-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#061-R61] - Purple Plains by Ambureon [2016-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#062-R53] - Coconut Ruins 3 by Nin [2016-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#063-R07] - Ice Cutting Site (V1) by worldpeace [2016-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#063-R07] - Ice Cutting Site (V2) by worldpeace [2016-03-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#063-R07] - Ice Cutting Site (V3) by worldpeace [2016-03-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#064-R75] - Entry by MARIOWORLD [2016-02-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#065-R75] - Mushroom Inferno (Fixed) by nahuelescoba [2016-03-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#065-R75] - Mushroom Inferno by nahuelescoba [2016-02-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#066-R30] - Death Water (V1) by a hick [2016-03-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#066-R30] - Death Water (V2) by a hick [2016-03-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#067-R34] - Starry Summit (Final) by Leiras (Sariel) [2016-03-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#067-R34] - Starry Summit (Updated) by Leiras (Sariel) [2016-03-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#067-R34] - Starry Summit by Leiras (Sariel) [2016-03-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#068-R05] - Turn Block Treeway (Final) by Magiluigi [2016-03-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#068-R05] - Turn Block Treeway (Updated) by Magiluigi [2016-02-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#068-R05] - Turn Block Treeway (V99) by Magiluigi [2016-03-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#069-R66] - Simple Road by Flyingcape [2016-02-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#070-R68] - Fungus Forest by Pixel-Gon Gamer [2016-03-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#071-R57] - Hilly Desert (V2) by LucasGamer3000 [2016-03-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#071-R57] - Hilly Desert (V3) by LucasGamer3000 [2016-03-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#072-R19] - Fabulatory (Fixed) by Eminus [2016-03-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#073-R06] - Fortified Cavern (V1.0) by Blue Leaf [2016-03-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#073-R06] - Fortified Cavern (V1.1) by Blue Leaf [2016-03-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#074-R02] - Ignis Fatuus (Beta) by Agent Q [2016-03-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#074-R02] - Ignis Fatuus by Agent Q [2016-03-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#074-R02] - Ignis Fatuus by Agent Q [2016-05-04] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#075-R06] - Stadium of Plants by Aquamentus [2016-03-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#076-R43] - I.H.I.W! by Retronom [2016-03-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#077-R47] - Triangle Dimension (V1) by yoshifanatic [2016-03-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#077-R47] - Triangle Dimension (V3) by yoshifanatic [2016-03-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#078-R55] - Matterhorn by Lazy [2016-03-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#079-R37] - Hydraulic Hideout (Demo) by IDidMakeThat [2016-03-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#079-R37] - Hydraulic Hideout by IDidMakeThat [2016-03-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#080-R48] - Flash Black (V1) by Chill Pingu [2016-03-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#080-R48] - Flash Black (V2) by Chill Pingu [2016-03-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#081-R55] - Waterspike Factory by Sayuri [2016-03-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#082-R44] - Warehouse by GST_Bass [2016-03-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#083-R31] - FISH IN SPACE!! by snoruntpyro [2016-03-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#084-R10] - Triangle Ship (V3) by Skewer [2016-03-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#085-R13] - Parachutist Plains by Darkdlp02 [2016-03-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#086-R16] - Ice Block Cavern by SomeGuy712x [2016-03-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#087-R17] - Funky Floats by Centipede [2016-03-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#088-R03] - Interplanetary by NGB [2016-03-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#089-R41] - Ice Palace by PuzzelBreaker [2016-03-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#090-R60] - Pipeside by Minimay [2016-03-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#091-R42] - Vanilla Secret 1.5 by glitch4 [2016-03-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#092-R64] - Short Cave by Master Lakitu [2016-03-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#093-R64] - Woah Radicola (Updated) by Zyglrox Odyssey [2016-03-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#094-R47] - Ninji Plains (V1.0) by Reggiamoto [2016-03-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#094-R47] - Ninji Plains (V1.1) by Reggiamoto [2016-03-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#095-R55] - Streamside by Medic [2016-03-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#096-R40] - Azul Fortress by Coolmario [2016-03-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#097-R51] - Riverbed Canopy by MercuryPenny [2016-03-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#098-R72] - Tremor Tower by danwaleby [2016-02-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#099-R39] - Forestal Elevations by Erik557 [2016-03-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#100-R16] - City Sewers by Eevee + K3fka [2016-03-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#101-R15] - Snowy Bits (V0.5) by Hinalyte [2016-03-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#101-R15] - Snowy Bits (V1.0) by Hinalyte [2016-03-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#102-R01] - Subterranean Glow (Beta) by Impetus + TRS [2016-03-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#102-R01] - Subterranean Glow (Final) by Impetus + TRS [2016-03-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#102-R01] - Subterranean Glow (Test) by Impetus + TRS [2016-03-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#103-R29] - Ice Cave Athletic by Kenny [2016-03-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#104-R65] - Entry by Proto Man [2016-03-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#105-R63] - Frozen Mirage by GabrielJohn [2016-03-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#106-R41] - Great Ice Ravine by eXcavator [2016-03-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#107-R18] - Dry Ice by MegaMarioMan9 [2016-03-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#108-R56] - Moontop Metonymy by Daizo Dee Von [2016-03-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#109-R32] - Sky Fortress Koopa (Draft) by imamelia [2016-03-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#109-R32] - Sky Fortress Koopa by imamelia [2016-03-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#110-R06] - Cutting in Line by Lui37 [2016-03-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#111-R51] - Fez 3 (Original) by Losoall [2016-02-04] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#111-R51] - Fez 3 (Update) by Losoall [2016-02-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#111-R51] - Fez 3 (VLDC Base) by Losoall [2016-02-04] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#112-R67] - Turquoise Bullet Forest by ForthRightMC [2016-03-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#113-R49] - Delibutus Caverns by MaiK [2016-03-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#114-R71] - Oops! by DaxterSpeed [2016-03-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#XXX-RXX] - BOWSERFEST II (Demo 1) by allowiscous [2016-01-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#XXX-RXX] - BOWSERFEST II (Demo 2) by allowiscous [2016-01-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#XXX-RXX] - BOWSERFEST II (Finished) by allowiscous [2016-03-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#XXX-RXX] - BOWSERFEST II (Test) by allowiscous [2016-01-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#XXX-RXX] - Cave by Sinc-X (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#XXX-RXX] - Elemental Fortress by snoruntpyro [2016-02-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#XXX-RXX] - Epic Everything by SMWHackedHACK [2016-02-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#XXX-RXX] - Lavaly Cave by FreeKill2111 [2016-03-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#XXX-RXX] - Melody of the Dusk by LucasRCD [2016-01-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#XXX-RXX] - Rapscallion (V3) by Final Theory [2016-01-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#XXX-RXX] - Rapscallion (V4) by Final Theory [2016-06-03] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 [#XXX-RXX] - Skewer Stronghold by Gregor [2016-01-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 Overworld Contest - Base Compilation by JackTheSpades [2016-05-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 Overworld Contest - Entry by HammerGuy (GammerGuy) [2016-06-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Vanilla LDC 9 Overworld Contest - Entry by Prizm [2016-06-04] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC [#01-R50] - Good Luck to Those Who Graduate by OGS93 [2010-12-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC [#02-R49] - Entry for Contest by PJ Reed [2010-12-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC [#03-R45] - Mario and Yoshi's Christmas Dash by lucariokiddo [2010-12-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC [#04-R48] - Winter World by Clay_Buster [2010-12-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC [#05-R36] - The Mountain Climb by Corruptendo [2010-12-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC [#06-R36] - Winter Wonderland by pserafi [2010-12-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC [#07-R42] - Super Mario in Ice World by Luigi370 [2010-12-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC [#08-R43] - Cold Cold Valley by BBkaizo [2010-12-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC [#09-R27] - Mario's Frozen Adventure (V1) by Blue_Raven [2010-12-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC [#09-R27] - Mario's Frozen Adventure (V2) by Blue_Raven [2011-01-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC [#11-R33] - A Snowy Stroll by OTAKU (Kurokona) [2010-12-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC [#12-R11] - RAWRAWRAWR (V1) by TRS [2010-12-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC [#12-R11] - RAWRAWRAWR (V2) by TRS [2011-01-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC [#12-R11] - RAWRAWRAWR (V3) by TRS [2011-01-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC [#13-R41] - Mario's Winter Trials by Tintinytdj (Schrikvis) [2010-12-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC [#14-R47] - Snowy Lands (V1) by Henix Aurorus [2010-12-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC [#14-R47] - Snowy Lands (V2) by Henix Aurorus [2010-12-29] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC [#15-R19] - Christmas Special by Ripperon-X [2011-01-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC [#16-R45] - Merk's Winter Contest by BlueHoppip [2010-12-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC [#17-R06] - Lost on Iced Planet by Lexator [2011-01-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC [#18-R38] - Snowball Hill (V1) by super pokemon world [2011-01-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC [#18-R38] - Snowball Hill (V2) by super pokemon world [2011-01-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC [#19-R09] - Mario's Winter Nightmare by Hadron [2011-01-04] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC [#20-R17] - Santa Simulator by Lunar Rico [2011-01-06] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC [#21-R44] - A Level by pacman227811 [2011-01-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC [#22-R38] - SMWP (V2) by 2dareduck [2011-01-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC [#23-R23] - Winter Level Design by Link13 [2011-01-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC [#24-R19] - Beer Quest by Atma [2011-01-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC [#25-R30] - Frosty Mountain (New) by Mr ESC450 (Mr Esc) [2011-12-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC [#25-R30] - Frosty Mountain by Mr ESC450 (Mr Esc) [2011-01-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC [#26-R30] - Entry (Final) by TomPhanto [2011-01-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC [#27-R03] - Santa Mario by yoshicookiezeus [2011-01-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC [#27-R03] - Santa Mario by yoshicookiezeus [2011-01-14] (SMW Hack) [BAD-7efd2]
SMWC Winter LDC [#28-R28] - The Christmas Switch Palace by Shellface [2011-01-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC [#29-RXX] - Winter Level (V1) by MarineYoshi [2011-01-15] (SMW Hack) [BAD]
SMWC Winter LDC [#29-RXX] - Winter Level (V2) by MarineYoshi [2011-01-15] (SMW Hack) [BAD-emu]
SMWC Winter LDC [#30-R35] - Ice and Cocoa (Final) by Gabu [2011-01-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC [#31-R02] - Mario Saves Christmas (V1) by Kipernal [2011-01-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC [#31-R02] - Mario Saves Christmas (V2) by Kipernal [2011-01-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC [#31-R02] - Mario Saves Christmas (V3) by Kipernal [2011-01-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC [#31-R02] - Mario Saves Christmas (V4) by Kipernal [2011-01-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC [#32-R15] - Return to Ice World by Koyuki [2011-01-15] (SMW Hack) [BAD-emu]
SMWC Winter LDC [#33-R28] - A Winter Adventure (V2) by HalfMaster1 [2011-01-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC [#34-R13] - Generic Snow Level by Dotsarecool [2011-01-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC [#35-R12] - Mario's Christmas Caper (Fixed) by Raibys [2011-01-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC [#35-R12] - Mario's Christmas Caper by Raibys [2011-01-15] (SMW Hack) [BAD]
SMWC Winter LDC [#36-R40] - Navidad de Super Mario by Skalibur [2011-01-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC [#37-R07] - Light the Tree by Snifit [2011-01-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC [#38-R01] - The Snowman Invasion by WhiteYoshiEgg [2011-01-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC [#39-R19] - Brad's Mid-Night Snow Exploration by Brad172 [2011-01-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC [#40-R05] - Nightwing by flareblade26 [2011-01-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC [#41-R07] - Mario's New Year Tradition by keckcellent [2011-01-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC [#42-R18] - No Tree No Life by S.L [2011-01-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC [#43-R09] - A Gift by TheGamer (Ludus) [2011-01-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC [#44-R19] - Monty by two_headed_yoshi (THY) [2011-01-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC [#45-R13] - Yuki-Onna (V1) by Lester_Vine [2011-01-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC [#45-R13] - Yuki-Onna (V2) by Lester_Vine [2011-01-16] (SMW Hack) [BAD]
SMWC Winter LDC [#45-R13] - Yuki-Onna (V3) by Lester_Vine [2011-01-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC [#46-R04] - Winter Entry by LunarDrake [2011-01-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC [#48-R23] - Sinterklaas (V1) by Kevinskie555 [2011-01-16] (SMW Hack) [BAD-emu]
SMWC Winter LDC [#48-R23] - Sinterklaas (V2) by Kevinskie555 [2011-01-16] (SMW Hack) [BAD-emu]
SMWC Winter LDC [#49-R34] - Mario's Great Frost by Chachii [2011-01-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC [#50-R30] - Entry by Khastvrokg [2011-01-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC [#51-R16] - A Mad Christmas by HuFlungDu [2011-01-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC 2 [#01-DQ] - fu_k k_izo by babyseal [2022-01-30] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC 2 [#02-R28] - Field of Cooligans (V1.0.1) by Green Jerry [2022-02-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC 2 [#03-R19] - Chill (V1.1) by Nitrogen [2022-02-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC 2 [#04-R23] - Girigiri Joutai by rextep [2022-02-01] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC 2 [#05-R13] - Juice Me, Freeze Me by Spade_Magnes [2022-02-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC 2 [#06-R45] - Ice Cap Zone by Enan63 [2022-02-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC 2 [#07-R41] - Candy Cane Plains by KekShadow_08 [2022-02-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC 2 [#08-R55] - Sherbet Summit by OrangeBronzeDaisy [2022-02-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC 2 [#09-R52] - Starry Snowcap by Dispace [2022-02-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC 2 [#10-R36] - Gift Quest by Rykon-V73 [2022-02-09] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC 2 [#11-R22] - Epic Nothing 2 - Winter Edition by Dark Prince [2022-02-11] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC 2 [#12-R48] - Frostbite Plains (Update) by Fernand1527 [2022-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC 2 [#13-R36] - Frigid Castle (Final) by DetectiveZvarri [2022-02-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC 2 [#14-R10] - Unpleasant Memoby by GbreezeSunset [2022-02-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC 2 [#15-R33] - Blizzard Bumpty by Infinity [2022-02-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC 2 [#16-R32] - Christmas Giants by Bensalot [2022-02-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC 2 [#17-R47] - Shiverburn Cave by CourtlyHades296 [2022-02-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC 2 [#18-R35] - It's Snow and Ice (V1.1.5) by TheOrangeToad [2022-02-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC 2 [#19-R40] - Howling Peaks (V1.3) by edgar [2022-02-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC 2 [#20-R55] - Winter Stadium by Insectduel [2022-02-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC 2 [#21-R50] - Entry by Roberto Zampari [2022-02-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC 2 [#22-R21] - Full of Winter (V1.02) by yoshi9429 [2022-02-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC 2 [#23-R26] - Winter Pentathlon by NopeContest [2022-02-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC 2 [#24-R01] - Aggressive Shovelers by Sixcorby [2022-02-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC 2 [#25-R54] - From Point Cave to Point Home by Raymondsze [2022-02-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC 2 [#26-R14] - Escapade by bry [2022-02-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC 2 [#28-R06] - Super Mari0 World by Praseodymium [2022-02-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC 2 [#29-R07] - Summit Fever (V1.3) by Random Internet Name [2022-02-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC 2 [#30-R45] - Penguin's Challenge by Bumpty [2022-02-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC 2 [#31-R53] - Snowy Field by NINTENLUIGI [2022-02-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC 2 [#32-R11] - Snowball Secret (Rev 1) by Paperdomo101 [2022-02-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC 2 [#33-R23] - Blizzard Blitz by EvanEMV [2022-02-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC 2 [#34-R31] - Frozen Fears (V1.2) by Anorakun [2022-02-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC 2 [#35-R39] - An Icey Day by Edphonse15 [2022-02-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC 2 [#36-R17] - Oh My Darlin' by qantuum [2022-02-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC 2 [#37-R16] - Bumpty Banter by Ruberjig [2022-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC 2 [#38-R30] - chips.smc by bebn legg [2022-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC 2 [#39-R44] - Cold Ways by Fellipe R [2022-02-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC 2 [#41-R12] - Cold Canyon by codfish1002 [2022-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC 2 [#42-R49] - Peaceful Winter Walk by solgaleo35 [2022-02-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC 2 [#43-DQ] - Glacier Stampede by Jeosberry [2022-02-27] (SMW Hack) [BAD]
SMWC Winter LDC 2 [#44-R07] - Venting Sensation (V1.2) by ghyn [2022-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC 2 [#45-R43] - Winter Sakura Night by Azula16 [2022-02-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC 2 [#46-R29] - Entry by MarioFanGamer [2022-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC 2 [#47-R15] - Thermic Shock by TheKazooBloccGosh [2022-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC 2 [#48-R57] - Frozen Ice Castle (V08) by Lespna1 [2022-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC 2 [#49-R17] - Minta's Winter Escapade (V1.1) (Fix) by Faro [2022-09-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC 2 [#49-R17] - Minta's Winter Escapade (V1.1) by Faro [2022-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC 2 [#50-R03] - Glacier Poop by Squirrelyman157 [2022-02-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC 2 [#51-R09] - Mario Goes to Alaska by Kevin [2022-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC 2 [#52-R38] - Somebody to Love by Klug [2022-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC 2 [#53-R20] - Perfect Presents by RussianMan [2022-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC 2 [#54-R05] - Gobelja by Valentine [2022-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC 2 [#55-R34] - Mace Ruins by Disk Poppy [2022-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC 2 [#56-R04] - Fury of the Storm (V2) by Daizo Dee Von [2022-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC 2 [#57-R42] - Please Come to the Castle by HD_DankBaron [2022-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC 2 [#58-R25] - Gay by Magi [2022-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC 2 [#59-R02] - Snowst House by E-man38 [2022-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWC Winter LDC 2 [#60-R51] - Out in Winter by lolyoshi [2022-02-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Contest 2009-01 - Nacht Level by Cellcen [2009-01-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Contest 2010-06 - A Summer Level by Mawwo7 [2010-06-29] (SMW Hack) [BAD-emu]
SMWH Contest 2010-06 - Wario and the Treasure Chest (Fix) by Hadron [2010-06-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Contest 2010-06 - Wario and the Treasure Chest by Hadron [2010-06-22] (SMW Hack) [BAD-emu]
SMWH Contest 2010-07 - A Stunning Rescue by HoZweMu [2010-07-02] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Contest 2010-07 - Entry by RealLink [2010-07-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Contest 2010-10 - Entry by TheSuperDomy96 (Dominik) [2010-10-12] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Contest 2010-10 - Lavaberg by Shog [2010-10-12] (SMW Hack) [BAD-emu]
SMWH Contest 2010-11 - Entry by SMW MARIO (Ranko) [2010-11-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Contest 2010-11 - Yoshi Coins!!! by TheSuperDomy96 (Dominik) [2010-11-19] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Contest 2011-02 - Leck by Bandit [2011-02-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Contest 2011-06 - A Journey through the Desert by Ranko [2011-06-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Contest 2011-06 - Baby Bowser Beach by kooooopa [2011-06-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Contest 2011-06 - Entry (Fixed) by Ricicir (Rockythetigre) [2016-06-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Contest 2011-06 - Err0r's Adventure by LP-Err0r [2011-06-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Contest 2011-06 - Level by Urtegurke [2011-06-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Contest 2011-08 - Ein Schloss by W4mp3 (ShUriK KiD) [2011-08-10] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Contest 2011-09 - Hot Earth by Underway [2011-09-25] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Contest 2011-09 - MoonShroom Cave (Special) by Shog [2012-12-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Contest 2011-09 - MoonShroom Cave by Shog [2011-09-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Contest 2011-10 - Entry by majora211 [2011-10-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Contest 2011-10 - Sternenwald by Shog [2011-10-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Contest 2011-11 - Climber Cave by Ranko [2011-11-08] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Contest 2012-06 - Vulkan by W4mp3 (ShUriK KiD) [2012-06-22] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Contest 2012-12 - The Lost Woods by SMW King 2000 [2012-12-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Contest 2013-02 - Entry by Reggiamoto [2013-03-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Contest 2013-04 - Die Perfekte Erde by kooooopa [2013-05-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Contest 2013-04 - Entry by Zerrick [2013-05-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Contest 2013-04 - Mario's Farben 3.0 by Jarkub (jakoob14) [2013-05-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Contest 2013-04 - Pipe Plains by SMWKing2000 (K1ngHacks) [2013-05-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Contest 2013-04 - Schnapp-Atmung by ChrillePan [2013-05-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Contest 2013-04 - Tropical Isle by EliteBellic [2013-05-07] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Contest 2013-05 - Insert Title Here by Schieber1234 [2013-04-26] (SMW Hack) [BAD-emu]
SMWH Contest 2014-08 - Entry by Dark D! (Darkdlp02) [2014-09-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Contest 2014-08 - Entry by EliteBellic [2014-09-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Contest 2014-08 - Entry by fpmlp [2014-08-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Contest 2014-08 - Entry by MarioFanGamer659 [2014-09-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Contest 2014-11 - Mauchifiziert by Luks [2014-11-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Tournament - Compilation by W4mp3 (ShUriK KiD) [2016-04-14] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Tournament - Round 1 - Snow (Snountain) by W4mp3 (ShUriK KiD) [2015-12-13] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Tournament - Round 3 - Stupid Music (Toad City) by W4mp3 (ShUriK KiD) [2016-02-20] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Tournament - Round 3 - Stupid Music (Toad City) by W4mp3 (ShUriK KiD) [2016-02-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Tournament - Round 4 - Free (To Sky World) by W4mp3 (ShUriK KiD) [2016-03-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Tournament - Round 6 - Fortress (Backup) by Ricicir (Rockythetigre) [2015-12-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Tournament - Round 6 - Fortress by Ricicir (Rockythetigre) [2015-12-05] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Tournament - Round 6 - Fortress by Ricicir (Rockythetigre) [2015-12-26] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Tournament 2 - Round 1 - Cosmic Canyon by Tob [2020-07-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Tournament 2 - Round 1 - Entry by Lululoe [2020-07-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Tournament 2 - Round 1 - Fear by Robju [2020-07-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Tournament 2 - Round 1 - Lavaland Connector by XY (W4mp3) [2020-07-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Tournament 2 - Round 1 - Nachtlevel by Stivi [2020-05-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Tournament 2 - Round 1 - Qual der Wahl (Agony of Choice) by Reggiamoto [2020-07-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Tournament 2 - Round 1 - Sky Temple by Sariel [2020-07-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Tournament 2 - Round 1 - Vine Compilation by DerKollegahHD [2020-07-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Tournament 2 - Round 2 - Goodbye Blue Sky by Robju [2020-07-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Tournament 2 - Round 2 - Rough Waves by XY (W4mp3) [2020-07-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Tournament 2 - Round 3 - Hallo Adora Belle by Lululoe [2020-07-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Tournament 2 - Round 3 - Just like Heaven by Robju [2020-07-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Tournament 2 - Round 3 - Substituted Entry by Tob [2020-07-18] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Tournament 2 - Round 3 - The Vacation by XY (W4mp3) [2020-07-18] (SMW Hack) [BAD-emu]
SMWH Vanilla Contest 2010 - Bramble Blast by Soulreaver [2010-05-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Vanilla Contest 2010 - Brown Ugly Things by ihaveagoodday [2010-05-17] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Vanilla Contest 2010 - Das Kaputte Rohr by eZehicheL [2010-05-24] (SMW Hack) [BAD-emu]
SMWH Vanilla Contest 2010 - Der Wald of Doom! by Derfatalis [2010-05-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Vanilla Contest 2010 - Entry by dervideolooker [2010-05-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Vanilla Contest 2010 - Entry by EverySixt [2010-05-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Vanilla Contest 2010 - Entry by FredFrosh [2010-05-15] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Vanilla Contest 2010 - Entry by GameBoyMichi [2010-05-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Vanilla Contest 2010 - Entry by hannes06441 [2010-05-16] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Vanilla Contest 2010 - Entry by MarusTheStorm [2010-05-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Vanilla Contest 2010 - Entry by MetalJo [2010-05-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Vanilla Contest 2010 - Entry by Ohm95 [2010-05-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Vanilla Contest 2010 - Entry by Retrowave900 [2010-05-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Vanilla Contest 2010 - Entry by XD3000000 [2010-05-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Vanilla Contest 2010 - Entry by Zero0906 [2010-05-27] (SMW Hack) [BAD-emu]
SMWH Vanilla Contest 2010 - Geisterhaus by Oliver3911 [2010-05-24] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Vanilla Contest 2010 - Key in the Toilet by HoZweMu [2010-05-21] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Vanilla Contest 2010 - Spooky Maze by TJonnyX [2010-05-27] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Vanilla Contest 2010 - The Isle by Nanadasna [2010-05-16] (SMW Hack) [BAD-emu]
SMWH Vanilla Contest 2010 - The Mysterious Island by schlauesGemuese [2010-05-28] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Vanilla Contest 2010 - Trick or Treat by Kendoo [2010-05-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Vanilla Contest 2010 - Vanilla Underwater by DJ-newstyle [2010-05-23] (SMW Hack)
SMWH Winter Contest 2010 - Escape from the Cave by Wysey [2010-12-28] (SMW Hack) [BAD-emu]
SMWH Winter Contest 2011 - The Grantwish by Wysey [2011-12-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWHC Grasslands Contest - Joybush Road by Broozer [2009-01-31] (SMW Hack)
SMWHC Grasslands Contest - Malevolent Midnight by Daboys121 [2009-01-31] (SMW Hack) [BAD-emu]
SnesLab Power Mario Contest [#3-R2] - Faktori Volcano by Daizo Dee Von [2019-04-30] (SMW Hack)
SnesLab Power Mario Contest [#4-R6] - I Hate Thwomps by Manofer [2019-04-30] (SMW Hack)
SnesLab Power Mario Contest [#5-R7] - Entry by Mclegend101 [2019-03-09] (SMW Hack)
SnesLab Power Mario Contest [#6-R4] - KoopaKick Factory by Strikeforcer [2019-04-30] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 1 [#01-R07] - Level by S.N.N. [2012-03-27] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 1 [#02-R26] - Sky High by raekuul [2012-03-29] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 1 [#03-R12] - Good Fish, Bad Salad by morceau (Morsel) [2012-03-30] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 1 [#04-R25] - To the Sky! by Neobullseye [2012-03-31] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 1 [#05-R29] - A Good Level by Cobalt [2012-04-07] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 1 [#06-R27] - A Fun Level by luke88smith [2012-04-07] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 1 [#07-R20] - Peculiar Pipelines by Saturn Moriya (agie777) [2012-04-07] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 1 [#08-R18] - Woeful Warehouse by Kerkec [2012-04-12] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 1 [#09-R28] - Entry by kingmetaknight1 [2012-04-13] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 1 [#10-R01] - Koopa Bathhouse by Cup [2012-04-17] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 1 [#11-R21] - One Life to Lose by Telamon [2012-04-20] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 1 [#12-R12] - Bubble Trouble (V2.0) by notgoodwithusernames [2012-04-22] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 1 [#13-R06] - Rooftop Wrath by ZMann [2012-04-24] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 1 [#14-R09] - Night Robbery by Jesuiscontent [2012-04-24] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 1 [#15-R05] - Dark Zone by Jolpengammler [2012-04-26] (SMW Hack) [BAD-emu]
Talkhaus MaGL 1 [#16-R03] - Sideral Show by yogui [2012-04-26] (SMW Hack) [BAD-emu]
Talkhaus MaGL 1 [#17-R16] - Familiar Funland by Patgangster (PatPatPat) [2012-04-27] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 1 [#18-R11] - Soda Lake (V1) by Ometeotl (Plasma) [2012-04-21] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 1 [#18-R11] - Soda Lake (V2) by Ometeotl (Plasma) [2012-04-24] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 1 [#18-R11] - Soda Lake (V3) by Ometeotl (Plasma) [2012-04-27] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 1 [#19-R17] - Broken Bridge Ridge by Paperkoopa [2012-04-27] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 1 [#20-R12] - Fiery Frontier by TomPhanto [2012-04-28] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 1 [#21-R23] - An Odd Adventure by kirbyy [2012-04-28] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 1 [#22-R19] - Autumn Forest by patrickgh3 [2012-04-29] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 1 [#23-R24] - Jepsi Pepsi by yoshiguy978 [2012-04-29] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 1 [#24-R22] - Spontaneous Cave! by frostyfish88 (Frozelar) [2012-04-29] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 1 [#25-R02] - Skullcoaster by tatanga [2012-04-30] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 1 [#26-R08] - Lots of Blocks by Rextep [2012-04-30] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 1 [#27-R03] - Fallback Zone by JVyrn [2012-04-30] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 1 [#28-R15] - Thwomp Fortress by DragonLX [2012-04-30] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 1 [#29-R09] - High Fly Athletic by FirePhoenix (FPzero) [2012-04-30] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 2 [#01-R29] - Pink Zone by Jolpengammler [2013-03-27] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 2 [#02-R36] - RUN! by BlackEscargot [2013-03-26] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 2 [#03-R04] - Retro War Against Hedgehogs by yogui [2013-03-30] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 2 [#04-R24] - The Muncher Garden by KobaBeach [2013-04-01] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 2 [#05-R01] - Tremors of a Dead Planet by Isocitration [2013-04-04] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 2 [#06-R18] - Bogey Ruins by levelengine [2013-04-14] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 2 [#07-R20] - The Void by Ashanmaril [2013-04-16] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 2 [#08-R31] - Entry by castlepokemetroid [2013-04-21] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 2 [#09-R13] - Kamek's Luau by SlurryMoon [2013-04-22] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 2 [#10-R32] - Ultra Hole Drop by DishSoapBunny [2013-04-24] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 2 [#11-R12] - Projectile Vomiting by Frozelar (frostyfish88) [2013-04-24] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 2 [#12-R25] - SPORT by agargara [2013-04-25] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 2 [#13-R17] - Flame Frost Hollow (V1) by aterraformer [2013-04-25] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 2 [#13-R17] - Flame Frost Hollow (V2) by aterraformer [2013-04-25] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 2 [#14-R28] - Undescript Title #4 by AUS [2013-04-25] (SMW Hack) [BAD-emu]
Talkhaus MaGL 2 [#15-R03] - Common Courtesy by Zyglrox Odyssey [2013-04-26] (SMW Hack) [BAD-emu]
Talkhaus MaGL 2 [#16-R08] - Banzai Riders by Shagg (kuposan3) [2013-04-26] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 2 [#17-R02] - Picnic Hills by Kerkec [2013-04-27] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 2 [#18-R21] - Original Name Beach by Xinn (Wuthering) [2013-04-27] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 2 [#19-R07] - Swampland Storm by kaizoman666 (Thomas) [2013-04-28] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 2 [#20-R16] - Bandit Hideout by Redbone [2013-04-28] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 2 [#22-R26] - Dry Dry Desert by Hosaka [2013-04-28] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 2 [#23-R11] - The Booster Plant by BobisOnlyBob [2013-04-28] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 2 [#24-R15] - The Constant Grinder by morceau (Morsel) [2013-04-28] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 2 [#25-R06] - Super Pouet World by Jesuiscontent [2013-04-28] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 2 [#26-R09] - Seaweed Caverns by Validon98 [2013-04-28] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 2 [#27-R27] - A Good Level by distactedOne [2013-04-29] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 2 [#28-R22] - Whimsy Boo's Flying Ghost House by GalaxyOfJ [2013-04-29] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 2 [#29-R23] - Box Had Ugly Tiles by Septentrion Pleiades [2013-04-29] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 2 [#30-R19] - In and Out Volcano by Oracle of Wuffing [2013-04-29] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 2 [#31-R33] - Heavy Water by Raximus [2013-04-29] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 2 [#33-R05] - Cave of the Drowned by swirlybomb [2013-04-29] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 2 [#34-R10] - Smoking Kills (V3) by muuma [2013-04-29] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 2 [#35-R34] - Something Sewer by Tyty [2013-04-29] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 2 [#36-R35] - Chuck Vs. World by LunarNeedle [2013-04-29] (SMW Hack) [BAD]
Talkhaus MaGL 3 - Coffee Break by FrozenQuills + Pyro + S.N.N. + Koopster [2016-12-02] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#01-R41] - Yellowglass Athletic by waffledoctor87 [2016-08-29] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#02-R45] - A Pleasant Winter Stroll by Divemissile [2016-08-30] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#03-R52] - Eggs by Kincyr [2016-09-01] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#04-R65] - Well That Happened (V1) by raekuul [2016-09-01] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#04-R65] - Well That Happened (V2) by raekuul [2016-09-29] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#06-R16] - It's a Level by Mandew [2016-09-03] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#07-R36] - Big Brawler Odyssey by Big Brawler [2016-09-06] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#08-R34] - Castle Level #5 by Diggertron [2016-09-06] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#09-R67] - Wow It's Good by StevenThePotato [2016-09-11] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#10-R01] - Dodoma (Update) by Lazy [2016-10-01] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#10-R01] - Dodoma by Lazy [2016-09-16] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#11-R51] - A Nice Place by Ninja Steve [2016-09-17] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#12-R29] - Disco Inferno by EvilMariobot [2016-09-17] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#13-R54] - Island Hoppin' by Tobi555 [2016-09-19] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#14-R37] - Charlie Woods (V1) by Slimeman01 [2016-09-22] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#14-R37] - Charlie Woods (V2) by Slimeman01 [2016-09-29] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#15-R44] - Green Mountain by KirbyComment [2016-09-23] (SMW Hack) [BAD]
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#16-R04] - Pellmell by rUdEbOi4000 (Morsel) [2016-09-23] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#17-R68] - Ambition Backfired by Truckeeben [2016-09-23] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#18-R39] - In Memoriam Pauline by Reecer6 [2016-09-23] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#19-R64] - Vanilla Flavor Fortress by Shadow_Aura_Knight [2016-09-24] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#20-R42] - Night of Semiramis by 7TC7 [2016-09-24] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#21-R11] - Maglovania by Shagg (kuposan3) [2016-09-24] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#22-R05] - Coin Conundrum by nothobz (Hobz) [2016-09-24] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#23-R13] - Dental Desert by Roykirbs [2016-09-24] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#24-R07] - Entry by a guy (yogui) [2016-09-25] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#25-R19] - Skylight Flying by SAJewers [2016-09-25] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#26-R57] - Trampoline Heights by Willhart [2016-09-26] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#27-R56] - 9's Tricky Ice Maze (V1.00) by King of GETs [2016-09-26] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#27-R56] - 9's Tricky Ice Maze (V1.01) by King of GETs [2016-09-26] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#28-R14] - Magma Chamber by MiracleWater [2016-09-19] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#29-R48] - Frozen Echoes by Griflion [2016-09-27] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#30-R17] - Buttsmash Villa by CrappyBlueLuigi [2016-09-27] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#31-R09] - The Diary of Anne Frank - Part 2 by lolyoshi [2016-09-27] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#32-R10] - Luigi's World by Charlotte (idol) [2016-09-27] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#33-R56] - Tapper by Leet [2016-09-28] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#34-R54] - Entry by Ryrir [2016-09-28] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#35-R25] - Fish Sauna (Fixed) by Enjl [2016-10-03] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#35-R25] - Fish Sauna by Enjl [2016-09-28] (SMW Hack) [BAD]
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#36-R48] - Thwomp Mountain by LunarRainbowShyGuy [2016-09-29] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#37-R43] - Purple Peaks by Goomba98 (Fostelif) [2016-09-29] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#38-R12] - Kodou by levelengine [2016-09-29] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#39-R28] - Kabu Sama Geki by TaviTurnip [2016-09-29] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#40-R15] - Switch Hitch by gameguy888 [2016-09-29] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#41-R49] - Burning Kingdom by Zatsupachi (dracmeister) [2016-09-30] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#42-R51] - Ragtime Romp by Coryman [2016-09-30] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#43-R66] - A Sad Descent by Zephyr_DragonLord [2016-09-30] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#44-R23] - Entry by Fausthieb [2016-10-01] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#45-R20] - Ballistic Barrels by Blue Podoboo [2016-10-01] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#46-R06] - Rough Sketch by Cloaytonem2 [2016-09-29] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#47-R03] - Man-key Bridge by ft029 [2016-10-01] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#48-R62] - The Long Maze (C3 Release) by Lespna01 [2017-07-08] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#48-R62] - The Long Maze by Lespna01 [2016-10-01] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#49-R26] - Mario au Natural by Sasquatch (Cascade) [2016-10-01] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#50-R24] - Bloodstone Mountain by RoboSllim [2016-10-01] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#51-R21] - A Chilly Night by koplje [2016-10-01] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#52-R30] - Illusionary Castle (Update) by MECHDRAGON777 [2016-10-02] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#52-R30] - Illusionary Castle by MECHDRAGON777 [2016-10-01] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#53-R59] - A Level with Bullet by Sanct [2016-10-01] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#54-RXX] - Frozen Cliffside by Pyro [2016-10-01] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#55-R48] - A Castle Level by HatKid (Dylancd5010) [2016-10-01] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#56-R22] - Berry Berry Something by Kerkec [2016-10-01] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#57-R35] - Absolute Spinman by Kowkarot [2016-10-01] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#58-R33] - Koopa Cavern 0.5x by Zyglrox Odyssey [2016-10-01] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#59-R60] - Firelink Shrine by WhimsiKarren [2016-10-02] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#60-R31] - Toxic Manor by Skulldug13 [2016-10-02] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#61-R02] - Family Affairs (V1.2) by Rameau's Nephew [2016-10-02] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#62-R58] - A Chilly Flight by ParmaJon [2016-10-02] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#63-R18] - Hill Top Harbor by Tyty + FirePhoenix (FPZero) [2016-10-02] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#64-R38] - Heat Advisory by cheez8 [2016-10-02] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#65-R32] - Frantic Forgeworks by StrikeForcer + Kixune [2016-10-02] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#66-R61] - Head in the Clouds by Realzameer [2016-10-02] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#67-RXX] - Verdant Valley by FrozenQuills [2016-10-02] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#68-R63] - Vanilla SMW Level by GalaxyOfJ [2016-10-02] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#69-R27] - POW POW Plains (Fixed) by LunarNeedle [2016-10-02] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 3 [#69-R27] - POW POW Plains by LunarNeedle [2016-10-02] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 4 - Judge Application Levels by Valentine [2021-08-27] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 4 [#01-R08] - Broken Boardwalk by FrozenQuills [2021-09-26] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 4 [#02-R25] - The Gang Invades Some Ruins by LotusLandSigma [2021-09-26] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 4 [#03-R33] - Entry by KobaBeach [2021-09-26] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 4 [#04-R10] - Priced Out City by NopeContest [2021-09-28] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 4 [#05-R11] - Eye See Tears in the Rain by Scarfley [2021-10-03] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 4 [#06-R12] - Toshiba Customer Hotline Service 3A by Nitrogen [2021-10-03] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 4 [#07-R13] - Inarticulate Forest by Lazy + GbreezeSunset [2021-10-04] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 4 [#08-R28] - Darkness of the Unknown (V1.1) by Big Brawler [2021-10-06] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 4 [#09-R07] - Haunted Daikon by 7TC7 [2021-10-06] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 4 [#10-R28] - Demo's Engine by SAJewers [2021-10-05] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 4 [#11-R15] - Placeholder by moxie [2021-10-10] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 4 [#12-R21] - Highly Valued NFT by konaa [2021-09-13] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 4 [#13-R04] - Sky Monolith by palrumia [2021-10-13] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 4 [#14-R30] - Trial of Pillars by ThemsAllTook [2021-10-14] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 4 [#15-R02] - Ghost Trip by Zygl (Zyglrox Odyssey) [2021-10-14] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 4 [#16-R14] - Needle Ice Zone by TheGoomba98 (Fostelif) [2021-10-15] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 4 [#17-R19] - Unfair Funfair by Kerkec [2021-10-15] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 4 [#18-R22] - Fireaxe by levelengine [2021-10-16] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 4 [#20-R05] - High Voltage by JupiHornet [2021-10-18] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 4 [#21-R31] - Spinestone Cave by LunarRainbowShyGuy [2021-10-18] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 4 [#22-R02] - Bubble Wrap by PSI Ninja [2021-10-19] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 4 [#23-R32] - Entry by Lespna1 [2021-10-21] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 4 [#24-R17] - Charmed Forest by EllenHouraisan [2021-10-18] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 4 [#25-R01] - The Floor Is Hot Lava by gameguy888 [2021-10-20] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 4 [#26-R29] - Entry by Faustheib [2021-10-20] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 4 [#27-R24] - Blazin' Burghal (RC3) by SF - The Dark Warrior [2021-10-21] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 4 [#28-R18] - Get Ahead in Life by Catobo [2021-10-21] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 4 [#29-R26] - Mario's Torture by Engi [2021-10-21] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 4 [#30-R23] - Cambrian Miscreants by Ivy [2021-10-21] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 4 [#31-R06] - Very Uncomfortable by Jolpengammler [2021-10-21] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 4 [#32-R09] - Summoned by Daizo + Faro [2021-10-21] (SMW Hack)
Talkhaus MaGL 4 [#33-R16] - Entry by SomethingFawful [2021-10-05] (SMW Hack)
Telinc1's LDC - Entry (Update) by Lespna1 [2015-06-14] (SMW Hack)
Telinc1's LDC - Entry by Groose [2012-01-30] (SMW Hack)
Telinc1's LDC - Entry by Lespna1 [2012-02-01] (SMW Hack)
Themed Level Contest [#1] - Aqua Ruins by TheSuperRotom [2011-11-29] (SMW Hack)
Themed Level Contest [#3] - Ruined Fortress by GlitchMr [2011-11-29] (SMW Hack)
Themed Level Contest [#3] - Ruined Fortress by GlitchMr [2011-12-14] (SMW Hack)
Themed Level Contest [#4] - Mutagene in Woods by Spy [2011-12-28] (SMW Hack)
Themed Level Contest [#5] - Entry (Fixed) by xlk [2012-01-14] (SMW Hack)
Themed Level Contest [#7] - Pet Clanet by Underway [2012-01-11] (SMW Hack)
Themed Level Contest [#8] - Entry (Update 1) by Lunatic Wolf [2012-01-12] (SMW Hack)
Themed Level Contest [#8] - Entry by Lunatic Wolf [2012-01-11] (SMW Hack)
TheRPGLPer's Bowser's Castle LDC [#2-R2] - Back Door by Sockbat Replica [2011-02-18] (SMW Hack)
TheRPGLPer's Bowser's Castle LDC [#3-R5] - Revolved by SuperLaluigi [2011-04-05] (SMW Hack)
Unknown Contest Entry - Just a Castle (German) by Soltari1989 [2011-03-27] (SMW Hack) [BAD-emu]
Unofficial Level Contest - Long-Empty Chateau by Pheonix (Feenicks) [2009-07-06] (SMW Hack)
Unofficial Level Contest - Nocturne Forest (Beta) by grishnax [2009-06-10] (SMW Hack)
Unofficial Level Contest - Pipe Machine (V1.0) by VanillaHacks [2009-06-18] (SMW Hack)
Unofficial Level Contest - Pipe Machine (V1.1) by VanillaHacks [2009-06-22] (SMW Hack)
Unofficial Level Contest - Pipe Machine (V1.11) by VanillaHacks [2009-06-22] (SMW Hack)
Unofficial Level Contest - Spectral Steeple by I wonder what's for dinner [2009-06-14] (SMW Hack)
Unofficial Level Contest - Star Maze by MATTAN [2008-08-17] (SMW Hack)
Unofficial Level Contest - The Abandoned Fortress by ItsShinyTime [2008-08-18] (SMW Hack)
Unofficial Level Contest - The Key Thief by Hadron [2009-07-08] (SMW Hack)
Unofficial Level Contest - Two Entries by Netto Takashi + Tiefy [2008-10-03] (SMW Hack)
xlk's Auto Mario Contest [#1] - Orange Hills by xlk [2011-08-01] (SMW Hack)
xlk's Auto Mario Contest [#2] - Entry by Mrgoomba909 (Flan) [2011-08-17] (SMW Hack)
xlk's Auto Mario Contest [#3] - Entry by Erikas0012 [2011-08-28] (SMW Hack)
ZZZ_UNK_C;Castle Contest - Castle of Chucks (V1) [2009-04-21] (SMW Hack)
ZZZ_UNK_C;Castle Contest - Castle of Chucks (V2) [2009-04-25] (SMW Hack)
ZZZ_UNK_C;Contest Entry - Grass Level [2009-03-26] (SMW Hack)
ZZZ_UNK_C;First Time Contest Entry [2009-04-15] (SMW Hack)
ZZZ_UNK_C;Fortress [2009-02-07] (SMW Hack)